Grandmothers Natural Medicines: The complete guide by the wisdom of grandmothers
The Wisdom of the Grandmothers | The Shift Network
Positive emotions, like the love you feel for your grandchildren, the joy in seeing them learn and grow, and relief at giving them a stable environment, are easy to acknowledge. You may worry about how you will handle the additional responsibilities and what will happen to the grandkids if something happens to you. Or you might be resentful of other friends who are enjoying the retirement you once envisioned.
You may also be grieving for your child and the difficulties that have led to this situation. At times, the physical, emotional, and financial demands may feel overwhelming. But taking care of yourself is a necessity, not a luxury. In order to keep up with your grandkids, you need to be calm, centered, and focused. Looking after your own mental and physical health is how you get there.
A healthy you means healthy grandchildren. Make it a priority to eat nutritious meals , exercise regularly , and get adequate sleep. Hobbies and relaxation are not luxuries. Carving out time for rest and relaxation is essential to avoid burnout and depression. Kids are smarter and more capable than we often give them credit for. Even young children can pick up after themselves and help out around the house. Helping out will also make your grandkids feel good.
Studies show that grandparents who cope well with the added stress of raising grandchildren are those who seek out others for support. This will give you a chance to work through your feelings and reach an acceptance of the situation. If you deny or ignore these feelings, they will come out in other ways and may affect your relationship with your grandkids. Look for support groups for grandparents raising grandchildren. Hearing from people who have been there can help both uplift your spirits and give you concrete suggestions for your situation. Reach out in your community for childcare help.
If you are a member of a church, synagogue or other religious organization, you may be able to ask around for available babysitters. Try library storytime hours, chatting up other parents at the playground, or asking your neighbors if they have a reliable teen available to babysit or if any parents are interested in a babysitting swap.
Connect with parents with children. Even if you feel like you are from a different generation, the joys and tribulations of raising children can quickly form common bonds. It may take time, but forging friendships with parents of similar aged children can offer camaraderie and help on navigating the maze of issues facing children today. Moving to a new home is never easy, even in the best of circumstances.
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When children are dealing with the loss of regular contact with their parent or parents, the move is even harder. It will take some time for your grandchildren to adjust, and in the meantime, they may act especially contrary and difficult. And if the children have suffered from emotional neglect, trauma , or abuse, those wounds will not disappear just because they are now in a safe place.
They will need time to heal. Your grandkids may resent being separated from their parent and wish to return, even if their home situation was dangerous or abusive. The parent-child bond is powerful. They may lash out with aggressive or inappropriate behavior , or they may withdraw and push you away. No matter their behavior, your grandkids need your comfort and support. If you start to get angry or upset, put yourself in their head. Previous experiments on the use of teas, which are considered positive, influence how the primiparae and grandmothers perceive infant feeding, reproducing actions learned, and culturally inherited.
Among the practices recommended by grandmothers for a successful breastfeeding, some are also recommended in the scientific environment, such as exposing the breast to sunlight or artificial light 40 W lamp and to avoid cleaning the breast after every feeding. During lactation, grandmothers are also concerned about the primiparous feeding, considering, among other things, the success of breastfeeding. In this sense, primiparous women are advised to eat certain foods grandmothers consider beneficial for this stage.
Care practices aiming the success of breastfeeding are influenced by different people in the cultural context that the primiparous woman belongs to, they can be her family, people in the professional or popular systems. Professionals and the popular culture seem to be valued and recognized by grandmothers, as long as they do not opposed to them.
Such attitude suggests that the validity of the practices developed in these systems is legitimated and transmitted from generation to generation. Considering that, it appears that members of such systems constitute an important reference to the subjects, when they have to deal with situations and decisions regarding health and diseases. But it did not work! Maybe it was too strong, there was no way he would not take it[ The tea bag, you should just moisten it and put it on the nipple.
It helped me a lot, along with the ointment. Grandmothers' Influence on infants' feeding. Based on what the participants reported, it it possible to observe that grandmothers guided them in relation to their children's feeding, emphasizing that the guidance was generally accepted. The results of the present study show that primiparous women did not oppose to the advice given by their mothers with regard to feeding their infants. Moreover, not only the mother's mother provided guidance, but also the father's mother, showing that the new mother recognizes the knowledge grandmothers have taking care of their grandchild.
On the other hand, agreement is not always reached between the primiparous desires and the grandmother's attitude in relation to the infant's feeding. However, the lack of independence, whether it is financial or emotional, often forces young mothers to live with the infant's grandmothers, and subordinate their desires and beliefs in relation to their infants' care. Primiparous women feelings in relation to grandmothers actions regarding infant feeding.
Primiparous women expressed feelings regarding the guidelines they received from grandmothers, saying they brought security and comfort, which is justified by the appreciation of the experience accumulated by these women, who are part of their family environment and culture, and looked after children, whether at work or in their families.
The previous experience of grandmothers is a factor that makes primiparous women feel more secure about feeding their infants, representing the potential feelings they might have during this phase. I think all that information and guidance are welcome, it is good learning. Similarly to the first theme of the present study, an ethnographic research on beliefs and practices concerning infant feeding, conducted with women of lower classes in the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul, reports that the use of teas to treat colic in infants is a common practice in that cultural setting, and is generally recommended by grandmothers.
The study highlights the need for cultural negotiation between providers and users of health services for the purpose of avoiding cultural incongruity and an ethnocentric care 2 aiming to ensure the guidelines on breastfeeding are followed 8. In a study that talks about the use of bottles in the first months of life, the cohabitation with the mother's mother is associated with bottle feeding. It is important to highlight that most grandmothers studied had had children between and when breastfeeding was not valued.
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Therefore, according to the authors, by recommending the use of teas, water or even other types of milk, grandmothers transmit their own experience to their daughters, what they believe to be the most appropriate 7. The results of this study seem to indicate that there is, to some extent, a reproduction of the scientific speech, in other words, there is an acculturation, an appropriation of elements of a different culture, which is generally more powerful 2. This may occur as a result of the search for recognition the studied subjects aim to receive from healthcare professionals, here represented by the researcher, who interacted with people in the process of data collection.
This trend may be due to a certain "dogmatization" of science to the detriment of other knowledge sources, such as common sense 16 , which contributes for some common speeches that are often distant from the everyday practice to be reproduced. It is worth highlighting that some of these feeding practices are seen in other studies that also have a cultural approach, as potential lactogogue food 8, In this context, a study that aims to support the implementation of the Nursing Care Model for women-grandmothers and their families, promoting and protecting breastfeeding in the family life, emphasizes the need for rethinking, sharing, and negotiating cultures, in order to rescue Leininger ideas, which indicate the need to involve the culture negotiation in the decision making about breastfeeding, without any impositions.
It is important for nurses to be flexible, and get into different cultures, generating the potential of reframing, without impositions, authoritarianism or paternalism Although there is no scientific evidence on the effectiveness of certain care practices used by the primiparous women in this study, for instance, using papaya skin in nipple-areolar lesions, some practices are shared between different health systems, which may occur in the professional system due to clinical evidence.
It means that nurses, as members of the health care system need to provide culturally congruent care to people with different cultural backgrounds, they need to understand such subjects' worldview, beliefs, values and customs, including factors that influence and determine the decision making process regarding health and illness. Thus, through dialogue, nurses need to understand the reasons why certain behaviours exist, so that together and in a co-responsible way, they keep, negotiate or change care practices, as recommended in the Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality 3.
By tradition, mothers play the role of the eternal guide of her daughter's acts, although her daughter has her own family. This tradition is supported, among other determinants, by the experience of motherhood, which authorizes the grandmother to guide her daughter raising her grandchildren, which includes questions around the infants' feeding 4. It is relevant to mention that the mother's mother appears to have greater influence with regard to infants' feeding than the father's mother 7,11 , which was confirmed by the present study. Given the influence of grandmothers on infant feeding, a study aiming to understand the process by which women decide to breastfeed their children or not, found that breastfeeding women are vulnerable to the opinions and advice of people with whom they interact in their environment, mainly to grandmothers, who may have a positive or negative influence.
