A Spiritual Criminal
Victims may face a wide range of immediate, short-term, and long-term reactions in the aftermath of crime. Every crime victim is unique.
Spiritual Recovery For Victims Of Crime
Individual trauma is affected by previctimization and postvictimization factors related to individual experiences, degree of personal and social support, resiliency , and exposure to supportive services. These spiritual insights are sometimes helpful ; more often than not, however, victims express disappointment in the reactions of their faith communities. Hindus and Buddhists understand the role of karma in tragic events and seek to accept what has happened rather than seek justice. Jews believe that God expects human beings to act in kindness to one another ; when they do not, justice is sought and forgiveness must be earned.
March 2, 2011
They typically condemn violence and willingly participate in the justice system. What did I do to deserve this?
That is really an unanswerable, pointless question. Are you capable of forgiving and loving the people around you, even if they have hurt you and let you down by not being perfect?
Spiritual Crime & Violence Prevention
Are you able to recognize that the ability to forgive and the ability to love are the weapons God has given us to enable us to live fully, bravely, and meaningfully in this less-than perfect world? How does God make a difference in our lives if He neither kills nor cures? God inspires people to help other people who have been hurt by life, and by helping them, they protect then from the danger of feeling alone, abandoned, or judged.
In fact, David says in Psalm But what is sin?
God has given a law which is embodied in ten commandments — as spiritually magnified by Jesus Christ. Any transgression or breaking of this spiritual law constitutes sin. And, as we have said, we have all sinned and therefore we all need this forgiveness.
We all have a criminal record, spiritually speaking, that we need to get rid of. But how do we clear our record with God? As explained in a previous article, baptism symbolically pictures your willingness for your old self to die. By this unique occurrence in your life you become clean and pure before your Creator.
All previous sin is forgiven and remitted. This is why Peter commanded: You might well ask: What actually makes remission of sins possible at the time of baptism is that the blood of Jesus Christ is applied to you personally Rom. Your sins are transferred to the body of Jesus and Christ dies in your place.
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You realize that you need to be figuratively buried in baptism to symbolize your acknowledgement of the necessity of putting to death your old self. God then does His part: The answer is elementary: Jesus Christ is the God and Creator of mankind John 1: God is eager for you to gain contact with Him. He fervently wants you to have your sins remitted. He wants you to clean up your record and to have a clear conscience before Him.
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King David of Israel put it this way in Psalm RSS feed for comments on this post. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.