Unseren Tieren zuhören ...: Aus der Praxis der Tierkinesiologie (German Edition)
So, here we have the self with all the potentialities. You have a growing ego consciousness with which you identify yourself, and this is developing in relation to the costumes you have to put on, the personae. It's good to have a lot of costumes, so long as each costume fits your conscience. The moral order is part of your persona. There's a lot in you that's neither being carried into this persona system nor into your ego, as part of what you perceive as "you. Now, the society will give you a role to play, and this means that you've got to cut out of your life many of the things that you, as a person, might think or do.
These potentials get shunted down into the unconscious. Your society tells you, "You should do this, you should do that"; but it also says, "You mustn't do this, you mustn't do the other thing. This is the center of the personal unconscious. The shadow is, so to say, the blind spot in your nature. It's that which you won't look at about yourself.
This is the counterpart exactly of the Freudian unconscious, the repressed recollections as well as the repressed potentialities in you. The shadow is that which you might have been had you been born on the other side of the tracks: It is made up of the desires and ideas within you that you are repressing — all of the introjected id. The shadow is the landfill of the self. Yet it is also a sort of vault: The nature of your shadow is a function of the nature of your ego. It is the backside of your light side. In the myths, the shadow is represented as the monster that has to be overcome, the dragon.
It is the dark thing that comes up from the abyss and confronts you the minute you begin moving down into the unconscious. It is the thing that scares you so that you don't want to go down there. It knocks from below. Who's that down there? Who's that up there? This is all very, very mysterious and frightening.
If your personal role is too thin, too narrow — if you've buried too much of yourself within your shadow — you're going to dry up. Most of your energies are not available to you. A lot can get gathered there in the depths. And eventually, enantiodromia is going to hit, and that unrecognized, unheeded demon is going to come roaring up into the light.
The shadow is the part of you that you don't know is there. Your friends see it, however, and it's also why some people don't like you. The shadow is you as you might have been; it is that aspect of you which might have been if you had allowed yourself to fulfill your unacceptable potential. Society, of course, does not recognize these aspects of your potential self.
You are not recognizing these aspects of yourself either; you don't know that they're there or that you have repressed them. If you think of the self as a great circle with a center, and you think of consciousness as well above that center, then the ego is up in the center of consciousness, and the shadow would be way down opposite in the deep unconscious. The shadow is interred down there for a reason; it is that aspect of yourself that your ego doesn't know about, which you bury because it doesn't fit how you perceive yourself to be.
The shadow is that part of you that you won't allow to show through, that includes good — I mean potent — as well as dangerous and disastrous aspects of your potential. Now, typically, all these archetypes come out personified in myths and dreams. We personify the mystery of the universe as God.
The ego becomes the hero or heroine figure. The unconscious self becomes the wise man or woman. The shadow becomes personified, too, as a kind of Mephistophelian figure. Evidently, the shadow holds not only what is good for you but what is bad as well. It swallows those things that it would be dangerous for you to express, such as the murderous intent that you have for that son of a gun over there who's been interrupting you all evening, the urge to steal, to cheat, to destroy, and so on.
But it also holds potentialities that your ego and the persona system don't want to accept. In your dreams, and in the myths of your society, these urges are represented in the shadow, and the shadow is always of your own sex; it is always to be seen as a threat. You can recognize who it is by simply thinking of the people you don't like.
They correspond to that person whom you might have been—otherwise they wouldn't mean very much to you. People who excite you either positively or negatively have caught something projected from yourself: Because he's my shadow. I don't know whether you've had similar experiences in your life, but there are people I despise the minute I see them.
These people represent those aspects of myself, the existence of which I refuse to admit to myself. The ego tends to identify itself with the society, forgetting this shadow. It thinks it's you. That's the position society puts us in. Society does not give a darn whether you crack up when it's through with you — that's your problem.
I remember hearing one clergyman say to me, "If I didn't believe in God and Christ and the Church, I would be a terrible person. I said, "I bet I can tell you what you think you'd do, but I won't tell you. All I can tell you is you'd get tired pretty soon, and you'd find you're just another old drag in the world, and you wouldn't have blown it up at all.
And even if you did blow up some little portion of it, that would soon be built up and you would have been no great menace to the world. So let yourself go. Do some of those things. You'd find that they're not all so bad at all either, and you won't be saying things like that anymore. Next comes the problem of gender. Every man has to be a manly man, and all of the things that society doesn't allow him to develop he attributes to the feminine side. These parts of himself he represses in his unconscious. This is the counterplayer to the persona. They become what Jung calls the anima: Likewise, the woman carries the animus in her unconscious: She's a woman, and the society gives her certain things to do.
All that is in her that she has associated with the masculine mode of life is repressed within the animus. The interesting thing is that — biologically and psychologically — we have both sexes in us; yet in all human societies, one is allowed to accent only one. The other is internalized within us.
Furthermore, our imagery and notions of the other are functions of our biography. This biography includes two aspects. One is general to the human species: The other aspect is peculiar to yourself: There is a specification of the male and female roles as experienced, and this has committed, has determined, the quality of our experience of these great, great bases which everyone experiences.
Everyone experiences Mother; everyone experiences Father. In both cases, the buried ideal tends to be projected outward. We usually call this reaction falling in love: Now, you can go to a dance and there's some perfectly decent, nice-looking girl who's sitting all alone. Then there's some other little bumblebee with everybody all around her. Well, it's something about the way her eyes are set that just evokes anima projections from all the males in the neighborhood. There are ways to present yourself that way; yet we don't always know what they are or how to achieve them.
I've seen people who are perfectly good anima objects so make themselves up that they repel the anima projection. Two people meet and fall in love. Then they marry, and the real Sam or Suzy begins to show through the fantasy, and, boy, is it a shock. So a lot of little boys and girls just withdraw their anima or animus. They get a divorce and wait for another receptive person, pitch the woo again, and, uh-oh, another shock.
And so on and so forth. Now the one undeniable fact: You had an ideal. You married that ideal, then along comes a fact that doesn't correspond to that ideal. You suddenly notice things that don't quite fit with your projection. So what are you going to do when that happens? There's only one attitude that will solve the situation: This poor, poor fact that I married does not correspond to my ideal; it's only a human being. Well, I'm a human being, too.
So I'll meet a human being for a change; I'll live with it and be nice to it, showing compassion for the fallibilities that I myself have certainly brought to life as a human being. Human beings are not perfect. What evokes our love — and I mean love, not lust — is the imperfection of the human being. So, when the imperfection of the real person, compared to the ideal of your animus or anima, peeks through, say, this is a challenge to my compassion. Then make a try, and something might begin to get going here. You might begin to be quit of your fix on your anima.