Influence is negative when, due to their own experience and information received at the time they were breastfeeding, grandmothers believe that breast milk is weak, and insufficient, among other things. It is not essential to graduate from a class in order to effectively work with energy for healing and manifesting. What is required is the ability to listen within, practice and patience. Begin by standing with your feet about shoulder width apart. Make sure you are comfortable.
Put your hands together in the energy space in front of your center, palms touching and all the corresponding joints of both hands connecting. This is the prayer position. Hold your hands here a few minutes. Both sides of your body have distinctive rhythms. Feel the rhythm on the left side of your body, your nourishing side, and notice how your energy is flowing here.
Now, feel the rhythm on the right side of your body, your giving away side, and notice how your energy flows on this side. Be aware of how the two sides of your body are similar and different at the same time. After you have checked in with the energy flows on both sides of your body, allow your energy to begin flowing from the joints of your right hand through the joints on your left hand. Visualize your energy flowing into your left hand, on a pathway through your body and back out again through your right hand. Allow these energies to flow together until they create one unified rhythm.
You have now centered yourself and brought your personal circle of harmony back together. When you feel your energy coming together, take five slow, deep breaths to allow you to more fully experience your personal rhythm. Then, slowly separate your hands. As you pull your hands apart, feel the energy band extending from the joints in one hand to the corresponding joints of the opposite hand.
It resembles the feeling of pulling long, sticky threads of taffy. Let your hands act on their own to separate as far as you feel comfortable. You have now created your energy band. The energy band is polarized energy. Each joint is a small vortex center where energy flows into and out of our bodies. Energy flows from joint to joint through our body.
Our energy band creates a strong magnetic field, the environment for our energy to line up, which in turn creates the environment for the inter-molecular atoms in our physical body to line up. This energy band erases blockages in our energy body and changes the magnetic programming of cells within its field. Direct your energy band by putting your hands on either side of the top of your head. Slowly bring this energy band down your body, all the way to your feet. As the energy band travels, it magnetizes your energy, harmonizing your energy body and strengthening your Truth Path.
In this way, you are balancing your energy much like turning the dial on the radio eliminates static. To use the energy band to increase your perception of energy, create the energy band and place one hand on either side of your head over you ears. Your sensory centers are the most sensitive places in your body to feel the flow of energy.
Move your hands slightly in this position to notice the effects of subtle energy changes. To use the energy band on an injury, headache, or on a body part needing healing, create the energy band and put one hand on either side of the affected body part. Tune in to the energy in that place and let your hands decide the best position to remind the energy to flow in. Intention is not necessary or appropriate to use with the energy band because we cannot know the "right" way to direct energy. Each person and each experience is different.
Simply placing our hands with the energy band in position is all that is required to remind our body of what to do to bring our energy into alignment. Close off the energy band by slowly returning your hands to their original position in front of your center and bringing them together until the corresponding joints of both hands are once again touching.
You always have the ability to create the energy band when your energy needs alignment. The energy band is one of the ways we can work with Fifth World energy through listening within to create harmony. Explore any feelings or messages you receive while using your energy band so that you can develop your own system of using energy. We are exposed to a tremendous amount of energy every moment of every day. There are Universal energy shifts that we feel on a very deep level.
We also are affected by the transformation of the institutions of the Fourth World which is causing social instability and sometimes chaos in our once stable country. The energy of others around us may also affect us in a personal way. Plants and trees, animals, the food we eat, electricity, magnets and everything we come into contact with also affects our energy. All of this is in addition to your own energy shifting.
That is a lot of stimulation, even if you do not pursue activities during the day. But none of us can afford to just sit around and let the energy shift. We have each chosen to be here at this time for a specific purpose to assist the energy change and bring in the Fifth World. Often, this means that we are creating role models for the future. These new ways of thinking and acting are understandably very slow in being accepted.
Institutions may not yet endorse such different ways and people are going within to listen for the truth. We may not find much support or nourishment for the seeds that we are planting, yet we know that they are so very important to the world. The key to our health and well being during this time is rest.
