
AO DEUS DESCONHECIDO - Amilton de Cristo (Portuguese Edition)

Those expressions are used for calculating the others sensitivity coefficients from the input variable. It is going to use the combined uncertainty and the expanded uncertainty, with a level of confidence of Biological dosimetry estimates the absorbed dose taking into account changes in biological parameters. The most used biological indicator of an exposition to ionizing radiation is the quantification of chromosomal aberrations of lymphocytes from irradiated individuals.

The curves of dose versus induced biological effects, obtained through bionalyses, are used in used in retrospective evaluations of the dose , mainly in the case of accidents. The objective of the work was to establish a curve of dose versus frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of human blood. Soft tissue composition was employed to simulate blood tissue and the analyses of the curve of dose versus biological effect showed a linear quadratic response of the unstable chromosomal aberrations. Applicability of a prototype for determination of absorbed dose using brachytherapy equipment with Ir sources; Aplicabilidade de um prototipo para determinacao da dose absorvida utilizando equipamentos de braquiterapia com fontes de IR This work aims at the development and improvement of a device to perform the absolute dosimetry sources of Ir using the Fricke solution contained in a flask.

The Fricke solution used was prepared using amounts of ferrous ammonium sulfate, sodium chloride and sulfuric acid, diluted with water tri distilled pre-established in the literature. The calculation for determining the radial dose takes into account the radial distance and the angle formed with the transverse axis of the source.

Determination of gamma radiation dose for destruction of Salmonella spp. The aim of this study was to determinate: Determination of the equivalent doses due to the ingestion of radionuclides from the uranium and thorium series presents in drinking waters of the region of Santa Luzia, Paraiba state, Brazil; Determinacao das doses equivalentes devido a ingestao de radionuclideos das series do uranio e torio presentes em aguas de consumo do municipio de Santa Luzia, estado da Paraiba.

Diretoria de Radioprotecao e Seguranca Nuclear. This paper determined the original dose equivalents from radionuclides of uranium and thorium series in a drinking water of well which is supplied to the population of Santa Luzia, Paraiba state, Brazil. The collected waters are near to the mineralized phlegmatic bodies in rose quartz and amazonite feldspar. For the calculation of dose equivalent it was taken into consideration the following parameters: The obtained values were compared with the reference value for compromised dose equivalent established by WHO for evaluate the risk potential to the health of population, by ingestion.

The radionuclide concentrations in the wells varies from 0. Determination of the dose of gamma radiation sterilization for assessment of biological parameters of male Ceratitis capitada Diptera: Tephritidae , tsl - Vienna 8 strain; Determinacao da dose de radiacao gama esterilizante pela avaliacao dos parametros biologicos de machos de Ceratitis capitata Diptera: Tephritidae , linhagem tsl - Vienna 8. The Vienna-8, tsl temperature sensitive lethal strain of Ceratitis capitata, by presenting mutations that facilitate the mass rearing and release only of sterile males in the field, has been used in Sterile Insect Technique programmes.

The objective of this study was to determine the radiation dose that provides the highest level of sterility for Vienna-8, tsl males assessing their biological parameters that indicate the quality of sterile males to be released. The determination of the sterilizing dose was based on fertility of sexually mature females of the bisexual strain and not irradiated, mated with males of different treatments.

Eggs were collected daily during 6 days, were counted and it was possible to estimate fecundity, and assess the hatching rate. To assess the longevity under nutritional stress, the insects were kept a period of 48 h after emergence in the absence of water and food, and after this period, mortality was recorded. The size of the testes left and right was obtained by dissecting irradiated and non-irradiated males at the eighth day of life, and measure the testes in an ocular micrometer, considering the maximum length and width of each sample.

To determine the sperm number was necessary to dissect the males and break their testicles. No difference was observed in emergence rate, flight ability and longevity of irradiated and non-irradiated males, nor in the fecundity of females mated with males of different treatments. The sterilizing dose that resulted in lower fertility of females was Gy, with 1. Dose calculations were performed in order to evaluate the importance of this radionuclide to the radiation exposure due to the ingestion of these waters. Determination of atomic number and composition of human enamel; Determinacao da composicao e numero atomico efetivo do esmalte humano.

Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras. The teeth are organs of complicated structure that consist, partly, of hard tissue containing in its interior the dental pulp, rich in vases and nerves. The main mass of the tooth is constituted by the dentine, which is covered with hard tissues and of epithelial origin called enamel. The dentine of the human teeth used in this work were completely removed and the teeth were cut with a device with a diamond disc. In this work the chemical composition of the human enamel was determined, which showed a high percentage of Ca and P, in agreement with the results found in the literature.

The effective atomic number of the material and the half-value layer in the energy range of diagnostic X-ray beams were determined. Teeth could be used to evaluated the public's individual doses as well as for retrospective dosimetry what confirms the importance of their effective atomic number and composition determination. Real time determination of dose radiation through artificial intelligence and virtual reality; Determinacao de dose de radiacao, em tempo real, atraves de inteligencia artificial e realidade virtual.

In the last years, a virtual environment of Argonauta research reactor, sited in the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear Brazil , has been developed. Such environment, called here Argonauta Virtual AV , is a 3D model of the reactor hall, in which virtual people avatar can navigate. In AV, simulations of nuclear sources and doses are possible. Extending the scope of AV, this work is intended to provide a continuous determination of gamma radiation dose in the reactor hall, based in several monitored parameters. To accomplish that a module based in artificial neural network ANN was developed.

The ANN module is able to predict gamma radiation doses using as inputs: The ANN training data has been obtained by measurements of gamma radiation doses in a mesh of points, with previously defined positions, for different power levels. Through the use of ANN it is possible to estimate, in real time, the dose received by a person at any position in Argonauta reactor hall. Such approach allows tasks simulations and training of people inside the AV system, without exposing them to radiation effects. Determination of the initial energy in computerized tomography with proton beams; Determinacao da energia inicial em tomografia computadorizada com feixe de protons.

In earliest works devoted to proton computed tomography it was shown that the advantage of pCT image reconstruction appears when the energy is close to the Bragg peak region, since the proton passes the object. This effect provided by the Bragg peak makes the computerized tomography with protons possible.

However, when decreasing the initial proton energy, with the increase of the irradiation dose , there are two effects that work simultaneously in opposite ways. First, the energy loss of a proton in an object becomes bigger at small initial energy. At the same time decreasing of the proton energy results in the increase of the energy straggling, requiring a larger number of protons. In this work the radiation dose dependence on the proton initial energy was studied using analytical formulas and computer simulations. The investigation determined that the radiation dose practically does not depend on the initial energy, except in the energy region very close to the minimum energy necessary to pass the object.

Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. The dosimeter has the outside diameter 3 mm, and the length of 25,4 mm 1 inch. In order to use this dosimeter for monitoring the existing real time calorimetry dosimeter system set up in a electron beam waste treatment plant. The result show that in the dose range of kGy the ALANPOL dosimeter system is suitable underwater monitoring for absorbed dose and can be applied for the evaluation of the on line calorimetry dosimeter system.

Use of thin layer chromatography for the determination of radiochemical purity of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine services of Paraiba and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; Utilizacao da cromatografia em camada delgada para determinacao da pureza radioquimica de radiofarmacos em servicos de medicina nuclear da Paraiba e Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.

The paper chromatography and the thin layer chromatography are separation techniques in which the radioactive components migrate because of their affinity with the eluent mobile phase or stationary phase, respectively. The evaluation of radiochemical purity of radiopharmaceuticals is essential to produce images free of artifacts as well as avoid unnecessary absorbed dose to the patient. Once they are managed in humans it is important and necessary that they undergo to strict quality control. The results show that the use of thin layer chromatography TLC as a standard method in routine of nuclear medicine services is possible, because it provides important data for the evaluation of radiochemical purity, allowing the exclusion of a radiopharmaceutical poorly marked.

O delineamento adotado foi o d Determination of radiochemistry purity and pH of radiopharmaceutical in Northeast nuclear medicine services; Determinacao da pureza radioquimica e pH de radiofarmacos em servicos de medicina nuclear do Nordeste. Andrade, Wellington; Santos, Poliane, E-mail: The radiopharmaceutical is a chemical compound associated with a radionuclide, which is selected so that meets the need cf diagnosis and capable of producing quality images. Among these tests are those of radiochemical purity and pH determination.

This study evaluated the radiochemical purity of radiopharmaceuticals and pH SMN manipulated in the Northeast. The radiochemical purity RCP was determined by thin layer chromatography, which were used Whatman Registered-Sign and silica gel, with dimensions of 1 x 10 cm, as stationary phase, and solvents indicated in the inserts of manufacturers. The chromatographic strips were placed in sealed containers so as not to touch the walls thereof. After the chromatographic run, the tape was cut every centimeter and the activities determined in doses of each calibrator NMS. The pH of the radiopharmaceutical was assessed through the use of universal pH paper Merck Registered-Sign and obtained staining compared with its color scale.

The results showed hat Well, they can detect possible problems in the marking of radiopharmaceuticals administered to the patient and avoid inappropriate material. Calculation of dose equivalents for photon skyshine production; Calculo da dose equivalente para fotons decorrente da producao de skyshine. Some radiation facilities are designed with little shielding in the ceiling above the accelerator. A problem may then arise as a result of the radiation scattered by the atmosphere to points at ground level outside the treatment room.

McGinley has compared skyshine measurements made at an 18 MeV medical accelerator facility with values calculated using the techniques presented in NCRP Report No. Measurements were made of the photon levels outside a treatment room housing a Varian deg C. The roof above the accelerator was designed for weather protection only and offered little shielding for the primary beam and scattered radiation. The distance from the treatment room floor to the roof was 4.

The secondary walls were fabricated of concrete 0. The results for the photon skyshine rate dose as a function of distance from the isocenter using Monte Carlo code, are compared with those in NCRP publication 74 and measured obtained. The photon skyshine dose rates simulated for real clinic spectra transmitted through roof range from 4. Determination of electron clinical spectra from percentage depth dose PDD curves by classical simulated annealing method; Determinacao de espectros de energia de eletrons clinicos a partir de curvas de porcentagem de dose em profundidade PDP utilizando o metodo de recozimento simulado classico.

Wilches; Costa, Alessandro M. Percentage depth dose of electron beams represents an important item of data in radiation therapy treatment since it describes the dosimetric properties of these. Using an accurate transport theory, or the Monte Carlo method, has been shown obvious differences between the dose distribution of electron beams of a clinical accelerator in a water simulator object and the dose distribution of monoenergetic electrons of nominal energy of the clinical accelerator in water.

In radiotherapy, the energy spectrum of electrons should be considered to improve the accuracy of dose calculation, because the electron beams that reach the surface traveling through internal structures of accelerator are not in fact monoenergetic. There are three principal approaches to obtain electron energy spectra from central PDP: In this work, it will be presented the Simulated Annealing method as a practical, reliable and simple approach of inverse reconstruction as being an optimal alternative to other options.

