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Wir sagen es Ihnen! Gemeinsam Richtung Zukunft -. Reinhard Betz Mitglied des Vorstands. Karsten Theis Mitglied des Vorstandes. Heinz-Gerd Lehnhoff Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats. During this study, he and his team discovered a direct connection between JNK activation and the development of metastases. The researchers also found that standard chemotherapy given in breast cancer can also activate JNK, thus limiting the therapeutic response.
However, the stem cell specialist points out that his new results open up new opportunities: These are vulnerabilities in the cancer cells that may come useful when developing future treatment options. Oskarsson and his team initially examined tissue samples from patients with metastatic breast cancer. The more JNK activity the cancer tissue showed, the more unfavorable was the course of the individual disease.
Metastases contained more JNK-active cells than the primary tumor. This was also confirmed in mice in which human breast cancer cells had grown into metastasizing tumors. The researchers found particularly striking differences between the tiny micro-metastases, which contained up to 50 percent JNK-active cells, and advanced metastases, where JNK is only active in about 15 percent of the cells. It seems that they switch to a stem cell-like program because the pattern of their gene activity is similar to that known from breast stem cells.
What happens when breast cancer cells are exposed to chemotherapy, a stress factor that cancer cells are often exposed to? Oskarsson and colleagues studied this again in mice to which they had transferred human breast cancer cells. The drugs paclitaxel or doxorubicin activated the JNK in the breast cancer cells and triggered the stem cell program. In the lung metastases of the animals, the proportion of JNK-active cells increased drastically from 20 percent to 80 percent.
Additional payment for implantation of a prosthetic penis is divided with reference to the type of prosthesis. Combination operations on the bladder and bowel and on the male genitalia are assigned to newly established DRGs. The changes described enhance the professional accuracy of the representations of urological care provision.
New strategies designed to solve problems in representation have been established e. Various problems persist, e. In the short term practicable solutions to the problem of improving the quality of representation are needed. The aim of this, the largest survey of patients performed to date, is to analyse the effects of diagnosis related groups DRGs on the doctor-patient relationship in the context of interdisciplinary patient-centered care.
In addition, it is intended to investigate the possibility of motivating patients to change their behavioural patterns and lifestyle in the context of holistic therapy. Over a period of five years, a continuous survey was performed of hospitalised patients who were exercising their entitlement to interdisciplinary therapy in an acute, inpatient setting. The therapy was evaluated as good to very good both with and without the conditions of the case tariff fee system. Studies of the effects of reimbursement systems in the context of interdisciplinary care are still in their infancy, despite the widespread use of diagnosis related groups.
The mandatory character implicit in the case tariff fee system, which requires minimum qualitative standards for structural and procedural parameters in the context of providing interdisciplinary patient-centered care, can influence patients' behavioural patterns and lifestyle. Which finite simple groups are unit groups?
Moreover, these groups do all occur a Effects of diagnosis-related group payment system on appendectomy outcomes. The voluntary diagnosis-related group DRG payment system was introduced in The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mandatory DRG participation on various outcome metrics for appendectomy patients.
We collected inpatient DRG data for , appendectomy patients between and using the Health Insurance Review and Assessment database. We examined patient outcome metrics such as length of stay LOS , total medical cost, spillover, and readmission rate, according to hospital size. The mandatory implementation of the DRG payment system in South Korea has led to significant reductions in LOS and readmission rates for appendectomy patients. However, any resulting expansion of outpatient services may result in unnecessary resource usage rather than improving medical quality.
Policy makers should consider the various implications reflected by these results when considering DRGs for other diseases. Group Cohesion in Experiential Growth Groups. This article explores the effect of web-based journaling on changes in group cohesion within experiential growth groups. Master's students were divided into 2 groups. Both used a web-based platform to journal after each session; however, only 1 of the groups was able to read each other's journals. Quantitative data collected before and…. Lists 21 new publications in group work, of which 9 are reviewed.
Those discussed include publications on group counseling and psychotherapy, structured groups , support groups , psychodrama, and social group work. Group typicality, group loyalty and cognitive development. Over the course of childhood, children's thinking about social groups changes in a variety of ways. Developmental Subjective Group Dynamics DSGD theory emphasizes children's understanding of the importance of conforming to group norms.