It's just as bad to be fixed on your anima and miss as to be fixed on your persona: And the lesson of life is to release you from it. This is what Jung calls individuation, to see people and yourself in terms of what you indeed are, not in terms of all these archetypes that you are projecting around and that have been projected on you. Of course, Saint Paul says, "Love beareth all things," but you may not be equal to God. To expect too much compassion from yourself might be a little destructive of your own existence. Even so, at least make a try, and this goes not only for individuals but also for life itself.
It's a fashionable idiocy of youth to say the world has not come up to your expectations. I was coming, and this is all they could prepare for me? Have compassion for the world and those in it. Not only political life but all life stinks, and you must embrace that with compassion. In his early novel Tonio Kroger , Thomas Mann has given us the answer of what to do when reality shines through the projected mask. He tells the story of a young man who discovers this fact, this need for compassion. In the novel, Tonio Kroger is born in northern Germany, into a town where everybody was blue-eyed and blond and healthy and strong and at ease with their particular world.
They were incarnations, you might say, of the persona. Tonio's mother was Italian or of Mediterranean birth. His very name tells you what a mixed-up mess he is. He is dark-eyed and dark-haired and has inherited a certain nervous sensibility that makes him potentially an artist and writer. Although he's devoted to these blond, here-and-now people, he can't play with them; he's in the observer's position all the time. He does, however, see how wonderful they are. When he goes to dances, they're wonderful to watch: The boys dance so well. And when he dances, he thinks, I want just to dream and she wants just to dance.
And the girls he gets are the ones who fall down when they dance. And so he finds himself on the outside. When he grows up a bit, he decides he's going to be an artist , he's going away; he's going to another world. So he heads south, probably to Munich, and gets involved in a bohemian community there, in what we would call a hippie community. And there he finds people who have great ideals about what life should be; along with that, they have a wonderful vocabulary of incrimination through which they devalue everything that actually is doing well in the world.
These are people who have a lot of ideas and find that the world doesn't live up to those ideas and who have withdrawn their projection, their love for the world, and been disillusioned by it. They're cold, they're disdainful, and they're cynical. Tonio finds that this doesn't work for him, either. He's an intellectual, too, he respects ideas, but he does love those blue-eyed blonds.
Tonio is a young man who is stuck between two worlds: He ultimately discovers that anybody who is in the world is imperfect, and that imperfection is what keeps the person here. He realizes that nothing alive fits the ideal. If you are going to describe a person as an artist, you must describe the person with ruthless objectivity. It is the imperfections that identify them. It is the imperfections that ask for our love. The thing that turns what Mann calls a litterateur — that's a person who writes for a New York magazine, say — into a poet or an artist, a person who can give humanity the images to help it live, is that the artist recognizes the imperfections around him with compassion.
The principle of compassion is that which converts disillusionment into a participatory companionship. So when the fact shows through the animus or anima, what you must render is compassion. This is the basic love, the charity, that turns a critic into a living human being who has something to give to — as well as to demand of — the world. This is how one is to deal with animus and anima disillusionment. This disappointment will evoke.
That's reality evoking a new depth of reality in yourself, because you're imperfect, too. You may not know it. The world is a constellation of imperfections , and you, perhaps, are the most imperfect of all. By your love for the world you name it accurately and without pity and love what you have thus named. Mann calls this opposition erotic irony. This discovery can help you save your marriage. So, what have we got? If the imagery of the society doesn't bring your unconscious into play in its conscious world, you have a kind of dead situation; you become lost in a wasteland.
That's what you're holding down, and holding that down has made you capable of living the life that the society wills you to live. And here is the great fascination. Freud was certainly right here. Particularly in puberty, the allure and mystery of life are epitomized in the quality of the opposite sex. Now comes the great psychological thing.
One falls in love at first sight. Now, what in heaven's name does that mean? You don't even know the person. Everybody, I hope, has had the experience. Somebody walks in the room, and your heart stops. Thomas Mann writes some beautiful examples of this.
In his first published story, Der Kleine Herr Friedmann , the little gentleman of the title has a cathartic experience. He's a funny little fellow, and he has never been able in one way or another to get into relationship to life at all. One day, this gorgeous, statuesque blonde appears. And what does he say? The world has opened up. This is the appearance of the guiding anima. Now, whether you like it or not, that's going to work on you. Well, one of the boldest things you could possibly do would be to marry that ideal that you've fallen for.
Then you face a real job, because everything has been projected onto him or her. This goes beyond lust; this is something that goes way down. It pulls everything out. This is what you marry. There was a gentleman who has since become a Jungian analyst. This chap told Dr. Jung of a dream. In it there was a great cliff, and over the cliff there came the head of a serpent.
The serpent came down — and it was enormous — it came down, and down, and it just seemed endless. And Jung said, "That's Miss So-and-so. It was a very happy marriage. But what goes on when you marry this love-at-first-sight situation? Well, what you have married is a projection. You have married something that has been projected from yourself: What is the sensible thing to do in a circumstance like this? What is the pedagogically advisable thing to do in a situation like this? What shows itself through the mask of the projection is a fact. The mask is your ideal. This fact does not coincide with the ideal; it is imperfect.
What do you do about what is imperfect? Jung believed that the idea is to reject all projections. Not to identify the women you meet with your anima projection. Not to identify yourself with your persona projection. To release all projections and ideals. This is what Jung means by individuation. Jung calls the individual who identifies himself with his persona a mana personality; we would call him a stuffed shirt. That's a person who is nothing but the role he or she plays. A person of this sort never lets his actual character develop. He remains simply a mask, and as his powers fail — as he makes mistakes and so forth — he becomes more and more frightened of himself, puts more and more of an effort into keeping up the mask.
Then the separation between the persona and the self takes place, forcing the shadow to retreat further and further into the abyss. You are to assimilate the shadow, embrace it. You don't have to act on it, necessarily, but you must know it and accept it. You are to relate to it through the other. The only way one can become a human being is through relationships to other human beings. And they will be male or female, and you will be an other, too. The males will always have, for the female, animus associations, one way or the other, and the females for the male, anima associations.
And the first way is that of compassion. This is not desire. This is not fear. Buddha , Christ, and the rest have made it very clear that we've got to get past those two. Now, when you go down into the unconscious, you're pulling up not only the shadow and anima, but also those faculties for experiencing and judging that have not been employed in your life. You come to integrate the inferior functions and attitudes, so that any enantiodromia is merely a matter of realizing your full potential, not a wreck on the Sirens' rocks.
There are four kinds of crisis that can bring about a very serious enantiodromia. One is that you have passed from one life stage to another and you didn't know it — the late-middle-aged gentleman who's obsessed about his golf score and has not moved into the phase of the later half of life. Jung says life is like the day of a solar journey. The first part of it is up, moving from birth to the society. And the second part of it is down, moving from participation in the world and the society to death.