Estimation of average glandular dose depending on the thickness of the breast; Estimativa da dose glandular media em funcao da espessura da mama. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women worldwide. Mammography is, to date, the most efficient method for detecting an abnormality in the patient's breast. It is a technique of imaging diagnostic that requires special care because radiographs without adequate quality may lead to a false diagnosis and lead to the need for a repeat examination, increasing the dose of radiation in the patient.

This study aimed to evaluate the average glandular dose AGD , depending on the breast thickness in patients undergoing routine tests, with a digital computer radiography processing system. The calculated value of the AGD for this track thickness was 1. The performance of mammography quality control tests was satisfactory and the AGD values obtained for the chosen thickness range is acceptable, since the threshold achievable is 1. In Brazil, it is only required the input dose calculation in skin for 45 mm breasts. However, the calculation of AGD is required for different thicknesses of the breast, to identify the best mammographic pattern aiming at better image quality at the lowest dose provided the patient.

Measurement of conversion coefficients between air Kerma and personal dose equivalent and backscatter factors for diagnostic X-ray beams; Determinacao experimental dos coeficientes de conversao de Kerma no ar para o equivalente de dose pessoal, Hp d , e fatores de retroespalhamento em feixes de raios-x diagnostico. Two sets of quantities are import in radiological protection: Both sets can be related to basic physical quantities such as kerma through conversion coefficients.

For diagnostic x-ray beams the conversion coefficients and backscatter factors have not been determined yet, those parameters are need for calibrating dosimeters that will be used to determine the personal dose equivalent or the entrance skin dose. Conversion coefficients between air kerma and personal dose equivalent and backscatter factors were experimentally determined for the diagnostic x-ray qualities RQR and RQA recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC. The air kerma in the phantom and the mean energy of the spectrum were measured for such purpose.

A mm x mm x mm polymethylmethacrylate PMMA slab phantom was used for deep- dose measurements. Tl dosemeters were placed in the central axis of the x-ray beam at 5, 10, 15, 25 and 35 mm depth in the phantom upstream the beam direction Another required parameter for determining the conversion coefficients from was the mean energy of the x-ray spectrum. Corrections due to the detector intrinsic efficiency, total energy absorption, escape fraction of the characteristic x-rays, Compton effect and attenuation in the detector were done aiming an the accurate determination of the mean energy.

Measured x-ray spectra were corrected with the stripping method by using these response functions. The typical combined standard uncertainties of. Avaliacao da seguranca de diferentes doses de suplementos de acido folico em mulheres do Brasil. Use of fertilizer is an established practice worldwide to promote agricultural productivity increased without increasing the planted area, resulting in native forests protection and increase of the food availability. Knowledge of the radioactivity levels in the environment is great importance to know the gamma radiation dose that the human being is exposed.

For identification and quantitation of radionuclides, it was used gamma spectrometry where HPGe detector was used to obtain the spectra, and LabSOCS software for calculating the detection efficiency for each energy. Concentrations of values are consistent with those found in literature. Determination of the frequency of polymorphisms in genes related to the genome stability maintenance of the population residing at Monte Alegre, PA Brazil municipality; Determinacao da frequencia de polimorfismos em genes relacionados a manutencao da estabilidade do genoma na populacao residente no municipio de Monte Alegre, PA.

The human exposure to ionizing radiation coming from natural sources is an inherent feature of human life on earth, for man and all living things have always been exposed to these sources. Ionizing radiation is a known genotoxic agent which can affect the genomic stability and genes related to DNA repair may play a role when they have committed certain polymorphism.

And the genotype frequencies of individuals for the three genes were These values are similar to those found in previous studies. The influence of these polymorphisms, which are involved in DNA repair and consequent genotoxicity induced by radiation depends on dose and exposure factors such as smoking, which is statistically a factor in public health surveillance in the region. This study gathered information and molecular epidemiology in Monte Alegre, that help to characterization of local population.

A dose foi de 10 mg por quilo de peso corporal em 34 pacientes, O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da densidade do solo e de doses de P no crescimento da soja e do eucalipto em solos com diferentes texturas: Agriculture and soil management in the Cerrado can cause soil compaction, resulting in decreased porosity and water and nutrient availability, with a negative impact on plant growth and development.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil density and phosphorus doses P on soybean and eucalyptus grown in two Cerrado oxisols with. Oxamniquine in capsules was used in the treatment of patients with chronic Schistosoma mansoni infections.

The dose was 10mg per kiio body weight in 34 patients, The tolerance was excellent in The most frequent complaints were dizziness and somnolence which appear soon after ingestion and was transitory. Laboratory investigations showed in a few patients bromosutphalein retention, raised transaminases or biiirubin but insufficient to constitute hepatoxicity. The follow-up of the patients continued for more than 4 months and consisted of five or more examinations by a sedimentation method.

AH the examinations were negative in 20 Preliminary characterization of dose in personnel of interventional radiology; Caracterizacao preliminar da dose em profissionais de radiologia intervencionista. Exposure to X-rays of Interventional Radiology professionals IR impacts in the high dose rate received by these individuals, and there are reports of biological effects of this professional activity.

Therefore, it is fomented greater control over the doses received by these workers. This research intends to characterize the doses received by the professionals during IR procedures. We evaluated the doses of radiologists, anesthesiologists and nursing staff of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, through measures with dosimeters of the OSL type, distributed in up to six regions of the body of these professionals.

