
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der (internationalen) Bankenaufsicht (German Edition)

The reasons for the implementation of a special programme for peace and reconciliation in both Northern Ireland and parts of Ireland have been set out in the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. The special support for Ireland resulting from the new division of its territory was not part of the Commission's proposal for the multiannual financial framework, but was the result of the final negotiation in the Council.

This has been the case at least since the second Community support framework agreement and still holds good under the current financial perspective and the corresponding agreement, which has allowed for a comprehensive package of specific points, termed additional provisions applying alongside the allocation methods.

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Analysis of the two most recent programming periods and and the related policy agreements shows that particular types of special cases have emerged and there have clearly been exceptions to the general funding allocation rules. The regional eligibility for the period has been determined using the most recent GDP figures available at the time of the negotiations.

Revisions of data can occur regularly in regional and national accounts, which explains why data published at a later stage may differ from the ones used for determining eligibility. Such revisions occurred in particular in the implementation phase of the ESA95 system of national and regional accounts, and sometimes resulted in quite substantial differences in the regional figures, especially in Member States with relatively small regions. Revisions of data published during the programming period have no effect on the eligibility status of a region.

Indeed, special allocations and schemes have grown considerably in number and in terms of substance amounts and regional eligibility rules. In the programming period, there are exceptions to the regional classification system and allocation system , in some cases resulting from explicit decisions in the European Council agreement. The eligibility of the regions for the period has been determined on the basis of the most recent GDP per capita figures which were available at the time of the negotiations on the multiannual financial framework.

In other cases, however, that document contains no formal justification serving to explain why an exception has been made solely on the basis of a Commission decision on the final list of regions classified by objective. Some regions have, without any change in their classification, been granted additional financial support, the amount of which, in total or per capita, has been determined for regions on an individual basis or as a group.

Can the Commission therefore say why Corsica and Hainaut have received additional financial support on account of specific circumstances? The amounts of additional support for certain specific regions were not part of the Commission's proposal for the multiannual financial framework for The additional allocations were added as a result of the final negotiation in the Council.

Klagen und Vertragsverletzungsverfahren der Kommission gegen Mitgliedstaaten. Wie viele der Klagen wurden bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt abgeschlossen, und wie viele davon gingen zugunsten der Kommission aus? Zu den Verfahrenskosten liegen der Kommission leider keine hinreichenden Informationen vor. How many complaints did the Commission bring before the ECJ against Member States in , , and the first quarter of ? How many of these have been closed to date, and how many have been decided in favour of the Commission?

How many infringement procedures did the Commission bring before Member States in , , and the first quarter of ? How many of these infringement procedures have been closed, and in how many cases did the ECJ impose penalties against Member States? What costs did the Commission incur in , , and the first quarter of due to complaints or infringement procedures against Member States?

All costs incurred in the negotiation of ACTA came from the regular functioning budget of the Commission. The negotiation was part of the Commission's competences and regular activity. There was no special allocation of funds or specific budget lines for the negotiation of the Agreement.

The Commission did not hire any external agencies for support or expertise. It participated in public relations work by providing information to the public through its website, organising meetings with stakeholders, organising press briefings in Brussels and — when invited — participating in seminars or conferences, the majority of which were held in Brussels and did not give rise to the payment of travel costs, accommodation or per diem allowance. Finally, as regard the negotiating round organised by the European Union, all costs except those linked with the participation of the Commission officials were supported by France, the country holding the rotating EU Presidency at the time.

Wenn ja, gegen welche und mit welchem Resultat endete das Verfahren? In ihrem Bericht vom 6. Die neue Roamingverordnung, die am 1. