QPT Origins - Transformando meninos em HOMENS (Portuguese Edition)
Results showed effect of storage periods in soluble solids, pH and color. The variety and storage period modified the titrable acidity. The pH was altered by irradiation dose and the storage period. Physico-chemical characterization of human recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone hFSH and its subunits by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography RP-HPLC: A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography RP-HPLC method for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of intact human folliclestimulating hormone hFSH was established and validated for accuracy, precision and sensitivity.
Human FSH is a dimeric glycoprotein hormone widely used as a diagnostic analyte and as therapeutic product in reproductive medicine. The technique developed preserves the protein integrity, allowing the analysis of the intact heterodimeric form rather than just of its subunits, as it is the case for the majority of the conditions currently employed. This methodology has also been employed for comparing the relative hydrophobicity of pituitary, urinary and two Chinese hamster ovary CHO -derived hFSH preparations, as well as of two other related glycoprotein hormones of the anterior pituitary: Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo documental, constituindo-se um banco de dados coletados em quatro momentos distintos: Estudio documental que constituye en una base de datos recogida en cuatro momentos distintos: Archaeometry is a consolidated field with a wide application of nuclear analytical techniques for the characterization, protection, and restoration of archaeological pieces.
This project aimed at studying the elementary chemical composition of 70 ceramic fragments samples from Sao Paulo II archaeological site, located along the Solimoes River channel, next to Coari city, in Brazilian Amazon. The characterization of samples was performed by neutron activation analysis NAA. For such a task, the multivariate statistical methods employed were cluster analysis C A , principal component analysis PCA and discriminant analysis DA.
Afterwards, seven ceramic fragments were selected based on the groups previously established, for the characterization of the site temporal horizon. The firing temperatures were determined by electron paramagnetic resonance EPR technique, in order to infer about some aspects of the ceramic manufacture employed by the ancient peoples that lived in Sao Paulo By the results obtained in this study, it was possible to identify the quantity of clay sources employed by the ceramists and the age of the ceramic pieces.
Therefore, the results of this research may contribute to the study on the occupation dynamics in the pre-colonial Brazilian Amazon. Physico-chemical characterization of biodiesel from pests attacked corn oil; Caracterizacao fisico-quimica do biodiesel de oleo de milho danificado por pragas. The biodiesel is a renewable energy source alternative to fossil fuels. The biodiesel synthesis can be made by many types of triglycerides transesterification, it is possible to use this biofuel in vehicles if it has the quality required from Agencia Nacional de Petroleo, Gas Natural e Biocombustiveis ANP.
Searching an application for pests attacked corn, there is feasibility technical for the biodiesel production from this corn oil. The biodiesel synthesis was made through ethyl transesterification process with alkaline catalyst using ethanol. The biodiesel physical-chemical characterization was performed using ANP methods. Physical and chemical properties of pigmented oil obtained from shrimp heads; Evaluacion fisico-quimica de aceite pigmentado obtenido de la cabeza de camaron. In this work the proximal analysis, physicochemical characterization, fatty acid profile and astaxanthin content of pigmented oil obtained by fermentation shrimp heads are presented.
The saponification number is Density and viscosity were 0. The highest contents of fatty acids were linoleic C The content of astaxanthin was 2. The pigmented oil is a dietary source of nutrients with high value such as astaxanthin. Physical chemistry characterization of soils of the Storage Center of Radioactive Wastes; Caracterizacion fisico-quimica de suelos del Centro de Almacenamiento de Desechos Radioactivos. Any type of waste should be confined so that it does not causes damage to the human health neither the environment and for the storage of the radioactive wastes these actions are the main priority.
In the Storage Center of Radioactive Wastes the radioactive wastes generated in Mexico by non energy applications are storage of temporary way. The present study is focused in determining the physical chemistry properties of the lands of the Storage Center of Radioactive Wastes like they are: With what is sought to make a characterization to verify the reaction capacity of the soils in case of a possible flight of radioactive material.
The results show that there are different density variations, ph and conductivity in all the soil samples; the ph and conductivity vary with regard to the contact time between the soil and their saturation point in water, for the case of the density due to the characteristics of the same soil; for what is not possible to establish a general profile, but is necessary to know the properties of each soil type more amply.
Contrary case is the content of organic matter and humidity since both are in minor proportions. Chemical, mineralogical and ceramic properties of clays from Northern Santa Catarina, Brazil; Caracterizaco fisico-quimica de argilas da regiao norte de Santa Catarina. Clay materials crop out in the northern Santa Catarina mining district were investigated in order to assess their potential in the ceramic industry. Four different clays A, B, C and D were selected.
Their chemical composition was obtained by Xray fluorescence and their mineralogy by X-ray diffraction, coupled with numerical rational analysis. Their thermal behaviour was studied by differential thermal analysis. Technological testing consisted in a simulation of the industrial processing performed at a laboratory scale. The test pieces were obtained by pressing and fired in the range of deg C. In each case their technological properties were studied. The main mineralogical phases detected were kaolinite, quartz and mica.
Hematite and feldspars may be present in the clays. The northern Santa Catarina clays are suitable for the production of bricks and earthenware in the deg C range. Effects of irradiation on the physicochemical properties of carioca beans; Efeitos da irradiacao nas propriedades fisico-quimicas do feijao carioca. The common bean is an important component in the diet of the average Brazilian person.
Each harvest of beans, losses occur due to attacks of insects and rodents. One of the ways to preserve the beans, and at the same time keep its nutritional characteristics, is the use of gamma radiation. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different doses of gamma radiation on the physical and chemical properties of the carioca variety of common beans subject to cooking of soaked and unsoaked beans.
Portions of raw beans were used as control and the other was subject to ionizing radiation at doses of 1, 5 and 10 kGy. Following irradiation, a portion of the samples control and irradiated were soaked and the other was not, then all beans were cooked. The cooked samples were lyophilized, milled and then accommodated in pots and stored at deg C temperatures. The analysis of chemical composition, determination of protein digestibility, condensed tannin and phytic acid content were performed using the milled samples.
Using whole grains, were performed analysis of expansion capability and hydration, cooking time and instrumental color. Irradiation did not alter the chemical composition of soaked and unsoaked samples. The condensed tannin levels did not reduce according to increased doses. The phytic acid concentrations were reduced at the doses of 5 and 10 kGy for soaked samples, whereas for the not soaked beans, gamma irradiation did not influence the phytate content. The protein digestibility decreased on soaked samples, at doses of 1 kGy and in the other doses, the reduction was not significant.
As for not soaked beans, increases in digestibility were observed at dose of 10 kGy. As the doses increased, reduction in cooking time on soaked and unsoaked beans was noted. At a dose of 10 kGy, the bean expansion capability increased. The samples' color did not change significantly, as the doses increased.
Therefore, it is concluded that ionizing radiation has no effect on the chemical composition and tannin content. Irradiation influenced the phytates when applied in higher doses, but only in soaked samples, as well as mitigate protein digestibility on soaked beans. It reduces cooking time, raises bean expansion capability at a 10 kGy dose, but it does not change the bean color as doses increase. Physical-chemistry characterization of oil and biodiesel from Crambe abyssinica Hochst; Caracterizacao fisico-quimica do oleo e do biodiesel de DE Crambe abyssinica Hochst. Currently, the production of biodiesel in the world is growing so rapidly, this interest and demand for biodiesel promote an increase in demand for raw materials, or lipids.
Biodiesel is a substitute for diesel oil obtained by transesterification, acid or base, of the lipids present in oils and fats. The Crambe abyssinica Hochst is species plant that has attracted interest of Brazilian producers due to oil content, rusticity and mechanized cultivation, mainly as a crop of winter it becomes an option for most farmers in this period. This study aimed to characterize physical-chemical oil and biodiesel from Crambe abyssinica Hochst, in accordance with Resolution n.
The analysis of fatty acids of oil crambe showed high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, which may not be suitable for the use of biodiesel in very cold regions, where it is used pure or in mixtures with diesel in large proportions. The biodiesel produced from Crambe abyssinica Hochst be revealed within the standards established by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels. The samples were provided by Dr.
This site is a palaeoindian rockshelter located near Lagoa Santa karst with characteristics which could be used to test karst abandonment model during the Middle Holocene related to dry conditions. The results of elemental concentrations, interpreted by multivariate statistical analysis, showed the formation of three different compositional and well-defined groups.
The variable selection study by means of Procrusts analysis was also carried out. X-ray diffraction XRD analyses were also performed in 8 samples to study their mineralogical composition and they showed that there are distinctions in crystalline structure between the samples of the three elemental compositional groups, being quartz, calcite, dolomite and mica the main crystalline phases present in the samples. A literature review is conducted on the solitary pulmonary nodule, to determine the diagnostic methods and specific characteristics.
The diagnostic methods used have been: The radiological features are defined: Los metodos de diagnostico utilizados han sido: Las caracteristicas radiologicas son definidas: Environmental characterization of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. This study analyzes data and information of the physical and chemical characteristics of water, and type of sediments of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. The changes of salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen fluctuate according to the wet and dry seasons in the last one, prevails the Tehuantepecanos winds.
The stations samples of salinity, temperature, pH, and type of sediments were classified by cluster and factor analysis. The results suggest that the Gulf of Tehuantepec has two subsystems. The Oaxaqueno subsystem extends south-southeast from Salina Cruz to the Tonala inlet. This subsystem is characterized by upwelling periods, which leads to low temperatures, low dissolved oxygen and high nutrient concentration, as well as sandy sediments and insignificant river discharges when low temperature, low dissolved oxygen and high nutrient concentration are typical, and by sandy sediments and insignificant river discharges.
The second, the Chiapaneco subsystem, is located between the Tonala inlet and the Suchiate River, with strong influence of coastal lagoons and river discharges. The bottom is characterized by sandy and muddy-sand sediments. This subsystem is not affected by either Tehuantepecanos winds or upwelling. Both subsystems and their characteristics probably determine the patterns of distribution of the biotic resources.
Los cambios de salinidad, temperatura y oxigeno disuelto varian de acuerdo con las estaciones de lluvias y sequia en esta ultima prevalecen fuertes vientos denominados Tehuantepecanos. Las estaciones de muestreo fueron agrupadas utilizando salinidad, temperatura, pH y tipo de sedimentos con analisis por conglomerados y analisis de factores. Los resultados indican que el Golfo de Tehuantepec tiene dos subsistemas.
