Dayton, William Adams, M. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Robert R. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Robert Livingston , gave the use of his foundry to the Continental Congress. Delafield, Maturin Livingston, Jr. Born, January 26, Died, August 9, Derby, Kichard Henry, M.
Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Jacob Ford, Sr. Dix, Reverend Morgan, D. Also, Grandson of Volckert P. Drowne, Reverend Thomas Stafford, D. Drowne, Thomas Stafford, Jr. Dunnell, Reverend William Nichols, D. Issuing Commissary to the brigade. Elderkin, William Anthony, Major U.
Evans, Ell wood Waller, 2d Lieutenant U. Foote, Morris Cooper, Captain U. Floyd, Mastic, Long Island.
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Forbes, Henry Hall, M. Also, Great-great-grandson of Stephen Stowe , volunteered as nurse to the Continental soldiers confined in the prison ships, and died of a contagious disease while on such service. French, William Freeman, M. Whiting, October 20, ; 2d Major same, June 16, Also, Great-grandson of Commodore James Nicholson , ap- pointed by the Colony of Maryland to the command of the " Defence," , and captured several vessels from the British ; in command of the "Virginia," June 6, ; placed at the head of the list of Cap- tains, October 10, ; the "Virginia" was blockaded in the Chesa- peake, he and his crew joined the army and took part in the battle of Trenton; subsequently commanded the "Trumbull;" engaged in ac- tion with the British vessel "Watt," June 2, ; engaged in action with the British vessels "General Monk" and "Iris," June, ; taken prisoner with the " Trumbull;" released at close of war.
Also, Great-great-grandson of Commodore James Nicholson , appointed by the Colony of Maryland to the command of the "De- fence," , and captured several vessels from the British; appointed to the command of the "Virginia," June 6, ; placed at the head of the list of Captains, October 10, ; the "Virginia" was blockaded in the Chesapeake, he and his crew joined the army and took part in the battle of Trenton; subsequently commanded the "Trumbull," engaged in action with the British vessel ' ' Watt," June 2, ; engaged in action with the British vessels "General Monk" and "Iris," June, ; taken prisoner with the " Trumbull," released at close of war.
Gardner, Alfred Wild, M. Also, Great-grandson of Private Humphrey H. Meig's Regiment "Additional Continental;" retired April 17, Lillington, April 16, Greene, John Wynantz, M. Eustatias ; captured and carried a prisoner of war to Kingston, Jamaica, to the close of the war. Eustatias; captured and carried a prisoner of war to Kingston, Jamaica, to the close of the war. From Crayon Drawing of , at age of Spencer, May 3— December 17, Hale, Joseph, Captain U. Hamersley, Andrew Stelle, Jr. Original in possession of the Chamber of Commerce, New York.
Hammond, Andrew Goodrich, Lieutenant U. Hammond, Graeme Monroe, M. Harts, William Wright, 2d Lieutenant U. Harvey, Leon Ferdinand, M. Haskin, William Lawrence, Major U. Insignia, Also, Great-great-grandson of Dr. Hatch, Arthur Melvin, 3 Great-great-grandson of the Eev. Nathanael Taylor , of New Milford, Connecticut, contributed one year's salary to the cause, as shown by Parish records, April, Hatch, Henry Prescott, Great-great-grandson of the Rev.
Hayes, Richard Somers, Great-grandnephew and represeutative of Captain John Barry , Captain of ship "Lexington," ; served for a short time with the army in New Jersey, ; in command of Continental fri- gate "Raleigh," 32 guns, ; in command of the "Alliance," con- veying United States Ambassador to the Court of France, Henry, John Francis, Jr.
Hoes, Reverend Roswell Randall, U. Hone, John, Great-grandson of Christopher Raymond Perry , served on the "Mifflin," Commander Babcock; captured, confined in prison ship "Jersey;" escaped after three months' confinement; subsequently served as Midshipman on Continental frigate "Trumbull," Captain James Nicholson. Hopkins, Henry Reed, M. Pinckney, May 12, x Hosmer, James Ray, Colonel U. Hotchkiss, Thomas Woodward, Jr.