Future research on children's thinking about groups and group norms should explore additional elements of this topic, including aspects of typicality beyond loyalty. This document presents the Group Areva, a world nuclear industry leader, from a financial holding company to an industrial group , operating in two businesses: The structure and the market of the group are discussed, as the financial assets. Overgroups of root groups in classical groups. The author extends results of McLaughlin and Kantor on overgroups of long root subgroups and long root elements in finite classical groups.
In particular he determines the maximal subgroups of this form. He also determines the maximal overgroups of short root subgroups in finite classical groups and the maximal overgroups in finite orthogonal groups of c-root subgroups. Interagency mechanical operations group numerical systems group. This group looks at issues related to numerical control in the machining industry.
Diagnosis-related group DRG -based case-mix funding system, a promising alternative for fee for service payment in China. Fee for services FFS is the prevailing method of payment in most Chinese public hospitals. Under this retrospective payment system, medical care providers are paid based on medical services and tend to over-treat to maximize their income, thereby contributing to rising medical costs and uncontrollable health expenditures to a large extent.
Payment reform needs to be promptly implemented to move to a prospective payment plan. The diagnosis-related group DRG -based case-mix payment system, with its superior efficiency and containment of costs, has garnered increased attention and it represents a promising alternative.
groups drgs kosten-nutzen-aspekte: Topics by www.newyorkethnicfood.com
This article briefly describes the DRG-based case-mix payment system, it comparatively analyzes differences between FFS and case-mix funding systems, and it describes the implementation of DRGs in China. China's social and economic conditions differ across regions, so establishment of a national payment standard will take time and involve difficulties.
No single method of provider payment is perfect. Measures to monitor and minimize the negative ethical implications and unintended effects of a DRG-based case-mix payment system are essential to ensuring the lasting social benefits of payment reform in Chinese public hospitals. Do diagnosis-related groups appropriately explain variations in costs and length of stay of hip replacement?
A comparative assessment of DRG systems across 10 European countries. This paper assesses the variations in costs and length of stay for hip replacement cases in Austria, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Spain and Sweden and examines the ability of national diagnosis-related group DRG systems to explain the variation in resource use against a set of patient characteristic and treatment specific variables. The number of DRGs differs widely across the 10 European countries range: Underlying this wide range is a different use of classification variables, especially secondary diagnoses and treatment options are considered to a different extent.
In six countries, a standard set of patient characteristics and treatment variables explain the variation in costs or length of stay better than the DRG variables. This raises questions about the adequacy of the countries' DRG system or the lack of specific criteria, which could be used as classification variables.
Theory of Lie groups. The standard text on the subject for many years, this introductory treatment covers classical linear groups , topological groups , manifolds, analytic groups , differential calculus of Cartan, and compact Lie groups and their representations. Introduction to Sporadic Groups. Full Text Available This is an introduction to finite simple groups , in particular sporadic groups , intended for physicists. These are described next, in three levels of increasing complexity, plus the six isolated ''pariah'' groups. The old five Mathieu groups make up the first, smallest order level.
The seven groups related to the Leech lattice, including the three Conway groups , constitute the second level. The third and highest level contains the Monster group M, plus seven other related groups. The review ends up with a brief discussion of a few of physical applications of finite groups in physics, including a couple of recent examples which use sporadic groups. Performance evaluation of inpatient service in Beijing: The medical performance evaluation, which provides a basis for rational decision-making, is an important part of medical service research. Current progress with health services reform in China is far from satisfactory, without sufficient regulation.
To achieve better progress, an effective tool for evaluating medical performance needs to be established. In view of this, this study attempted to develop such a tool appropriate for the Chinese context. Data was collected from the front pages of medical records FPMR of all large general public hospitals 21 hospitals in the third and fourth quarter of Locally developed Diagnosis Related Groups DRGs were introduced as a tool for risk adjustment and performance evaluation indicators were established: Using these indicators, the inpatient services' performance was horizontally compared among hospitals.