Evaluation of the physico-chemical properties of nanocomposites of low density linear polyethylene and organophilic montmorillonite obtained by fusion; Avaliacao das propriedades fisico-quimicas de nanocompositos de polietileno linear de baixa densidade e montmorilonita organofilica obtidos por fusao. Arndt, Aline; Sandrin, Bianca M. Departamento de Quimica; Balzer, Palova S. Laboratorio de Solucoes em Ralaxometria. In this project they were produced and characterized nanocomposite organoclay applied to linear low density polyethylene in order to improve their physicochemical properties.
Samples were produced by means of extrusion and injection process, varying proportions of nanoclay 2; 2. By DSC it was found that samples with nanoclay incorporation did not affect the Tm of LLDPE, though the increase of nanoclay raised the degree of crystallinity of the samples Physico-chemical quality of drinking water in the northwest area of Madrid Spain ; Calidad fisico-quimica de las aguas de abastecimiento de la zona noroeste de Madrid.
A physico-chemical analytical study of the edible waters of the northwest area of Madrid has been made. The object was to evaluate the quality characters of this water thought the water analysis of 40 representative buildings. The parameters analyzed were odour, taste, turbidity, pH, conductivity, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, oxid ability and chlorine. The results show the analyzed waters agree with the current public consume waters legislation through with some punctual exceptions.
Physicochemical characterization of sludge obtained in a UASB reactor: In biological treatment processes of domestic sewer it leaves of the organic matter is converted and another is absorbed being part of the microbial biomass denominated generic of mud biological or secondary composed mainly of biological solids, and that for that reason can also be denominated of sewage sludge.
To give a maintainable final destiny for that residue has been one of the great challenges of the sanitation in the last years. Great part of that material is destined unproductive some are incinerated, others are disposed in sanitary embankments. This work had as objective the physiochemical characterization of the digested sludge, virgin and free from oxide of calcium CaO , produced in the reactor UASB, of ETE Vila Uniao located in the city of Palmas-TO, for the destination as raw material for energy use in pyrolysis process. Propositions of new correlations for prediction of physical-chemical properties in products of Brazilian crude oil; Proposicao de novas correlacoes para calculo de propriedades fisico-quimicas de derivados de petroleos brasileiros.
The prediction of products properties is a useful tool in the petroleum industry, because it allows the estimation of quality when it is not possible to be determined it in the laboratory. Among existing correlations for properties prediction, the best known are those from the American Petroleum Institute API , but there are limitations in the use of such models to estimate the properties of Brazilian petroleum products.
A study was done to determine new correlations which would adjust to these oils. In this work a statistical treatment was used in a group of samples covering products from oils produced in several regions of Brazil. The results of this study are presented in this work. New correlations are proposed to estimate the aniline point, pour point and cloud point of Brazilian oil products. The data are showed graphically, with the experimental values plotted against the results of both the proposed and the API correlations.
The average absolute deviations obtained for these correlations were smaller than those presented by the API equations, for the same data sets. This work helps to improve the quality estimation of Brazilian petroleum products using process simulators. Physicochemical, rheological, thermal, and bread making properties of flour obtained from irradiated wheat;Propriedades fisico-quimicas , reologicas, entalpicas e de panificacao da farinha obtida de trigo irradiado. Most of the methods that are nowadays used for food preservation derive from old times. Besides these methods, new non-thermal methods have been developed in order to improve food quality during its processing.
Irradiation technology has a great contribution potential to improve preservation, storage and distribution of foods. Several studies from international literature have reported the efficiency of irradiation process on microbiological control of grains and their products.
Due to the low technological quality of national wheat, Brazil depends on its import. Wheat is the main ingredient of bread which is one of the most important products of Brazilian people's diet. The objective of this work was to study the effect of ionizing radiation on wheat on physicochemical, rheological, and thermal properties of flour produced from this wheat, and consequently, its performance on bread making. All experiments were conducted on laboratory scale. Wheat was submitted to irradiation on different doses 0.
Flour bread making performance was measured through quality of bread. None of the physicochemical, rheological or thermal parameters was influenced by irradiation, with the exception of Falling Number, which decreased significantly with the increase of irradiation dose, indicating the effect of irradiation on wheat starch, and consequently on dough's gelatinization. Bread quality parameters did also not show significant differences, and sensory analysis showed that bread produced from irradiated and non irradiated wheat did not present perceivable flavor. Chemical and physicochemical characterization of vermicompost from bovine manure and evaluation of competitive adsorption of cadmium and lead; Caracterizacao quimica e fisico-quimica de vermicomposto de esterco bovino e avaliacao da adsorcao competitiva por cadmio e chumbo.
The chemical and physicochemical characterization of vermicompost from bovine manure has been studied. It was examined the pH and cation exchangeable capacity CTC , moistness, ash, organic carbon, total nitrogen, lignin, cellulose and metal concentrations, among other characteristics.
The vermicompost was then applied to the retention and competition of metal pollutants Cd and Pb from metal nitrate solutions. The retention was affected by both the pH and time of adsorption, while the competitive character of these metals for the substrate was not relevant to each pH examined. Ejemplo de aplicacion al caso del uranio.
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A thermodynamical data files is incorporated, and is useful for a low temperature range. It is the basic nucleus for a series of programs of physico-chemical interpretation of hydrogeochemical data and automatic construction of equilibrium diagrams. Physicochemical characterization of steel slag post-processed as aggregate for sustainable concrete; Caracterizacao fisico-quimica de agregados de escoria de aciaria LD pos-processada para concretos sustentaveis. Laboratorio de Materiais de Construcao Civil.
The concrete is the material most widely used in construction, consuming a large amount of natural resources for its production. Therefore, this work analyzes the technical and environmental aspects of concrete with full replacement of natural aggregates for processed LD steelmaking slag. The experimental program comprehends physical characterization - particle size distribution, moisture content, bulk and specific density - and elemental chemical characterization with X-Ray Fluorescence, and mineralogical characterization via X-Ray Diffraction.
Morphological characterization was performed through a stereomicroscope. From these results, concrete with compressive strengths of 20 and 40 Mpa were developed, with ABPC methodology. These were characterized in the fresh and hardened states, obtaining results favorable to the steelmaking slag application in Portland cement concrete. This sustainable concrete features properties similar conventional concrete, and contributing to sustainability of buildings. Changes in physico-chemical properties of soil by adding organic amendments in a tomato crop; Cambios en la propiedades fisico-quimicas del suelo por adicion de enmiendas organicas en cultivo de tomate.
This study possible changes in the physico-chemical properties of soil under intensive cultivation of tomatoes after the addition of two different types of organic amendments: Trial plots that were designed are located in the NE of the province of Granada, in Puebla de Trial plots that were designed are located in the NE of the province of Granada, in Puebla de Don Fadrique, in the are that in recent years, change are very important in agriculture, from traditional farms extensive cultivation of rain-fed cereal crops such as intensive vegetale broccoli or tomatoes.
The affinity constants determined at different pHs show favourable complexation. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments gave information about the interaction between LA and the cyclodextrin cavity. This study focused on the physicochemical characterization of drug-delivery formulations that come out as potentially new therapeutic options for pain treatment. Effects of gamma radiation of Cobalt on arabica and conillon seeds coffea: Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of coffee in the world. The coffee bean is one of the main products of the Brazilian trade balance. Two species of coffee are the most economically important: Food irradiation is an area of research that aims to increase the shelf life of foods and controlling pests.
This study aimed to verify the physicochemical variables of Arabica coffee and conillon were affected when exposed to doses of gamma radiation from cobalt The coffee samples were subjected to irradiation doses: For irradiation the samples were vacuum-packed in appropriate packaging aluminised. The following analyzes were performed: It was observed that the analysis results of the samples irradiated with 5 kGy and 10 kGy showed values similar to the control.
It was concluded that irradiation did not induce deleterious effects on arabica coffee seeds and conillon irradiated with 5 kGy and 10 kGy to 90 days after irradiation. Forecast of physicochemical properties and chemical composition of gasoline from infrared spectra, using multivariate calibration; Previsao de propriedades fisico-quimicas e composicao quimica da gasolina a partir de espectros infravermelhos, utilizando calibracao multivariada.
This work describes the attainment of mathematical models, applying multivariate calibration in infrared spectrum with ATR, from gasoline samples with diverse chemical compositions, collected in a period of two and a half years. Infrared spectra had been used to assemble the input matrix for the modeling, whereas the standardized assays and gaseous chromatography had supplied the output matrices. Ninety samples were been used for training and 38 for testing.
In order to calibrate chemical composition from chromatography, the techniques of mass spectrometry and chemical ionization were used to identify unknown substances and improve the fitting of the mathematical models. Two hundred and ninety substances were detected and identified, from which were unknown. In general, mathematical models were attained with good training fit, with correlation coefficients higher than 0, T10 and reaching a maximum of 0, naphthenes and they are able to forecast an average chemical percentage and properties of interest from gasoline, with acceptable prediction errors.
En este trabajo se realiza una caracterizacion preliminar de la descarga liquida del Hospital Mexico. Para ello se analizaron diferentes puntos de vertido dentro de la institucion, ellos son: Esto con el fin de conocer el manejo de los desechos liquidos en el centro de salud, la calidad sanitaria de estos vertidos y su influencia en las aguas crudas del Hospital Mexico en el cuerpo receptor. Para este estudio primero se coordino con el personal de cada departamento para conocer sobre el manejo y tipo de residuos liquidos que son descargados al sistema de tuberias.
Posteriormente se realizaron las pruebas fisico-quimicas y biologicas con base en dos muestreos compuestos realizados los dias 26 de octubre y 4 de noviembre de Entre las pruebas realizadas se tienen: Al final del estudio, se evaluaron los resultados obtenidos para cada punto de vertido estudiado y luego se analizo la influencia de estos focos sobre la calidad de las aguas crudas del hospital, las cuales descargan en una quebrada localizada al costado noroeste de las instalaciones.