Your energy is strongest in your center, so these few moments will strengthen and energize you. When you take a small moment away, you may start seeing things with a different perspective and receive inspirations to help you through challenging times. It is also very important to get sufficient sleep at night so that you are able to walk all day amongst shifting energy that can pull you off balance if you are too tired. Whether you sleep or stay awake, your energy is replenished through this connection. The closer you are to MotherEarth, the stronger her energy web.
See if you can visualize this energy web. There is a space between awake and asleep where energy manifests and rearranges. You may or may not be able to perceive it, but even if you do, words are not sufficient to describe this place. A large portion of the time that you think you are asleep, you enter this space between. This is where healing, rearranging and transformation take place within us. This is the time that our mind processes the events of the day and our DNA shifts are triggered. Vortex work can be done in this space by imagining a Vortex image on a part of your body and then letting it go while you enter the healing space.
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You may find that your awareness will return when that Vortex is finished working and then you can initiate a new one on a different part of your body. I have spent all night doing this Vortex healing over my entire body and awakened feeling most wonderfully refreshed and balanced. Even if you chose not to do Vortex healing while you sleep, being in the space between is a necessary part of our transformation and evolution. Getting enough rest is only one way that we must take care of ourselves during this time of rearranging. We must nourish ourselves on all levels of our beings with everything that we do.
Everything that we come into contact with has an energy vibration that affects us. At this time, we need to be especially careful of what we wear and put into our bodies. You are what you eat. Your physical body is built from the vitamins and minerals or the lack of vitamins and minerals in the food that you ingest. Your emotional body is affected by the chemicals, hormones and additives in your food. On a much subtler level, your spirit is influenced by the energy of that plant or animal and the way that it was harvested for you to eat.
In an energetic sense, we really do eat the sunshine, the soil and the air when we eat our food. We are much the same as the primitive hunters that eat the heart of their kill so that they can become strong and take on the spirit of that animal. When we eat a plant or animal, we literally take on the Spirit of that plant or animal and it becomes a part of who we are. If we bless our food, simply state our gratitude for the food or harmonize with its energy, then we will receive its healing gifts. If we grow and harvest our own food, those healing gifts can be greatly increased by the amount of personal energy and good thoughts put into our garden while it is growing.
The energy of the plants, trees, animals and All Our Relations is changing and rearranging just as your personal energy is. That means that the plants and animals each have a different energy vibration and nutritional value than they had in the past. Plants and animals are also affected by environmental toxins and pass these along to you weather you eat organic foods or not.
For these reasons, and because now that your DNA is being activated and your physical body is shifting, your personal nutritional requirements will also need to change to nourish this new growth. There are many schools of nutrition with much good information to share about the right way to eat. But each of us is shifting and changing in our own way so no one will be able to tell you what is right for you. Listen to your body.
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Follow your intuitive feelings for what is best for you to eat. If these feelings are really different than what your diet has been, take a chance and try it out.

Then, pay attention to how you feel after eating this new food, and how you feel later that day, the next day, and even the day after. Learn to observe the subtle changes in your physical body, the way you feel, and the energy surrounding your Sacred Space. Then determine what foods are the most nourishing to support your changes. If you still feel that you need something or are lacking something in your diet, ask a clear question before you go to sleep and then pay attention to your dreams and the feelings or messages you have upon awakening. This is a good way to find out the answers to your questions.
Artificial foods and those with a lot of chemical additives will only serve to muddle your energy and hold back your growth. On the other hand, wild food like the weeds growing in your yard, have adapted to the present vibration of MotherEarth and have the most gifts to give. But, we are each still in the process of transformation and will find our own personal needs somewhere in between.
Listen to what your body is asking for and be grateful for your gifts of food. Whatever your choice may be, you can assist your shifting by eating what you need to feel balanced. The substances that your skin comes into contact with also affect your energy. Soaps, creams and cosmetics as well as paint, chemicals and the cleaning supplies that we use all interact with our energy.
Substances that touch your skin go in through your pores and become a part of your body. Aromas and fumes enter your body through your lungs. You may find your skin changing now, requiring a different kind of attention or maybe even becoming allergic to the same things that you have used all along.
This is because of changing energy vibrations. In the Fourth World, where we were taught that we were separate from the world around us, and there was little concern for the environment. Because this way of thinking is changing very slowly, there is still little regulation for the ingredients in cosmetics and cleaning products.
Sometimes the ingredients are not even listed on the package.
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Luckily, many products are being developed that are all natural and environmentally friendly. It is up to you to decide what is best for you to use. As in the case of eating, what is right for one person may not be the best thing for another to use. This is where it is necessary to know how to connect with the energy of something to determine if it is in harmony with your energy. First, stand firmly on your feet so that you are balanced and connected with MotherEarth. Put your hands on your center, left hand first and right hand covering it, so that you can close off your energy.
Take five slow, deep breaths. If you feel distracted, close your eyes while you are breathing and visualize the Sacred Breath of Life entering your body and bringing you back to your center. While you are breathing, ask your Guardian Spirit to let you know if this specific product is right for you to use. Then, place both of your hands on the item in question. Notice what you are feeling. Pay attention to how your energy is responding. Are your hands hot and tingling or lacking energy?
Do you feel uncomfortable? Use these feelings to make your decision. As you practice connecting energy, you will learn your own energy responses and this will become much easier. You can connect energy with anything outside of yourself. You can use this method to select which potatoes you will eat for dinner, what to clean the bathroom with, where the best location is for you to move, or the sincerity of a friend.
Remember, there are no rights or wrongs in this process, only what is right for you. What is right and healing for you are the things that have an energy vibration most similar to your changing energy vibration. There are ways that we can connect with the energy of the natural world that can be healing for us during this time of changes. Water, one of the primary building blocks of our physical bodies, is very important. The Water World was the first manifestation of life on this planet. Water always has been nourishing for us.
We have all heard the saying that 8 glasses of water a day is a requirement for good health. This is because water replenishes and renews our bodies. Most of us prefer to drink other things now days, although our bodies still need water. The rest of Our Relations drink only water. It is essential now to drink lots of water so that we can easily flow through these changes. Look for clear, clean water that has natural minerals. Make sure that your water source is not contaminated with run off from farming, industry and gas drilling.
Water can be healing for us in other ways. In many traditions, healing baths are used. Herbs prepared in a bath will bring their healing gifts to the bather. A bath of warm salt water will draw toxins from our physical bodies and clear our energy webs. In the purification lodge, steam renews our Earth connection. Even sitting in a tub of plain water can be a relaxing and replenishing experience. Listen to the song of the water as it flows over the rocks, as the waves crash on the shore, as rain falls on the leaves and as the fog softly rolls by.
Many of our Ancestors held special ceremonies at the sea, rivers and lakes. Everyone needs the periodic renewal that comes from listening to water. If you are able to sit by one of these special places, the water can renew your spirit as well as your thoughts and your body. As they resonate, the storms are called and the seasons change. Their energy is strong enough to sing all the way out to greet our Universal family. But do not go searching for a crystal to use.
In the past few decades, the popularity of crystals has lead to many of them being removed from deep inside MotherEarth. This has brought a major imbalance to MotherEarth. Similar healing energy can be found in the stones that we find wherever we walk upon the Earth. While you are out walking, look at the Stone People. Notice their shapes, the marks on their surfaces and where they are located. If you are real perceptive, you may be able to see the marks encoded deep inside each stone.
Pick them up and feel their energy. You may find a stone that fits in the palm of your hand that feels really good. This stone can be a healing stone for you. There are many ways to use a healing stone. Carry it in your pocket and touch it often. Sleep with your stone. Listen with your inner ears and see with your inner eyes.
Notice your dream messages. What does this Stone Person have to tell you? If you are injured or sick, placing a stone on your body can help ease pain and shift your energy. Stones carry minerals that can balance your body and the vibration of MotherEarth that can balance your thoughts and energy. Put your stone in a clear glass of water in either sun or moon light, let the stone sit for awhile in the water to infuse its gifts, then drink in the healing energy of MotherEarth and FatherSky.