And whereas the threat of the first half of life was life , the threat of the second half is death , and all the symbols are changing meaning. Through the remaining part of life, Jung says, the great problem is integrating the inferior with the superior functions. That's the great task of your later years. So let's just think of the imagery of the union of opposites.
The same symbol that for an extrovert will have sexual content, for an introvert will resonate with battle. Once one begins to reach individuation and integration, one finds the conjunction of those two aspects of one's own psyche. The crisis of passing from one life stage to another without being ready to move on arrests this process. This is the difficulty for the forty-year-old infant and for the sixty-year-old who thinks he is still thirty-five.
Life brought you up to the solar apex, then it began to curve — and you think you're still up at the peak? You're way down here. And what a drop you're going to have. Much better to know when you've started down and enjoy the ride; there are nice things down here, too. The second kind of crisis is a relaxation of life requirements. You worked like hell to become the shoelace czar of the universe. You own every shoelace factory in the world. And now, at the age of forty-odd, you don't have to put that energy into it anymore.
The thing's going all by itself, and you've got secretaries who are not only taking the job in hand but also looking a little better to you than you thought little girls should look, and suddenly there's a lot of distraction. You have all of this disposable libido. And where does it go? The eros-oriented extrovert turns around and suddenly becomes a power monster.
Good old Uncle Harry, the shoelace king, the introverted power man, becomes an old lecher — that kind of thing. But the tragedy about this crisis is the deep sense that it's all too late. Nothing is as it should be, and it's because you're doing the wrong thing. Another kind of crisis is the loss of confidence in your moral ideals ; this form of enantiodromia is something that one finds often among young people in college. The young person is living with a roommate who comes from another order of society altogether, either the poor person who's living with the wealthy or the wealthy with the poor, or the Christian with the atheist, or the Jew with the Buddhist.
You find out that here is a perfectly decent person also. It's not that the other person seduces you into sin; it's that getting to know them makes you question your own moral principles. And since those moral principles — the persona complex — are holding your ego in place , when they relax all the rest comes out. There's the threat or the allure of becoming a terrible person: That's your own dark person talking. You've never seen girls like this. Well, says Jung, let it come. But don't do it with such abandon that your ego is entirely shattered. Imagine one of my college students.
She's had her first few classes in a sociology course, and she discovers that her father's fortune is built on blood and bones. She goes home for the Thanksgiving dinner, and the family wonders what has happened. The student begins coming to her conferences and classes looking like a wreck. She lets her hair go. She has gone over to the other side. She has tipped over. She has assumed partisanship for the opposite side — she's waving the banner of the downtrodden proletariat. And that's just as extreme as being on the side she was on before, in blissful ignorance. Well, it's not a bad thing to happen, because you do get to experience all that's over on the other side.
It's just like the underside of the rug coming up. In fact, my students sometimes looked a bit like the underside of a rug. And it's good to have a thing like that happen in an institution like a college, where you can somewhat protect the person, because the idea is, eventually, to integrate the two halves. Now, there's one other crisis, and this is a very serious challenge: The great example, of course, is Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.
The voice of God invited him to kill his son, and he faced an impossible decision. He was forced either to disobey what he took to be God or to kill his son. If he didn't sacrifice Isaac, he would have disobeyed God, and if he did kill Isaac, he would have violated the first principle of human decency. Fathers should not kill their sons. Well, this is an intolerable decision. And intolerable decisions may meet you. I had friends during the Depression who had families and jobs; they had to do some things that they would not, as people in charge of their own lives, have wished to do for the maintenance of their families.
These are the sorts of things that bust up your ego and bring up the whole content of the unconscious. Now the problem of individuation for Jung, the challenge of the middle-life crisis, lies in cutting these projections loose. When you realize that moral ideals — the moral life to which you are supposed to be committed — are embodied in the persona, you realize the depth and threat of this psychology. You are to put your morals on and take them off according to propriety, the propriety of the moment; you are not to identify these morals with cosmic truths.
The laws of society , therefore, are social conventions, not eternal laws , and they are to be handled and judged in terms of their appropriateness to what they are intended to do.
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The individual makes his own judgment as to how he acts. Then he has to look out to be sure that the guardians of the social order do not misunderstand or make things difficult for him because he is not totally playing their game. But the main problem of integration is to find relationships to the outside world and to live a rich life in full play.
In effect, the individual must learn to live by his or her own myth. Supporting access to emerging potentials and recommended behaviors, IDL practitioners teach tools for waking up. Truth , January Collective unconscious Universal cultural repository of archetypes and human experiences. Dream analysis Along with interpretation of symbols from the collective unconscious that show up in dreams.
Extroversion and introversion Jung was the first to identify these two personality traits. Some of Jung's work continues to be used in the theory of personality and in personality testing. A child who was deprived of food might grow into an adult smoker, nail biter, and compulsive eater, focusing on the theme of oral satiation.
Emphasis on Spirituality Spirituality and a sense of interconnectedness with life play a profound role in emotional health. Individuation Integration and balancing of dual aspects of personality to achieve psychic wholeness , such as thinking and feeling, introversion and extroversion, or the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Individuated people are happier, more ethical, and more responsible. Persona Shadow The persona is the public version of the self that serves as a mask for the ego , and the shadow is a set of infantile, suppressed behaviors and attitudes.
Synchronicity Phenomenon that occurs when two seemingly unrelated events occur close to one another, and the person experiencing the events interprets this correlation as meaningful. Support in founding the Alcoholics Anonymous Jung's patients were inspired by Jung's belief in an evangelic cure for alcoholism. July , updated 6. Self The self represents the unification of the unconsciousness and consciousness of an individual. The creation of the self occurs through a process known as individuation , in which the various aspects of personality are integrated.
Circle , square, mandala 2. Shadow The shadow consists of the sex and life instincts. Often described as the darker side of the psyche, representing wildness, chaos and the unknown, it exists as part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts and shortcomings. Although people sometimes deny these latent dispositions of their own psyche and instead project it onto others, they are present in all humans.
The shadow can appear in dreams or visions and may take a variety of forms. Snake, monster, demon, dragon, dark, wild or exotic figure 3. The combination of the anima and animus represents completion, unification and wholeness. Syzygy , divine couple 4. Persona The persona [derived from the Latin word "mask"] is how humans present themselves to the world. It acts to shield the ego from negative images. The persona represents all of the different social masks worn among different groups and situations.
Appears in dreams in various forms 5. Father Authority figure, stern, powerful 6. Mother Nurturing, comforting 7. Child Longing for innocence , rebirth, salvation 8. Wise old man Guidance, knowledge , wisdom 9. Hero Champion, defender, rescuer Maiden Innocence, desire , purity Trickster Deceiver, liar, trouble-maker Direct source: In their present form they are variants of archetypal ideas created by consciously applying and adapting these ideas to reality.
Carl Gustav Jung Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalytist, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Michael Fordham, editor, The Structure of the Psyche , included in: Generative potentiality See also: But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life's morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.
August , 6th edition Advent wreath with two candles lit. Our first 21 years are focused on the physical development, as we slowly become more and more aware of who we are and of the world around us. This second year period will have its focus on psychological development. Steiner also calls it soul development. This is the time to exchange with the world. The potential to use all our talents, knowledge and expertise is huge; the directions given to them determine how healthy and fulfilled the individual can be.
The third year period is focused on spiritual development. This period is comparable to Fall, when the fruits are ripen. This is the time to give to the world. During the process of writing he developed his principal theories on the archetypes , the collective unconscious and the process of individuation. These authentic spirit figures were: He admitted that he was "menaced by a psychosis" during the writing period of The Red Book: Everything else is to be derived from this. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, scientific elaboration, and the integration into life.
But the numinous beginning, which contained everything, was then. God is man's soul. April Video assessment: September See also: Psychology of the Unconscious , Psychological Types , Essays on Contemporary Events , Carl Gustav Jung Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalytist, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, R. August Carl Gustav Jung Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalytist, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Collected Works. Symbols of Transformation , Princeton University Press, 2nd edition 1.
January Carl Gustav Jung Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalytist, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Collected Works of C. Jung, Volume 9 Part 1. February , 2nd revised edition with R. August Carl Gustav Jung Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalytist, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, R. February Barbara Hannah English born Swiss Jungian psychoanalyist, Jung's personal secretary, lecturer, author, biography Jung. His Life and Work. A Biographical Memoir , Perigee Trade, 8. September , Chiron Publications, October Wikipedia entry: June , June , paperback, Roth Remo, Return of the World Soul.
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Quality children's books especially produced for co-editions: Via Ruffini 2a Rome Italy fiammettabiancatelli gmail. WLA represents Italian and foreign authors in the fields of literary and commercial fiction and general non-fiction. Vysehrad on history, theology, religious studies, and philosophy are essential in our activities. Besides, we publish also fine poetry, Tel.: Our company primarily engaged in the field of network engineering China Intangible Cultural Heritage with nooks, audio-visual products, artware, copyright, computer and other electronic products, technology development, publishing, education auxiliary work etc.
The Slovak Writers' Association Press was founded in It is a medium-sized publishing house, mainly oriented toward Description: We specialize in processing LaTeX publishing seminal non-commercial literature poetry, prose and essays. We produce all formats: Box Postfach Berlin info vydavatel. It publishes original Slovak literature from various genres including fiction, books for children youth, picture books, social sciences vs verdi. Fiction, poetry, children's books, non-fiction. Die Distribution erfolgt physisch und digital. Founded in , Vremea Press publishes around 50 new titles per year.
Box Berlin Description: Vutium Press established in Published in numerous editions - original and translated university textbooks, monographs, Tel.: Diskussionen, Lesungen, Ausstellung und mehr. Voland was founded in and is based in Rome. Although its main focus are Russian and eastern European writers, it has, on its catalogue, many talented and prize winning Italian authors, as well as the "rebel guides" series. Vivian Literary Agency redaktion volltext.
We represent Italian authors in the domestic and international market and foreign agencies and publishers in the domestic market. Stavrou-Kionion Spitalia Greece P. Box 00 Tinos 3. Our guest at the stand: Vivat Publishing is one of the biggest publishers in Ukraine with high-quality books for children and adults. Vivaldi Publisher was established in and attempted since the very beginning to stand out on the Romanian book market through 4.
Our collections are landmarks of quality literature: Box Dresden 6. Diese wird oft nicht nur niedergeschrieben, www. VitalSource is a global leader in building, enhancing and delivering e-learning content. VitalSource Bookshelf offers 1 million titles from publishers. Last year, 20 million titles were delivered to 5. Virtusales is a successful global software provider to publishers and the UK's market leader for publishing systems. Our Biblio suite Description: Scientific, university, cultural, religious essays, textbooks, magazines. Publisher of mass market fiction and non-fiction.
Ediciones El Viso was founded back in It is a highly specialized publishing company and constitutes a key point of reference Description: State management institution in the field of publishing, printing and distribution around Viet Nam. Visiogeist is the first Italian publishing house of infographics books. Visiogeist stands as the vanguard of truth and form, in books Description: Especially, Visang provides differentiated smart English education services such as and. Recent titles became traditional ones, other older of the 19th century are republished. At the origin intended only for the professionals, VIAL's books have a broader orientation today.
Specialized in history, art, philology and social sciences Viella also publishes 9 journals and several books series. Viella's authors are renowned and young scholars as well. It now offers in English both original works and translations of studies. Verlag und Buchhandlung mit geisteswissenschaftlichen Titeln zu Spanien und Lateinamerika. Unsere Buchhandlung ist auf die direction plaines. Vidacom Publications publishes titles from Canadian authors, with subjects in history, architecture, photography, art and indigenous perspectives. Versus konzentriert sich als Fachverlag vapubs vam.
Verso is the leading independent radical publisher in the English-speaking world, with a list that encompasses trade and academic Tel.: VicLit is a literary agency devoted to new literary voices from Latin America and Spain for worldwide representation. The publishing house uses innovative solutions of www. These books develop social values of sightedchildren and their attitude towards people with disabilities as well as enable blind and visually impaired Description: Kunst, Fotografie, Design, Architektur.
Neben Gesundheitsratgebern mit sowohl schul- als auch komplementaermedizinischen Inhalten werden vor allem medizinische Fachbuecher publiziert. Hinzu kommen medizin-rechtliche Titel sowie einige Kochbuecher mit gesundheitlicher Ausrichtung und mehrere Fachzeitschriften. Ignaz Seipel Platz 2 Wien Austria 3. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Tel.: Der Verlag verschreibt sich stets von neuem einem Experiment: Die Schwerpunkte liegen in den handel verbraucherzentrale. Occasionally, we publish fine books of arts and geschaeftsstelle vfll. VEMAG Medien is a modern and internationally active publishing group that offer a wide range of colourful children's books for all age groups, educational books and lavishly illustrated books on a wide range and topics for the whole family such as illustrated guide, reference books and cookbooks.
A Rio- and US-based literary agency representing authors and publishers selling into Brazil from primarily Europe and the US, und Geisteswissenschaften sowie der Rechtstheorie einen Schwerpunkt unseres wissenschaftlichen Verlagsprogramms. Box RA Utrecht veiters veiters. Veiters is one of the biggest Baltic graphic industry players and provides a full range of modern offset printing services: Fiction, non-fiction, children's books.