Hough, Alfred Lacey, Colonel U. De Haas, ; Pay- master in same, August 27 — October 1, De Haas, ; Paymaster same, August 27— October 1, Hoxie, Nathaniel Blossom, Jr. Livingston, November 21, ; 1st Lieu- tenant same, November 9, ; Acting Adjutant same, ; retired, January 1, Livingston, November 21, ; 1st Lieutenant same, November 9, ; Acting Adjutant same, ; re- tired, January 1, Hyde, Frederick Erastus, M. Member Continental Congress, Jackson, Frank Watson, M.
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Jackson, Joseph C, Jr. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Dr. Jay, John Clarkson, M. Jenkins, Edmund Fellows, Jones, Walter Hastings, M. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Private Abraham Ogier, same regi- ment, same service. Keeler, David Bradley, Jr. Kelso, John Sinclair, Jr. Knight, Charles Huntoon, M.
Latting, Charles Percy, Great-grandson of Rev. Latting, Walter Stuteville, Great-grandson of Rev. Silliman, raised to reinforce the army at New York, McGowan, John, Commander U. Manson, Thomas Lincoln, Jr. Bradley, January 1, — May 25, Webb, January, ; served to close of war.
Descendants of Kenneth Stewart migrated to Randolph County, Alabama
Great-grandson of Sergeant James Metcalf, Jr. Sergeant in 4TH Regt. Mizner, John Kemp, Colonel U. Morris, Lewis Rutherfurd, M. Morris, Robert Tuttle, M. Morton, Henry Holdick, M. From a portrait in possession of James Neilson, Esq. New Brunswick, New Jersey. Nellis, William Jacob, M. Nicholson, Chrystie Few, Great-great-grandson of Commodore James Nicholson , ap- pointed by the Colony of Maryland to the command of the " De- fence, ,, , and captured several vessels from the British; in command of the "Virginia," June 6, ; placed at the head of the list of Captains, October 10, ; the "Virginia" was blockaded in the Chesapeake, he and his crew joined the army, and took part in the battle of Trenton; subsequently commanded the "Trumbull," en- gaged in action with the British vessel "Watt," June 2, ; engaged in action with the British vessels "General Monk" and "Iris," June, ; taken prisoner with the "Trumbull," released at close of war.
Nicoll, Henry Denton, M. Noyes, Charles Harding, Great-grandson of Captain Seth Harding , Connecticut brig- of-war "Defence," February 23, ; Connecticut State man-of-war "Oliver Cromwell," April 11, , and Continental frigate "Con- federacy," ; captured, March, ; taken to England, and died there while a prisoner. Olds, Frank Williams, M. Mather's Company Connecticut Militia, July, Page, Richard Channing Moore, M. Parker, Dangerfield, Lieutenant- Colonel U. Parkhurst, Charles Dyer, 1st Lieutenant U. Also, Great-grandson of Sergeant Aaron Parsons 3d , Captain William Hitchcock's Company 6th Regiment Massachusetts Conti- nental Infantry, July 3, ; served with the 3d Division of 6 months' men under Lieutenant Daniel Frye of the "Artificers," ; one of the outer guard at execution of Major Andre ; wounded, permanently disabled ; honorably discharged, December Paxton, William Miller, Jr.
Peabody, Charles Augustus, Jr. Pease, William Barrett, Captain U. Perkins, Joseph Fleming, M.
Full text of "Year book of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York"
January — March, ; served at Boston. Also, Great-grandson of Captain John Thatcher , in com- mand of the galley "Washington," 10 guns; severely wounded and captured in the action at Valcour's Island, Lake Champlain, October 11, Perry, William Sumner, Great-grandson of Christopher Raymond Perry , served on the "Mifflin," Commander Babcock ; captured, confined in prison ship "Jersey;" escaped after three months' confinement; subsequently served as Midshipman on Continental frigate "Trumbull," Captain James Nicholson.