Let the Stone People remind you to take a break and just be. The Stone People are the backbone of MotherEarth and they can be our support through changing times. Through their leaves, the trees renew and replenish the air that we breathe. Their branches dance with the wind and send messages through the woodlands. Listen to the trees talking. Watch the clouds overhead. Observe the behavior of the animals. If you pay attention, you will be alerted to all the major Earth changes before they happen. Trees are the source of our life. Without them, we could not survive.
Besides purifying the air, they give us food to eat, medicines to keep us healthy, wood to build homes and just about whatever else we need. It is no wonder that our Ancestors had stories designating the Sacred Tree that as the center of our world. When we honor the Tree People, we are grateful for the gifts given to us by MotherEarth to survive. Find a tree that you like to be around. Go there and sit quietly for at least 15 minutes a day if you can. While you are sitting under your tree, shut off thoughts from the tape that runs through your head. Focus on your breathing and feel how the rhythm of your breathing is shared by the trees.
Feel the energy of the tree. Listen to the sounds around you. Listen to the tree for as long as you want. Let your inner eyes follow the roots of the tree all the way down inside MotherEarth. Ground yourself through this connection to MotherEarth. Sit straight up against the trunk of the tree and feel the strength of the tree renewing your inner strength. Become a part of the Earth like the tree that is rooted in the same place season after season.
When you feel complete, open your eyes and look at the tree. Find the beauty in its bark and leaves. Observe how the branches dance. Walk away feeling taller because you have shared with the tree. Everyone has a centering tree that they can go to for grounding and healing. Once you find your centering tree, all trees of that species carry the medicine of your connection so you will be able to find another tree to center you wherever you go. As you sit with the Water People, Stone People and Tree People you may discover more of their special gifts that can help you adapt to these energy shifts.
Spend time with them often. These Nature Spirits will help you release, renew your spirit, and assist with changing your energy vibration to match the vibration of the Fifth World. The benefits you receive will be reflected in your physical health and emotional well being. Over ten years ago, I had a dream that I knew represented a crucial time for the evolution of our species of Two-Leggeds on the Earth. I was standing on the top of a very tall building with a group of people that represented every ethnicity and nationality. Suddenly, the building began to tremble and shake. Fearfully, people started running in all directions.
I called the people together and asked them to join their hands in a circle and focus their thoughts on peace. That circle and its focused thought brought a sense of unity to the situation. The building under us exploded and we shot up into the air as if propelled by a rocket. We looked back at the Earth on fire below us. There was no turning back. Where we were headed depended on the thoughts that were held by the people in that circle of joined hands.
I wrote this dream down in my journal, although at the time I did not fully understand its message. Then, while watching the newscast of the Sept. We have passed through the center of the Vortex. Now is the crucial time in the evolution of our species. MotherEarth is in the fires of transformation and it is up to us to envision the world of the future. We can not turn back. Where we are headed depends on the thoughts of everyone in the circle. The question is, how do we envision the future?
The first step is to remember our gifts and use them. Our First Ancestors were given a very special gift when they entered the Earthwalk. They were given a way to create with their thoughts. For many years, our Ancestors used their gifts of creative thought and were mindful of the effects of their actions on all of their Relations.
Our Ancestors knew that, if they held a focused thought for what they envisioned, they could make it come about. This is how our First Ancestors learned to make fire, what food to eat, and how to communicate with the other Creature Beings.
This is how our First Ancestors discovered what makes our human bodies work and who our Universal neighbors are. Those focused thoughts lead to great inventions that have made life easier for us. Our thoughts have energy and movement. Once we create a thought, it goes out onto the Web of Life and touches All Our Relations, every living and non-living particle in the Universe, until it finally brings back to you the very image that you imagined.
If you think you have no friends, or worry that you are sick, your thoughts can manifest these situations in your life. Hateful thoughts can bring violence into your life. Unfocused thoughts can bring chaos and illness. It is just as easy to think thoughts that are happy and healthy. If you love yourself then others will see that love and you will have many friends.
If you believe that you can make it, you can achieve a goal beyond all odds or beat a terminal illness. Love can bring harmony and happiness into your life and the lives of others. Focused thoughts can create a peaceful world. Start by simply recognizing what thoughts you are generating with your mind.