Until now were accompanied 33 cholangiography procedures and 29 embolization procedures. As a preliminary result, it was possible to identify a wide variation between doses of the professionals of the same function in each procedure. Evaluation of the absorbed dose in odontological computerized tomography; Avaliacao da dose absorvida em tomografia computadorizada odontologica.

Legnani, Adriano; Schelin, Hugo R. This paper evaluated the absorbed dose at the surface entry known as 'cone beam computed tomography' CBCT in odontological computerized tomography. Examination were simulated with CBCT for measurements of dose. A phantom were filled with water, becoming scatter object of radiation. Thermoluminescent dosemeters were positioned on points correspondent to eyes and salivary glands. Dose assessment in internal dosimetry needs computational and interpretative tools that allow carrying out, as a first step, an evaluation of intake on the base of bioassay measurements or WBC measurements, and as a second step, dose evaluation on the base of estimated intake.

A technical form has been sent to all the WBC Centres allowing an accurate description of modalities used in each centre. In this paper all the forms filled in are reported. A careful comparative evaluation of the answers has been made both for routine monitoring and for special monitoring. The various radionuclides present in the Italian reality, calculation methodologies both for intake and dose , hypotheses adopted for date, path and modalities of contaminations are also presented.

ABSTRACT Influence of tablet splitting on dose uniformity In order to assess the uniformity of the dose of active ingredient in the halves of tablets subjected to splitting, the hardness, friability, weight variability and uniformity of content were studied in four samples of 40 mg tablets of furosemide obtained on the Brazilian market, both whole and split into two parts. All the tablets complied with the official specifications before splitting, but, after this procedure, the drug content in the halves showed excessive variation, indicating that this procedure is inadvisable.

O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro tratamentos repetidos quatro vezes. Os tratamentos consistiram das seguintes doses de jitirana: I thyroid cancer therapy is based on the strategy of concentrating radioactive iodine in the thyroid tissue, to completetly eliminate thyroid tissue and functioning thyroid cancer metastases remaining after thyroidectomy.

This investigation proposes a protocol of individualized planning of ablative doses , based on individual patients metabolisms and measured thyroid remnant masses. Simulated thyroid remnants were fabricated in various forms, volumes and activities, and optimum image acquisition parameters were determined using Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography 9SPECT. I metabolism was studied in 9 patients who had undergone thyroidectomies. Their thyroid remnant masses were determined applying the same parameters used in SPECT simulation studies, and the optimum activity for their therapy was calculated and compared to the established fixed activity of 3.

Background subtraction using the method of percent maximum counts, using a value of This could also have resulted in a dose. Contribution of the height in the ambient dose equivalent; Contribuicao da altitude no equivalente de dose ambiente. The aim of this study is to evaluate the contribution of natural sources in the ambient dose equivalent. The dosimeters were placed in five locations at different altitudes, covering the period from three to nine years depending on their location. The results were grouped according to the use and occupation of land in the vicinity of the measurement point.

Optimization of dose in computerized radiology exams of the hands; Otimizacao da dose em exames de radiologia computadorizada de mao. Fractures and dislocations of the hand are some of the most frequently encountered injuries of the musculoskeletal system traumas.

Antônio Calloni

To evaluate these lesions radiography is the investigation of choice, and is rarely needed the help of other images to establish the diagnosis and treatment. The image quality of the X-ray examination is therefore essential. In this study a homogeneous phantom hand was developed for use in the hand image optimization process. In this procedure were quantified for different tissue thicknesses which are an anthropomorphic hand phantom. To perform the classification and quantification of tissue was applied membership functions in histograms of CT scans.

The homogeneous phantom built was used to calibrate the techniques used in clinical routine RC. Such calibrated techniques were used to acquire images of anthropomorphic phantom. The results showed concordance between the tissue thicknesses which constitute the anthropomorphic phantom and the sample evaluated patients, with variations between The Gold Technical Standard compared with the technique normally used in the CR reduces dose charge To evaluate the effects of high- dose isoflavones on the uterus of castrated adult rats.

The endometrial morphology and area, number and area of glands, and number. The study evaluated the use of a reduced dose of the Brucella abortus strain 19 vaccine, in an adult herd negative for the disease, by serological diagnostic techniques, advocated by the Brazilian Program for Animal Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Control and Eradication, and by an indirect ELISA.

The complement fixation test detecteed The reduced dose influenced the serological diagnosis. None of the techniques reached a suitable specificity for use in the herd under those conditions, up to 3 months after vaccination. The ambient dose equivalent was determined experimentally on the interval of energy of X ray applied in diagnostic radiology. The X ray spectra were measured with a high-purity germanium detector HP Ge. It was also determined the HVL and the effective energy in this energy range.

The obtained values were compared with data of the literature. The maximum uncertainty obtained for the coefficients was 7. All parameters were also determined to the X ray quality of the incident and transmitted beam by the patient, according to the recommendation of the standard DIN The conversion factor was calculated for those situations where the X-ray beam is transmitted by a layer and Pb and it is necessary to estimate the effective dose , as in the case of shielding project of radiology diagnosis room.

Lodo de esgoto e sistema radicular da pupunheira Sewage sludge doses and the root system of peach palm. Full Text Available Os efeitos do lodo de esgoto sobre o sistema radicular da pupunheira foram estudados em experimento em campo, em blocos casualizados, instalado em Ubatuba SP, em julho , na densidade de 5. Os tratamentos foram aplicados no sulco de plantio, adicionando-se 15 g por planta de KCl como fonte de K. The trial was set up in July , with a density of 5, plants ha The sewage sludge doses The treatments were applied in the planting furrow, and every plant was provided with K by a dose of 15 g potassium chloride.