Phillips, Wendell C, M. Pierrepont, William Augustus, M. Pinckney, Samuel Gray Courtney, M. Platt, Isaac Hull, M. Pope, James Worden, Captain U. Butler, January 17, ; served to close of war. Poucher, John Wilson, M. Powers, Charles Andrew, M. Price, Henry Reese, M. Also, Great-great-grandson of Abraham Yates, Jr. Rankin, Egbert Guernsey, M. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Thomas Cadwalader, M. Also, Great-grandson of Lieutenant Isaac Marshall Also, Great-great-grandson of Thomas Cadwalader, M.
Reed, Henry Bidlack, M. Also, Great-great-grandson of Ensign Francis Joseph Smith, of France , commissioned by Congress July 29, , to be made use use of in case of his being made prisoner while serving as a volunteer in the American army. Reynolds, William Butler, Lieutenant U. Ephraim Doolittle, April — November, Robertson, Kenneth, Great-great-grandson of Captain John Spotswood, Captain 10th Regi- ment Virginia Line, Colonel Edward Stevens, February 20, ; wounded at Brandy wine, September 11, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Germantown, October 4, ; exchanged November, ; did not return to the army, and was retired February 12, Robeson, Henry Bellows, Captain U.
Also, Great-great-grandson of Reverend Nathanael Taylor , of New Milford, Connecticut, contributed one year's salary to the cause, as shown by the Parish records, April, Rochester, De Lancey, M. Member North Carolina Provincial Congress, Rodgers, Robertson, Great-grandson of Rev.
Varnum, January 1, ; Major same, October 10, ; wounded at Fort Mifflin; in command of sloop "Hawk;" captured the "Pigot," October 28, ; received thanks of Congress, November 14, , and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Continental Army; wounded in action with the privateers " Dragon" and " Hannah," spring of ; in command of the "Argos;" cap- tured the privateers "Lively " and " King George," July 7 and August 2, ; Captain United States Navy, September 17, ; in command of privateer " General Washington;" captured at sea ; exchanged December, ; served to close of war.
Rowland, Thomas Fitch, Jr.. Saltonstall, Satterlee, Great-great-grandson of Captain Dudley Saltonstall , com- manding man-of-war "Alfred," June 22, ; Captain Continental frigate "Trumbull," ; transferred, , to Continental frigate "Warren," which was burned in the Penobscot Expedition, August, ; Captain Privateer brig "Minerva," Also, Great-grandson of 2d Lieutenant Jacob G.
Satterlee, Walter, Great-grandson of Robert Livingston , who gave the use of his foundry to the Continental Army. Sears, Clinton Brooks, Major U. Sears, Walter Jesse, Lieutenant U. Seton, Reverend Monsignor Robert, D. Seymour, William Wotkyns, M. Sharpe, Henry Granville, Captain and C. Sheldon, William Crawford, Jr.
Shelton, George G-regory, M. Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock, Jr. Sillcocks, Warren Scott, Jr. Slocum, Herbert Jermain, Lieutenant U. Smith, Andrew Heermance, M. Smith, Andrew Kingsbury, Colonel U. Smith, Gouverneur Mather, M. Also, Great-great-grandson of Dr. Smith, Henry Erskine, Great-grandson of Dr. Smith, Lewis Bayard, Great-grandson of Dr.
Smith, Osgood, Great-grandson of Rev. From a pastel by Duvivier. In possession of Thomas E. Spining, Reverend George Lawrence, D. Also, Great-grandson of Commodore James Nicholson , ap- pointed by the Colony of Maryland to the command of the "Defence,'' , and captured several vessels from the British; in command of the "Virginia," June 6, ; placed at the head of the list of Cap- tains, October 10, ; the "Virginia" was blockaded in the Chesa- peake, he and his crew joined the army and took part in the battle of Trenton; subsequently commanded the " Trumbull," engaged in ac- tion with the British vessel "Watt," June 2, ; engaged in action with the British vessels "General Monk" and "Iris," June, ; taken prisoner with the "Trumbull;" released at close of war.
Also, Great-grandson of Commodore James Nicholson , ap- pointed by the Colony of Maryland to the command of the " Defence," , and captured several vessels from the British ; in command of the "Virginia," June 6, ; placed at the head of the list of Cap- tains, October 10, ; the "Virginia" was blockaded in the Chesa- peake, he and his crew joined the army and took part in the battle of Trenton; subsequently commanded the "Trumbull," engaged in action with the British vessel "Watt," June 2, ; engaged in action with the British vessels "General Monk" and "Iris," June, ; taken prisoner with the "Trumbull;" released at close of war.
Also, Great-grandson of Commodore James Nicholson , ap- pointed by the Colony of Maryland to the command of the " Defence,' 1 , and captured several vessels from the British ; in command of the "Virginia," June 6, ; placed at the head of the list of Cap- tains, October 10, ; the "Virginia" was blockaded in the Chesa- peake, he and his crew joined the army and took part in the battle of Trenton; subsequently commanded the "Trumbull," engaged in action with the British vessel "Watt," June 2, ; engaged in action with the British vessels "General Monk" and "Iris," June, ; taken prisoner with the "Trumbull;" released at close of war.
Stewart, Douglas Hunt, M. Stone, Charles Francis, Jr. Strong, Joseph Montgomery, Jr. Member New York Provincial Congress, ; President of same, ; taken prisoner and wounded after capture at Jamaica, Long Island, August 28, , and died of wounds September 20, Also, Grandson of Samuel Swan, Jr. Varnum, January 1, ; Major same, Octo- ber 10, ; wounded at Fort Mifflin; in command of sloop " Hawk," captured schooner "Pigot," October 28, ; received thanks of Con- gress, November 14, , and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Conti- nental Army; wounded in action with the privateers "Dragon" and "Hannah," spring of ; in command of the "Argos," captured the privateers "Lively" and "King George," July 7 and August 2, ; Captain United States Navy, September 17, ; in command of privateer "General Washington," captured at sea, ; exchanged December, ; served to close of war.
Talbot, Robert Bancker, M. Varnum, January 1, ; Major same, Octo- ber 10, ; wounded at Fort Mifflin; in command of sloop "Hawk,'' captured schooner "Pigot," October 28, ; received thanks of Con- gress, November 14, , and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Conti- nental Army; wounded in action with the privateers "Dragon" and "Hannah," spring of ; in command of the "Argos," captured the privateers "Lively" and "King George," July 7 and August 2, ; Captain United States Navy, September 17, ; in command of privateer "General Washington," captured at sea, ; exchanged December, ; served to close of war.
In possession of Frederick S. Insignia, Line, Colonel James M. Varnum, January 1, ; Major same, Octo- ber 10, ; wounded at Fort Mifflin ; in command of sloop " Hawk," captured schooner "Pigot," October 28, ; received thanks of Con- gress, November 14, , and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Conti- nental Army; wounded in action with the privateers "Dragon" and "Hannah," spring of ; in command of the "Argos," captured the privateers " Lively " and "King George," July 7 and August 2, ; Captain United States Navy, September 17, ; in command of privateer " General Washington-,' 1 captured at sea, ; exchanged December, ; served to close of war.
Plains; conducted " secret service " for the Commander-in-Chief ; cap- tured Fort George, Long Island, November 21, , and received special notice of Congress, December 6, ; served at General Wash- ington's headquarters, March, — November, ; Lieutenant- Colonel by brevet, September 30, Taylor, Arthur Wilson, M.
