Infection (Inferno Book 1)
Inferno by Dan Brown – digested read | Books | The Guardian
Seven kilometres out into the azure waters of the Adriatic, the Provost — the head of a top-secret organisation called the Cornsortium, which specialised in contriving idiotic plotlines — stood at the prow of his m yacht, the Mendacium. Dr Elizabeth Sinskey, CEO of the World Health Organisation, combed her Medusa-like grey hair and thought unnecessarily of the glucocorticoid treatment that had destroyed her reproductive system.
Her mind then switched to that fateful meeting she had had with Bertand Zobrist. We must have a cull. The door creaked silently open.

A thousand thank yous," she added, helpfully translating herself. As they looked down at a dead spiky-haired woman lying next to a Damien Hirst skull, Langton suddenly realised he was in the wrong city. A sudden and unexpected memory flooded Langton's synapses as he observed the equine, horse-like structures in Venice. Zobrist left a trail of pointless clues to where the virus wasn't, so the whole book has been a total waste of time?
Sinskey's mouth stretched into a knowing but sad smile.
But at the end of the day, you will still have four billion readers, so you can't complain. Topics Dan Brown's Inferno Digested read. Dan Brown Fiction Thrillers features.
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Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Bangkok Z by Stephen J. Toey is on a return flight to Bangkok with three friends when their world changes forever. To their horror the airport is overrun, engulfed by waves of death.
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She and her friends cross the city in a battle of survival against dead infected and undead zee's. But the zee's are evolving. As a researcher in consciousness and trance states, and a discharged field agent from t Toey is on a return flight to Bangkok with three friends when their world changes forever. As a researcher in consciousness and trance states, and a discharged field agent from the Thai military, Toey is one of the few equipped to lead the coming fight.
Kindle Edition , 74 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Bangkok Z , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Oct 07, Shana Festa rated it really liked it Shelves: Novellas are the hardest for me to rate because you are almost always left with that "What just happened?! Everything happens super quick and there isn't any time to delve deep into characters or the world around them and usually the conflict isn't resolved.
But, they do serve a purpose. Most of the time they are a quick glimpse into a longer story. Either a much-needed view of the past, to show character relationships or perhaps explain how our characters found themselves in their cur Novellas are the hardest for me to rate because you are almost always left with that "What just happened?!
Either a much-needed view of the past, to show character relationships or perhaps explain how our characters found themselves in their current situation. This is a solid, albeit very quick, read. And judging by what I read in the preview for the second book, questions will start to get answers. This is a quick snippet into how our group of survivors came to band together and make their way in this post-epidemic world.
They don't understand what is going on and each have their own theories as to "why" and "what next". These zombies are a little different from the average story within the genre and I expect that we'll continue to see them evolve as the story goes on. Lovers of the genre will enjoy Bangkok Z and crave more. The writing style is smooth and there is no lull in the plot unfolding.
We get a quick glimpse of the characters and so far they are all likeable and it seems that each one will bring something unique to the group.
I look forward to the rest of this series. Imagine you're on an international flight with a group of friends, en route, say, from Canada to Thailand, when, as the plane is close to its final destination, you see the flight attendant make a beeline for the back of the plane like his ass is on fire. Most of the passengers are dead asleep. The plane loses altitude. What do you do?
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I enjoyed both the exotic locale of the story, as well as the main Imagine you're on an international flight with a group of friends, en route, say, from Canada to Thailand, when, as the plane is close to its final destination, you see the flight attendant make a beeline for the back of the plane like his ass is on fire. I enjoyed both the exotic locale of the story, as well as the main characters, a group of Thai females who also happen to be former members of the military.
Interestingly, there is compulsory military service for Thai males, but voluntary for females. The zombies, or zee's are they are called here, are also interesting, as they seem to evolve from the typical slow shufflers to sprinters with a spark of Kudos to the author! Sep 12, P. Rudders rated it it was amazing. Set against the intriguing backdrop of the far east, this zombie themed novella quite literally lands you in the action and mayhem of a post pandemic zombie apocalypse right from the start. The action is fast paced and constantly driven forward by good use of dialogue interspaced with just the right balance of narrative to allow the wider story to emerge.
As with most short stories and novellas the number of characters is kept to a minimum thus allowing the first person perspective to work well Set against the intriguing backdrop of the far east, this zombie themed novella quite literally lands you in the action and mayhem of a post pandemic zombie apocalypse right from the start. As with most short stories and novellas the number of characters is kept to a minimum thus allowing the first person perspective to work well here. Rather than trying to convey a conventional self-contained story within the constraints of a novella, what we have here is more an isolated snapshot of events as four friends do the best they can to cope and survive amid the surreal circumstances they suddenly find themselves.
The story also features strong female characters as opposed to the usual lead macho man. Aug 24, Cynthia Austin rated it liked it. A fast paced action thriller you could complete while on a short plane ride although given the subject of the story, it may not be the best idea…unless you want to get spooked! It appears within the last 20 hours the world has been infected with some sort of zombie virus.
Inferno by Dan Brown – digested read
There are three girls and one male airplane steward fighting for their lives. Will they make it through this nightmare? Aug 10, Randy Harmelink rated it really liked it Shelves: A good zombie apocalypse story that takes place during the breakout of the virus. I found it easy to read and plan to look for more books in the series, if the author plans any. The zombies also have a rarely seen attribute, which should make later stories interesting.
Jul 21, Nana Watson rated it really liked it. Read Toey and Natt face worse mayhem as the post-pandemic world spirals further out of control! Aug 02, Cheryl Viner rated it really liked it.