Los resultados obtenidos permiten conocer preliminarmente la caracterizacion de la descarga liquida del Hospital Mexico y lo catalogan como una fuente de contaminacion. El Hospital requiere de una planta de tratamiento biologica para aquellos vertidos biodegradables, y de un sistema de tratamiento quimico para tratar ese tipo de productos, que son utilizados en los procesos propios de cada departamento; ademas se requiere tomar en cuenta medidas de reduccion de contaminacion que disminuyan la cantidad de desechos desde la fuente.
A pedagogia libertaria de Carl Rogers: Para isto foram consultados os virios escritos de Rogers: Em todos eles transpare Se plantean dos condiciones de uso: En este segundo caso si durante el dia la temperatura interior del invernadero es mayor que la temperatura del agua en el almacenamiento el funcionamiento del sistema preve que el agua circule a traves de las bolsas colectando energia; durante la noche las mismas bolsas actuan como intercambiadores de calor.
Cuando es indispensable mantener la temperatura en el interior del invernadero dentro de cierto rango, el sistema de calentamiento se combina con un calentador de agua a gas natural. Se describen las instalaciones, se comparan rendimientos instantaneos y globales de los colectores solares para las dos situaciones analizadas y se calcula el coeficiente global de transferencia de calor cuando las bolsas actuan como intercambiadores de calor.
Se analiza tambien el comportamiento integral del sistema dentro del invernadero para dos situaciones diferentes. El empleo de los colectores solares de plastico ha demostrado ser una alternativa valida para el uso de energia a baja temperatura, especialmente para la calefaccion de locales agricolas. Autonomia profissional dos professores. Linear capacity storage devices; Memoires lineaires a condensateurs; Linejnye kondensatornye nakopitel'nye ustrojstva; Dispositivos de almacenamiento de condensador, con caracteristicas lineales.
La penthode a une forte resistance interne; il s'ensuit qu'apres le passage de l'impulsion incidente le courant qui traverse la penthode est presque egal a la valeur initiale, et la charge accumulee par le condensateur se trouve maintenue. La duree de la memoire est limitee par les valeurs de la resistance a la sortie de la generatrice et de la penthode haute frequence. Pour augmenter la duree de la memoire, on peut placer une diode devant le condensateur.
Se describen dos circuitos de almacenamiento de respuesta lineal dentro de una amplia gama de amplitudes de las senales de salida. En uno de los circuitos la senal de error se mide con un amplificador diferencial. Gracias al elevado factor de amplificacion, el aparato funciona con caracteristicas sensiblemente lineales. El otro circuito esta disenado para trabajar con impulsos de una duracion del orden del nanosegundo.
Los impulsos de entrada de anchura normal cierran el circuito de un pentodo en cuyo anodo se halla el condensador que actua como ''memoria''. Como el condensador se carga desde el anodo por medio de un generador, la intensidad de corriente de carga permanece casi constante aunque la tension del condensador varie durante la medicion. El pentodo tiene una gran resistencia interna, de modo que al terminar el impulso de entrada, la corriente que atraviesa el pentodo tiene casi la misma intensidad que al principio, quedando asi almacenada la carga acumulada por el condensador.
Para prolongar la duracion de la ''memoria'' se puede colocar un diodo delante del condensador. Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory evaluation of cabbage and carrot minimally processed salad after radiation treatment intended to immunocompromised patients or with special diets; Avaliacao microbiologica, fisico-quimica e sensorial de salada de repolho com cenoura minimamente processada apos o tratamento por radiacao gama destinado a pacientes imunocomprometidos ou com dietas especiais.
During and after the treatment of cancer, people with HIV or transplants, the food intake can offer a well-being to the patient, because the action of eating right helps people to feel strong. Healthy people have their immune system working properly and can tolerate small amounts of bacteria. However, immunocompromised persons may not be able to and however immunocompromised people cannot fight this small amount of microorganisms and require a diet with very low microbiological count to avoid contact with potentially harmful bacteria.
This is called neutropenic diet. These patients are susceptible to food contamination, so that it's not advisable the ingestion of raw products. The vegetable irradiation with low doses has the purpose of reducing the microbial load. The aim of this study was to obtain data on microbiological, sensorial e physicochemical aspects in minimally processed 'Primavera' salad irradiated with different doses of gamma radiation designed to immunocompromised patients. It were used doses of 1. All results were expressed in Newtons N. For the sensory test of acceptation no difference was found among the samples, however in the triangular test could be found slight differences between samples irradiated with 4.
It can be concluded that for a neutropenic diet the suggested dose is 2. Effect of addition of lignin in physical-chemical properties of a polyesters based on glycerol, phthalic and adipic acids; Efeito da adicao de lignina nas propriedades fisico-quimicas de poliesteres a base de glicerol e acidos ftalico e adipico. In this paper the study of different addition amounts of lignin in the physicochemical properties of polyesters made from glycerol and different amounts of phthalic and adipic acids have been proposed. The following characterizations were made: The variation in the percentage of adipic and phthalic acids had a direct effect on thermal and morphological properties.
The thermal analysis showed that there was miscibility between the polyester and lignin, by means of displacement related to the temperature of thermal degradation events. In FTIR analysis was noted displacements of characteristic bands of hydrogen bonds and specific carbonyl ester groups. These shifts were more pronounced as it has larger amounts of phthalic acid as monomer and larger amounts of lignin in the compositions. Computerized tomography with X-rays: In this study it is demonstrated the applicability of the Computerized Tomography technique with x-rays to evaluate the reactivity degree between various drilling fluids and argillaceous sediments Shales and Sandstones.
The research has been conducted in the Rock-Fluid Interaction Pressure Simulator RFIPS , where the possible physico-chemical alterations can be observed through successive tomography images, which are obtained during the flow of the fluid through the samples. In addition, it was noticed the formation of mud cake in Berea Sandstones samples in the RFIPS, though the Computerized Tomography with X-rays, when utilizing drilling fluids weighted with the baryte.
Microbiological, physico-chemical, and sensorial modifications during the useful life of the shrimps Penaeus brasiliensis e Penaeus Paulensis submitted to gamma radiation. During the last years, there has been an increase in the consumption of seafood and freshwater fish as a healthier diet option. Shrimps are the most important product in the international trade market. This kind of food easily deteriorates due to autolysis, oxidation and microbial action.
This research was carried out in order to study the effectiveness of radiation in preserving shrimps. Samples of shrimps Penaeus brasiliensis and P. The microbiological analysis was performed on days O, 2, 4, 7 10 and 14 post processing. The psychotropic population varied from Physical, chemical and radioactive characterization of co-products from titanum dioxide industry for valorization in the cement industry; Caracterizacion fisico-quimica y radiactiva de los sub-productos provenientes de la industria de dioxido de titanio para su valorizacion en la industria del cemento: The present study was conducted to characterize the raw materials ilmenite and slag , waste red gypsum and several co-products sulphate monohydrate and sulphate heptahydrated form the titanum dioxide industry in relation to their elemental composition major, minor and trace elements , granulometry, mineralogy, microscopic morphology, physical composition and radioactive content in order to apply this knowledge in the valorization of the co-products in the fields sucha as construction, civil engineering, etc.
In particular, the main properties of cements produced with different proportions of red gypsum were studied, and the obtained improvements, in relation to Ordinary Portland Cements OPC were evaluated. It was also demonstrated that the levels of pollutants and the radioactive content in the produced RG cements, remain within the regulated safety limits. Physical, chemical and radioactive characterization of co-products from titanium dioxide industry for valorization in the cement industry; Caracterizacion fisico-quimica y radiactiva de los sub-productos provenientes de la industria de dioxido de titanio para su valorizacion en la industria del cemento: The present study was conducted to characterize the raw materials ilmenite and slag , waste red gypsum and several co-products sulphate monohydrate and sulphate heptahydrated form the titanium dioxide industry in relation to their elemental composition major, minor and trace elements , granulometry, mineralogy, microscopic morphology, physical composition and radioactive content in order to apply this knowledge in the valorization of the co-products in the fields such a as construction, civil engineering, etc.
Heat treatment and gamma radiation effects on the physical-chemical, microbiological and sensory stability of pure sugarcane juice or added with fruit juices, stored under refrigeration;Efeitos do processamento termico e da radiacao gama na estabilidade fisico-quimica , microbiologica e sensorial de caldo de cana puro e adicionado de suco de frutas, armazenado sob refrigeracao. Sugarcane juice is a taste drink, energetic, no alcoholic that conserves all the nutrients in cane sugar. It was very appreciated by the Brazilian population and its production has been shown to be a highly lucrative business.
This research had the following objectives: Sugarcane juice market test was evaluated through the application of questionnaires on six Sao Paulo cities. Sugarcane juice stability was evaluated through microbiological psychotropic count, lactic bacteria and yeasts and molds count , physical-chemical pH, color, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio and polyphenoloxidase activity and sensory hedonic test parameters.
Centesimal composition was determined analyzing: Sugarcane juice shelf life period was determinate ever 7 days over a period of 42 days stored under refrigeration. The data were submitted to the variance analysis and compared by Tukey's test p Evaluation of the energy potential, biogenesis and essential characteristics of the geothermal submarine systems in Mexico; Evaluacion del potencial, biogenesis y caracteristicas esenciales de los sistemas geotermicos submarinos en Mexico.
Las fuentes geotermicas no tradicionales incluyen las partes profundas y los limites de los reservorios hidrotermales tradicionales, los sistemas en roca seca o humeda caliente, los yacimientos geopresurizados del Golfo de Mexico y los sistemas submarinos hidrotermales observados principalmente en la costa norte mexicana del Oceano Pacifico. La energia geotermica submarina surge por la existencia de rupturas profundas en el fondo marino, a lo largo de los centros de dispersion oceanicos entre las placas tectonicas. Estos sistemas tienen una longitud total aproximada de 65, Km.
Hay dos tipos basicos de sistemas marinos existentes en el Golfo de California: El calor submarino poco profundo tambien se relaciona con fallas y fracturas en el fondo del mar cerca de algunas costas. El potencial preliminar de la energia contenida en tales reservorios se estima, en promedio, en MWt por cada km3 de roca submarina. Las caracteristicas quimicas especificas de las aguas hidrotermales encontradas en esos sistemas oceanicos indican que las interacciones agua-roca, ocurren bajo condiciones de presion y temperatura altas.