Poisson distribution analysis was used to test the statistical significance of the IMLRG differences between different hospitals. Various performance problems also existed in the other hospitals. It is possible to develop an accurate and easy to run performance evaluation system using Case-Mix as the tool for risk adjustment, choosing indicators close to consumers and managers, and utilizing routine report forms as the basic information source. To keep such a system running effectively, it is necessary to. Why and how did Israel adopt activity-based hospital payment? The Procedure-Related Group incremental reform.
Historically, Israel paid its non-profit hospitals on a perdiem PD basis. This differs from the DRG system because it classifies patients by procedure rather than diagnosis. In Israel, the PRG system was found to be more feasible given the lack of data and information needed in the DRG classification system. The Ministry of Health MoH chose a payment scheme that depends only on inhouse creation of PRG codes and costing, thus avoiding dependence on hospital data. The PRG system is being adopted through an incremental reform that started in and was accelerated in The Israeli MoH involved the main players in the hospital market in the consolidation of this potentially controversial reform in order to avoid opposition.
The reform was implemented incrementally in order to preserve the balance of resource allocation and overall expenditures of the system, thus becoming budget neutral. Yet, as long as gaps remain between marginal costs and prices of procedures, PRGs will not attain all their objectives. Moreover, it is still crucial to refine PRG rates to reflect the severity of cases, in order to tackle incentives for selection of patients within each procedure.
Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. How to Use Groups Effectively. Many students cringe and groan when told that they will need to work in a group. However, group work has been found to be good for students and good for teachers. Employers want college graduates to have developed teamwork skills. Additionally, students who participate in collaborative learning get better grades, are more satisfied with their….
Free Boolean Topological Groups. Full Text Available Known and new results on free Boolean topological groups are collected. An account of the properties that these groups share with free or free Abelian topological groups and properties specific to free Boolean groups is given. Special emphasis is placed on the application of set-theoretic methods to the study of Boolean topological groups. Summarizes research on small group processes by giving a comprehensive account of the types of variables primarily studied in the laboratory. These include group structure, group composition, group size, and group relations.

Considers effects of power, leadership, conformity to social norms, and role relationships. The key idea in geometric group theory is to study infinite groups by endowing them with a metric and treating them as geometric spaces. This applies to many groups naturally appearing in topology, geometry, and algebra, such as fundamental groups of manifolds, groups of matrices with integer coefficients, etc. The primary focus of this book is to cover the foundations of geometric group theory, including coarse topology, ultralimits and asymptotic cones, hyperbolic groups , isoperimetric inequalities, growth of groups , amenability, Kazhdan's Property T and the Haagerup property, as well as their characterizations in terms of group actions on median spaces and spaces with walls.
The book contains proofs of several fundamental results of geometric group theory, such as Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth, Tits's alternative, Stallings's theorem on ends of groups , Dunwoody's accessibility theorem, the Mostow Rigidity Theorem, and quasiisometric rigidity theorems of Tukia and Schwartz. This is the f Profinite graphs and groups. This book offers a detailed introduction to graph theoretic methods in profinite groups and applications to abstract groups. It is the first to provide a comprehensive treatment of the subject. The author begins by carefully developing relevant notions in topology, profinite groups and homology, including free products of profinite groups , cohomological methods in profinite groups , and fixed points of automorphisms of free pro-p groups.
The final part of the book is dedicated to applications of the profinite theory to abstract groups , with sections on finitely generated subgroups of free groups , separability conditions in free and amalgamated products, and algorithms in free groups and finite monoids. Profinite Graphs and Groups will appeal to students and researchers interested in profinite groups , geometric group theory, graphs and connections with the theory of formal languages.
A complete reference on the subject, the book includes historical and bibliographical notes as well as a discussion of open quest The various types and operational methods of purchasing groups are described, and evaluation of groups is discussed. Since group purchasing is increasing in popularity as a method of controlling drug costs, community and hospital pharmacy managers may need to evaluate various groups to determine the appropriateness of their services.
Groups are categorized as independent, system based, or alliance or association based. Instead of "purchasing," some groups develop contracts for hospitals, which then purchase directly from the vendor. Aside from this basic difference between groups that purchase and groups that contract, comparisons among groups are difficult because of the wide variation in sizes and services. Competition developing from diversification among groups has led to "super groups ," formed from local and regional groups. In evaluating groups , advantages and disadvantages germane to accomplishing the member's objectives must be considered.
To ensure a group 's success, members must be committed and support the group 's philosophies; hospital pharmacists must help to establish a strong formulary system. To select vendors, groups should develop formal qualification and selection criteria and should not base a decision solely on price. The method of solicitation bidding or negotiating , as well as the role of the prime vendor, should be studied. Legal implications of group purchasing, especially in the areas of administrative fees and drug diversion, must also be considered.
The most advantageous group for each organization will include members with common missions and will be able to implement strategies for future success. Ordered groups and infinite permutation groups. Although the two subjects come from very different sources, they have in certain ways come together, and each has derived considerable benefit from the other.
My own personal contact with this interaction began in I had done Ph. If G is normal, then such sequences are conveniently described as Cauchy sequences in the quotient ordered group GIG. If G is not normal, of course GIG has no group structure, though it is still a totally ordered set. The best that can be said is that the elements of G permute GIG in an order-preserving fashion.
In independent investigations around that t Using a sample of galaxy groups found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4, we measure the following four types of alignment signals: We find strong signal of alignment between the satellite distribution and the orientation of central galaxy relative to the direction of the NNG, even when the NNG is located beyond 3r vir of the host group.
The alignment signals are more prominent for groups that are more massive and with early-type central galaxies. We also find that there is a preference for the two major axes of the central galaxies of the HG and NNG to be parallel for the system with both early central galaxies, however, not for the systems with both late-type central galaxies. For the orientation of satellite galaxies, we do not find any significant alignment signals relative to the direction of the NNG. From these four types of alignment measurements, we conclude that the large-scale environment traced by the nearby group affects primarily the shape of the host dark matter halo, and hence also affects the distribution of satellite galaxies and the orientation of central galaxies.
In addition, the NNG directly affects the distribution of the satellite galaxies by inducing asymmetric alignment signals, and the NNG at very small separation may also contribute a second-order impact on the orientation of the central galaxy in the HG. For the first empirical study of citizens' action groups such groups were consulted. Important information was collected on the following aspects of these groups: Hospital payment systems based on diagnosis-related groups: Abstract Objective This paper provides a comprehensive overview of hospital payment systems based on diagnosis-related groups DRGs in low- and middle-income countries.
It also explores design and implementation issues and the related challenges countries face. Findings Twelve low- and middle-income countries have DRG-based payment systems and another 17 are in the piloting or exploratory stage. Countries have chosen from a wide range of imported and self-developed DRG models and most have adapted such models to their specific contexts. All countries have set expenditure ceilings.
In general, systems were piloted before being implemented. The need to meet certain requirements in terms of coding standardization, data availability and information technology made implementation difficult. Private sector providers have not been fully integrated, but most countries have managed to delink hospital financing from public finance budgeting. Communication in Organizational Groups. Organizational group can be defined as some persons between who exist interactive connections functional, communication, affective, normative type. Classification of these groups can reflect the dimension, type of relationship or type of rules included.
Breast cancer: Stress signaling promotes metastasis and therapy resistance
Organizational groups and their influence over the individual efficiency and the efficiency of the entire group are interconnected. Spontaneous roles in these groups sustain the structure of the relationship, and the personality of each indi Argentina has gone through very difficult times during the last years and, in particularly, new kinds of social practices have emerged in order to cope with the crisis.
This situation demands and urges a new type of reflection upon the double role of groups , as tools to transform reality and as a way to elaborate those processes regarding subjectivity. In this paper we analyse some topics regarding the groupal field considering spontaneous groups as well as groupal devices that allow to elaborate the crisis. We consider social bond to be the condition of possibility for the existence of the psyche and of time continuity, and that it also makes possible personal and social elaboration of trauma, crisis and social catastrophe.