The root system was analyzed one year after planting using soil auger and digging of trenches and with the help of digital images. It was concluded that the root system of one-year old peach palm was concentrated in the. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos compostos das seguintes doses: Utilizou-se a cultivar de alface Regina , dispondo-se uma planta por vaso de 4 L.

The main goal of this work was to evaluate the effect on agronomic characteristics of the lettuce when using different doses of cassava wastewater instead of mineral fertilizer. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions in a completely randomized blocks, with six treatments and five repetitions. Following doses were used: The lettuce cultivar Regina was used one plant per pot and leaf area, plant height, number of leaves, fresh leaf mass and dry leaf mass were evaluated for each dose of cassava wastewater.

Study of phosphors determination in biological samples; Estudo da determinacao de fosforo em amostras biologicas. In this paper, phosphors determination by neutron activation analysis in milk and bone samples was studied employing both instrumental and radiochemical separation methods.

The analysis with radiochemistry separation consisted of the simultaneous irradiation of the samples and standards during 30 minutes, dissolution of the samples, hold back carrier, addition precipitation of phosphorus with ammonium phosphomolibdate A. The instrumental analysis consisted of the simultaneous irradiation of the samples and standards during 30 minutes, transfer of the samples into a counting planchet and measurement of the beta radiation emitted by phosphorus, after a suitable decay period.

After the phosphorus analysis methods were established they were applied to both commercial milk and animal bone samples, and data obtained in the instrumental and radiochemical separation methods for each sample, were compared between themselves. In this work, it became possible to obtain analysis methods for phosphorus that can be applied independently of the sample quantity available, and the phosphorus content in the samples or interference that can be present in them.

Determination of operation time function for activimeters; Determinacao da funcao tempo de operacao para ativimetros. Radiation detectors must pass periodically recommended quality control tests and standardized to certify the quality of measurements, however, many studies have shown that several parameters can influence the results, however, some instrument components that can not be adjusted during calibrations may have significant importance in measurement results over the operating time.

This study sought to determine the influence of the use of time in the activity measurements. The results show a trend of decreased activity measured for equipment with detectors with more operating time. Evaluation of occupational exposure in intraoral radiography; Avaliacao da dose ocupacional em radiografia intraoral. Miguel, Cristiano; Barros, Frieda S. The intraoral radiography is widely performed in the dental office due to low cost and agility. The doses in intraoral radiology are considered low, however it is known that doses below the threshold for deterministic radiation has the potential to induce stochastic effects.

An intraoral radiography has a risk of inducing fatal cancer or serious in order of 1: Besides the patient, the dentist may also be being exposed to radiation during the work with the radiographics practices. The bibliographies demonstrates the lack of information on radiation protection of dentists, however, the occupational dose reduction was observed in radiology over the past 14 years. This work aims to evaluate the effective dose of radiation to which workers can be exposed dentists in dental offices to perform intraoral radiographs.

In this context, a study was be conducted between June and May with 44 professionals in Curitiba city. For each dentist was given a personal dosimeter to be used for 30 days. Full Text Available The culture of the castor bean comes as a promising alternative for the producing of the semi-arid Northeasterner, mainly for to present characteristics as adaptation to the climatic conditions and to present in seeds they nourish chemistries of addition importance for production of Biodiesel, however, they are still scarce studies on techniques handling of this culture, mainly as the manuring This work driven with the objective of evaluating the initial development of the castor bean submitted to different sources and doses of organic matter.

The used design was it entirely randomized in factorial outline 2 x 5, with three replications. The treatments were composed by the combination of two sources manure bovine and manure ovine and five tenors of organic matter in the composition of the substratum 0, 10, 20, 30 and The appraised growth indexes were: The castor bean answered the sources and the studied doses significantly, as well as the interaction among these factors. Answer was verified forms quadratic the doses of bovine and lineal manure to the doses of manure ovine.

Population growth occurred rapidly, resulting in cities with poor infrastructure on the sanitation sector. So, there was the introduction of sanitary treatment, causing difficulty in choosing alternatives for the proper disposal of sewage sludge, rich in essential nutrients for the plants. The experiment was conducted to determine the best dose of sewage sludge to Grass Cynodon dactylon.

Analisar a energia final transmitida ao tecido ao aplicar-se a mesma deltaE em equipamentos de diferentes marcas nacionais. A mesmadeltaE aplicada em diferentes aparelhos nacionais forneceu energia final que variou entre 10 e 90mJ. Low-level laser therapy is becoming more popular and there is a growing interest in its effects, as reflected in the increased number of articles published about the subject.

Many therapists and researchers have used a laser dose definition based on energy density deltaE. However, the variety of laser equipments may lead to differences in the therapeutic results found, since the parameters supplied by these equipments vary according to the manufacturer. To analyze the final energy transmitted to the tissue when. Cocleotoxicidade da gentamicina por doses habituais para neonatos - estudo funcional A functional study on gentamicin-related cochleotoxicity in its conventional dose in newborns. The early identification of hearing impairment allows for an intervention still in the "critical" and ideal period of hearing and language stimulation.