La energia geotermica submarina soporta ricas variedades de comunidades biologicas a profundidades donde las plantas no tienen acceso a la luz solar para realizar la fotosintesis. Hay indicios de que las posibles condiciones para la sintesis de sustancias y elementos quimicos necesaria para el origen de la vida primitiva, pudieron ser los sistemas hidrotermales submarinos.
Los generadores de calentamiento por induccion son puentes inversores con carga resonante, cuya mision es basicamente crear una corriente sinusoidal de gran amplitud sobre la "bobina de caldeo", que forma parte del tanque resonante. En el interior de esta bobina se introduce la pieza que se desea calentar. EI campo magnetico creado induce corrientes superficiales corrientes de Foucault sobre la pieza, que producen su calentamiento. Los tanques resonantes tambien llamados osciladores utilizados en la actualidad son el resonante serie y el resonante paralelo.
Aunque ya desde hace algun tiempo se vienen construyendo generadores de alta potencia basados en estos dos osciladores, el exito nunca ha. Tal y como se explica en la introduccion de esta memoria, los puentes inversores utilizados deben operar sobre una carga inductiva corriente retrasada para evitar el fenomeno de la recuperacion inversa de sus diodos y la consiguiente ruptura de los transistores. De la restriccion topologica anterior se deduce que el generador paralelo debe conmutar a frecuencias inferiores a la resonancia, y el serie a frecuencias superiores.
A esta restriccion topologica hay que unir otra que es exclusiva del calentamiento por induccion: La corriente por la bobina de caldeo debe ser sinusoidal. De no ser asi, resultaria imposible disponer toda la potencia de calentamiento sobre la pieza en el espesor requerido por la aplicacion.
La conjuncion de las dos restricciones anteriores obligan al inversor paralelo a funcionar a la frecuencia de resonancia del oscilador. Esto imposibilita un control por variacion de frecuencia, regulandose la potencia desde la. Full Text Available S. O ecologismo dos pobres. O Jardim dos Sonhos. Full Text Available O jardim dos sonhos sempre foi um ideal dos homens.
Dos novelas colombianas olvidadas. Full Text Available Publication of two cupae from the ancient territory of Complutum. Dos estudios de casos. A sociedade dos vivos. Full Text Available A pergunta: Comparison of characteristics of LiF: Mg,Cu,P thermoluminescent dosemeters; Comparacao das caracteristicas dos dosimetros termoluminescentes LiF: Departamento Academicao de Fisica; Schelin, H. The aim of the current study was to compare the thermoluminescent dosimeters LiF: Tests were realized, for this purpose, such as: The results from both dosimeters show that these TLDs attend radiodiagnostic dosimetry criteria, however MCP had more satisfactory results.
Influence of coprecipitation and mechanical mixture methods on the characteristics of nickel oxide-alumina composites; Influencia dos metodos de coprecipitacao e mistura mecanica nas caracteristicas de compositos oxido de niquel-alumina. Centro de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Materiais. Alumina-supported nickel catalysts are currently used in the reforming process due to low cost and high activity for hydrogen production from alcohols. In this work, the effect of preparation methods on nickel oxide-alumina based materials has been investigated.
Ceramic powders were obtained by coprecipitation in ammonia medium and mechanical mixture. Coprecipitated materials were calcined in air at deg C to obtain the corresponding oxides. Materials obtained by mechanical mixture were prepared by wet milling of nickel oxide and alumina powders, both synthesized by precipitation and calcination in air at and deg C, respectively.
Powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen gas sorption by applying the BET method, laser diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, electrophoretic mobility measurements for zeta potential determination and infrared spectroscopy. Methodology for determination of the operational limits in a atmospheric oven as a function of the load characteristics; Metodologia para determinacao dos limites operacionais de um forno atmosferico em funcao das caracteristicas da carga. The necessity of increasing the crude processing with operation periods even greater, are resulting in Atmospheric Distillation Units in severe conditions, requiring even more rigorous operational procedures.
The crude fired heaters are the critical equipment in this context, because they are the most susceptible to failures, if some determined limits are exceeded. During this analysis, it was verified that the operational limit of a fired heater cannot be determined only by its design thermal duty, it must be also taken into account the influence of the crude composition. This will determine, due to its film coefficient, the region of the radiation zone of the fired heater where it will begin the crude vaporization and will occur the greater temperatures.
The work conclusions resulted on the revision of the Unit operational procedures and definition of new crude processing limits. The fired heater operates with no problems since then. DOS cones along atomic chains. Variations of the local density of states DOS along the chain are investigated. They are crucial in scanning tunnelling experiments and give important insight into the electron transport mechanism and charge distribution inside chains.
It is found that depending on the chain parity the local DOS at the Fermi level can form cone-like structures DOS cones along the chain. The general condition for the local DOS oscillations is obtained and the linear behaviour of the local density function is confirmed analytically. DOS cones are characterized by a linear decay towards the chain which is in contrast to the propagation properties of charge density waves, end states and Friedel oscillations in one-dimensional systems.
We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin-orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. It is also shown that for imperfect chains e. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin—orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. Dos chalets, en Suecia. However, the guest room and the attic are a kind of second floor within the cupula. This is an experiment, with a view to the possible mass construction of this prototype. The various rooms are grouped in two blocks, one comprising the bedrooms, which are cellular type and of minimum size, and the bathrooms; the other includes the children's room, a living room which extends into the vestibule, and guest room at a higher level.
A principal aim has been to obtain fine views in all directions, and also to take advantage of the ground slope. This house, of original and competent design, includes indoor gardens which add colour and life to the rooms. Las diferentes habitaciones se hallan agrupadas en dos bloques: Change of I-V characteristics of SiC diodes upon reactor irradiation; Modification des caracteristiques I-V de jonctions p-n au SiC du fait d'une irradiation dans un reacteur; Izmeneniya kharakteristik I-V vyrashchennogo v SiC perekhoda tipa p-n posle oblucheniya ego v reaktore; Modificaciones que sufren por irradiacion en un reactor las caracteristicas I-V de uniones p-n en SiC.
In search for semiconductors, which can be used in high-flux reactors in order to measure flux distributions, we irradiated SiC p-n junctions in the Belgium BR-1 reactor. Two types of SiC-diodes of different origin have been irradiated. These junctions are grown in the Lely-furnace. The changes in characteristics are given as well as the result of some annealing experiments.
Deux types de diodes a SiC d'origines differentes ont ete ainsi irradies. Les jonctions en question sont preparees par etirage dans le four Lely. Les auteurs indiquent les modifications subies par les caracteristiques, ainsi que le resultat de certaines experiences de recuit. Irradiaron dos tipos de diodos de SiC de. Hodoscope performance and design; Construction et comportement d'un odoscope; Demonstratsiya i konstruktsiya godoskopa; Diseno y caracteristicas de funcionamiento de un hodoscopio. The performance and circuitry of a hodoscoped array of counters used on an experiment at Brookhaven is described.
The circuitry, transistors, and phototubes all showed remarkable long-term stability. The lifetime of the transistors was 0. A simple set of diagnostic routines checked performance of the apparatus in half an hour. The data was recorded on film, and the film was read with a ''programmed spot'' scanner into the M. One hour is required to read a ft roll of film by this system.
A simple modification has been made to the apparatus whereby the data is stored in parallel into a shift register and then read out serially onto magnetic tape. Such a system writes a bit event on to tape in 1 ms and obviates the necessity for buffer storage. Le circuit, les transistors et les phototubes se sont reveles extremement stables sur une longue periode. Grace a un programme de controle systematique, on a pu verifier le comportement de l'appareil en une demi-heure.
Les donnees ont ete enregistrees sur films et le film a l'aide d'un teledecteur a spot programme dans un calculateur M. Ce systeme permet de lire plus de 1,20 m de pellicule en une heure. On a modifie l'appareil d'une maniere simple qui permet de stocker les donnees en parallele dans un registre a decalage et de les lire, par series, sur une bande magnetique. Ce systeme permet d'ecrire un evenement de chiffres binaires sur la bande en un millieme de seconde et d'eviter de recourir a la memoire intermediaire. Voltage stability analysis considering the load dynamic characteristics and the voltage control devices; Analisis de estabilidad de voltaje considerando las caracteristicas dinamicas de la carga y dispositivos de control de voltaje.
Finally, the application of the proposed methods of study to the analysis of voltage stability in an electrical network derived from the Mexican Peninsular system is presented. The influence of voltage control devices in the stability phenomenon is discussed and a comparison with the results obtained by means of other analysis techniques are presented, specifically, the study of the Q-V curves and the modal analysis of the power flow equations.
Mas concretamente, se define y estudia un tipo de modelo de carga con caracteristicas deseables para el estudio de la estabilidad de voltaje; los modelos genericos de carga derivados de pruebas de campo o de la aplicacion de tecnicas de identificacion y se analiza la influencia de la aplicacion de dispositivos de control para mejorar los margenes de estabilidad del sistema. Se estudian, asimismo, alternativas al modelado de sistemas de potencia para el estudio de la estabilidad de voltaje en sistemas complejos. Se presenta, en primer lugar, un analisis fundamental de las caracteristicas de estabilidad de voltaje en un sistema simplificado de potencia y se introduce el metodo de analisis adoptado.
Se muestra que el fenomeno de inestabilidad se manifiesta como una bifurcacion tipo singular inducida del modo critico de voltaje cuando se opera el sistema bajo condiciones de estres. A continuacion, se analiza la contribucion de la accion de dispositivos de control al margen de estabilidad y se deducen criterios de analisis de estabilidad basados en el estudio de dicho modo. Se propone, a continuacion, un modelo lineal del sistema de potencia con caracteristicas deseables para el estudio de la estabilidad de voltaje. Remessas de recursos dos imigrantes. What are the consequences of the dollars sent by the migrants to the people, families, and organizations that receive them in the cities of origin?
