I was unable to finish this novel, though it was otherwise a cute read, after the hero forced the heroine, her hands held behind her back and her back up against a balustrade, into a kiss and more , then tried to get her to come back to his room, explaining that the house guests expected on the morrow would be "discreet" and wouldn't tell anyone. Pegeen, the heroine, is a virginal preacher's daughter with decidedly modern views on poverty, oppression of women and treatment of workers, but admittedly totally sexually inexperienced as seemingly required of most romance heroines.
The heroine responds to his invitation with a forceful smack across his face. Mind you, this is the third time she had smacked him for a kiss that he instigated with no warning or request. I just couldn't take any more of this behavior, especially after she decided this encounter meant she had fallen in love with him. Dec 31, Christina A Reader of Fictions rated it did not like it. Also skipping the Abandon trilogy because yeah no, and the middle grades because I want ship.
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Where Roses Grow Wild was, to not put too fine a point on it, quite bad. Edward is hot and masculine and hairy-chested. Pegeen was on board the moment he kissed her, but still. I could ship that. Mar 18, Nan rated it really liked it. This was Meg Cabot's first published novel, and it shows.

That said, it was an entertaining, lighthearted read. Many of her familiar character types make their first appearance here: Pegeen is an interesting lead character for this book; she's lovely as are all Cabot leading wo This was Meg Cabot's first published novel, and it shows.
Pegeen is an interesting lead character for this book; she's lovely as are all Cabot leading women , but she's also quite poor, which makes her a poor catch on the marriage market. She's also the guardian of her orphaned ten year old nephew, Jeremy. Edward is desperately seeking Jeremy because the boy has been named heir by his recently deceased grandfather. Edward doesn't want the responsibility that comes with a duchy; he'd rather foist that off on a child.
When he comes to pick up the boy, Edward is alarmed by how attractive he finds Pegeen--and he's eager to get to know her better. The strength of this novel rests entirely with it's main characters and the ways they struggle with their passion for one another. The side characters including Jeremy get little to no development. All the same, this is an entertaining read, and I'll definitely keep my copy. This was Meg Cabot's first novel, and it's apparent. The writing is also full of romance cliches and devoid of the lighthearted humor that I enjoy in so many of Meg Cabot's other novels.
However, I have to say my biggest grievance with this novel is the way the romance played out. Pegeen is falling in love with Rawlings, yet keeps denying her feelings for him. Rawlings's reaction is to keep pressuring her, pu This was Meg Cabot's first novel, and it's apparent. Rawlings's reaction is to keep pressuring her, pursuing her and kissing her, his "logic" being "Oh, she's saying 'no' but I can tell she actually wants to and means 'yes. It is not at all a healthy portrayal of what a relationship should be and what consent means in practice.
I've read other historical romance novels including more by Cabot herself that portray consent and communication in romantic relationships in a much healthier way. So this novel is the exception. Pass on this one, but I would recommend most of Cabot's other historicals. They have better writing and better plots as well. Apr 13, Mary23nm rated it really liked it Shelves: Where Roses Grow Wild is a well written book and I was impressed.
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And he does that often, even though he is supposed to be a gentleman taking care of his young sister in law. That was my main beef with the story. Also, some parts were just too predictable, like when the nasty mistress invi Where Roses Grow Wild is a well written book and I was impressed. Also, some parts were just too predictable, like when the nasty mistress invites them all over for dinner and makes a point to include the 10 year old duke? No one seems to think it inappropriate or suspicious? Pun intended for a bodice-ripper, but I tore through this one in two days.
I enjoyed every second of it, and the only reason I'm giving it a 4 instead of a 5 is because it is does have many of the tropes that almost necessarily befall the genre. However, it moved quickly, had a very likeable character in Pegeen and eventually Edward as well , and had a good story including the ending I was hoping for. I really like a lot of Meg Cabot's books, and this one is right up there. Mar 10, Kati rated it really liked it.
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