Pediatric ototoxicity is a very controversial topic. There have been variable percentages of ototoxicity cases in children with different aminoglycosides antibiotics. The main pediatric groups whom receive aminoglycosides are newborns with severe infections on the neonatal ICU. First Italian intercomparison on methodologies for dose assessment from internal contamination. Results and perspectives; Primo interconfronto italiano sulle metodiche di valutazione di dose da contaminazione interna: In the frame of the MIDIA activities coordination of whole body counters operating in Italy an intercomparison on dose evaluation methods was promoted and carried out between October and March by 5 WBC centres.

The main results related to the estimation of Intake and effective dose equivalent on the four case studies are reported. A comparison with European preliminary results is also presented. Finally perspectives related to the quality assurance of internal dosimetry estimates are indicated. Vengono indicate le prospettive per la valutazione della qualita' della stima di dose in dosimetria interna.

Rectal dose assessment in patients submitted to high- dose -rate brachytherapy for uterine cervix cancer; Avaliacao da dose no reto em pacientes submetidas a braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose para o tratamento do cancer do colo uterino. The present study was aimed at developing a thermoluminescent dosimetric system capable of assessing the doses delivered to the rectum of patients submitted to high- dose -rate brachytherapy for uterine cervix cancer. Mg,Ti,Na powder was the thermoluminescent material utilized for evaluating the rectal dose.

The powder was divided into small portions 34 mg which were accommodated in a capillary tube. This tube was placed into a rectal probe that was introduced into the patient's rectum. The doses delivered to the rectum of six patients submitted to high- dose -rate brachytherapy for uterine cervix cancer evaluated by means of thermoluminescent dosimeters presented a good agreement with the planned values based on two orthogonal anteroposterior and lateral radiographic images of the patients. The thermoluminescent dosimetric system developed in the present study is simple and easy to be utilized as compared to other rectal dosimetry methods.

The system has shown to be effective in the evaluation of rectal doses in patients submitted to high- dose -rate brachytherapy for uterine cervix cancer. Embora as amostras de CaSO4: This study was aimed at evaluating the influence of the energy dependence of thermoluminescent materials on the determination of entrance skin dose in patients submitted to conventional radiographic studies general radiology, mammography and dental radiology.

Three different thermoluminescent materials were utilized: These materials were exposed to standardized sources of X and gamma radiation and clinical X-ray beams. Calibration and energy dependence curves were obtained. All the materials showed a linear response as a function of the air kerma. As far as energy dependence is concerned, the CaSO4: Mg,Ti samples showed the. Evaluation of absorbed radiation dose in mammography using Monte Carlo simulation; Avaliacao da dose absorvida em mamografia usando simulacao Monte Carlo. Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin. Mammography is the main tool for breast cancer diagnosis, and it is based on the use of X-rays to obtain images.

However, the glandular tissue present within the breast is highly sensitive to ionizing radiation, and therefore requires strict quality control in order to minimize the absorbed dose. The quantification of the absorbed dose in the breast tissue can be done by using Monte Carlo simulation, which allows a detailed study of the deposition of energy in different regions of the breast. Besides, the results obtained from the simulation can be associated with experimental data and provide values of dose interest, such as the dose deposited in glandular tissue.

C; D' lppolito, G. Coordenadoria de Fisica e Higiene das Radiacoes. Departamento de Diagnostico por Imagem. One of the challenges of multidetector computerized tomography is to minimize the risk of ionizing radiation using optimized protocols since higher doses are necessary to obtain high image quality. It was also noted that, due to the geometry in image acquisition using MDCT becomes necessary to estimate dose values consistent with the hypothesis clinically and with the specificities of the tomographic equipment.

The aim of this study was to estimate the doses in abdomen exams from the data recorded on the MDCT console and dimensions obtained from DICOM images of patients undergoing different clinical protocols. Mn placed on the surface of a cylindrical simulator abdomen acrylic manufactured under the technical - operational conditions for a typical abdomen exam.

From the data obtained, it was possible to find a factor of 1. Mineral nutrients have essential and specific roles in plant metabolism. The application of mineral fertilizers is made to replenish its loss, for every cycle of the plant extract soil nutrients. The crambe culture is an alternative for the production of biodiesel getting this approach for its rusticity, precocity, high oil content and adaptability.

Proper management of fertilizer use in crambe cultivation is little known. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento vegetativo da bananeira Musa sp.

  1. Amilton de Cristo.
  2. कलाकारों "a".
  3. Lettre CLXXIV (French Edition).

The main phosphorus transport mechanism in the soil is diffusion, which is influenced by several soil factors, such as volumetric water content, phosphorus-colloid interaction, distance between source and roots, content and temperature. The effects of the soil water content and phosphorus doses on the diffusion flow into soil were assessed in samples from the superficial layers of five soils.

The treatments were arranged in a 5 x 8 x 5 factorial design corresponding, respectively, to five soils, eight moisture levels and five phosphorus doses. A completely randomized block design with four replications was used. Results indicated that the diffusion flow was influenced by phosphorus doses and moisture content. Evaluation of homogeneity and dose conformity in IMRT planning in prostate radiotherapy; Avaliacao da homogeneidade e conformidade de dose em planejamentos de IMRT de prostata em radioterapia. Servico de Radioterapia; Razera, Ricardo A. The goal of this study was to evaluate the dose distribution homogeneity and conformity of radiation therapy plans of prostate cancer using IMRT.

Analyses showing the homogeneity and conformity indices for the dose distribution of those plans were made. During these analyses, some comparisons with the traditional radiation therapy planning technic, the 3D-CRT, were discussed. The results showed that there is no correlation between the prescribed dose and the homogeneity and conformity indices, indicating that IMRT works very well even for higher doses.

