Twilight Triumph: An End Time Novel

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for something exceptional to read. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. The writer, Mickey McConnell, brings to life what the near future may hold for America and Christians and Jews around the world alike in such a thought provoking compelling manner.
The reader is drawn into the story line as the characters struggle with life's events as they unfold in the End of Times book. This novel should lead you to read God's word the holy bible. The author appears to have spent many hours studying scripture. The time line may not be exactly in accordance with God's word but the truth is there. I do recommend this novel,just remember it was written by mortal man. I enjoyed this story. It is told from mainly one point of view, but was about surviving in the end times. I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 because some of the dialogue was corny. Also, it moved tenses in strange ways.
Perhaps a little more editing would have been good. The main character is a "macho" guy. This comes out in the writing and reminds me a little of my high school boys. The book is very close to the Book of God. The writings was mostly words out of the Bible.
It should make a person remember God's warning to abide in his word. I loved the ending. I really loved the story line and the perspective in this book. Very thought provoking and encouraging. The ending was a bit of a surprise and I loved it. This book gives life to the ancient prophecy of the apocalypse!
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I was amazed at how much biblical truth is contained in these pages. Concepts that go all the way back to the foundation of the world like the power of unity in the story of Babel. You get a front row seat in the biblical end of the world as we know it.
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Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. How do you approach your research for your books? Do you enjoy the process of research? I always enjoy the research very much. Triumph in Dust is set mainly in the furthest eastern provinces, a quite different environment to the Latin west, or Greece.
Blog Blitz/Q&A: Triumph in Dust (Twilight of Empire #6) by Ian Ross
Discovering the strange hybrid world of Syria and Mesopotamia, where Romans and Greeks mingled with Persians and Syrians, was tremendously enjoyable in itself. I had the most fun researching the Saracens — the nomadic desert Arabs who were only just, at this time, appearing on the historical scene, but who within a few hundred years would transform the world under the banners of Islam. Many aspects of their society and culture at that time were not at all what many people might expect.
Often I get the most satisfaction from exploring what seems the most familiar, and trying to expose the alien or unusual within it — and vice versa. Are there particular scenes in the book you found especially challenging — or rewarding — to write? But in fact I found it very easy to picture him like that, and soon came to enjoy writing about this transformed version of a familiar character — older, far more grizzled and temperamental, confused by a changing world and with the threat of mortality hanging over him, but still as determined and resourceful as ever.
But there was one aspect of this novel that I knew would be hard to convey. The centrepiece of the story concerns a city under Persian siege. Without wanting to give too much away, the Persians attempt an unusual method of breaching the city walls; this method is described in several of the sources, but each describes it slightly differently, and overall it seems extremely unlikely, and perhaps physically impossible! I needed to discover, first of all, how the Persians might have accomplished this unusual feat, and secondly find a way of portraying it that the reader would be able to follow and, more importantly, believe… Strangely enough, that involved watching a lot of videos of flash floods, and reading about their effects.
I leave to others to judge the success of my portrayal…. I have to confess that I probably find the planning and research process most enjoyable; at that point, the novel is an unlimited arena of possible scenes and stories. My least favourite parts, of course, are the inevitable moments when I find myself stuck at what appears to be a dead end. Older actors tend to carry a bit more bulk and have a rather more weathered and less glamorous appearance. I could probably get interested in just about any period of history, given a suitable starting point.
Triumph in Dust (Twilight of Empire #6) by Ian James Ross
The past is huge and varied, and packed with drama. I think the Roman era is going to command my attention for quite a bit longer though: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email.
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