These are the key questions that recent studies have raised. According to some authors "migration is inevitable and has the potential to be quite positive in terms of development and reduction of poverty.
negra ctenosaura pectinata: Topics by www.newyorkethnicfood.com
The policies that have their origins in this principle will be more successful than those that attempt to oppose, intransigently, both globalization and the migration of people in space". Do current international migrations produce positive local development effects? The main objective of this article is to contribute to this discussion through an empirical study of the Brazilian case, which takes remittances as its focus. Thus, we identify who the immigrants are who send remittances from the United States to Brazil, to what ends the remittances are directed, who the beneficiaries are, and how the remittances.
Portuguese: A Reference Manual
Demand curves of electric energy in domestic sector in two regions of Mexico; Curvas de demanda de energia electrica en sector domestico de dos regiones de Mexico. In this work, is presented the analysis of residential consumption, regarding the temperature of two areas and types of electrical appliances. A shape characteristic of the load of the electrical energy is obtained for two geographical areas in Mexico. The consumption information was obtained from measurements in residential consumers and from the Mexican Utility. It is also shown the demand profile of the main residential appliances, obtained from smart metering equipment to separate the residential users' load profiles.
It is shown the effect of the different variables analyzed on the electrical power consumption, mainly the type of equipment, the geographical localization, the weather temperature, humidity and vegetation type. With the results attained, the definition of effective energy-saving programs and its effectiveness can be obtained. Se obtiene una forma caracteristica de la carga de energia electrica de dos areas geograficas de Mexico.
La informacion sobre el consumo se obtuvo de mediciones en consumidores residenciales y de una empresa electrica mexicana. Tambien se muestra el perfil de demanda de los principales aparatos residenciales, derivado de equipos de medicion inteligentes para separar los perfiles de carga de usuarios residenciales.

Se muestra el efecto de diferentes variables analizadas en el consumo de energia electrica, principalmente el tipo de equipo, la localizacion geografica, el clima temperatura, humedad y tipo de vegetacion. Con los resultados alcanzados pueden definirse programas de ahorro de energia efectivos y lograr implantarlos. Mineralogical and micro-thermometric features of the Los Humeros geothermal reservoir, Pue.
Studies on many topics have been undertaken during the exploratory and exploitation stages of the development of Los Humeros geothermal field. Unlike what usually occurs in lizards, where the body length strongly predicts egg production, in C. Observed differences revealed variation in the weight-size of the egg within an individual clutch.
Therefore, there is not an optimization of the egg in the studied population of Ctenosaura , as usually occurs in small lizards. This variation associated with reproduction takes place in the middle of the dry season, and may be interpreted as an adaptation to facilitate the adjustment of different phenotypes in environments with extreme drought. La masa relativa de la nidada estuvo relacionada positivamente con el peso promedio de los huevos pero no con el volumen promedio del huevo.
Analysis preliminary phytochemical raw extract of leaves Nephrolepis pectinata. Full Text Available The Nephrolepis pectinata popularly known as paulista fern, ladder-heaven, cat tail, belongs to the family Davalliaceae. For the beauty of the arrangements of their leaves ferns are quite commercialized in Brazil, however, have not been described in the literature studies on their pharmacological potential.
Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the phytochemical properties of the crude extract of the leaves of Nephrolepis pectinata. To perform the phytochemical analysis were initially made the collection of the vegetable, preparation of voucher specimen, washing, drying and grinding. Then, extraction by percolation method and end the phytochemical analysis. Iguanidae , in Oaxaca, Mexico. This reptile is one of the less known iguanid species.
Throughout one year, a total of 10 line transects were situated and recorded in the study area to determine relative abundance and density, and habitat type use dry forest, Nanchal, grassland, riparian veget We investigated the relationships between predator avoidance behavior and predation risk by comparing the wariness of iguanas Ctenosaura hemilopha belonging to an island population with few predators with that of iguanas belonging to a mainland population under high predation pressure. We predicted that island iguanas would be less wary than mainland ones.
Island iguanas allowed the closer approach of potential predators before their first reaction and fleeing. The responses of both sexes d Full Text Available Prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata , a perennial C4 grass native to the North American prairie, has several distinctive characteristics that potentially make it a model crop for production in stressful environments. However, little is known about the transcriptome dynamics of prairie cordgrass despite its unique freezing stress tolerance. We used a RNA-sequencing method to assemble the S.
Six differentially expressed gene DEG groups were categorized from the profiling. In addition, two major consecutive orders of gene expression were observed in response to freezing; the first being the acute up-regulation of genes involved in plasma membrane modification, calcium-mediated signaling, proteasome-related proteins, and transcription regulators e.
The follow-up and second response was of genes involved in encoding the putative anti-freezing protein and the previously known DNA and cell-damage-repair proteins. Moreover, we identified the genes involved in epigenetic regulation and circadian-clock expression. Our results indicate that freezing response in S. Parasitism by a Digenea in Lucina pectinata Mollusca: Full Text Available Abstract Lucina pectinata is an important economic resource in the Brazilian coast. This study reports parasitism caused by a Digenea in this species.
The tissues were examined using an optical microscope. The mean length of L. Microscopic analysis showed sporocysts containing both germ balls as cercariae of an unidentified Digenea Platyhelminthes, these in various stages of development. The prevalence was 1. In a parasitized specimen was macroscopic evidence of tissue densification of gills. There were no other parasites found, which is probably related to inaccessibility and chemical conditions in which lives L.
Evaluating shellfish gathering Lucina pectinata in a tropical mangrove system. Fish resources are important sources of income and protein to traditional inhabitants of coastal zones. This study tests whether if in less explored areas far from the village L. Samples were taken monthly in two habitats mangrove channels and mangrove roots in six mangrove areas by random squares.
The results indicated that closer areas showed significantly lower densities than areas far from the village. Densities were significantly higher in mangrove roots quizangas than at channels. There was a significant increase in monthly L. Never judge an iguana by its spines: Systematics of the Yucatan spiny tailed iguana, Ctenosaura defensor Cope, Spiny tailed iguanas are highly diverse clade of lizards in Mesoamerica, ranging from northern Mexico through Panama.
Utilizing 2 regions of mitochondrial DNA bp and 4 nuclear loci bp we explored the relationships between these species and the phylogeographic history of the major clades. We discovered that the lineage endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula renders the genus Ctenosaura paraphyletic. To resolve this non-monophyly, we resurrect the taxon Cachryx Cope, , and provide a new diagnosis for the genus. We also find that small body-size and highly spinose tails in the species previously referred to the subgenus Enyaliosaurus, have evolved independently 3 times.
Cachryx were recovered as sister to the lineage of iguanines endemic to the Galapagos Islands, and we discuss biogeographic scenarios to explain this relationship as well as those among the primary clades of Ctenosaura in Mesoamerica. Identification of a novel splicing form of amelogenin gene in a reptile, Ctenosaura similis. Full Text Available Amelogenin, the major enamel matrix protein in tooth development, has been demonstrated to play a significant role in tooth enamel formation. Previous studies have identified the alternative splicing of amelogenin in many mammalian vertebrates as one mechanism for amelogenin heterogeneous expression in teeth.
While amelogenin and its splicing forms in mammalian vertebrates have been cloned and sequenced, the amelogenin gene, especially its splicing forms in non-mammalian species, remains largely unknown. To better understand the mechanism underlying amelogenin evolution, we previously cloned and characterized an amelogenin gene sequence from a squamate, the green iguana. In this study, we employed RT-PCR to amplify the amelogenin gene from the black spiny-tailed iguana Ctenosaura similis teeth, and discovered a novel splicing form of the amelogenin gene.
The transcript of the newly identified iguana amelogenin gene named C. Similis-T2L is nucleotides long encoding an expected polypeptide of amino acids. Similis-T2L contains a unique exon denominated exon X, which is located between exon 5 and exon 6. Similis-T2L contains 7 exons including exon 1, 2, 3, 5, X, 6, and 7. Analysis of the secondary and tertiary structures of T2L amelogenin protein demonstrated that exon X has a dramatic effect on the amelogenin structures.
This is the first report to provide definitive evidence for the amelogenin alternative splicing in non-mammalian vertebrates, revealing a unique exon X and the splicing form of the amelogenin gene transcript in Ctenosaura similis. Throughout one year, a total of 10 line transects were situated and recorded in the study area to determine relative abundance and density, and habitat type use dry forest, Nanchal, grassland, riparian vegetation, and mangrove by the species.
This study reports a new C. Although this species has a very restricted distribution and is in danger of extinction, C. A total of individuals were recorded throughout the study. Results between seasons were similar. The Oaxacan Spiny tailed Iguana preferred first the dry forest, and then Nanchal, while avoided grassland, riparian vegetation, and mangroves. There was no difference in habitat use between males and females.
Mean perch heights were 1. Species observed as refuge and perch were B. Live trees hollows and branches were used by species. Main threats to the species are excessive hunting and habitat loss. Furthermore, grassland fires are still common in the study area.
Iguanidae, in Oaxaca, Mexico. Furthermore, grassland fires are still common in the study area during the. Preliminary Study of Hyptis pectinata L. Poit Extract Biotransformation by Aspergillus niger. One alternative approach to increase the content of bioactive compounds is fermentation. Poit is a plant that can be found in tropical area and potentially as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, insect repellant, antiviral and antioxidant.
In this research, efforts have been made to increase bioactive plant capacity of Hyptis pectinata L. Poit through submerged fermentation using Aspergillus niger. The study was performed by adding methanol extract of Hyptis pectinata L. Poit on two conditions, that was added at the beginning of fermentation and while entering a phase of death. Aspergillus niger growth rate in both conditions was observed by determining the dry weight of cells every 24 hours.
The transformation profil of extract was observed after 24 hours of extract addition in early death phase by the TLC method. The results show that the addition of Hyptis pectinata L. Poit extract at log phase triggers the cells to growth faster, whereas the addition at the early death phase precisely accelerates cell death. TLC profile shows the emergence of new compounds suspected as the products of transformation of Hyptis pectinata L.
Poit extract on day 8 after addition of extract. Aegiphila integrifolia, Cantinoa carpinifolia, C. Acetaminophen and zinc phosphide for lethal management of invasive lizards Ctenosaura similis. Full Text Available Reducing populations of invasive lizards through trapping and shooting is feasible in many cases but effective integrated management relies on a variety of tools, including toxicants. In Florida, using wild-caught non-native black spiny-tailed iguanas Ctenosaura similis, we screened acetaminophen and zinc phosphide to determine their suitability for effective population management of this prolific invasive species.