Books by Donna R Causey
Webb's Regiment, May 1, Terry, John Taylor, Jr. Parsons, May 20— December 20, Thompson, Von Beverhout, M.

Thompson, William Gilman, M. Bradley, May 26, — March, Tilden, John Newel, M. Tomlinson, Theodore Edwin, Jr. Towle, George Francis, Colonel U. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson Lott, November 3, Also, Great-grandson of Dr.
- Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: 39;
- Lulu Wears A Tutu (Tootsie And Lulu Book 1).
- Taken By The Team.
Van Antwerp, John H. Van Rensselaer, Eeverend Maunsell, D. Also, Great-great-grandson of Robert R. Wainwright, William Pratt, Jr. Wayne, Reverend Henry N. Webster, Frank Daniel, Lieutenant U. Welch, Samuel Manning, Jr. Schuyler, October 20, ; Adjutant same regiment, May 28, Wemple, Harry Yates, Dutchess County, New York, Weston, Reverend Daniel Cony, D.
Wetherill, Alexander Macomb, Captain U. Whipple, Charles Henry, Major U. White, Reverend Erskine Norman, D. Whitehead, Ira Condict, M. Wilcox, Reynold Webb, M. Livingston, January 15, Woodbury, John McGaw, M. Woodruff, Thomas Mayhew, Captain U. Wright, Charles Jefferson, Colonel U. Wyeth, Leonard Jar vis, Jr. Yeaton, Albert Sullivan, 46".
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Young, John Van Doren, M. Young, Thomas Sears, Jr. John Merchant, - - July 7, Thomas Witter Chrystie, - - - January 18, Edward William Tapp, - - - February 3, Foster, March 10, Drexel, - - March 25, Potts, - - April 28, Nathaniel William Taylor Hatch, - - May 8, Merwin, - - September 12, Potts, - - - - - - - - November 9, Peter Carpenter Baker, May 19, September 1, Richard Hoffman Benson, - September 29, Edward Nicoll Dickerson, - December 12, James Renwick Gibson, Jr.
Thomas Storm, - - May 1, Robert Ray Hamilton, - - August 23, Charles Louis Fincke, - - November 11, John Parker Prall, - - March 5, James Clinton Bolton, - - March 28, George Washington Wright Houghton, - - April 1, Jedediah Baldwin Ferry, - - July 28, Benjamin, - - October 3, Lathrop, - - - November 15, Henry Dwight Woodruff, - - - November 29, Eugene Tillottson Lynch, Jr. Delavan, - - - February 21, William Henry Harrison, - - - - - - March 25, Delavan, April 9, Date of Admission.
Benjamin Lincoln Swan, Jr. Henry Pratt, - - September 22, Charles Kellogg, - - - October 24, Howard Lockwood, November 4, James Rosebrugh Leaming, M. Charles Boman Martin, - - December 22, William Coolidge Stone, M. Edward Long Hedden, - - February 6, Leland Justin Webb, - - - February 21, Lewis Howard Livingston, - - February 27, Jackson Hyatt, - - April 3.
Thomas Porter Miller, - - April 22, Edwin Thompson Doubled ay, M. G-ouverneur Morris, - May 3, Charles Carroll Lee, M. Aborn, - June 16, Theodore Alfred Warner, - - July 27, Richard Stockton Howell, - October 11, James Ray, - - - - October Adams, Andrew Dayton, Charles W. Farley, Robert Farley, Gustavus, Jr. Hookey, Nicholas Drexel, Joseph W. Houghton, Jonathan Houghton, G-eo. Livingston, James Duane Satterlee, F.
Le Roy Satterlee, George B. Satterlee, Walter Livingston, Robert R. Mapes, Phineas Gedney, Frederick G. Shepherd, Abraham Coykendall, Samuel D. Sillcocks, Joseph Sillcock, John J. Stafford, William Stafford, Martin H. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Not Enabled Word Wise: Enabled Amazon Best Sellers Rank: Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers.
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