Buffy présente Spike : Un sombre reguge (Buffy contre les vampires) (French Edition)
Sometimes stories go off the rails and this is certainly one of them. Oh, that final page! If you understand why such a statement is completely awesome then you may want to check this out — though I recommend starting at issue six and going from there. Nov 01, Ashley rated it liked it Shelves: One one hand, I feel like Gischler got a lot of things right, with Spike's characterization and the dialogue between characters.
I think he even manages to make Spike's space bugs amusing. But this also felt like it was trying way too hard. I mean, you do a Spike miniseries, and this is what you come up with? Sep 18, Alex rated it liked it Shelves: In the end this miniseries is just one of those comics that is produced just to keep things ticking over, "oh yeah, we can have a Spike miniseries to bridge the gap between x and y because It's ultimately OK and never really boring, but I could easily have lived without it.
I should probably stop being a Buffy completist. View all 4 comments. Dec 01, Jessamyn Leigh rated it liked it Shelves: I'm not really here for the Buffyverse going to space or the almost-romantic subplot. But I am always here for Spike adventures, so this was pretty fun. Oct 01, Kate M. Colby rated it it was amazing.
Really enjoyed the deep dive into Spike's character, his ongoing feelings for Buffy, and especially his relationship with the bugs. Jul 25, kory. I love Spike, and the bugs aren't as annoying as I expected, but why waste so much story on Morgan? Jun 02, Valerie rated it really liked it Shelves: Spike has always been one of my favorite characters in the Buffyverse.
I have to say, jumping in mid-stream may not have worked in my favor on this one. I was kind of confused at the whole space ship and the bug-like creatures that seemed to worship Spike. I decided to just roll with it and take it for what it was. All he wants is a quiet place to mourn his unrequited love of Buffy, when some big bads come along and try to force him to help them find a shard of the seed. This launches him on quite an adventure based on trying to use a shard to rekindle some lost magic.
The fight scenes are excellent.
Throughout the story, he was all condescension and sarcasm, seeming to talk down to his bug-like minions. Sigh, I do so love me some Spike. Some of my favorite lines include: As typically, the cover and splash pages are the most notable images. The best of these is the splash page of Spike all battered and bloody about to nurse his black eye with a bottle of whiskey.
Some of my favorite panels include: I now appears I have some catching up to do. This book was provided to me at no cost by the publisher as an advanced review copy through Net Galley. This review was originally published on Silk Screen Views review blog. May 23, Anna Curiosity comes before Kay Partrick rated it liked it. So, I did not realize that this comic was set during Season 9 of Buffy or that there even was a Season 9! I haven't quite caught up on 8 yet and this threw me into the deep end of things without any real clue what was happening.
All I know is that Spike is somehow Captaining a spaceship to the dark side of the moon literally and in charge of his own army of buggy, alien minions. The artificial sun-room on the ship was awesome and Spike trying to drown himself in alcohol was definitely in char So, I did not realize that this comic was set during Season 9 of Buffy or that there even was a Season 9! The artificial sun-room on the ship was awesome and Spike trying to drown himself in alcohol was definitely in character. He has some wonderful sarcastic and smarmy remarks, but the bugs are pretty funny too especially head bug, Sebastian.
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I especially love when he's willing to commandeer the ship and get Spike away from a very suspicious but hot succubus who is trying to play him like a fiddle. The later part of this story arc is about Spike trying to prevent her and from opening up the Hellmouth with a shard of some alien seed. And some other characters from his past are also after the shard, for the power and magic that it will bring them the use of. My least favorite thing about this other than the slow burn of the plot is the weird, and overblown infiltration of straight sci-fi into the Buffyverse, which is strictly fantasy in my mind.