Of the animals that received acetaminophen, none died except at the highest test dose, mg per lizard, which is not practical for field use. We conclude that zinc phosphide has potential as a useful tool for reducing populations of invasive lizards such as the black spiny-tailed iguana provided target-selective delivery methods are developed [Current Zoology 57 5: Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Hyptis pectinata l. Chemical analysis showed that there was a predominance of sesquiterpenes, of which b-caryophyllene Twenty-one compounds were identified, and calamusenone was isolated using preparative thin layer chromatography with a silica gel plate 60 PF The minimal inhibitory concentration MIC and minimal microbicidal concentration MMC were determined for various pathogenic microorganisms.
The native range of Ctenosaura similis extends from southern Mexico through Panama. From an initial introduction of 3 animals in , the species now numbers in the thousands on Gasparilla Island in southwest Florida. In response to complaints of property damage from residents and threats to native species, local officials and the US Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services began a removal program in Through , trappers removed ctenosaurs. We necropsied ctenosaurs to document aspects of their natural history. We found oviducal eggs in females from early Apr to early Jun, approximately 2 months later than C.
We trapped hatchlings from late Jul to early Oct coincident with the summer rainy season. Clutch size increased with female body size, with 62 being the largest clutch size recorded. In general, the biology of the invasive population on Gasparilla Island resembles native C. We suggest that shorter day length and colder temperatures create environmental conditions that are suboptimal for individual growth compared to those in the native range.
A 2-year microplot experiment with the tested grasses growing on metal-contaminated soil was carried out. Simulated soil contamination with Cu, Ni, and Zn was introduced in the following doses in mg kg The phytoremediation potential of grasses was evaluated using a tolerance index TI , bioaccumulation factor BF , bioconcentration factor BCF , and translocation factor TF. The suitability of both grasses for Zn phytoextraction depended on the age of the plants. Both grasses were not suitable for Cu and Ni phytoextraction.
The research showed that one-season studies were not valuable for fully assessing the phytoremediation potential of perennial plants. Population genetic structure and demographic history of Atrina pectinata based on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers. Information on its population genetic structure is crucial for the conservation of A. Considering its long pelagic larval duration and iteroparity with high fecundity, the genetic structure for A. However, the unusual oceanography in the coasts of China and Korea suggests potential for restricted dispersal of pelagic larvae and geographical differentiation.
In addition, environmental changes associated with Pleistocene sea level fluctuations on the East China Sea continental shelf may also have strongly influenced historical population demography and genetic diversity of marine organisms. Here, partial sequences of the mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I COI gene and seven microsatellite loci were used to estimate population genetic structure and demographic history of seven samples from Northern China coast and one sample from North Korea coast.
Despite high levels of genetic diversity within samples, there was no genetic differentiation among samples from Northern China coast and low but significant genetic differentiation between some of the Chinese samples and the North Korean sample. A late Pleistocene population expansion, probably after the Last Glacial Maximum, was also demonstrated for A. No recent genetic bottleneck was detected in any of the eight samples.
We concluded that both historical recolonization through population range expansion and demographic expansion in the late Pleistocene and current gene flow through larval dispersal were responsible for the weak level of genetic structure detected in A. Alberto Carvalho; Alves, Pericles B.
De novo assembly of pen shell Atrina pectinata transcriptome and screening of its genic microsatellites. The pen shell Atrina pectinata is a large wedge-shaped bivalve, which belongs to family Pinnidae. Due to its large and nutritious adductor muscle, it is the popular seafood with high commercial value in Asia-Pacific countries.
However, limiting genomic and transcriptomic data have hampered its genetic investigations. In this study, the transcriptome of A. After assembling, a total of unigenes were obtained. Functional annotation indicated that the highest percentage of unigenes There were biological pathways matched with those in KEGG database. Furthermore, a total of potential simple sequence repeats SSRs were identified, of them the most abundant type was mono-nucleotide repeats , Sixty SSRs were selected for validating and developing genic SSR markers, of them 23 showed polymorphism in a cultured population with the average observed and expected heterozygosities of 0.
In this study, we established the first comprehensive transcript dataset of A. Biological and ecological characteristics of Pterocuma pectinata Malacostraca, Cumacea in Sasyk Reservoir. In — Sasyk was separated from the sea by a dam, connected by a canal with the Danube and transformed into a reservoir.
The fauna of Sasyk underwent significant changes and continues to adapt to the new conditions. This process is of great theoretical and practical interest. Cumacea — a small order, numbering about species; is represented in the Black Sea-Azov basin by 23 species, 11 of them belong to the Caspian complex. Due to their high quantity indicators, they play a significant role in the diet of many species of fish.
Pterocuma pectinata Sowinski, is the most abundant species of cumacean not only in the Sasyk Reservoir, but also in many bodies of water in the region. However, the biology and ecology of this group of animals has been very inadequately studied. The material for these studies was provided by benthic samples collected from 41 stations in the Sasyk Reservoir in the vegetation period — In this study we also used the material collected by means of H.
Hungerford underwater light traps. In total 4, specimens of cumaceans were processed. This article shows the results of the studyof the post-embryonic development, fertility and size-mass characteristic of P. For both sexes for age stages have been distinguished and described for cumaceans: Between breeding cycles, females live through one more preparatory intermediate stage; the males die.
This article provides a detailed morphological and morphometric description of all the stages of the ontogeny of cumaceans. The ratio of number of cumaceans at different stages of ontogeny varies considerably with the seasons. In the summer sexual development of cumacean occurs earlier than in the less warm seasons. A directly proportional relationship was found between body length. For species at risk of extinction, any parasites they have would be expected to face a similar fate.
In such cases, time is running out for efforts to identify and study their parasitic fauna before they are gone. We surveyed the hemoparasite fauna of 50 black-chested, spiny-tailed iguanas Ctenosaura melanosterna , a critically-endangered species, on an island off the coast of Honduras. Blood samples from captured animals were tested for hemoparasites by thin blood smear and molecular analyses. Based on microscopy, two parasites were identified, a Plasmodium sp. Efforts to amplify the Hepatozoon parasite using PCR were not successful. Additional surveys and studies of this host-parasite system would be valuable, both to science and to the management of this endangered animal.
Essential Oils of Hyptis pectinata Chemotypes: Leaf-cutting ants are pests of great economic importance due to the damage they cause to agricultural and forest crops. The use of organosynthetic insecticides is the main form of control of these insects. In order to develop safer technology, the objective of this work was to evaluate the formicidal activity of the essential oils of two Hyptis pectinata genotypes chemotypes and their major compounds on the leaf-cutting ants Acromyrmex balzani Emery and Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel.
Bioassays of exposure pathways contact and fumigation and binary mixtures of the major compounds were performed. The major compounds identified in the essential oils of H. The essential oils of H. Essential oils were more toxic than their major compounds alone. The chemotype calamusenone was more toxic to A. In general, the binary mixtures of the major compounds resulted in additive effect of toxicity.
Capillary crystallization and molecular-replacement solution of haemoglobin II from the clam Lucina pectinata. The haemoglobin II from the clam L. Initial phases have been obtained by molecular replacement. Haemoglobin II is one of three haemoglobins present in the cytoplasm of the Lucina pectinata mollusc that inhabits the Caribbean coast. Using HBII purified from its natural source, crystallization screening was performed using the counter-diffusion method with capillaries of 0. Crystals of HbII suitable for data collection and structure determination were grown in the presence of agarose at 0.
The asymmetric unit is a homodimer with a corresponding Matthews coefficient V M of 3. Ausencia de mujeres negras en los estudios sobre discapacidades humanas. Isolation of hyptolide has been done from Hyptis pectinata , and alkene group transformation through oxidation reactions using H3B: OEt2 to the isolated compound was also conducted. Pure crystal with melting point of oC was isolated. The yield was 1. After analysing and compilating of spectroscopic data it was confirmed as hyptolide compound.
Hydroboration of this compound followed by hydrolysis using H2O2 under alkaline conditions produce its alcohol derivatives, with IR spectrum at cm-1, confirming the replacement of hydroxyl bond by alkene. Regioselectivity of addition reaction is proposed through simulation with Chem Office. The reaction product was suspected as 6-hydroxy 6-oxo-3,6-dihydro-2H-pyranyl heptane-2,3,5-tryil triacetate.
Extension of reaction time to 24 hours, has increase hydroboration product to This research has opened other studies of natural materials in accordance to the roadmap set. Telah dilakukan isolasi hiptolida dari bahan alam Hyptis pectinata , dan transformasinya melalui reaksi oksidasi menggunakan H3B: OEt2 terhadap gugus alkena pada senyawa hasil isolasi. It proposes to reflect whether it is possible for a black person to live with the racism of the current social model. It is noteworthy that affirmative actions at the University of Brasilia - UNB reported data that demonstrate the.
La elevada cifra negra de la cibercriminalidad social juvenil. A tissue culture protocol was developed for an important medicinal plant Rungia pectinata L. Nodal shoots were used as explants and surface-sterilized with 0. Murashige and Skoog MS medium was used to establish the cultures of R. The bud break was reported on MS medium supplemented with 1.
The shoots were further multiplied using MS medium augmented with 0. All the shoots were rooted 4. The plantlets were hardened in the greenhouse for two months and finally transferred to the field. The foliar micromorphological studies revealed the developmental changes in stomata, vein density, and trichomes during the culture of shoots under in vitro conditions. Full Text Available A tissue culture protocol was developed for an important medicinal plant Rungia pectinata L.
Crystallization and diffraction patterns of the oxy and cyano forms of the Lucina pectinata haemoglobins complex. This protein complex was isolated and purified from its natural source and crystallized using the vapour-diffusion and capillary counter-diffusion methods. Oxy and cyano derivatives of the complex crystallized using several conditions, but the best crystals in terms of quality and size were obtained from sodium formate pH 5 using the counter-diffusion method in a single capillary.
Crystals of the oxy and cyano complexes, which showed a ruby-red colour and nonsingular prismatic shapes, scattered X-rays to resolution limits of 2. The asymmetric unit of both crystals is composed of a single copy of the heterodimer, with Matthew coefficients V M of 3. Full Text Available In the field of contemporary Hispanic literary studies, there would seem to be few areas of production so starkly determined by such triangulation as detective fiction, and particularly the subgenre of the novela negra.