We develop some aspects of an specific device the reflection group , which we have already depicted in another moment, showing it's usefulness to cope with social crisis and to promote the subjective elaboration of crisis. Introduction to topological groups. Concise treatment covers semitopological groups , locally compact groups , Harr measure, and duality theory and some of its applications. The volume concludes with a chapter that introduces Banach algebras. Nilpotent -local finite groups. We provide characterizations of -nilpotency for fusion systems and -local finite groups that are inspired by known result for finite groups.
Group Decision Process Support. Gestalt therapy in groups is not limited to individual work in the presence of an audience. Describes several ways to involve gestalt groups interactionally. Interactions described focus on learning by doing and discovering, and are noninterpretive. Group B streptococcus - pregnancy. Group B streptococcus GBS is a type of bacteria that some The Areva Group ; Le groupe Areva. This document provides information on the Areva Group , a world nuclear industry leader, offering solutions for nuclear power generation, electricity transmission and distribution and interconnect systems to the telecommunications, computer and automotive markets.
It presents successively the front end division including the group business lines involved in producing nuclear fuel for electric power generation uranium mining, concentration, conversion and enrichment and nuclear fuel fabrication ; the reactors and services division which designs and builds PWR, BWR and research reactors; the back end division which encompasses the management of the fuel that has been used in nuclear power plants; the transmission and distribution division which provides products, systems and services to the medium and high voltage energy markets; the connectors division which designs and manufactures electrical, electronic and optical connectors, flexible micro circuitry and interconnection systems.
Areva is implemented in Europe, north and south america, africa and asia-pacific. Groups , combinatorics and geometry.
Over the past 20 years, the theory of groups in particular simplegroups, finite and algebraic has influenced a number of diverseareas of mathematics. Such areas include topics where groups have beentraditionally applied, such as algebraic combinatorics, finitegeometries, Galois theory and permutation groups , as well as severalmore recent developments. Working Group 7 Summary. The primary subject of working group 7 at the Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop was muon accelerators for a muon collider or neutrino factory.
Additionally, this working group included topics that did not fit well into other working groups. Two subjects were discussed by more than one speaker: Group Psychotherapy in Denmark. We describe theoretical orientations and influences in the long-term training program and new initiatives, like courses in mentalization-based group treatment and a dynamic short-term group therapy course, as well as research in group psychotherapy in Denmark.
Some group analytic initiatives in relation to social issues and social welfare are presented, as well as initiatives concerning the school system and unemployment. Group theory I essentials. REA's Essentials provide quick and easy access to critical information in a variety of different fields, ranging from the most basic to the most advanced. As its name implies, these concise, comprehensive study guides summarize the essentials of the field covered. Essentials are helpful when preparing for exams, doing homework and will remain a lasting reference source for students, teachers, and professionals.
Group Theory I includes sets and mapping, groupoids and semi- groups , groups , isomorphisms and homomorphisms, cyclic groups , the Sylow theorems, and finite p- groups. Lectures on Chevalley groups.
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Robert Steinberg's Lectures on Chevalley Groups were delivered and written during the author's sabbatical visit to Yale University in the academic year. The work presents the status of the theory of Chevalley groups as it was in the mids. Much of this material was instrumental in many areas of mathematics, in particular in the theory of algebraic groups and in the subsequent classification of finite groups. This posthumous edition incorporates additions and corrections prepared by the author during his retirement, including a new introductory chapter.
A bibliography and editorial notes have also been added. This is a great unsurpassed introduction to the subject of Chevalley groups that influenced generations of mathematicians. I would recommend it to anybody whose interests include group theory. The notes for the lectures contain a wonderful exposition of There will be an e- groups training course on 16 March which will cover the main e- groups functionalities i. Even if you have already worked with e- groups , this may be a good opportunity to learn about the best practices and security related recommendations when using e- groups.
The number of places is limited, so enrolling early is recommended.
Group Psychotherapy in Italy. This article describes the history and the prevailing orientations of group psychotherapy in Italy psychoanalytically oriented, psychodrama, CBT groups and particularly group analysis. Provided free of charge by the Italian health system, group psychotherapy is growing, but its expansion is patchy. The main pathways of Italian training in the different group psychotherapy orientations are also presented.