Furthermore, a comparison between the results obtained and the recommendations of ICRU 83 was carried out. It has also been observed that the indices were really close to the ideal values. Concluding, it is possible to confirm the quality of the analyzed radiation therapy plans of prostate cancer using IMRT. Dose evaluation in medical staff during diagnostics procedures in interventional radiology; Avaliacao da dose na equipe medica durante procedimentos diagnoticos de radiologia intervencionista.

Brazilian actors

Bacchim Neto, Fernando A. Departamento de Doencas Tropicais e Diagnostico por Imagem. Studies show that personal dosimeters may underestimate the dose values in interventional physicians, especially in extremities and crystalline. The objective of this work was to study the radiation exposure levels of medical staff in diagnostic interventional radiology procedures.

For this purpose LiF: Mg,Ti TLD dosimeters were placed in different regions of the physician body. When comparing with reference dose levels, the maximum numbers of annual procedures were found. This information is essential to ensure the radiological protection of those professionals.

The objective of this work is to present the efforts towards to improve the measure accuracy for doses in the range between Gy. This system could be used as reference by radiotherapy services, as much in the quality control of the equipment, as for routine accompaniment of more complex handling where the total doses can reach some grays. The main problem for routine implantation is the calibration and the traceability of the system and many errors sources affects the accuracy of the measurements.

In this work are discussed same aspects related on the uncertainty evaluation associated with high dose measurement using alanine and EPR. Criteria for calculation of effective dose from the individual monitoring; Criterios para calculo de dose efetiva a partir da monitoracao individual. Study of dose distribution in dental radiology using the Monte Carlo Simulation; Estudo da distribuicao de dose em radiologia odontologica usando simulacao Monte Carlo. Instituto de Fisica; Barroso, R C. The purpose of this study was to study the absorbed dose in mouth due to scattering in teeth in dental radiography using the monte carlo simulation.

The Electron Gamma Shower EGS-4 system of computer codes was used, which is a general purpose package for monte carlo simulation of the coupled transport of electrons and photons in an arbitrary geometry for particles with energies above a few keV up to several TeV. In the case of a X ray dental the low energy photons beam, are removed of the spectrum by the filtration.

These low energy photons beam do not contribute in the obtaining of the radiographic image, but they will be contribute in the dose to the patient, however when the incident radiation crosses the tooth it generates a scattering radiation that contributes in the dose received by the patient in the oral cavity cheek, tooth and oral cavity. A number of relatively recent improvements in technology, equipment and techniques have the potential to reduce patient radiation dose and improve image quality.

To optimize radiation protection all reasonable means should be employed to minimize the dose of each exposure. Dentists therefore need to keep up to date with changes in techniques and equipment and modify their own practice. In preliminary analysis could be notice that the energy below the 30 keV low energy is deposited in the cheek. In 40 keV could be notice that deposited energy is same to teeth and cheek, but up to 40 keV just a small part of energy is deposited, e. Metrological aspects in estimating of radiation dose in patients of nuclear medicine; Aspectos metrologicos na estimativa da dose efetiva de pacientes em medicina nuclear.

Correction factors are determined from the result of performance analysis in order to determine with better accuracy the activity to be administered to the patients. The present study shows how the correction factor is determined by the ratio between the measurement of the activity at the nuclear medicine center and the activity determined by the LNMRI, which is adopted as reference.

It is essential that the dose calibrator be calibrated with standards traceable to national metrology laboratories, so that the activity administered to the patient is neither greater nor smaller than the appropriate value. The corrected values of the activities can be used to calculate with greater accuracy the effective doses received by the patients as well as the risk of cancer.

The consequences of these differences were not very critical in this study since the activity measured in dose calibrator before administration was lower than the corrected activity, thus causing a lower effective dose in patients. However, this reduction in activity may result in problems in obtaining the image and consequently, failure diagnosis, delaying correct diagnosis. On the other hand, the overestimation would be worse, mainly in therapeutic applications, because an unnecessarily high absorbed.


Procedures, activities and doses in nuclear medicine cycle in Brazil; Procedimentos, atividades e doses no ciclo da medicina nuclear no Brasil. With the aim of characterizing nuclear medicine procedures performed in Brazil, activities of radiopharmaceuticals used and effective doses to patients, data was collected from nuclear medicine institutions in three regions of the country, namely the Southeast, the Northeast and the South regions, representing public hospitals, university hospitals, private and philanthropic institutions with low, medium and high levels of consumption of radiopharmaceuticals.

Accordingly, it was requested of some participating institutions to fulfill manually from individual patients data, to record gender, age, weight, height and activities used, for each type of exam as well as the equipment used. In others, the researcher collected data personally. Per institution, nuclear medicine diagnostic procedures ranged from to 13, per year, most of which are myocardial and bone imaging procedures, and imaging equipment ranged, from 1 to 8 machines, one or two head SPECT's hybrid or not.

For adult patients, differences were observed in the amount of activities used in diagnostic procedures between public and private institutions, with lower average activities used in public institutions. Activities administered to children and their effective doses were difficult to evaluate due to the incompleteness of individual records. Appropriate individual patient records could be adopted without affecting hospitals routine and contributing for a comprehensive evaluation of the radiation protection of nuclear medicine patients.

For monitored workers and measurably exposed workers in nuclear medicine, the values 2. Monitoring and studies of environmental cumulative dose of Guangdong Da Ya Bay nuclear-power station by thermoluminescent dosimetry. Evaluation of average glandular dose in digital and conventional systems of the mammography; Avaliacao da dose glandular media em sistemas digitais e convencionais de mamografia. Mammography is currently the most effective method of diagnosis and detection of breast pathologies.