The contemporary, transnational Spanish-language genre descended from early twentieth-century U. While the prestige of U. The primary poles of the triangulation that I describe here will correspond to those proposed by Ortega, but I will also follow his example by extending attention to other areas of Europe whose implication in this specific transatlantic interaction is appreciable. The clam Lucina pectinata lives in sulfide-rich muds and houses intracellular symbiotic bacteria that need to be supplied with hydrogen sulfide and oxygen.
This clam possesses three hemoglobins: We characterized the complete gene sequence and promoter regions for the oxygen reactive hemoglobins and the partial structure and promoters of the HbI gene from Lucina pectinata. The gene expression levels of the clam Hbs, from sulfide-rich and sulfide-poor environments showed a significant decrease of expression in the symbiont-containing tissue for those clams in a sulfide-poor environment, suggesting that the sulfide concentration may be involved in the regulation of these proteins.
Gene expression evaluation of the two HbI mRNA variants indicated that the longer variant is expressed at higher levels than the shorter variant in both environments. Plants from Lamiaceae family has almost entirely reported having physiological activities. One of them is Hyptis pectinata Poit plant. Research on the toxicity of Hyptis pectinata needs to be done to protect people from the possibility of its harmful effects.
This research was a laboratory experimental study using the post test only controlled group design. The extract was orally given with gastric tube on the first day and the mice were terminated at the 8th day then the livers were observed. The highest liver histopathological score was in P3 group. In conclusion, the HPE is safe to use which has no complication with liver of mice. This species has a mainly clumped distribution and its aggregated individuals are likely to be clones. From October to January, during the flowering period, the distal third of its leaves becomes red.
There is a positive correlation between the number of hummingbird visits per inflorescence and the production of nectar, suggesting that the availability of this resource is important in attracting and maintaining visitors. The arrangement of the floral structures favours pollen deposition on the bill of the hummingbirds.
These observations suggest that successful fruit set of A. Spore germination of Gleichenella pectinata Willd. Ching Polypodiopsida-Gleicheniaceae at different temperatures, levels of light and pH. To accomplish this, the spores were surface sterilized and sown in bottles containing mineral medium. The spores of G. During germination, filamentous gametophytes with and without developing rhizoids were observed.
Only gametophytes which presented developed rhizoids were able to reach the heart-shaped developmental stage. Based on the collection, the rate of and gametophyte development were generally very low. A finalidade deste estudo foi analisar o potencial germinativo dos esporos de G. Firstly, a study about social and education situation of the cuban woman since the colonial phase to the present day is accomplished as well.
Full Text Available Abstract The objectives of the present study is to describe the size for exploitation and gonadal maturation of L. Environmental parameter data was obtained at the same time of the biological sampling: Sex identification was conducted by direct observation of the gonads and gametes under an optic microscope. Individuals were classified as males M, females F or undetermined U. The medium height observed was of Period of more expressive gonad repletion were observed in summer when water temperature was higher.
Results of GDS in both periods showed a predominance of partially filled gonad stages. This may be related with the fact that L. The continuity of the reproductive cycle of the specimens found in both studied periods could demonstrate a possible continuous reproduction of the species and a size for exploitation above Allopatric divergence of Stuckenia filiformis Potamogetonaceae on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its comparative phylogeography with S. In the aquatic genus Stuckenia, the wide geographic range of S.
Using nuclear ITS sequence and ten chloroplast sequences, we conducted comparative phylogeographical analyses to investigate their distribution regions and hybrid zones in China, and compare their phylogeographical patterns and demographical histories. These two species were allopatric in China. These two species formed hybrid zones on the northeastern edge of QTP.
Most of the genetic variance of S. The geographical isolations caused by the Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains and the Tanggula Mountains promoted intraspecific diversification of alpine plants on the QTP. This study revealed the lack of phylogeographic structure in S. The ecological niche modeling showed that the distribution ranges of these two herbaceous species did not contract too much during the glacial period.
Remarkable difference in paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin distribution in tissues of pen shell atrina pectinata exposed to toxic red tide bloom. Pen shell atrina pectinata is one of the commercially important bivalves in Western Pacific region. In the Philippines, it is marketed as a whole meat or processed by shellfish harvesters to separate the abductor muscle as an export commodity.
During blooms of toxic dinoflagellate pyrodinium bahamense var. Toxic blooms directly affect the shellfish industry which includes A. In this study, samples of A. Bioaccumulation and distribution of PSP toxins were determined in different tissues namely, abductor muscle, mantle, gills, gonads, siphon, stomach and intestine using High Performance Liquid Chromatography post column derivatization method with fluorescence detection. Likewise, green mussels Perna viridis being the sentinel species for PSP monitoring in the Philippines were also collected in the same area and served as control.
Interestingly, results showed that the abductor muscle accumulates minimal level of PSP toxins and is several folds lower than the Philippine and international regulatory limits in contrast with the results obtained from P. Mantle parts showed toxicity values exceeding local regulatory limit and near to go beyond the international regulatory limit. Conversely, the remaining parts showed high toxicity values surpassing both regulation limits. Standard mouse bioassay regulatory used in PSP monitoring in the Philippines was also performed and revealed that the abductor muscle had non-detectable level of toxins.
Also, toxicity values from different. Full Text Available The article addresses the dilemma black children deal with as they construct and expose their blackness. It highlights the circumstances and challenges faced by their family members, and the contributions of the Black Movement. It ponders over the importance of teachers and schools as allies of the black community, in order to strengthen black children towards school success and to have their blackness respected.
Full Text Available Single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs are one of the most abundant DNA variants found in plant genomes and are highly efficient when comparing genome and transcriptome sequences. SNP marker analysis can be used to analyze genetic diversity, create genetic maps, and utilize marker-assisted selection breeding in many crop species. In order to utilize these technologies, one must first identify and validate putative SNPs.
Fifty-nine SNPs were validated using a core collection of 38 natural populations and a phylogenetic tree was created with one main clade. Samples from the same population tended to cluster in the same location on the tree. Polymorphisms were identified within Twelve selected SNP markers were used to assess the fidelity of tetraploid crosses of prairie cordgrass and their resulting F2 population.
These markers were able to distinguish true crosses and selfs. This study provides insight into the genomic structure of prairie cordgrass, but further analysis must be done on other cytotypes to fully understand the structure of this species. This study validates putative SNPs and confirms the potential usefulness of SNP marker technology in future breeding programs of this species. Recombinant hemoglobin II from Lucina pectinata: Hemoglobin II from the clam L.
To determine the mechanism of ligand selection in this hemoglobin, rHbII was expressed in large quantities using an improved fermentation process. The highest protein yield was obtained by: The results indicate that rHbII is similar to the native protein. The protocol was validated with other hemoglobins, indicating that it can be extended to other hemeproteins. Ecotourism is one of thepropellers of tourism and defined by the Institute of Ecotourism of Brazil as: Within thisperspective some questions such as: How isenvironmental awareness being addressed?
The Brejo da Serra Negra has been the constant aim of ecotourism because of its very uniquebeauty and the fact that it is a climatic sub-humid area in the hinterlands of Pernambuco andattraction to the so-called radical sports, ecologic tours, caverns exploring as well as camping. Foi adotada a metodologia de oficinas com o objetivo de confeccionar bonecas negras , sendo a oficineira uma estudante quilombola.
The active shield-volcano Sierra Negra is part of the Galapagos hotspot. Sierra Negra is the largest shield volcano of Isabela Island, hosting a 10 km diameter caldera. Ten historic eruptions have occurred and some involved a frequently visited east caldera rim fissure zone called Volcan Chico.
Product description
The last volcanic event occurred in October and lasted for about a week, covering approximately twenty percent of the eastern caldera floor. Sierra Negra volcano has experienced some significant changes in the chemical composition of its volcanic gas discharges after the eruption. This volcanic event produced an important SO2 degassing that depleted the magmatic content of this gas. Not significant changes in the MORB and plume-type helium contribution were observed after the eruption, with a In a visible and diffuse gas emission study was performed at the summit of Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos, to evaluate degassing rate from this volcanic system.
Volcan Chico, the southern inner margin of the caldera, and Mina Azufral.
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- Oeuvres de Grégoire de Nazianze (French Edition).
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These areas showed also visible degassing, which indicates highly fractured areas where volcano-hydrothermal fluids migrate towards surface. Molar ratios of major volcanic gas components were also measured in-situ at Mina Azufral with a portable multisensor. The estimated total output of diffuse CO2 emission from the summit of. Mistletoe lectin is not the only cytotoxic component in fermented preparations of Viscum album from white fir Abies pectinata.
Full Text Available Abstract Background Preparations of mistletoe Viscum album are the form of cancer treatment that is most frequently used in the complementary medicine. Previous work has shown that these preparations are able to exert cytotoxic effects on carcinoma cells, the extent of which might be influenced by the host tree species and by the content of mistletoe lectin.
Methods Using colorimetric assays, we have now compared the cytotoxic effects of Viscum album preparations VAPs obtained from mistletoe growing on oak Quercus robur and Q. Results Each of the VAPs inhibited cell growth, but the extent of this inhibition differed with the preparation and with the cell line. Higher concentrations of VAP-P were required to obtain a comparable effect.
Bladder carcinoma cells were in most cases more sensitive to VAPs treatment than breast carcinoma cells. As to be expected from the low content of mistletoe lectin, VAP-P led to relatively weak cytotoxic effects. Most remarkably, however, the lectin-poor VAP-A revealed a cytotoxic effect comparable to, or even stronger. The occurence of radioactive minerals such as apatite and pyrochlore, in the alkaline chimneys of Serra Negra and Salitre Minas Gerais, Brazil , is discussed.
Also mentioned are other minerals of interest associated with the alkaline magma such as columbite, fluorite, monazite, zircon, baddeleyite, etc, which in favourable conditions may occur in deposits of great economical value, and which may present high contents of rare earths, thorium and uranium. Escritura y culto de Botitas Negras. This includes renovation and the function of the new poetry of 20th century, highlighting the poetry of identity. The voices of the excluded groups from Literature use it as social way and function to complain and present the themes that reveal the prejudices, fights, yearnings and difficulties of those who are putted aside of the established orders.