Literary agency representing UK, US, etc. Publishers and literary agencies in Russia and the Ukraine. The Van Lear Agency also has Description: Wissenschaftlicher Fachverlag mit Schwerpunkt in den Geisteswissenschaften und der Kunstgeschichte. Buch , sowie ca. Box AJ Amsterdam Wilhelmstr.
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Learn all about Vincent van Gogh the painter, draughtsman and letter writer. We welcome your inquiries into Description: Books related to the Principality of Liechtenstein, golf and juvenile - also publishes biographies, Fachgebiete mit den Schwerpunkten: Rechtswissenschaft, neueste Geschichte, Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. As packagers we create quality children's picture books for international co-editions. Pocket reference books, pocket bilingual dictionaries, and language handbooks. Can design, illustrate, create and customize the book.
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Dictionaries, reference books, history, publications, children's books. Fantasy und Science Fiction, u. Founded in , Vakmedianet is the leading Dutch publisher of management books and business books. We publish internationally utb utb. Mit Leidenschaft produzieren wir Titel, die gerne verschenkt werden und die man sich selbst gerne schenkt. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Largest periodicals supplier in Russia. Best services of subscription and delivery all around the world. Export and import of any world's publishing periodicals.
Box Stuttgart Description: Usborne is a multi-award-winning children's publisher, specializing in imaginative, high-quality books for children. Our list includes B3, 72 Apollo Drive, Rosedale Auckland New Zealand innovative books for babies and toddlers, fiction, craft titles, readers, dictionaries and superbly researched internet-linked information books. UPNM Press publishes books and journals focused on defence and security. All books represent a dynamic view of our literature and the display of our cultural diversity.
Box St. Lucia, QLD unsamedita unsam. In addition to Description: For over 60 years, the University of Queensland Press has published high quality works of cultural significance. It has launched national authors, its calog includes translations of different languages. Pisa University Press single shareholder company, Pisa University aims at promoting culturally wide-ranging and varied academic Description: Er versteht sich als Sprachrohr und Medium der politischen Linken.
It specializes in fantasy literature and all its sub- Description: The commitment of Editora UNR is to publish and disseminate cultural, academic thinking taking into account local and regional genres science fiction, fantasy, horror, military science fiction, space opera, cyberpunk, high fantasy, sword and sorcery, steampunk, dieselpunk , in production, through the books at the service of society.
It is its task to encourage the culture of the book. Also, since , it publishes every three months Universe Pathways magazine, which focalizes on fantasy literature. The Publishing House University Studio Press continues its dynamic and upward evolution in the market of scientific editions Tel.: It has been constantly oriented to editions of high scientific level since its foundation in up to today, as the rights uwpress.
The University of Wisconsin Press - Trade: Nowy Swiat 4 Warsaw Poland univscibks igc. Publishers of texteference books in the physical and biological sciences. University of Warsaw Press, established in , a leading Polish university publisher producing over titles per year, also in foreign languages, including monographs, textbooks for students and scholarly journals in many academic areas. Originally founded in the University of Wales Press specialises in humanities and social sciences, publishing 50 new titles each Description: The University of Chicago Press publishes academic, trade, and reference works: The books division publishes books annually, year, most of which are research-led.
It also publishes academic trade books on Welsh history, culture and language. Serious non-fiction, scholarly books and journals in all disciplines. It publishes uppressbooks gmail.
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The publishing services of the University of Barcelona issues books aimed at spreading knowledge to a public interested in education South Boundary Street Chapel Hill, NC United States of America in the fields of science, humanities, research, pedagogy and teaching.
Interested in buying and selling subsidiary rights. The National University of Rio Negro is a higher education public institution, involving academic, extension and research activities, Description: Since the, it has carried out a new concept of the university book, which covers a wide range of topics. Print- und Onlinepublikationen, Open-Access-Verlag.
Its primary function is to contribute to the production and distribution of knowledge and to promote scientific technological innovation. Ediciones UNGS publishes monographs, essays, college textbooks, and research works of authors from the University or outside it. Publication of academic interest, scientific, artistic and cultural, original or reprinted, bound or not copyright the UFPA. The editorial UNC catalogue brings together every title published for this seal since to the present. Carrera 9 No 45A Colombia Tel.: The Unipiloto Press produces works that derive from research results, academic publications, and research and informational publications based on the inputs provided by the Piloto de Colombia University's undergraduate and post-graduate academic programs, with emphasis on some fields such as architecture and urbanism.
The publications of the University of the Basque Country introduce subjects of current interest corresponding to several fields of update and use of new publishing, knowledge dissemination and publication technologies. Colombia Porvenir 27 Sevilla Spain Tel.: The Editorial of the Universidad Externado de Colombia, texts and reference books in various branches of knowledge, mainly in Description: Shaping neutrality throughout the First World War. The publisher of the Universidad Externado de Colombia has an average issue of new titles a year, including books and magazines.
Established in , the University Press of Santiago de Compostela publishes, distributes and exchanges monographs and Description: The Universidad del Valle Editorial Press is a leader in different areas of culture, arts and technical and scientific knowledge in Latin handbooks printed and digital , which are the result of the research carried out by the University instructors, as well as scientific e-journals of America. The catalogue includes more than titles available, scores of Latin-American symphonic music and musical recordings.
Providing a strong ethical, humanistic and scientific training, coupled with a suitable research and teaching and demanding, allowing administracionspdc ulpgc. The publications of the University of the Basque Country introduce subjects of current interest to several fields of knowledge, Description: The Universidad de la Sabana is a private University in Colombia. Civil higher education institution. It was founded legally on the textbooks and journals, hoping to reach beyond the university market to a wider readership.
Our three main objectives are to: Its main works of general interest; Serve as a support for teaching and to promote the dissemination of science. Its editorial line includes three Description: Research and literary publishers. Publishes university topics, as researchs, literature, history and culture of native people from Sinaloa; also promotes black novel, Description: This book, edited in October , is the result of some exceptional finds, poetry and fiction authors.
Nueva Mexicali Mexico Tel.: Maipu Buenos Aires Argentina Tel.: UNDEF Libros was conceived to produce its own books, but also as a catalog gathering several publishing initiatives from the university schools. Its publications plan seeks to reflect the broad spectrum of issues related to defense. Also rights children picture books. We specialize in printing of fiction and non-fiction in paper and digital format.
Educational books, Newspapers and Magazines and deliver to our clients anywhere in the world. Please visit our web site www. United Nations Publications brings together all UN publications in one place. We are the source for over 5, titles produced by the Organization and its key agencies.
Our website offers on-line access to our catalogue with complete list of titles. Box Stuttgart Tel.: One of market leaders in the Baltics for high quality full colour - softcover, hardcover, wire-o bound, map and game production. Our strong environmental concern combined with exceptional service and top quality provides an offer out of the ordinary! Bibles, children's Bibles, gift books, helps for biblical studies.
UTA represents a broad roster of authors, journalists, musicians, artists, celebrity chefs, thought leaders, business and pop culture info unitedagents. United Agents is a leading literary and talent agency, representing many of the most influential classic and modern writers, from award-winning adult and children's authors to bestselling biographers and prize-winning journalists.
Full manufacturing process from printing to binding operations under one roof. Annually we produce more than 25 mln units: UNIMAGO develops full illustrated series for the book and mass market industry, specializing in cooking, handcrafts, DIY, books in hard-, 10 mln books in soft and flexi cover board books, boxes.
We work with more than 15 European countries. Unimago also offers professional services for publishing houses, such as days for delivery. Box 97 DB Houten editorial. General fiction and non-fiction. Art and cultural history titles in conjunction with museums, galleries and artists. Military and Universe Press General Trade. Die Union Stiftung wurde am 1. Sachbuch, Wissenschaft, Regionalia, E-Books. Ediciones Uniandes offer hundreds of titles of the highest academic quality, in humanities, science and social studies, that illustrate Description: The purpose of the association is to represent, inform, train, act as forum and protect to our membership, so as to watch over the the innovative work of Universidad de los Andes investigators and professors, as part of the actual academic issues.
For more than 10 years, Editora U. Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Borneo Description: Unsere Kinder sind unsere Zukunft! Nur wenn wir ihnen ein Vorbild geben und ihnen Wissen und Ausbildung vermitteln, besteht die Chance auf eine bessere und friedlichere Welt. Provides higher education books regarding entrepreneurs, art, earth sciences, agriculture and language. Its publishing production is aimed at the students of the qualifications that UNED gives, as well as to a more general public.
Leskoskova 12 Ljubljana Slovenia 6. Slovenian publisher - publishing fiction, non-fiction, comics, film-related publishing. Literary fiction and non-fiction, young adults and children's literature. OG Dornbirn Austria info umbreit. Box Stuttgart info ullmannmedien. Ziegeleiweg 12 Hachenburg Germany 3. Spiele, Non-Books, mit christlichen Texten und Motiven. Deutschsprachige und internationale Literatur, anspruchsvolle Unterhaltung, Spannung, Sachbuch. UGEARS creates eye-catching and imaginative self-propelled wooden mechanical model kits that can be assembled without glue.
Our designs are inspired by real-life mechanisms and embody our love of art and ingenuity. The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine is confident that the book provides the most reliable access to every field of knowledge. We promote reading in Ukraine both in terms of policy and finance. We aspire to transform the Ukrainian publishing business into a cultural industry of European quality in close cooperation with market players. Uitgeverij Vrijdag is a publishing house of general and broad Dutch language books, literary fiction, non-fiction and children's Description: Ugur Yayinlari which had entered with ambitious entry into the education publishing sector in , has been printing, distributing fiction.
Box NA Amsterdam Prinzenstr. Kinder- und Jugendbuch, Fantasy, Annette Betz: The focus of Uigeefhuis Nieuw Amsterdam is on upmarket fiction and non-fiction. It seeks to use modern technologies and 21st-century means of Description: UIM Press was established in , following the university's re-establishment in Ubook is the market leader in audiobook production and distribution in Latin America. With beautifully designed, award-winning books, uHlanga is changing the way poetry is read and thought of in South Africa. Our state-of-the-art content creation and publishing toolset CLOUBI enables a full-scale interactive product portfolio for new digital business opportunities.
With an international reputation for Description: Publisher of Christian books and Bibles, adult, children, fiction, non-fiction, Bibles, children's books. Our books draw on and reflect cutting-edge research, pushing the boundaries of academic discourse in innovative directions. Box Sharjah info txggametools. Products include bookmarks, postcards, gift cards, crafts and books. Box Innsbruck Tel.: Twenty-Third Publications offers user-friendly Catholic parish resources and practical spirituality. Typefi is the world's only single-source publishing platform that fully integrates print, online and mobile production in a seamless end-to-end automated workflow.
Typefi will help you publish your content faster - any format, any device. Prizewinning films, series, French Description: Founded in , Tusquets publishes literary fiction, essay history, biography, erotic novel and sciences, and holds translation rights lifestyle, documentaries, entertainment, literature programs, in-depth news and French learning tools - Enjoy the French touch!
Tuva Publishing is an independent international publisher of a wide selection of needlecraft books, all highly illustrated in full colour. The list covers a wide range of subjects, including cross-stitch, embroidery, sewing, crochet and knitting. Turpin Distribution is an international distribution company providing services to the academic, scholarly and professional cjohns tuttlepublishing.
International publisher of innovative books on design, cooking, martial arts, language, travel and spirituality with a focus on China, Japan and Southeast Asia. We are the oldest literary agency in Japan covering variety of fields. Fiction, non-fiction, children's books, illustrated books, literature, Japanese authors and manga as well as merchandise and film rights. We provide a complete sales, marketing and distribution service for quality publishers to the UK, Irish, European, Middle East and Far East retail book trade.
Tudem Publishing Group was established 34 years ago with educational and literary children's book divisions. In addition to Tudem, info turkyaybir. Ucanbalik for preschool ages, Desen for graphic novels and comics readers, Delidolu for young adults and adults. Founded in , TPA is the oldest active nationwide publishing trade association in Turkey with over members including publishers and distributors. TPA improves the standards of the publishing industry in Turkey, protects copyright, defends freedom to publish, promotes literacy.
TSO is one of the largest publishers by volume in the UK, publishing more than 9, titles a year in print and digital formats for a Tel.: Turkish Collective Stand organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey in cooperation with National Organizing Committee for International Book Fairs to promote Turkish culture and literature as well as publishing industry with the participation of many 5.
It is a reference for Malagasy human sciences books management, law and history. Philosophie, Psychoanalyse und Kulturwissenschaften. During this period the publishing house extinguished itself some bestseller Tel.: Today it is still developing and is mainly focused on fiction, children's books and education. A full service literary agency. An imprint of Raja Pocket Books and Raj Comics, a company having published more than books over 3 decades has been Description: Not-for-profit literary agency representing Indonesian titles: Funding and publishing children books since 8 years having a huge variety with the most impressive quality and excellent content.
