Open Passion 2 - A Handsome Reward
What is even more disturbing is that Mr.
2. Focus On a Vision
He never mentioned about anything like, effort or handwork, even though he knows that they are important, why?. The answer is lies in this old saying. The first segment of that interview is here:. How crazy this would be. People deserve the truth, more so if there are children who read these things. Such information can be dangerous to people have not developed good judgement- KIDS. Comment by Ndimuganda Iamamuganda - April 18, at 3: My conflict is the following: We should all aspire to not be one of them.
Is that passion or effort? Which came first — the chicken or the egg? Comment by Brian Strahle brianstrahle - April 18, at 3: Cuban, by posting this comment about our Kickstarter project: Please help us out by reading our story, and if you believe in what we are doing, then pledge, and become a backer. Comment by Holly Havelka - April 18, at 2: I like how you always debunk the romantic ideas people have in their head about success.
Comment by Brian Gomez bjgomer13 - April 18, at 1: Comment by ohjay - April 17, at 6: Thank you for the advise! I recently started a new job and your theory makes perfect sence to me! I love my new job and run my own business, but following your effort. I love the idea!!! It is something I can use at my full time job and my side venture!!! Thank you a bunch!!!! Comment by flamelesslove - April 17, at Mark thanks for the advice. I had my 16 yr old read it this morning and at first he was afraid to but when he did he had this big smile on his face and said that it was about him.
He is passionate about planes, trains and weather which he was bouncing around from one to another as to what he wanted to do for a job. Then this year for his youth group he took it on himself to design the logo for them to use and it was by that effort that he found that he loves doing graphic arts and the more he does the more he wants to get technical with it.
He has mad a 3D countdown video and is constantly striving to learn and do more. Comment by Bonnie Sue Beardsley - April 17, at 9: This is a simple post instructing you to rationally and objectively observe where your efforts are taking you. Comment by Dan Callendar - April 17, at Mark you were great on Entourage, I must say. I wanted to tell you, I just signed my younger cousin up for a little sports contest called, The AfterschoolAwards.
It was pretty cool.
1. Bet On Your Strengths
Comment by Adam Russell - April 16, at 3: Mark i apologize for being off topic here but I am trying to reach you about our movement and a show pitch. I think your going to like it. Here is the short version of what our reality show will be all about and Here is a link to the CBS coverage video of our worldwide movement 3 min segment featured on 6 oclock news http: We are all about Random acts of recognition, celebrating whats going well in the world and encouraging people worldwide.
The show would revolve around Team Good Signs adventures in spreading positivity. Optimism is in fashion and people are hungry for it. The reactions that we get are priceless and would make for reality TV Gold. One of the many concepts we have for a show is that we will contact a local organization and ask them to point out some people within that organization that are doing a good job and deserve some recognition. We will then show up to that place and surprise them with the Good Signs and celebrate their efforts with awards and gifts! The reactions will be amazingly entertaining and empowering.
This would be in addition to our regular and very fun and entertaining street activities where we do the same thing with complete strangers at random. Comment by Eric Dennis - April 16, at 1: Your blog is a nasty mess; no optimization and no strategy or offer. Sure I agree that you should follow your effort and not your passion but how is this considered new information?
Your a multi-millionaire, spend some money and learn Internet etiquette! Comment by Marshall Adler - April 15, at 1: What about the effort of your part time employees. Some of them a long time, 7 yrs. Some of them juggles several other jobs and school while working around the Mavs scehdule just to be part of the Mavs organization. Still a Mavs fan just not a Cuban fan. When I became a public school teacher, passion was what landed me the job…but my effort was what kept me going, seeing the results day after day.
Comment by Holly Havelka - April 13, at 8: The Shirk Report — Volume Too many people think that by just showing up that they are special. Those who put in the extra efforts and extra work will reap their rewards. Comment by James R. Clawson - April 12, at 3: Comment by Aman Sharma - April 8, at 2: Market, Market demand, purpose, passion, money. Comment by Eduardas Kubilinskas cr34t0r - April 7, at 1: For my money, passion and a positive attitude can lead to trouble.
Passion without purpose is like an empty bag. Passion, applied to purpose, while not forgetting a plan is being on the right track. The Passion Or The Money? Reblogged this on The Business Circus. Comment by nameetpotnis - April 5, at 1: Very true Mark and very well said. Comment by Laura Reeves ifiredmyboss - April 4, at 2: What if your passion is for helping people, and you spend most of your time finding ways to help others.
They say the more you help people, the better your life will be, and I went to a seminar many years ago that mentioned if you focus on how to help others, wealth will follow. Comment by leslietennie - April 3, at 9: I ditched it and focused on another idea I had. Now I spend less time on it and I make more money. Comment by hcglevelsinpregnancy - April 3, at 8: You are my mentor Mark Cuban and I only have a few of these. I will tell you tomorrow why you are when I am refreshed.
Comment by whitewoody - April 3, at 1: Comment by Rafastore rafastore - April 1, at 1: Well, I am doing my best to follow my effort in building a business blog — Tumbleweed Marketing Analytics — that will tank in the top 50 business blogs list according to Strategist News.
If you have any advice for me, I would very much appreciate it.
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But, regardless, a great post about passion and effort. Comment by Tom Wolfer - March 31, at 8: The persistent one is at it again.
Dont Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Effort | blog maverick
Let me say first that this was an excellent post by you. I had a great revelation after reading this post. I spent 20 hrs looking at stock charts and oning my skills. It does take time to see all the angles. Forget the poker eventhough I made a lot of money. There is way more money in swing trading specific stocks. Remember this it is not what you can do for me it is what I can do for you. That is my goal and I will keep eating kraft dinner until I prove this to him. Comment by whitewoody - March 31, at 2: Comment by whitewoody - March 30, at I got passion for stock trading.
I just got back. Can you write in your next blog about why you stated it is better to have your money in cash then in the markets. Comment by Jessica Hager - March 30, at 5: Comment by JOMtonton jomtontontv - March 28, at 5: Too often, people fall into their careers without much thought, and this leads many people to be unfulfilled. People need to be intentional in charting a course for their career that aligns with their motivated abilities, interests, values, and personality type — knowing up front there will likely be twists and turns in the road.
I encourage people to begin with the end in mind! What kind of a career do you want to create? An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and an object at rest tends to stay at rest. True clarity always comes from engagement — and sometimes that means making mistakes and learning from them — knowing what you want to avoid in the future. Success will also likely depend on teamwork — networking contacts, supportive friends, and maybe even the help of a professional career coach and resume writer. Purpose inspires passion and passion inspires performance.
Sure make the effort to develop competence too. Comment by Vivek Khanna - March 28, at 6: Comment by Sportexts Sportexts - March 27, at 4: Mark, your big payday came from your passion around sports? Would Cameron have created Auido Net and would you have worked so hard to build this company if it were not about sports? I wish I would have received that advice a long time ago. Comment by Bobby Zuckman - March 27, at 4: Comment by Phil Bowermaster - March 27, at 1: Comment by Mike Krupit - March 27, at Comment by Daniel Canfield - March 27, at Mark, I like that angle a lot.
But something you are passionate about often does. Both viewpoints are valid: The main article takes if from one end: However, there is another way. Find something you are passionate about already, and put all your effort into that. First, look at your passions in turn, and take them to their ultimate, best possible outcome, the rein that in to the most realistic, likely outcome.
Triage by holding that against what you materialistically want from life. You need both sides to balance to be happy. Then, by all means, put your effort into that.
As you are already passionate about it, you should find that easy and enjoyable, even if it is really, really hard work. Word to the wise and passionate: I firmly believe that you need a little give and take in ALL areas of life to find that balance that makes you happy overall.
If I were to try to turn that passion into a living, I would probably be quite poor! That would be tragic. But, a little lateral thinking can help: A centre at reasonable rates also often attracts other arts — just make sure you screen for quality both in terms of teaching and in terms of people. One bad egg can kill your brand. Comment by Geoff Saulnier - March 27, at 6: Non seguire la tua passione, ma il tuo impegno Infinite Backlinks Blog.
Sugar Ray Robinson was the greatest boxer in history, made a fortune from it, and hated every minute of it. I think it depends on what you want out of your life. If you just want to be happy whatever that means , then I would say have at it. Good luck with that by the way. This will be the bulk of the effort that Mark is writing about. Two important notes — 1 You need to be really really good. Just being as good as everyone else will not put you in a position to make lots of money. Nothing is worse than waking up at 40 years old, with a family and bills, and realizing you have no saleable skills, knowledge, or experience with which to make a comfortable living.
Millions of Americans make exactly this mistake by the way. The second route is the entrepreneurial route. To make it short, find opportunities and exploit them oversimplifying a bit I know. This will require knowledge, hard work, research, persistence, and money.
People who say you can start a business with little or no money are liars — usually trying to sell you something. Unless you are already financially comfortable, avoid all forms of gambling at all costs. This includes poker, trading of any kind, and the lottery. Set your financial goals based on the life you want to live.
Example — Nice home, 2 cars, 2 nice vacations per year is achievable with mid to high six figures or a few million. Comment by Jason Mosley - March 25, at Link Drop for the last week: DesignNotes by Michael Surtees. Besides that recent Laker game, he was getting closer to delivering than most people realize—good positioning, just missing shots….
It may sound simplistic, but infuse a little happiness, joy and fun into Lamar Odom—and i think that shot will start falling.
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Wilfer cbwilfer - March 24, at I learn something new everyday. Comment by Herschel Everett - March 24, at Learning, and ME Steve Weiss. I used the format you provided and sent one out to all of the local TV stations and newspapers on behalf of my company http: This proved to be an excellent plan! Today a rep from the leading morning TV talk show in my city Edmonton called me. They want to feature my company on their show on April 13th.
This is HUGE exposure.
The secret to a happy marriage? Jealousy, anger and passion
Thanks so much for the inspiration. Reading your post gave me the confidence to take publicity into my own hands. Comment by shawnmackey11 - March 23, at 6: Link love Powered by scallops and samosas Musings of an Abstract Aucklander. Everyone introduced themselves by their name and passion.
I found it rather embarassing. Lots and lots of sex would be really awesome! I think it may be a matter of how you interpret the word Passion. My Midwestern upbringing led me to associate the word Passion with family or ones deeply held beliefs. What becomes easier the more you do it? What recharges your batteries in the act of doing? Comment by Warren Stringer - March 23, at 4: Love Cuban he is totally right here, everyone asks how to become successful looking for magic wand, just work hard and success will follow. Comment by Craig Trapp - March 22, at Excellent, concise and straight to the point essay.
I feel this is dead on and are words to live by. Comment by Kevin Edmondson - March 22, at Quote Today World of Canggih's. Comment by Dad - March 21, at 2: I am really surprised about the controversy this has garnered. See what you like doing, the chances are you are already doing a lot of it. If you like sports, then you are either playing or watching a lot of sports.
Chances are you will be able to devote the time required to it to make it successful. People vastly underestimate how hard it is to be successful. I see problems when someone sees something cool and believes that that is their passion without ever having done it. Comment by Mike Martel - March 21, at 2: I liked the ideas here so I showed this to a friend whose viewpoint I find to be wiser and less subject to tunnel vision than my own and her comments were:. People who spend the majority of the time working hard at a job because it puts food on the table.
Be interesting for you to spend some time with other sectors of American society and see if your ideas seem good in those contexts. I look forward to a post about your experience if you do this. Where I was working jobs just to pay the bills, having to write checks to friends who wrote checks to my landlord or the electric company just to buy a day or two to get the money in my account. Even when I was exhausted I would dream about the things I would love to do.
