Brede (Rodeo Romance Book 2)
Her village destroyed and her people murdered by a group of revolutionaries who now hold her hostage. Trouble is something hard-edged rancher, Brede Kristensen, knows all about. Yet in the midst of a violent sto With a dangerous reputation for taking chances and tempting fate, rugged cowboy Lynx Maddox had one goal in life -- to win the coveted Silver Buckle rodeo championship. But when he sets eyes on lovely Rachel Scott, he becomes determined to capture Trouble is something hard-edged rancher, Brede Kristensen, knows all about: Tanayia esta sola en el mundo.
Su aldea a sido destruida y su gente asesinada por un grupo de revolucionarios los cuales la llevan como rehn.
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Una atrevida escapapatoria por el suelo de los Cochise salva la vida de Tanayia, pero pront Cowboy Lynx Maddox has a dangerous reputation for tempting fate. Although Michael is the aerialist, it is Lisa who is flying on an emotional high wire. What happened to her safety net? Will their love survive? Trouble is something hard-edged rancher, Brede Kristensen, knows all about.
Yet in the midst of a violent storm, he finds an injured woman. Beaten and left for dead, Amberlynn Maddox has no memory of her past. Brede and Amberlynn are very strong and likeable characters. The ranch hands are very colorful and fun, especially Caldwell, the ornery cook.
Connie Vines
His elopement had me laughing out loud! This is a very entertaining story. The characters a fully developed and will have the reader caring about the outcome. A wonderful heartfelt story that will thrill the readers. Award-Winning author, Connie Vines lives deep in the quirky suburbs of Southern California in a butter-yellow house shaded by mimosa and magnolia trees with her husband. Connie has published over one hundred fiction and nonfiction articles, seven genre novels and educational student activity books.
She has also ghost-written two literary novels and one screen play. Taking full advantage of her nomadic childhood, Connie weaves her regional and international experiences into her novels and novellas. What, or who, inspired you to become a writer? Since my father was career military, our family relocated frequently. This contributed to my being a very shy and quiet child; and is also the reason I am very observant.
To be a writer one needs to cultivate an awareness of the world that is more than visual.
Connie Vines Books on Apple Books
As for inspiration, I come from a family of ravenous readers. I also knew my family tree was peppered with writers, composers and musicians. When did you begin writing with the intention of becoming published? While I had always desired to be a writer, I became a focused writer about 20 years ago. Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and why?
Yes, I believe my environment and upbringing did play a major role in my desire to be a writer.

I recall asking for a filing cabinet as a birthday gift when I turned eight. Do you come up with your title s before or after you write the manuscript s?
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I come up with a title before I begin my novel. When I near the final act of the novel, I come up with my final title the one my characters like. Tell us why you write the genre s that you write?
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During this time I also published nonfiction articles on writing as a craft and worked part-time as an acquisition editor for an independent Christian publishing company. I also did a short stint as a ghostwriter. Tell us your most rewarding experience while in the writing process? The End is the best part of the writing process. What one positive piece of advice would you give to other authors?
Never stop studying your craft. Always, always enjoy life! I have served on numerous boards of the years, and am currently serving as president of GothRom writers of romantic Gothic fiction Chapter. I also judge writing contests on a local and national level for adults and young adults. Who is your favorite author and why? Oh, there are so many: As for contemporary authors: I recall the 1 st book being a Book of the Month selection—I was forever hooked after reading the blurb!
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?