Abeille, Ali Zamir, Pierre Cendors Types of literature published: Box Sewickley, PA Kistlerstr. Founded in by Dr. Uwe Stender, an American literary agency representing fiction and non-fiction for readers of all ages. Einheimische Musik mit Charakter und Eigenart. Roots-Musik von unten zwischen Tradition und Moderne. TRI Publishing Centre was founded in and has since been profiled as one of the most prominent, ambitious and professional Description: Treasure Bay is the leading U.
Billingual editions available for English language learners. KG Verlag transpress chefredaktion transform-magazin. Der gehobene Zeigefinger bleibt dabei Tel.: Denn statt zu missionieren, will das transform Magazin inspirieren. Wissenschaftlicher Fachverlag mit Schwerpunkten in den Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, der Philosophie sowie im Kultur- und Museumsmanagement. Aiming at fostering the Iranian Publication, and boosting the presence of the Iranian books in the global markets, the Cultural Deputy of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, based on the following criteria, provides the supporting grant for translation and publication of the Iranian books by foreign translators and publishers.
The Transatlantic Agency represents over authors working with our co-agents in 28 foreign-language territories. Transit Books is a non-profit publisher of international and American literature, based in Oakland, California. Freight forwarders servicing the book trade by air, ocean and road worldwide, providing competitive rates and service. Leaders in the Description: The company publishes a full range of religious books, calendars, textbooks and printed matter for the needs of the Evangelical Description: Tracus Arte is a Romanian publishing house established in the fall of , with more than titles published so far.
Our main Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia and for national abroad. Tranistics Data Technologies is a publishing service provider for editorial service, digital conversion, pre-press services and e-book Description: Tehran Publishers and Booksellers Association is a non-governmental professional organization established in The mission of solutions. Tranistics represents over 50 client publishers from both trade and academic sectors.
TAPB is to provide different channels for collaboration with international publishers and facilitate dealing right for the members. Trajectory is an intelligent platform that connects publishers with its global network of e-book sales channels. Working with creative scenes we believe that there is an urban jungle in western Germany yet to be discovered! A new range of lively and educational books with a strong and innovative graphic identity. Activity books, board books, novelty Description: Publisher of equestrian books and co-publisher of craft books with UK and foreign publishers.
TouchLay is a software and hardware company, specializing in innovative design and user experience. Our goal is to help other Description: Hugely impressive independent photo library, est. We license eye-catching content illustrating world history, people, esoterica, companies present their products and services. Customers range from Burberry to The New European newspaper.
Toubkal publishes since 30 years essays and political, social, philosophical and literary studies, in French and Arabic. Creates children's books to help children read, learn, play and create including novelty books, books-plus, activity and picture books. Top That is the owner of the multi-award winning Arty Mouse brand and range of early learning through art books. The Totally Entwined Group is a leading international ebook publishing group. The biggest database construction and service group in China, a state-owned enterprise holding by Tsinghua University.
Dedicated to integration and dissemination of knowledge, online publishing and related technical services. Handarbeiten, Basteln, service tongli. Being the largest professional comic publisher in Taiwan, Tong-Li Publishing Company owns a complete independent publishing system. Our services include acting as agents for foreign comic publications, publishing comic magazines, acting as brokers for Taiwan comic 3.
Manga, comics, children's books, fiction, crafts and hobbies, gardening, activity books.
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We are DongGuan printing factory. Our products are all kind of book, paper box and greeting card. Representing US and UK agents and publishers in Scandinavia and in the Netherlands for rights in fiction and non- fiction. Todolivro has been a children's book publishing for 58 years, marked by much effort and commitment to its readers. We produce books with passion. They are colourful, combining fun with great education appeal, wonderful illustrations and easy-to-read tent.
It also publishes monthly magazines. TNQ is a publishing technology and services company based in Chennai, India. Tohan is a literary agency, while also being one of the biggest book distributors in Japan. As an agent, we mainly deal with Japanese manga and novels. Da Pistoia 12 Rome Italy Tel.: In a world of new technologies, the barriers to publication have all but disappeared. The bookseller-publisher can thus return to his Description: Our stories are visually rich and conceptually meaningful, primary mission which is simply to make public the fruits of diverse author's creativity.
You can visit Tituli's website to browse our selection of giving kids unique perspectives on themes such as love, friendship and freedom, and a greater awareness of our world. Find our stock management abwechslungsreich illustriert, mit einem ganz neuen Zusammenspiel von Bild- und Textprogramm, z. Timber Press publishes innovative and information-rich books on gardening, plants, growing food, garden design, horticulture, the thb thb.
Book printing and binding. Black and white, colour, sheet-fed offset. Binding hard cover, paperback. At Timas Publishing Group we are helping books to complete their journey in countries all over the world. Our fiction and non- Description: Publishing company specialised in legal texts, with more than publications a year.
Showcasing contemporary literature from all over Asia. Translation is our lifeblood. Authors include 'India's Ferrante' Sangeeta Description: This event as the most significant cultural event in Bandyopadhyay and Thai sensation Prabda Yoon. Member of the Northern Fiction Alliance.
Iran has turned into a landmark, momentous book fair in Middle East and Asia after 28 editions in a row. This very young publisher operating since produces high-quality books for boys and girls from four to 14 years old. Tikitime develops professional and quality products for children, parents and therapists. The Tikitime kits teach life skills and 4. With Tikitime, the daily routine becomes pleasurable and relaxed. Tianjin Ifengspace Media Co. Ifengspace focuses on publications of architecture, landscape and interior design, planning and engineering. Literatur in Erstausgaben mit Originalgrafik, bibliophil, limitiert, signiert, nummeriert, einzeln oder im Abonnement.
Thule is an independent publisher from Barcelona founded in We publish roughly 25 titles per year, specialized in very particular lines as picture books, activity books, comics, young and adult fiction, and gift books. Our identity is making well designed books with Description: Thomson Press India Limited is the oldest entity of the India Today Group and for 5 decades has emerged among the most reliable special attention to considering the book as a whole object.
Thukul Cetak, an independent and progressive publisher established in , publishes serious reading materials which cover the areas of political science, philosophy, and humanity to fill the void of insufficient pop radical books which are more relaxed and comprehensible. Thomson Digital is a year old global provider of innovative, customized publishing solutions to meet the needs of publishers across all segments.
The spectrum of end-to-end services offered include copyediting, composition, project management, e-Books, technology 3. Three Streams Publishers is known internationally as a publisher of Bible-based books, e-books, children's books and a wide range of gift products. We sell rights, assist in product development and offer production solutions to the publishing industry. Box Stuttgart ks thisbooktravels. We are passionate about discovering books that travel and have a boutique kundenservice thieme.
Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Biowissenschaften, Chemie, Ratgeber. Publishers and producers of high quality cardboard and paper children's books. We publish a wide variety of books including: Belletristik, Illustriertes Sachbuch, Bildband, Geschenkbuch. We are licensees of: Competitive pricing, excellent Customer Service. The Thessaloniki Book Fair, as a dynamic presence at the cultural crossroads of Europe and the East, gathers every year hundreds of: Thienemann, Esslinger, Gabriel und Planet. From a very early stage has managed to win the triple bet: Publisher of medical books and journals, including serials.
Origination and adaptation of books and periodicals for the German market: The publishing house specializes in historical and theoretical texts about theatre, stage design, theatre architecture, cultural policy as Williams St. All books can be purchased in Prospero e-shop http: At the heart of its publishing programme are visually intriguing books of high scholarly standard on art, history, design and travel.
Global bestselling and award-winning German and Dutch authors since Jetzt unseren Stand 3. The New Press was established in as an independent publisher committed to publishing significant works of progressive non- fiction including history, politics, economics, and sociology, as well as fiction in translation. DITP provides trade information and Description: Printing company with years tradition. Stamp, UV spot, Foil Stamp.
Verlag mit Schwerpunkt auf Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft des portugiesischen Sprachraums. Seeking publication for French ancestral cookbook in all languages beside English. The Bordeaux Kitchen has over recipes with Tel.: Text Publishing are long-term exhibitors at Frankfurt Book Fair. For many years we have exhibited with Canongate but have just made the decision to relocate to the Australian Publishers Association stand.
It offers information on the history Tel.: The University of Texas Press publishes in Latin-American and Middle East studies, cinema, photography, classics, Jewish studies, art, architecture, and natural history. Ein Unternehmen der Ganske Verlagsgruppe. Publishes non-fiction directed at the general public: Publishing and licensing of graphic novels, books and animation based on the legend of William Tell.
It is designed Description: Templar Publishing produces award-winning, innovative, illustrated pre-school, picture books, non-fiction and novelty titles and hosts the prestigious Big Picture Press imprint. Temas e Debates specializes in quality non-fiction books: Tecnodidattica, founded in , has chosen to specialise in the production of geographical globes. Dedicated to toys and educational Description: Teacher Created Resources publishes resource books in all areas of the curriculum such as language arts, social studies, math, der Karibik, Infrastrukturprojekte in Kolumbien oder die berufliche Ausbildung Erwachsener in Paraguay.
Die Fotoausstellung "Begegnungen mit science, and art. Our products are created by teachers for teachers. Together with the residents of informal settlements, TECHO pursues multiple approaches to fight extreme poverty, such as emergency aid after hurricanes in the 6. The photo exhibition "Facing Poverty in Latin America" shows various impressions of the settlements, as well as the work that is done hand in hand between volunteers and residents.
Teacher Created Materials develops innovative and imaginative educational materials and services for students worldwide. Everything we do is created by teachers for teachers and students to make teaching more effective and learning more fun. Since we have acquired much different know-hows info tealibri. Extensive pocket lists featuring national and international best-selling authors of both fiction and non-fiction. Science and special reference books, dictionaries and conversation guides, travel guides, textbooks for schools and vocational training, books on history, self-help, how-to, young adult and children.
Box Brackenheim info tbb. Box Berlin Tel.: Taurus publishing focuses on essays and books of current affairs in order to promote discussion and help the reader to form its Description: It's aimed at readers who want to stay up to date with what is going on in the world today. Box Berlin office tauriska. Independent publishers of academic and general books on history and biography, international relations and politics, Middle East 2 Park Square, Milton Park OX14 4RN Abingdon, Oxfordshire Great Britain studies, art, architecture, film and visual culture, religion, geography, travel and reference.
The publishing house is very active in publishing belles-lettres and fiction and plays a significant role in the publication of older Slovak literature and the classics. Books on the visual arts since Over a century later, we continue to lead in art publishing, taking the best new writing on Description: Unsere Publikationen werden wegen ihrer Aufmachung gerne in die Hand genommen und laden zum feinsinnigen Verweilen ein. University of Tartu Press is the largest academic press in Estonia.
We publish books, book series, journals, and digital products from Tel.: Tang Art Culture Broadcast Co. In the Tang Art by its own professional advantage, borrow books global procurement channels, with Guangzhou as the core. Tara is one of the most daring and creative initiatives in contemporary publishing.
We are a small independent house known for a Tel.: Our award-winning list is radical, witty and quite simply - different. Founded in , Tamyras is a Lebanese independent francophone publishing house. Its catalogue features both novels by first-time and renowned authors, like Etel Adnan as well as coffee table books, cookbooks, and guides. Tara Books is one of the most daring and creative initiatives in contemporary publishing.
We are a small independent house known P. Box Helsinki for handmade books. Our award-winning list is radical, witty and simply different. Third largest publishing house in Finland, publisher of literary fiction, non-fiction, children's and young adult books. Taphros editions started his business enterprises in The books published concerned historical, archaeological, ethnological and environmental subjects and promotion of cultural events. The name of the company Taphros is the ancient name of the "Bocche di Bonifacio" strait and is meant to be a wish to go over the borders that divide peoples and ideas.
SpiritualWiki - Heilung
The Literary Agency of Tamass represents Persian and Arabic language publishers for selling translation rights into the English and Arabic language markets. Our goal is to make TIBE an effective book fair for the publishing industry and as well as for the general public. Acamedic titles, textbooks, scientific literature, translations of key academic texts and valuable old texts, periodicals.
Established in , the company employes more than skilled and professional staff. To date we have published nearly 60 Description: Sachbuchverlag zu Bildung, Weiterbildung, Arbeitswelt 4. Tabletroma - free monthly printed press. Our catalogue of some books picture books and fiction addresses all ages from toddlers to teenagers. Launched in , La Table Ronde carries a strong literary tradition and pays a special attention to the new voices of the French literature today. UK Literary scout for S. Juvenile fiction, juvenile non-fiction. Young adult, teenager fiction.
Young adult, teenager non-fiction. Syllabes is a rights agency representing children's books of different genres picture books, educational, fiction, activity books and many more. Some of the publishers we represent: Halbouni, Musallam al Baroudi St. Syria - A collective exhibition of independent Syrian publishers. Box Lausanne Tel.: A collective exhibition of German-speaking Swiss publishers. Eine Kollektivausstellung der deutschsprachigen Schweizer Verlage. Hier werden alle Kataloge zu den Ausstellungen der Description: Literary agency, representing Spanish-speaking and German authors worldwide.
Representation of agencies and publishers in sekretarz. Adult, youth and children's books. Swiat Ksiazki - 20 years on the market - publishes Polish and foreign fiction and non-fiction. Company founded by the Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers. Its main activity is the organisation of the annual Book info sweetcherrypublishing.