2001 telenovelas

The main interest in this kid of exam comes from the high incidence rate of breast cancer and necessity of high quality images for accurate diagnosis. Digital mammography systems have several advantages compared to conventional systems, however the use of digital imaging systems is not always integrated to an image acquisition protocol. Therefore, it is questionable if digital systems truly reduce the dose received by the patient, because many times is introduced in the clinics without optimization of the image acquisition protocols. The aim of this study is to estimate the value of incident air Kerma and average glandular dose AGD in patients undergoing conventional and digital mammography systems in Recife.

This study was conducted with patients in three hospitals. The value of incident air Kerma was estimated from the measurement of the yield of equipment and irradiation parameters used for each patient. From these results and using the methodology proposed by Dance et al. The results obtained show that the lowest value of AGD was found with conventional screen-film system, indicating that the parameters for image acquisition with digital systems are not optimized.

It was also observed that the institutions with digital systems use lower breast compression values than the conventional. The efficacy of mcg D-cloprostenol or 0. Career Blat was discovered at age 8, when he accompanied his sisters to a test at an advertising agency, on their mother's initiative. He ended up being cast in a commercial and thereafter became a familiar face in advertising. He has participated in over productions in various media.

Self-taught, Blat never got a degree in Scenic Arts or finished the Law course he started. Blat has significant work in television, film and theater. Olho no Olho English: His stage name was given by his mother, who was a devout of Allan Kardec's Spiritism and Lima Duarte was the last birthname given to her spiritual mentor.

He first appeared on Brazilian television in Dom Pepino - Araguaia Shankar - Desejo Proibido Originally set for a release, the film's production suffered many delays. His father was shot and killed by a police officer as a punishment for hurting the cop's brother, who was himself hu The Illusionist is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It was broadcast from July 12, to October 28, , and consisted of 64 episodes. Synopsis First Phase With the background to the oil industry, the central plot of the soap opera revolves around the love between Archangel Michael and Leticia, which begins when they are still children and becomes a strong passion in adolescence.

The girl's relatives - especially his mother, Lucretia Borgia - are against the union, because they belong to a wealthy family and traditional, refusing to marry a poor Leticia, who thinks the opposite of the family, and like people for who they are and not for what he has, but his mother only thinks about money and appearances.

Totally in love, married just 17 attempts to escape and Lucrezia discovers that his daughter we This led to his first opportunity in cinema. California is the third album by Gianna Nannini and was released in The album, a rock record - with the single "America" — took her straight to the top of the charts in Germany and Northern Europe in The album went platinum in Italy and gold in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Track listing All songs by Gianna Nannini except as noted. A year later, he was starring in movies, but his career came to a quick halt because of his political activism. He would also join the hippie movement during that time, in contrast with his militaristic ac Marcos Palmeira de Paula born August 19, is a Brazilian actor.

The show was a co-production of the Miksom. Paula Rubens de Falco Ramiro Borges Ney Latorraca Clarisse Walderez de Barros Born in Barreiros, Pernambuco, Irandhir lived in several cities in the countryside of Pernambuco during his childhood. Since then, he acted in some plays, a television mini-series and several movies. This phase lasts for the first 38 episodes of the novel. The second phase comes today that the novel became , showing the characters' lives five years after the death of Nanda character and life of the twins.

Chiquinha Gonzaga is a Brazilian miniseries. Many of his most famous roles share the characteristics of honesty and morality. He began in , but his peak period began in In he won an award at the Festival de Gramado. This is a list of Brazilian actors. Professionally, he debuted as a theatre director in , and as an actor in , acting in both theatre and television.

Brazilian actors Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.

Member feedback about O Clone: Rede Globo programmes Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Brazilian telenovelas Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.

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Rede Globo telenovelas Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Chess Game topic Chess Game Portuguese: Member feedback about Chess Game: Portuguese-language television programming Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Javier Bardem: Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion P Member feedback about Terra Nostra TV series: Member feedback about Os Dias Eram Assim: Salve Jorge topic Salve Jorge Literally: Member feedback about Salve Jorge: Member feedback about Carlos Kroeber: Member feedback about Othon Bastos: People from Bahia Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.

Member feedback about Isabela Garcia: People from Rio de Janeiro city Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about O Dono do Mundo: Member feedback about JK TV series: Member feedback about Daniel de Oliveira actor: People from Minas Gerais Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.

Member feedback about Reginaldo Faria: Brazilian film directors Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Federico Luppi topic Federico Luppi Spanish pronunciation: Member feedback about Federico Luppi: Naturalised citizens of Spain Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Era uma Vez Member feedback about Drica Moraes: Beleza Pura topic Beleza Pura English: Member feedback about Beleza Pura: Brazilian male film actors Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Caio Blat: Brazilian people of Arab descent Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Olho no Olho topic Olho no Olho English: Member feedback about Olho no Olho: Member feedback about Lima Duarte: Brazilian Western topic Brazilian Western Portuguese: Member feedback about Brazilian Western: Films set in Brazil Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.

Member feedback about O Astro TV series: California Gianna Nannini album topic California is the third album by Gianna Nannini and was released in Member feedback about California Gianna Nannini album: Living people Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Marcos Palmeira: Male actors from Mexico City Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.

Member feedback about Brasileiras e Brasileiros: Member feedback about Irandhir Santos: People from Pernambuco Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Chiquinha Gonzaga TV series: Member feedback about Tony Ramos: Member feedback about Nelson Dantas: