The Prayer Seeker
With face in veil and seal on lip, In mute and strange companionship, Like thee we wander to and fro, Dumbly imploring as we go Pray for us! Ah, who shall pray, since he who pleads Our want perchance hath greater needs? Yet they who make their loss the gain Of others shall not ask in vain, And Heaven bends low to hear the prayer Of love from lips of self-despair Pray for us! In vain remorse and fear and hate Beat with bruised bands against a fate Whose walls of iron only move And open to the touch of love.
He only feels his burdens fall Who, taught by suffering, pities all. He prayeth best who leaves unguessed The mystery of another's breast.
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- The Prayer Seeker by Anne Brooke.
- Ajalon.
- The Prayer Seeker.
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Why cheeks grow pale, why eyes o'erflow, Or heads are white, thou need'st not know. I have read a review of this book which says that because the main character is a homosexual he could not possibly desire God. That makes no sense to me.

God created every single person so that they would desire Him in some manner, way, shape or form. There is more I could say about this book but I don't want to get into spoilers. If you are a seeker of something more in life, this novella will resonate with your spirit. May the Holy Spirit dance in your heart as you read it.
God Chased In reading this book, I was searching myself. I wanted to find the missing art of prayer in my life. But in reading the book, it took me to a place I hadn't thought about or even considered. It helped me to look at my prayer life for what it was, where it had gone, and how and what I was going to do to recapture it. I am grateful for the author in this clear and concise way that she conveyed the message to me. I am now on my own journey to rekindle the art and love of prayer in my own God Chased In reading this book, I was searching myself.
I am now on my own journey to rekindle the art and love of prayer in my own life.
Thank you for the Spirit in which this book was written and for not leaving God out! I would recommend this book to everyone who is seeking a more intimate relationship with the Lord through His Word, and through prayer. Thank you and God bless you!
A Prayer by St. Anselm of Canterbury
Different but very good Different focus but thought provoking. Made me think of prayer in a different way. I recommend this book for anyone to read. Some excellent tips for quiet prayer.
The Prayer-Seeker
Reminds us we need grace with people as evangelicals. We all sin just in different ways.
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Truth I was amazed how your past can actually intertwine with present n future ,amazing the way the writer brings closer. Aug 09, Shantanu rated it it was amazing. Like the turn of phrase and language and the manner in which the subject of the main character being gay has been portrayed with a lot of delicacy and grace. Dec 07, Emma rated it liked it Shelves: This book just did not live up to it's potential and that is quite disappointing as I was looking forward to reading this. The final quarter was just rushed and the central trauma which ultimately caused the conflict from which Michael's Crisis in his Prayer life evolved seems, incongruous with the fervour with which his Prayer life began in his youth and whilst it was an interesting plot device, it's resolution was rather rushed and the epilogue was really odd, it did not seem to act as a full s This book just did not live up to it's potential and that is quite disappointing as I was looking forward to reading this.
The final quarter was just rushed and the central trauma which ultimately caused the conflict from which Michael's Crisis in his Prayer life evolved seems, incongruous with the fervour with which his Prayer life began in his youth and whilst it was an interesting plot device, it's resolution was rather rushed and the epilogue was really odd, it did not seem to act as a full stop to any part of the story, we did not really get any definite idea about how or what Michael was going to do in either his daily life or his spiritual journey Sep 19, Merry Franz rated it liked it.
The journey the main character goes through, remembering how close he once was to God, and then, 20 yrs later, wondering how he could have drifted so far away from God, seemed very familar. It was easy to relate to.
A Prayer for Employment
I found the end though, somewhat unsatisfying Waste the book had a lot of potential but failed to deli era. Linda Bemis rated it really liked it Sep 03, Patricia Morgan rated it it was ok May 29, Marla rice rated it really liked it Mar 06, Laura Warby rated it it was ok Jun 16, Michael Koehler rated it really liked it Nov 30, I found the end though, somewhat unsatisfying Waste the book had a lot of potential but failed to deli era. Linda Bemis rated it really liked it Sep 03, Patricia Morgan rated it it was ok May 29, Marla rice rated it really liked it Mar 06, Laura Warby rated it it was ok Jun 16, Michael Koehler rated it really liked it Nov 30, Sandi rated it really liked it Mar 07, Tamera Dannewitz rated it it was amazing Dec 27, Jason Evans rated it liked it Jan 16, Dolores Seamon rated it it was amazing Sep 03, Elizabeth Esposito rated it really liked it Oct 26, Darnise Chilo rated it it was amazing Mar 06, Barbara Boruff rated it it was amazing Nov 24, Elin Heron rated it liked it Sep 03, Jerri Edwards rated it it was ok Jun 10, Clare Khan rated it liked it Oct 17, Jan Clark rated it it was amazing Feb 28, Roberta Johnson rated it it was ok Nov 04, Cathy rated it did not like it Dec 30, Charlene Brown rated it liked it Mar 10, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
Anne Brooke lives in Surrey, UK.
She is a multi-published author in a variety of genres, including gay erotic romance, fantasy, comedy, thrillers, biblical fiction and the occasional chicklit novel. When not writing, she spends time in the garden attempting to differentiate be Anne Brooke lives in Surrey, UK. When not writing, she spends time in the garden attempting to differentiate between flowers and weeds.
Occasionally, she can also be found in the kitchen making cakes. Every now and again, they are edible. Her websites can be found at: She has a Facebook fan page here: I couldn't stop thinking while reading this story that each and every one of them pulses with life. This novel grabbed a hold of me almost immediately and would not let go. This is a great choice for readers who prefer to get to know characters well before the plot heats up.
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The payoff at the end is well worth the initial emotional investment. The fast paced flow of the wacky story was undeniably fun. I say that if on a rainy day or just when you need to laugh in a 'The Birdcage' feel, this book is for you. Books by Anne Brooke. Trivia About The Prayer Seeker. No trivia or quizzes yet.