As much as I love Spike, this whole plot just felt like unnecessary filler and I reveled in his wonderful Spike-ness which I've missed. But overall it was a disappointment and if that's the direction Season 9 is going I'm not even going to bother catching up. It does get major points for kick-ass art and great action sequences, plus some truly funny remarks. Otherwise I say you should just skip it. No favors or money were exchanged for this review. This book's expected publication date is June 5th, Mar 06, Elia rated it really liked it Shelves: I looooooove me some Spike. Also, Buffy's wishy-washy whiny character is starting to annoy the crap out of me, so I was happy to be able to read something new that focuses only on my favorite guy from the entire Buffyverse.
This volume picks up where Season 9 Volume 2 of Buffy ends - with Spike back in space with his giant buggy friends. He's trying to figure out how to live Buffy-free and basically trying to consume as much alcohol as possible. Enter some fish demons, and a super hot succucubus in a black leather catsuit. Throw in some humor as provided by the giant space-roaches and a good bit of delicious Spike shirtlessness and we have a winner! May 25, Claire rated it really liked it Shelves: This story occurs after Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 issue 10 or if you're reading the collections after Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9, volume 2: Read the beginning of BtVS season 9 first to get all the relevant back story.
A Dark Place follows Spike, the vampire, to the dark side of the moon. After being dumped by his love interest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike indulges in heavy drinking to cope. However, he seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when he is forced to guide dangerous demons to an old temple that held powerful shards, which can open world-destroying hellmouths.
Spike: A Dark Place
He deals with the demons of his past, while also trying not to die at th Spike: He deals with the demons of his past, while also trying not to die at the hands of the physical foes. Spike undergoes moments where he almost regrets being with Buffy and growing soft as a vampire. Choosing to have a soul and conscience is an overall lesson in his story.
The storyline is easy to understand and uses concise language throughout. The illustrations are in multi-color and are appealing to readers. In the story, readers will see Spike evolve from sadness, to regret, to acceptance. This comic effectively conveys intense battle scenes and interesting character development by Spike and his other foes. A Dark Place is a good read for male readers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and those who are interested in horror genres. Jun 15, Anna rated it liked it.
This all eventually leads to both Spike and his crew of bug bots heading back to Sunnydale as prisoner of some other unsightly creatures who are looking for shards of a seed that will help them open a gate to their home…as well as another ch Spike: This all eventually leads to both Spike and his crew of bug bots heading back to Sunnydale as prisoner of some other unsightly creatures who are looking for shards of a seed that will help them open a gate to their home…as well as another character Spike meets along the way.
While on the surface Spike appears to sneakily help out those around him, from the strange creatures who imprison him at the beginning of the volume to the rather mysterious Morgan he meets in Sunnydale, Spike is always brooding over Buffy, as he always did in the later episodes of the television series. A Dark Place is a supplemental purchase for public library collections. Aug 27, Paige rated it really liked it Shelves: I have to say that Spike is one of my least favorite characters so how is that his standalone books is far and beyond way better than most of the Buffy volumes?
Probably because he's mostly there to be a broody fun time and the Buffy books have to delve into real subjects and sometimes they get to weird or too uncomfortable. I don't know, but I genuinely had a good time reading this volume. I loved the bug guys and how everything turned out at Easter Island. I thought it did a good job referenci I have to say that Spike is one of my least favorite characters so how is that his standalone books is far and beyond way better than most of the Buffy volumes?
I thought it did a good job referencing things that were going on in the larger series, but it wasn't absolutely necessary to have read them in order to have a good time reading this one. Honestly maybe I should cut Spike more slack and be less on team Angel, but I just can't help it.
Angel: After the Fall — Wikipédia
May 18, Max Ostrovsky rated it liked it Shelves: Spike with an army of Alien bugs and a space ship. Why is it that Spike always get the army? May 25, Lani rated it it was amazing.
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This is a great Spike story; I love the repeated touches of the theme. The succubus storyline kinda came out of nowhere. Would be interested to see more from her in the future Jun 13, Tara Schaafsma rated it really liked it Shelves: Liked this one a little better than some of season 9 Buffy ones.
