Winnie Windmill:The Village Fete
Bouncy castle, coconut shy, BBQ, face painting, raffle and more. BBQ and bar available. Being opened by Karen Hardy Strictly come Dancing. Village Hall car park, Aythorpe Roding. Lunch stop at Matching Tye. Ring leader beforehand for directions or lift. Hatfield Heath car park, on right just beyond Dunmow Road B Live steam miniature railway.
There are 29 different species within the park, including some very rare ones. Cats Protection Basildon and Brentwood have a stall, tombola, new goods, toys, books, cat things and lots of fun. Bouncy castle, go-karts, beer tent, stalls, arena events and more. Organised by Friends of Wickford Junior School. Shambhala Studios 11 Leighcliff Buildings, Leigh. Hand knitted goods, gifts, silk flowers, wall plaques, refreshments. Stalls available to book.
For young adults with special needs aged 18 and over. Must be accompanied by their carer according to need.
Winnie Windmill The Village Fete 9781467883825 by Kate Darcy Book
A friendly welcome awaits you. Introduced by Phyllis Levy. University of the Third Age. Come and sing with us. Two weeks free trial. Warm and friendly welcome awaits you. St Peter's, Eastbourne Grove, Westcliff. Brisk walk, followed by gentle stretching and restful relaxation. All ages and abilities welcome. Want to make new friends, socialise, have fun? Pub nights, cinema, bowling, quizzes and meals out. Rising Sun pub, Ongar Road, Brentwood.
Good way to improve fitness and stamina. Cycle to music at your own level. Enjoy a motivational workout.
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All materials and equipment supplied to make three cards. Beginners to experienced welcome. Park on Greensward near toilets, Frinton. Stock Village Hall car park for car share to Dedham, or meet Noak Bridge Village Hall. Birds of a Feather presented by Joan Overy. Featuring Alison Neal Quartet. Hadleigh Hall, Rectory Road, Hadleigh. Speaker Tim Carter on plants of seasonal interest. Fun way to exercise and socialise. All types of music. Starlight Line Dance Club. Lots of stalls and bargains.
Use Your Footpaths Week. Meet at Victoria Road car park Rayleigh at 9: Are you single, divorced, widowed, or a widower over 50? If so you need us to put some sparkle back into your life. Call Maureen on to find out more about the friendship club.
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We meet every Tuesday. Come and join our yoga adventures. War Memorial Hall, Canvey. For families and friends of people with mental health problems.
Spectrum Noir
Rethink National Schizophrenia Fellowship. Rethink Centre, 1 Queens Road, Southend. Personal coached session in relaxed and friendly gym. Suitable for all abilities and ages including wheelchair users. Dance or just sit and listen. Sainsbury's Rayleigh Weir car park, Rayleigh. Chartwell to Toys Hill. For children with special needs age Must be accompanied by their carer.
We are looking for ambulant people with own transport to play bowls. For ambulant people with own transport. Live music from Tailors Twist. Members and guests only. Call for a free trial visit. Grand Ceilidh Club 8. Facing the Challenges by Glenys Chatterley. Rayleigh Castle Eve Townswomen's Guild. Good all round exercise class.
Cycle to music at your own pace. Different type of aerobic class, works on stamina and strength. You don't have to be lonely. Come along and meet our friendly girls and boys. Hadleigh and Thundersley Glen. Salvation Army car park, Hadleigh.
MAKE A DATE (June 21-June 29)
By pupils of Appleton School. Basildon Retirement Fellowship, Pitsea. Visitors welcome to see how we operate for two visits, admission 80p. Pitsea Leisure Centre, Maydells, Pitsea. Shop from 65 juried vendors of handcrafted items and gourmet foods at the Snohomish Holiday Market, with live music in the 22, square foot barn at Thomas Family Farm, 28 miles NW of downtown Seattle. Here you will find fiddlers and folk dancers, delicious Scandinavian food, craft booths, access to the museum exhibits and a beer garden. The free event includes a countdown to the lighting of the outdoor Christmas tree at Westlake Center the day after Thanksgiving.
Music and fake snow complete the festive scene and families can try out the holiday carousel. Enjoy holiday lights, skating at Fisher Pavilion, folk dancers, carolers, dancers, ice sculptors, and entertainment during Winterfest. Most of the entertainment is scheduled for the weekends with skating daily. Many events are free. : Winnie Windmill: The Village Fete () : Kate Darcy : Books
A Victorian Country Christmas has booths with vendors in Victorian costumes selling art, jewellery, decorations, clothing, and toys at the Washington State Fair Events Center in Puyallup, 36 miles south of Seattle. At the Christmas Village kids can post letters to Santa, whisper in his ear, enjoy having their faces painted, engage in some Christmas crafts and activities, bounce in the jump zone to a background of Christmas carols. There is a free Santa tram for kids and free horse-drawn sleigh and carriage rides.
On Wednesday, November 28 at 6: Kids 5 and under are always free. Kids will be thrilled to see their favourite characters, with the sets and the music all adding up to a magical show. All kids over the age of 2 must have a ticket. Now is the last chance to catch Cirque du Soleil as they return with their spectacular Volta! VOLTA is a story of transformation, of blazing your own trail and fulfilling your potential. The story centres on Waz, a popular game-show host, who has lost himself on the road to fame.
But as doubt sets in, Waz becomes enlightened by memories of his childhood as he encounters the Free Spirits who are able to open the doors to his soul. Will Waz be able to reconnect with his true self and shine brightly again? The show has something for everyone and will create lasting memories.

Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Seattle Things To Do Kid 2 months ago. Monday November 5 at 7: The Festival of Lights About: Saturday November 3 from Thursday and Friday November at 7: Saturday and Sunday November 10 — 11 Where: Via website, Facebook or Twitter. Hip Hop Nutcracker About: Saturday November 17 at 7: Holiday market in Snohomish About: Saturday November 17 from