I still have the lists I would make of dream jobs. I had no interest in technology back then. It wasnt what I was passionate about. But I happened to get a job doing it. And while I thought my passions were elsewhere, and a lot more exciting than selling computers, i found that the more I worked with computers, the better I got, the better I got, the more I liked them. This came after having jumped between jobs, getting fired and just trying to pay the bills. Not everyone falls into the right job and ends up really liking it. But everyone who is in a job that dont like dreams of what they would rather be doing and thinks that is their passion.
Many of us not only dream, we dabble. But when those dabbles turn into effort, every waking and available moment type of effort, you will be amazed how good things can happen. The problem is that most people never get past messing around with things they like. Comment by Dad - March 21, at 1: Some great comments here. What I heard you saying is that if you work hard at something, you get good at it. So you ARE saying that one should do something you are passionate about right? So it seems to me that we are advocating the same thing, but going about it differently. But they have no passion for it.
Are these the kinds of numbers we want to perpetuate? You can only get up for from where you are for 3 reasons…. Many things will go through your mind during this time which can take days by the way but there will only be one or two that will NOT let you stay still any longer because you MUST start doing it! Comment by Herky Cutler - March 21, at 1: I read this blog because of a discussion that took place last night. This is an excellent topic. Passion is at the very core of my work and I believe it is the fire that fuels success.
I agree that effort is essential and a love for pet rocks will probably not pay the bills. However, a passionate effort will always prevail. Passion multiples your effort. Every player in the NFL has given and does give an effort. The question then becomes, can you work hard, give an effort, and not be passionate about the work? Chicken before the egg. Comment by Tyler Platt tylerplatt - March 21, at Comment by TIm Jordan - March 21, at Comment by Jonathan Pelosi - March 20, at Have been perplexed by the success of Mark Cuban and yet the more I listen and read and withhold judgement about the perception that he is an immature guy who berates refs , the more I appreciate the effort, hard work and dedication he puts into the pursuit of excellence.
This blog is simple and profound, that is a nice gift to receive. Comment by Gil Brady - March 20, at Mark — I blogged a follow up to your advice. I hope I explained so eloquently here: Comment by Sports Marketing Prof - March 20, at Mark, your are half right. Passion or engagement is usually a sign that you are tapping into a natural talent. Sustained effort can not be maintained unless you are using your natural top talents. To complete the picture: On paper that would seem like a pipe dream — at that time.
Comment by mrexmiller mrexmiller - March 20, at 9: Comment by Jesse Gunn - March 20, at 7: Follow your effort by Mark Cuban Dee's Cereal. Comment by Amartya Chakraborti - March 20, at In order for success to materialize, passion and effort need to work in tandem. Effort is motivated by some level of passion in all circumstances. A person may not be passionate about their particular work and still exert great effort because they have some underlying passion motivating their action, for example, making money. Comment by innovationneeded - March 20, at Like, for example, maybe you really love college basketball, so you found an internet radio company to listen to Indiana games in Dallas.
Or you really love a local basketball team, so you use your proceeds from your internet radio company to buy them and work really hard to build them into a champion. Comment by Stephen Myers - March 20, at Comment by Douglas Jacob Puhl - March 20, at Comment by Barbara Assante - March 20, at I do, however, have the will and commitment to get done what needs to be done to accomplish the bigger picture s that I care about.
Daily Bullets Pistols Firing. Comment by Jamey Kramar - March 20, at 7: For this second category, sticking to a wrong choice could turn out to be an emotional suicide. If you look around this world is a better world because of passionate people who chose to take a huge chance that could have ruined their lives. Some other examples are Bill gates and Steve jobs. Fitting round pegs in square holes will either leave a gap of deform the union.
Comment by Ashima Cl Sharma - March 20, at 4: I believe this is excellent advise and you made it a little clearer for me….. Comment by Lo losheriow - March 19, at Sounds to me like the people who piss and moan about passion being bad are people who gave up following their dream, so they are justifying their choice to abandon their passion for the pursuit of money. The truth of the matter is, you can have passion AND money, but you have to take a good look at Reality. What is the world willing to pay for? What are your talents and strengths?