Clinical-theoretical elaboration on self development, psychopathology related to group experiences, and the methodological attention paid to objectives and methods in different clinical groups are issues related to group therapy in Italy. Difficulties in the relationship between research and clinical practice are discussed, as well as the empirical research network that tries to bridge the gap between research and clinical work in group psychotherapy.
The economic crisis in Italy has led to massive cuts in health care and to an increasing demand for some forms of psychological treatment. For these reasons, and because of its positive cost-benefit ratio, group psychotherapy is now considered an important tool in the national health care system to expand the clinical response to different forms of psychological distress. Geometric group theory refers to the study of discrete groups using tools from topology, geometry, dynamics and analysis.
The field is evolving very rapidly and the present volume provides an introduction to and overview of various topics which have played critical roles in this evolution. The institute consists of a set of intensive short courses offered by leaders in the field, designed to introduce students to exciting, current research in mathematics. These lectures do not duplicate standard courses available elsewhere. The courses begin at an introductory level suitable for graduate students and lead up to currently active topics of research.
The articles in this volume include introductions to CAT 0 cube complexes and groups , to modern small cancellation theory, to isometry groups of general CAT 0 spaces, and a discussion of nilpotent genus in the context of mapping class groups and CAT 0 gro New types of criminal groups are emerging in modern society. These types have their special criminal subculture. The research objective is to develop new parameters of classification of modern criminal groups , create a new typology of criminal groups and identify some features of their subculture.
Research methodology is based on the system approach that includes using the method of analysis of documentary sources materials of a criminal case , method of conversations with themembers of the Group therapy for adolescents. The group included adolescents from secondary school and some students. The group had weekly sessions or twice on mounth. The adolescents had varied simptoms: All of adolescents were common on many problems in social interactions.
The goal of therapeutic work were: The adolescents in group raised a self-esteem and developed som The aim of this book is to provide an introduction to combinatorial group theory. Any reader who has completed first courses in linear algebra, group theory and ring theory will find this book accessible.
The emphasis is on computational techniques but rigorous proofs of all theorems are supplied. This new edition has been revised throughout, including new exercises and an additional chapter on proving that certain groups are infinite. Furthermore, such two group -server queues are given model descriptions and necessary interpretation.
Also, simple mathematical discussion is provided, and simulations are made to study the expected queue lengths, the expected sojourn times Environmental groups in politics. The subject is covered in chapters, entitled: The complex quantum groups are constructed.
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They are q-deformations of the real Lie groups which are obtained as the complex groups corresponding to the Lie algebras of type A n-1 , B n , C n. Following the ideas of Faddeev, Reshetikhin and Takhtajan Hopf algebras of regular functionals U R for these complexified quantum groups are constructed.
One has thus in particular found a construction scheme for the q-Lorentz algebra to be identified as U sl q 2,C. Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Explosive Technology Group ETG provides diverse technical expertise and an agile, integrated approach to solve complex challenges for all classes of energetic Study Groups in Denmark.
I briefly describe the history, the organisation and the format of the Danish Study Groups , and highlight a few problem solutions Lie groups for pedestrians. According to the author of this concise, high-level study, physicists often shy away from group theory, perhaps because they are unsure which parts of the subject belong to the physicist and which belong to the mathematician. However, it is possible for physicists to understand and use many techniques which have a group theoretical basis without necessarily understanding all of group theory.
This book is designed to familiarize physicists with those techniques. Specifically, the author aims to show how the well-known methods of angular momentum algebra can be extended to treat other Lie group. The normal holonomy group. The restricted holonomy group of a Riemannian manifold is a compact Lie group and its representation on the tangent space is a product of irreducible representations and a trivial one. We prove that, all these properties are also true for the representation on the normal space of the restricted normal holonomy group of any submanifold of a space of constant curvature.
Computational methods working group. During the Cold Moderator Workshop several working groups were established including one to discuss calculational methods. The charge for this working group was to identify problems in theory, data, program execution, etc. Such groups are relevant to users who wish to conveniently explore several options before making a decision such as to purchase a specific product.
Specifically, we demonstrate a practical proposal for finding top-k PoI groups in response to a query. We show how problem parameter settings can be mapped Toleration, Groups , and Multiculturalism.