Wheel With a Single Spoke: and Other Poems
Poems from the volume were previously published in the Tribuna, no.
Wheel With a Single Spoke by Nichita Stanescu | www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books
End Of An Air Raid April 5, You dropped your chalk and the splintered door beat against the wall the sky appeared, partly hidden by the spiders that fed on murdered children. Someone had taken away the walls ………. You hunted after spring impatiently, like you were expecting a lunar eclipse. Towards dawn, they even took away the fence you had signed with a scratch, so the storks would not lose their way when they came this spring. He also was the recipient of numerous awards for his verse, the most important being the Herder Prize in and a nomination for the Nobel Prize in He spent most of his time residing in the homes of his friends, enjoying copious amounts of drink and could regularly be found improvising poems whilst his audience attempted to follow him and transcribe them at the bar.
They are not dead, like a book. They are alive, between me and you, me and you, me and you. And yet, I have seen a bird lay eggs while it flew -- And yet, I have seen someone cry while he laughed -- And yet, I have seen a stone while it was -- In he died in Fundeni Hospital Bucharest after a liver condition he had had for some time worsened. Also by walking a line between what could and could not be said, he crafted a new aesthetic for his verse, one that in his own words: The pane registers the lines of fissure, which we might take as the lines of the poem, moving through the human language.
We move from metaphor — the broken glass as star — toward the material yet abstract world, the stone that cannot be directly described in human language. But with hindsight-reasoning you try to define what it is that has affected you in such a manner and how it could have happened. This is how I feel about this collection. In a world whose very words of late have grown heavy, and cumbersome this has lightened them, in most senses of the word. Apr 26, Chad Post rated it it was amazing. Winner of the Best Translated Book Award!
and Other Poems
Jul 28, Bogdan Suceava rated it it was amazing. Aug 17, MB rated it it was amazing. Excellent book of surrealist poetry. Stanescu stuns with the grotesque, impresses with the satanic lurkings of the mundane. A must read for lovers and students of surrealist poetry. May 05, Rodney rated it it was amazing Shelves: You sense what made Stanescu so magnetic and seductive, even while perceiving the smudges on the cultural window that prevent him from having the same impact in English.
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Apr 22, Russell rated it it was amazing. A friend of mine once did commentary for a literary death match in the language of wine labels: This worked well because no one forgets irony in literary death matches: Unfortunately not the case with the things called contests, and O, do we need some irony in contests! Jun 26, Desiree rated it really liked it Recommends it for: I think that the absolute best part about this book is the surprise humor found randomly throughout the poetry.
Unfortunately, I wasn't much of a fan of his meter and a good deal of the subject matter but there were still several poems that I greatly enjoyed and have shared with others. One thing I liked in particular was that he often likened himself to a tree I've often thought of myself very much like a I think that the absolute best part about this book is the surprise humor found randomly throughout the poetry.
I've often thought of myself very much like a tree as well and it was interesting to read something so familiar.
- Wheel With a Single Spoke: and Other Poems - Nichita Stanescu - Google Книги;
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- Wheel With a Single Spoke.
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Notable Poems in my humble opinion Some of these poems are definitely not something you would like, especially The Sacrifice and Burning of Everything and Tennis as a good portion of them describes the mutilation and death of animals. Jul 11, Zuzka added it.
- Wheel with a Single Spoke: and other poems by Nichita Stănescu.
- The Vesper Stories.
- The Aphrodite Brigade: Allies of Fire.
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- Nichita Stanescu’s “Wheel with a Single Spoke and Other Poems” - Words Without Borders;
I got this this book in a First Reads Giveaway which I was excited about! I too think that nothing in life should be taken too seriously! I don't usually enjoy poems too much, but this book just got my attention. But I didn't wonder that much.
Trees are for me the symbols of nature, peace, growth and transition of life along with wisdom. An interesting book, which definitely will tackle people's attention who love poems which tell a story! Jun 27, Rosa. A book definitly needing to be re-read Stanescu's writing is haunting For those oblivious to the events that lead up to World War II and the all the consequences of that, particularly for those living in the Balcan area it may be somewhat confusing but all the more reason to brush up on History, I think Sometimes eerie, provocative, stark, sometimes beautiful, you get a glimpse into a haunted soul.
Wheel with a Single Spoke: and other poems
I definitly recomend it - but pehaps not to the faint of h A book definitly needing to be re-read I definitly recomend it - but pehaps not to the faint of heart. Oct 08, metaphor rated it really liked it Shelves: Nov 12, Galen rated it really liked it. I'm ashamed I didn't read this sooner. Mar 16, Mohsen rated it it was amazing.

Roxana Badralexi rated it it was amazing May 30, Teos rated it it was amazing Sep 28, Vance rated it really liked it Mar 14, Adyna rated it really liked it Aug 08, Daniel Rounds rated it it was amazing Jul 10, Ljiljana Kragulj rated it it was amazing Sep 18, RJ rated it really liked it Sep 15, Mariana rated it it was amazing Jul 15, People are birds never before seen, with wings ingrown that beat, hover, glide, within an air more pure: It also offers a hint of his worldview.
Each is interchangeable and considers the other on its own terms. Far from being mere ornament, the image, with its nouns of strange equivalence, propels the poem to its end: The speed of existence of a stone is slower than the speed of existence of a horse. But the stone sees the sun and stars while the horse sees the fields and grass. To those made of flesh and bone I say: You only see what surrounds you. Ideas are a kind of stone, so contemplate. To those made of wood and other durable materials I say: If you have seen the whole, fill yourselves with flesh so you may see the part.
Humans and horses rapidly decay while stones endure, although humans, admittedly, have an advantage: