Paranormal Private Investigator: The Woman in Red (New Adult Paranormal Romance Series Book 1)
While I felt that completely, I didn't buy Cyn's inner thoughts at the end of the story about Raphael and what he meant t Well, the writing wasn't JR Ward or Kelley Armstrong, but the storyline kept my interest. While I felt that completely, I didn't buy Cyn's inner thoughts at the end of the story about Raphael and what he meant to her.
Still, the story was compelling enough to have me move forward. That and the convenient hook the author left the readers with at the end. Jul 18, Bindi Boo rated it it was amazing Shelves: Cynthia was kick- ass and Raphael as sexy as a vampire should be. Filled with action and heartache. Off to the next book! Sep 27, Duchess Nicole rated it it was amazing Shelves: For some reason, I was thinking of this book as some obscure, new author.
And after reading her little ditty after the book, I realize that she was very new, as this was her first book. But it sure didn't seem like it. I was really surprised at the world that she has here. She didn't spend a lot of time explaining all of the little details about how vampires came to be and their role in society and how humans deal with them. She simply wrote her book as if they exist, and that's just how it is. That left this book without the dreaded first book syndrome.
I already felt comfortable with the idea within the first few pages. Raphael is brutal, and the author makes no excuses or apologies for him. He is responsible for many people, and in order to protect them and not appear weak, he has to show no mercy. Cyn is one of those tough chicks, a woman in a man's world. She doesn't want a man or need one.
Once these two meet, it's pretty obvious there is a battle of wills. And let me tell you, it gets unexpectedly hot. As in, all of a sudden, whoa! The book was gritty, full of action, and really, surprisingly good. Five stars for me, and I'm stoked to read the next! Nov 16, Denisa rated it liked it Shelves: This is how it ends? Gah, I tried to read as fast as possible to get to see where and how everyone winds up and it ended like this! I need to start the next one: P It was a pretty nice book, although it took a bit 'til I got caught up in the story, guess that's why I only gave it 3 stars.
On the bright side though, this was the first vampire I've found that actually acts like one. He's not that lonely "old" guy who hates his power and who has to suffer for it. No, this guy is badass 3. No, this guy is badass and I really really liked that. So I can't wait to start the next one, and maybe find the ending I'm looking for. May 09, Aly is so frigging bored rated it really liked it Shelves: Joint review with Maru Alina: Where should we start sexy? Or things we didnt like? What did you think about the book Maru? I think it was good, but books 1 and 2 could totally be merged and be book 1.
And I wanted more steam Alina: I liked it, though both characters got on my nerves a little. Always getting ahead of myself I liked Raphael even though he was kind of a douche with Cyn. I thought the same thing! And I couldn't stop comparing him with my Raphael from the Guild Hunter series. I think if I would have refrained from that I would have liked the whole book more. They lookd a like a little, and both of them have that irresistible aura of power, which I am a sucker for ;;.
If you could choose 3 words to describe him what would those be? Sexy, sexy and sexy? Sexy, ruthless and… Alina: It's a great start LOL. I think I'd go with remorseless, powerful, hot. He kind of killed everyone that got in his way so it works perfectly. What did you think of Cyn?
I liked her, she is smart and a little emotion-conscious if I could say that: The only time when I wanted to smack her over the head was when she ran I know she regretted it afterwards, but too little too late. What did you think of her way of finding trouble? I wanted to smack some sense into her. Exactly magnet for vamp trouble. I liked the world building as well. It didn't have the information dump you can expect with 1st books in a series.
I think the information the author gave worked fine for the story and, of course, it left you wanting to know more. It was a good UF. I liked the secondary characters as well, poor Duncan and the other bodyguards. I hope we get a Duncan book fast Alina: It's the 5th one. He'll make a good hero: It will be interesting to see their relationship evolve. Now, I think we should finish with the ending. Oh God the ending. I wanted to kill the author, thank goodness we had book two out.
Raphael did what only a man could do: I just wanted them to end up together in book 1. I wanted the HEA right away. Me too, though, in a way, it was the right decision. Both of them got to see how bad it would be otherwise. So, how much will you give it? That's what I thought as well. I had fun, doing the review this way. We should repeat performance: View all 3 comments. Apr 06, Didi rated it really liked it Shelves: This read as much like romantic suspense as PNR.
The vamps in D. B Reynolds are truly vampires in the truest sense of the word. They are unforgiving, brutal and attuned to their predatory natures as one would expect. No fluff and shimmers here. I really liked this world. Having Malibu as the backdrop worked well in combining the validity with the rumour of vampires existing.
People weren't sure whether to believe the fantasy or not, but a few knew the truth. I really liked Cynthia. She was a stron This read as much like romantic suspense as PNR. She was a strong and capable heroine immersed in her work and therefore avoiding the gap of loneliness in her heart. Until it was rudely awakened by a powerful and sexy vampire lord.
Needless to say, I loved Raphael. He was relentless and ruled with a single mindedness that was both terrifying and just. I think he was just as surprised by feeling something for Cyn as she did for him. They also shared the useless habit of denying their true feelings for another. I can understand Raphael's reluctance to admit he cares beyond simple courtesy, but he sees that as admitting defeat. And as a lord, such a thing would be extremely dangerous.
Cyn, however, I really sympathized with. Having been raised alone despite having an abundance of money and nannies, never felt real love or want. She lives her life as a testament to this , avoiding marriage and serious relationships. When Raphael comes onto the scene she questions her feelings and I couldn't help but feel her vulnerability and fear of heartbreak. The suspense was great. It was a wonderful game of cat and mouse.
There's a scene where Cyn accompanies a fellow undercover cop to a party that had my heart pumping a mile a minute! And for this book being the first for this author, she did a great job. Of, course there's a cliffy! The book ended abruptly and gave me no chance to mend my own sense of loss, so jumping into the second one, Jabril right away! Great PNR and loads of sexual chemistry, I really liked it. View all 7 comments. Mar 04, Saly rated it really liked it Recommended to Saly by: The book had heat, violence and the heroine was resourceful and strong.
The next book is a continuiation, since the hero and heroine don't end up together in this one. This book ends with the words "To be continued May 07, Plamena rated it liked it. She is smart, resourceful and good at what she does. Cynthia has no idea what she is getting herself into. Vampire Lord Raphael is one of the most powerful vampires in the world- absolutely deadly. The vampire lord is really intrigued by Cyn. Soon the only thing he wants is a chance to be with the feisty investigator I enjoyed most of it but towards the end it became really boring which was a big surprise.
Paranormal Romance
I really struggled with the last few chapters. Also, I found the writing style a little bit boring too. Their conversations were too short and not enough. I was definitely not happy to be left with something that was really close to a cliffhanger. So overall the book was okay For more reviews check our book blog: Sep 22, Kara rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
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This is the H, after he's met and realized he's attracted to the h, who won't just give up her vagina automatically the nerve! He's trying to work out his feelings with another woman: She was as eager as the others, dressed to entice with high, high heels stretching long, slender legs up to a firm ass sheathed in a short, tight skirt. Her ragged hair brushed bare shoulders and he leaned over, drawing in her scent. A snar This is the H, after he's met and realized he's attracted to the h, who won't just give up her vagina automatically the nerve!
A snarl of impatient fury rumbled in his chest as he pulled her down the hallway and into a ground floor bedroom reserved for his use only. He barely managed to close the door before he sank his fangs into her soft neck, his cock growing harder with every draw of succulent blood. The woman moaned wantonly, pressing herself against his erection, clasping her arms around his back to rub her breasts against his chest. She gave a small cry of protest when he released her, holding on to him, crying now, begging him.
He threw her to the bed face-first, pulling her hips up to meet his groin, pushing the tight skirt up over her buttocks and ripping away the flimsy bit of lace covering her.