Measurements of visible and diffuse gas emission were conducted in at the summit of Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos, with the aim to better characterize degassing after the eruption. The diffuse-to-plume CO2 emission ratio was about 1. Mina Azufral fumaroles released gasses containing Cavalcante, Maria de Jesus B.
The case of the Nahuas from the Sierra Negra allows us to establish a set of similarities and differences between these three major categories and to distinguish the features that can potentially guide their study in other cultural contexts. In this article, I use bibliographical sources and testimonies to analyse the reception of Fanon by the Brazilian intellectual milieu, as well as his influence upon the formation of black identities. As I observe a lukewarm reception I argue it was due to three factors: First, the specificity of the Latin American left in the 's; second, a national and racial makeup totally opposed to racial conflicts; and third the small number of black professors and researchers at Brazilian universities who focus on the formation of black identity or the affirmation of racially oppressed subjects.
Ele costuma diferenciar a cor preta da cor negra. Eduardo Sued transforms the black pigment of his physical palette in color fields on his paintings. He usually distinguishes black from "darkblack". He says black goes to "dark black" as darkness and intensity take hold of it. For him, the black works only on its surface, while "darkblack" is deep. The Rio Santiago in the Cordillera Negra of Peru is severely contaminated by acid mine drainage in its headwaters. ABSTRACT The objective is to highlight the possibilities of participation in the construction of political debates about the instrumentalities that the Internet offers.
It was sought to understand how black women boost their participation through the website of downloading digital videos Youtube. With the technological advances and greater purchasing power of the people, the cybernetic sphere has increasingly become a space for exposure and formation of opinions, which are often not only on-line, and can lead to advances in the construction and deconstruction of Guidelines. Methodologically, we did bibliographic review, observation and follow-up, with registration, of two channels of black women. We have shown that the empowerment and discussion of political issues about black women on Youtube were initially based on themes related to black aesthetics.
Black women; participation; Youtube; empowerment. It includes relevant information about its diet and a photograph in its natural habitat is showed. Recordar para re contar: Two-step counterdiffusion protocol for the crystallization of haemoglobin II from Lucina pectinata in the pH range 4—9. The composition of the haem pocket at the distal site includes TyrB10 and GlnE7, which are very common in other haem proteins.
Obtaining crystals of oxyHbII at various pH values is required in order to elucidate the changes in the conformations of TyrB10 and GlnE7 and structural scenarios induced by changes in pH. Here, the growth of crystals of oxyHbII using the capillary counterdiffusion CCD technique at various pH values using a two-step protocol is reported. In the first step, a mini-screen was used to validate sodium formate as the best precipitating reagent for the growth of oxyHbII crystals. The second step, a pH screen typically used for optimization, was used to produce crystals in the pH range 4—9.
Very well faceted prismatic ruby-red crystals were obtained at all pH values. X-ray data sets were acquired using synchrotron radiation of wavelength 0. All of the crystals were isomorphous and belonged to space group P4 2 2 1 2. Foram utilizados 24 ratos, divididos em 4 grupos: The use of medicinal plants has strongly increased by the world population. Twenty four rats were divided into 4 groups: Alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin and the serum level of.
Entendemos que en este evento se da el encuentro de dos tendencias: Describimos el sarau, que se desarrolla en tres momentos: We compare precise earthquake locations determined from a 3D velocity model and from a double difference cluster method. The time-space relations and focal mechanism solutions from a 4-day long period of intense seismicity June , along the southeastern flank of Sierra Negra suggests that the upward-migrating earthquake swarm occurred during a small volume intrusion at depths km subsurface, but there was no detectable signal in InSAR data to further constrain geometry and volume.
Focal mechanisms of earthquakes beneath the steep intra-caldera faults and along the ring fault system are reverse and strike-slip. These new seismicity data integrated with tomographic, geodetic, and petrological models indicate a stratified magmatic plumbing system: The large amplitude inter. Negras os e brancas os em publicidades de jornais paranaenses. Comparison of control methods for coccidiosis in native Spanish Castellana Negra chickens. Coccidiosis is a disease responsible for serious economic losses in the poultry industry.
This paper compares the effect of coccidiosis infection in a population of experimentally infected Castellana Negra chickens previously administered the ionophores antibiotic monensin Treatment 1 , Alquernat Zyox, a herb-based product Treatment 2 , or a live vaccine based on oocysts selected for precocity Treatment 3.
- Services on Demand?
- Loca por un hombre (Deseo) (Spanish Edition)?
- Trauma e neurossífilis.
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- Being The Ravine.
Fifty birds per treatment were housed in captivity and weighed individually once every two weeks. At nine weeks they were infected with pathogenic oocysts of Eimeria tenella, E. Biosorption is one of those processes that use biomass mostly inanimate for elimination of various chemical substances e. Until now algae have been studied as bio-sorbents in most cases, but we can also take advantage of wood pulp or sawdust that is normal waste material resulting in large amounts from various productions.
Considering the fact that bio-sorbent can be taken as natural ion exchanger containing slightly acidic or basic functional groups 2,3,4 , it is necessary to suppose that part of functional groups is filled by various metals before starting the measurements. Substituting these bound metallic cations by protonization we can gain biomass in given condition and some important information about the content of cations bound to bio-sorbent through ion exchange. The material used for biosorption observation was sawdust of Pinus negra Arnold.
For measurements we used the part which passed through the 0. By dehydrating at the C for the time of 24 hours we gained the water part that was 5. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que: Created by reporters, cardinals La mayor eficiencia de control de MNC Alternativas de manejo en el control de la Sigatoka negra Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet. In the period from June to October by an experiment with randomized block design in order to establish the effect of various management practices on the control of Black Sigatoka in banana Dwarf Guantanamero.
The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of rickettsia and hantavirus in wild rodents and arthropods in response to an outbreak of acute unidentified febrile illness among Indians in the Halataikwa Indian Reserve, northwest of the Mato Grosso state, in the Brazilian Amazon. Where previously surveillance data showed serologic evidence of rickettsia and hantavirus human infection.
The arthropods were collected from the healthy Indian population and by flagging vegetation in grassland or woodland along the peridomestic environment of the Indian reserve. Wild rodents were live-trapped in an area bordering the reserve limits, due the impossibility of capturing wild animals in the Indian reserve. The wild rodents were identified based on external and cranial morphology and karyotype. DNA was extracted from spleen or liver samples of rodents and from invertebrate tick and louse pools, and the molecular characterization of the rickettsia was through PCR and DNA sequencing of fragments of two rickettsial genes gltA and ompA.
The amplification of the complete S segment was performed. A total of wild rodents, louse, and 36 tick specimens were collected in Laguna Negra hantavirus was identified in Calomys callidus rodents and Rickettsia bellii, Rickettsia amblyommii were identified in Amblyomma cajennense ticks. Zoonotic diseases such as HCPS and spotted fever rickettsiosis are a public health threat and should be considered in outbreaks and acute febrile illnesses among Indian populations.
The presence of the genome of rickettsias and hantavirus in animals in this Indian reserve reinforces the need to include these infectious agents in outbreak investigations of febrile cases in Indian populations. Foram estudados sistemas de cultivo simples e consorciado de Eucalyptus saligna Smith e Acacia mearnsii De Wild. We analyze trends of wage inequality of the Brazilian female labor force, by race, during the s and s. Increasing returns to skills and increasing demand for skilled labor result in a divergence of wages growth between high and low skilled workers.
This increasing gap results in an increase of wage inequality by race. In order to interpret trends, we take into account race differences in marriage patterns, fertility, household arrangements, educational levels, labor market participation, skill levels, occupational location and earnings, distinguishing between period and cohort measures. We use Brazilian Household Sample Surveys data to examine the importance of within- and between-cohort changes for black and white women.
Earnings functions are estimated from the pooled time-series of these cross-section data, using OLS and quantile regressions. Summary This article addressed the news related to black communities, mainly regarding racial discrimination and racism in the "Cartagena" section, based chronologically on two years: The "Cartagena" section is the second largest in the newspaper El Universal, where the main problems of the city are collected.
This discourse analysis of written texts, has been based on the realities of black communities and how they assume these news, particularly racial discrimination. As well as the conception that the journalists and leaders from the community have. In the period of investigation, the Universal.
To analyze the characteristics related to individual vulnerability among HIV seropositive women, according to skin color. Un estudio de caso de la Sierra Negra de Puebla. Se identifican cinco instituciones gubernamentales de relevancia para las mujeres: Full Text Available Stromatolites are organo-sedimentary structures that represent some of the oldest records of the early biosphere on Earth.
Cyanobacteria are considered as a main component of the microbial mats that are supposed to produce stromatolite-like structures. Understanding the role of cyanobacteria and associated microorganisms on the mineralization processes is critical to better understand what can be preserved in the laminated structure of stromatolites. Laguna Negra Catamarca, Argentina, a high-altitude hypersaline lake where stromatolites are currently formed, is considered as an analog environment of early Earth. This study aimed at characterizing carbonate precipitation within microbial mats and associated oncoids in Laguna Negra.
In particular, we focused on carbonated black pustular mats. It occurred via organo-mineralization processes within a large EPS matrix excreted by the diverse microbial consortium associated with Rivularia where diatoms and anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria were particularly abundant. By structuring a large microbial consortium, Rivularia should then favor the formation of organic-rich laminations of carbonates that can be preserved in stromatolites. By using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy and Synchrotron-based deep UV fluorescence imaging, we compared laminations rich in structures resembling Rivularia to putatively chemically-precipitated laminations in oncoids associated with the mats.
We showed that they presented a different mineralogy jointly with a higher content in organic remnants, hence providing some criteria of biogenicity to be searched. This article aims to make a reading of the social role ofthe slave in Brazil regency period, highlighting the feminist aspects of the black women fight against captivity and for the maintenance of the family unit formed in the colony. She is pointed by feminist scholars as the one that did the History of Brazil homework, contrary to the myth propagated by Gilberto Freire work that there was a harmonius relationship between the big house and the slave quarters, which fed the possibility of social mobilitiy to the Brazilian slaves.
Gummosis of Acacia decurrens Willd.