Jun 25, C. Hrivnak rated it liked it Shelves: May 16, Abigail Pankau rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this Spike stand-alone. Great to see things from his point of view for a bit to get more character arc for him. Nice complementary series to go with Buffy Season 9. Love to read This comic is fun and it is for everyone who is a Buffy fan. Feb 27, Kelly rated it really liked it.

I love Spike and the bugs! This one is so introspective, I just love it. Jun 14, Pamela D rated it really liked it Shelves: Review for Season 9 of Buffy: Last year, I read the craziness that was Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Season Eight. The story got a wee bit out of control and got a bit too epic. The story also suffered from wanting to follow about fifteen characters. Luckily, Joss Whedon learned from his mistakes. My favorite change to Season Nine was that several characters received their own books. Buffy had five books, Angel and Faith had five books, and Spike and Willow each had one book too.
Breaking up the Buffy-verse make each book tighter and more focused. Season Eight felt a bit scattered with random standalone stories that came out of nowhere. With different characters having their own books, I felt more guaranteed that my Buffy comic was going to have Buffy in it. In addition to appreciating breaking up the characters, I loved that Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Season Nine and the other series returned to basics.
The story focused on how the aftermath of the showdown in the final arc of Season Nine affected Buffy and her Scoobies. Season Nine didn't take us around the world or into different dimensions but that was okay, because the Scooby gang was doing what it does best: Les lords pensent qu'Angel est toujours un vampire, et en ont chacun une. Spider prend la lance et dit que Spike devrait la garder, qu'Illyria n'en a pas besoin - c'est une peste, une gamine.
Retour sur Angel et Wesley, dans une voiture avec les deux femmes. On apprend qu'il s'agit de… Lorne. Tout le monde croit encore qu'Angel est un vampire. Il lui montre les champions choisis, parmi lesquels la femme de Skip et un T-Rex.
Afin d'aider Angel, Lorne lui offre l'aide… du Grosalugg. Celui-ci est heureux de pouvoir aider ses amis. Enfin, on retrouve Wesley et Lorne, parlant maintenant d'Angel. Angel tente de se justifier de ses erreurs. Gunn commente le combat qui continue: Pendant qu'ils se battent, Angel demande aux autres pourquoi ils sont venus: Il trouve Fred humaine et quand Spike va sauver un humain et qu'il est en mauvaise posture, Illyria le sauve.
Gwen est sur la plage avec son amoureux quand L. Angel affronte son dragon et lui dit qu'il va revenir. Pendant qu'Angel apprivoise son dragon, Gunn est pris par des vampires qui le transforment. Quand il apprend la nouvelle, il tue le chef et devient le chef de la bande. Il sort un pieu et tue ce vampire.
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- Spike: A Dark Place by Victor Gischler.
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Pendant ce temps, le combat continue. Les lords protestent car Angel devait combattre seul. Pour se venger, ils envoient leurs champions tuer les humains. Le plan d'Angel pour gagner et de provoquer les lords, ce qu'il fait au grand dam de Spike. Angel se tournent vers eux, leur crie quelques choses et les lords explosent.
Angel dit que ce ne sera pas des patrouilles au sens strict du terme. Une heure plus tard, Wesley et Spike parlent d'Illyria, qui accorde d'ailleurs sa confiance au vampire. Angel, Connor, Illyria, Nina et Gwen survolent la ville sur le dos du dragon.
Les vampires la prenne pour une Tueuse. Quelques minutes plus tard, Illyria suspend ce vampire du haut d'un immeuble. Tous bombarde Angel de question et le vampire qu'il torture demande s'il est maintenant dans le cercle puisqu'il le sait. Gwen part le chercher. Cela finit par marcher, il les stoppe, les fige dans leur attaque. La tueuse souhaite crier mais ne peut pas… Les vampires et George montent sur le toit. Alors qu'ils parlent, le dragon d'Angel se rapproche d'eux.
Illyria voit le nid de vampire et Angel commande Nina est toujours avec eux de frapper vite les vampires pour ne pas qu'ils s'enfuient. Illyria se transforme en Fred.