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Freeing his throbbing cock, he thrust it against her, seeking entrance. She arched her back, spreading her legs wider in invitation, panting with desire. He froze, staring down at the whorish display, disgusted with her, with himself. So he wants to fuck this rando so that he can exorcise the image of another woman, but he's disgusted by her "whorish" display? Jun 25, AJ rated it liked it Shelves: I liked it, but I found that, rather unusually for a PNR book, there is little to no world building. This is probably a positive to readers who find that sort of thing boring, but I like to know all about the world that ch 3.
This is probably a positive to readers who find that sort of thing boring, but I like to know all about the world that characters live in, so I missed it in this book. However, I do enjoy a strong heroine, and Cynthia Cyn is great! Intelligent, witty, and a bit of a badass, she is an ex-cop who has left the force and is working as a PI. Her clientele is undead-heavy, and her latest case sees her employed by Raphael, the Vampire Lord of the US West Coast, to investigate a missing vampire.
Raphael is not your romantic, caring, secretly-looking-for-love vampire. This is an uber-powerful, brutal, ruthless and unapologetic badass! His huge chest was heaving with the fury of his breath, and his hands curled into claws as his gaze found her and he growled a warning. I like his confidence, and his arrogance, and the fact that he is so brutal.
I also love that this book is dual POV so we get to see into his background a little bit, although I would love to know more about him! Climb over the walls or something? Okay, so Raphael here walks up to the gate, presumably with his coat billowing around him in suitably dramatic fashion. They do have feelings for each other. Which brings me to the ending — effing cliffhanger!
While there is resolution on one aspect of the story, another is left wide open. But, on the other hand, I am glad that the ending wasn't rushed in any way. Instead, you can sense the connection between them, and the stronger feelings that are starting to simmer. What would Lothaire do with countless squalling babes? Raise them in a kennel? Groups Tagged "Paranormal Romance". You must make an appearance at least once at our Check yoself before you wreckyoself thread.
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Check out our Listopia of Best Niche Erotica and vote! Important Request to Join Info: The vampires in this have the potential for vast destruction and great evil, which will always lure me in. The bad guy flexes his muscles in this capacity, and we're left with a notion that Michael might not be a saint either, since he's done his share of killing and is barely able to restrain his own darkness. The story flowed well, and there was plenty of tension and drama to keep me turning pages, and since it's the first book in a series about this hero and heroine, I'll forgive the author for the lack of interaction and romance between them.
It's a set up book for the romance between the two and I've been there and done that with my Prophecy Trilogy, so I know it's going to get better in the next books. Which I will definitely be hunting down and reading. All in all, I'd recommend this to readers who want to read a short series of four novels and are looking for an interesting paranormal romance with a strong hero and potentially strong heroine, and who don't mind having to play the waiting game for the romance to blossom in a realistic way.
I flitted between giving this 3 or 4 stars. It's sort of 3. So when I found out that she was rereleasing this series, I jumped at the chance at reading it. All of the great characteristics you expect in an Arthur book is present. However, there was one thing that really stood out for me with this book. It was the writing. More details are explored in terms of descriptions and also, I felt that this book was very tightly written, especially where the action sequences were concerned.
Overall, I just thought this book was a very well plotted out and well-written book so kudos to Arthur for that! Nikki is a psychic Private Investigator. To be honest, it took about two chapters to warm up to her. I could already tell that she would be independent and kickass, but I was also looking for something that would make me relate to her.
As the story progressed, I got that connection that I wanted. After employed to find a missing teenager named Monica Trevgard, Nikki is then thrust into a world that is far more complicated than the job initially let on. She meets Jasper, a guy who is absolutely crazy and an enigma. Of course I have to talk about Michael who really intrigued me from the beginning.
Arthur spends a little more time with his character, just doing some ordinary things like drinking wine and taking the time to understand his mind a little more. Other times, even when in his POV, she keeps readers in the dark about his intentions. It truly makes for an interesting character that I was dying to know more about. I liked her way of stringing readers as if on a leash, getting us to walk exactly where she intended us too. That being said, I found this book impossible to put down. View all 14 comments. The ending left me wanting more and more I shall have! I will definitely be reading book 2, Hearts in Darkness and probably the rest of the series.
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Nikki James is a Private Investigator with strong psychic abilities. Her abilities include psychometry the ability to hold an object and sense some history of the owner and telekinesis, among others. Michael Kelly is a year old vampire who works for the Damask Circle, an organization comprised of not only vampires, but others not necessarily termed human. He's also a vamp vegetarian of sorts, vowing never to take another human life, he does not feed on human blood.
Nikki has been hired by a wealthy father to find his missing daughter, Monica Trevgard. Michael is on a mission to hunt down and kill Jasper, a crazed vampire. Their missions quickly intersect and they are drawn to each other, in more ways than just physical. They are both haunted by things that happened in their past. Things that keep them from admitting their true feelings for each other.
Jake Morgan, Nikki's boss and friend, met her when she was sixteen. They saved each other's lives that day. He helps Nikki and Michael on their case, while also gently forcing them to admit their feelings and try to open up. Scene that made me giggle: Private investigator, Nikki James is on the trail of a young woman who has left home.
Being a talented psychic with telekinetic abilities, life has been difficult for Nikki, forcing her to keep her distance from others, but making her one of the best in her field. Michael Kelly has been a vampire for over years and works for a secret organization that has tasked him with protecting Nikki from an evil entity who is on her trail.
Can Michael keep Nikki safe as she works her case? What is the draw between these damaged souls? July 30, Publisher: Jul 07, Natasha rated it it was amazing. Which is a place located somewhere I don't know.. I'm not even sure if it's a real place. During the investigation she meets Michael and it's not your normal meeting. Dancing with the devil is written in the first person and the protagonist is both Nikki and Michael.
This is such a great series if your into vampires, mystery and romance. There's 4 editions in the series but I wish there were more. I was disappointed when I found out that there wouldn't be another. It really is a great series though, the characters are easy to get attached to, and I really love Keri Arthur's writing in all her books. I would recommend this for those who haven't read it! Nicki is a private investigator who in her efforts to find a teenager who run got involved with the wrong croud she finds herself in the middle of a centuries old feud between two deadly vampires.
Jasper wants to kill her in order to control her psychic powers and Michael hopes to use her to lure Jasper into a trap. Things go off track though when surprise surprise Michael starts to get more and more involved into Nicky's life and they find themselves more and more entwined by the day. Overall Nicki is a private investigator who in her efforts to find a teenager who run got involved with the wrong croud she finds herself in the middle of a centuries old feud between two deadly vampires. Overall the writing was good and the plot had a flow.

The characters where quite good too. If it was a little more unpredictable and a little less for lack of a better word cheasy I'd rate it higher. But while the action parts of the plot were ok, even if not original, the romance part was too much like all the other paranormal romances for me to say honestly that it stood out. Not that I didn't enjoy it anyway, but it just didn't stand out. I liked Nicki's powers though and now that she 's having a boost from Michael as well it's bound to get better.
One thing I would like to point out that I liked here was that vampires were not the poor tortured souls that were just misanderstood. Wether they are on an vegetarian diet like Michael or on a killing spree like Jasper they have the same urges deep down.
And Nicky doesn't fall over herself to try end save Michael's soul as soon as she finds out the truth. She doesn't forget the darkness that has unsettled her about him from the get go and she doesn't make excuses for him. It makes you respect her more. The writing was vivid and fluid which kept me engaged the whole time — it was really hard to put this book down.
There was a cheesy line or two along the way and a bit humor here and there which rounded the story up quite well.
Dancing with the Devil
The beginning of the story, while many things happened, still 3. The beginning of the story, while many things happened, still felt a little slow as characters were introduced but that changed very quickly and I got sucked into the story. It was a little overdone for my taste but to each their own. All in all, a solid start for a series and I will definitely pick up book 2.
Aug 05, Gina rated it did not like it. Nikki is a private investigator with psychic abilities investigating the disappearance of a teenage girl named Monica. When she gets close to finding Monica along with some other missing women, she quickly realizes she is dealing with something beyond the usual suspect type - something evil. Michael swoops in to save her life. This story has so m Nikki is a private investigator with psychic abilities investigating the disappearance of a teenage girl named Monica.