Can those strengths and talents be used to passionately pursue a goal that will result in financial freedom? They get satisfaction from ridding the world of unsightly filth and leaving the Earth a cleaner and more organized place. They know deep down that what they are doing is noble and a great service to others, even if it smells bad. They think it means anything that provides instant gratification and trivial pleasure.
First of all, try growing a bit and pursuing loftier things in life. Develop higher skills and interests. How about people who are passionate about Sales? Or owning Real Estate? Or Illustrating and Design? Or building an organization?
Granted, perhaps not all those things will pay off for the person who is passionate about them…. Comment by Raymond Arotin raymondarotin - March 19, at 8: Good way of looking at it. Mark, you say it all the time on Shark Tank- people who get led into sinking their life savings into a crap idea, because of all the false praises they get throughout their years of effort. Making it their life i. Reason people become passionate about something is because they are good at it.
You were in the Internet industry. And now we have a NBA Championship ring. And I think that is why people are driven by passion, because of badasses like you. Enough of the butt kissing. Comment by Nirav Chatterji nchatterji - March 19, at 7: The flip side to this coin is to put more effort into what you are passionate about. Find what you truly enjoy doing. Become the best you can possibly be at it to differentiate yourself from the competition. When you do what you love and love what you do you will enjoy success! Comment by Ryan Rldinvestments - March 19, at 6: You may or may not realize what a waste of time listening to me is, that means all of you with complete certainty, which is something that you do not have in the future, where the major events are entirely beyond your control.
Comment by John Gury - March 19, at 5: Comment by Charlie Taing - March 19, at 4: For some, success through passion happens almost overnight; for most others, it takes years, even decades, before they either succeed or have to give up and join the regular workforce. Whoever is lucky enough to break out of that mold should absolutely do so and do it as early in life as possible.

The fundamental question for each dream-chaser to decide for themselves is for how long to chase a passion before it becomes too unrealistic to make a living from it. Most of us learned that early on when, through overreliance on Cliffs Notes, we were handed that heart-stopping D-minus on the English Lit mid-term. We learned that day that there are no shortcuts. His point of view is dangerously naive and just plain wrong. So why teach others to pursue any different a path than he himself followed? Love something and the effort will cascade out of you uncontrollably.
What we need to hear from successful people like him is that the seemingly impossible can be achieved and the best way to achieve big things is by doing what you love. If we have to settle for less then so be it but not a moment before the dream is given its fair shot. Comment by Melissa Garza - March 19, at 3: Comment by Cory Councilman ccouncilman - March 19, at 2: Comment by Regina Kariuki - March 19, at 2: I say follow your purpose, and purpose is pretty much the same as effort, though in my view purpose is aligned with values whereas effort may or may not be aligned with values.
By articulating your vision without constraints, you are able to picture what you truly desire and take the necessary steps to move your business towards that vision. Ask yourself, would you travel the world? Would you spend your time exploring little-known coral reefs and swimming with the sharks? If travel is your passion, perhaps a job as a travel writer, nature photographer or tour guide is in order. Do you love to cook, and do you long to spend your days in the kitchen instead of the office? All kinds of enterprises, from show business to restaurateurs, can look far more glamorous from the outside.
Before you pursue your passion full time, look for ways to get an insider's perspective. If you find yourself just as passionate after getting an inside look, you will know you are on the right track. If not, you will have avoided a costly mistake. There are many different ways to check out your passion from the inside without giving up your full-time gig or putting your current income at risk. Doing volunteer work can give you an insider's perspective and help you make contacts that will be important in the future.
Taking a part-time job in your chosen field will allow you to learn about the industry while making some extra cash. If you are already a business owner and entrepreneur, getting appointed to various boards can give you a unique perspective and help you fuel or dispel your passion.
Whether you are fed up with your current career or just looking for a new challenge, doing what you are passionate about is a great way to make a new start. Many men and women go through their careers in search of a new opportunity, but they are too fearful to make the leap, but you do not have to succumb to the same fate. Always seek passion, but follow the money.