This story has so many things that I don't like in books: I might have been able to overlook these issues if even one of the following had been present: I've noticed that the reviews for this series get significantly higher with each book, but I'm so put off with this one that I don't think I'll read any more of this series. Jun 29, Feminista rated it liked it Shelves: This story is one of Keri Arthur's earlier novels, re-edited. Nikki is a Private Investigator who has psychic abilities, Michael Kelly is a centuries old vampire who works with the Damask Circle.
They are both working on the same villain. Michael looking to kill the crazy Vampire: Jasper, Nikki, who is asked to find a rich man's daughter who incidentally got herself involved with Jasper.
Raphael (Vampires in America, #1) by D.B. Reynolds
As the two meet, they find themselves drawn to one another. This novel was a good start to Rating: Jul 04, Lyndi W. I wanted to like this. Partially because it's a completed series, but also because I haven't really read much vampire stuff lately. Unfortunately, I hated Nikki. She was TSTL and unbelievably naive.
I hated everything she did She'd say something and I'd be like "WTF is she thinking? Everything in my body and soul is saying not to go into this house. So I'm I wanted to like this. So I'm gonna go into this house. I almost DNF'd this every other page because Nikki was just that fucking dumb and suicidal. But I wanted to know a little more about the story I was going to miss out on. So I skimmed a bit Find this review and more on Afterwords Good God this book was boring. Seriously, I did not expect this. The "heroes" kept getting into traps, nearly dying, failing and in pain. It got old real quick.
Even scenes one would normally classify as action scenes were dull and dry without an ounce of soul. And let's just take a second to lament how dumb someone has to be to fall into traps over and over and over again. At a certain point, couldn't you try to put a trap of your own? Or Find this review and more on Afterwords Good God this book was boring. Or do something, anything , to counter attack?? Seriously, it's been 5 years since I read this book and I am still angry about it Now, on top of all this, a lot of parts made absolutely no freaking sense.
Michael, who is the male protagonist, literally found the whereabouts of villainous-dude Jasper about half a dozen times throughout the book. But then, those scenes ended in fade-to-blacks paired with some inane notion like "it's time for the hunter to become the hunted" The next time we see our "heroes", nothing has changed and Jasper is still at large. Why is this even in the story? Then, there was the Case of the Vanishing Injuries. Like, hit by a car kind of hurt.
That's not how these things work, book! But at the end of the day, it was the characters that made this book suck ass. I disliked how scared she was, all the time. It's human to be afraid, but having that be your one single emotion is just frustrating. But I could deal with that. I could even kind-of-maybe-sort-of deal with her utter uselessness, even though it's one of my pet peeves in books , especially when the girl is so heavily gifted. Like, you've got everything working for you to be a key character in the story, and instead, you are just a damsel in distress.
But I only started actually hating her later in the story. On the one hand, she did not want Michael to go and on the other she was so darn annoying, refusing to trust him because of something someone else did, being anti-vampires in general, accusing Michael of dumb things and just looking for something wrong about him. And then, when he does leave, she regrets it. Girl, you deserve to have your ass deserted and left to fend for yourself. Yes, you will die within a minute because you are that useless but at this point, I don't even give a fuck.
Now, clearly, considering the former paragraph I wasn't a huge fan of the romance. It wasn't very believable , at any case. I have no idea why this two fell for each other. I mean, why would anyone fall for Nikki??? And naturally, the "I love you"s came out of nowhere. Because that's the kind of novel this is One of the most disappointing things about this novel was actually the writing. I had been excited to read a Keri Arthur novel when I picked this up.
I heard a lot about them, after all. Sadly, I was very underwhelmed by it. There was just nothing about it, and as I said before - boring as hell. Okay, wait, time for a positive thing about this novel! It ended and I was able to move on to better reads. This review will not be divided into sections, simply because I can't be bothered. In the end, I was just glad I was done with this book, and sad I ever spent 8 pounds for it. This book was filled with dull moments. I mean, even the parts presenting themselves as action were boring.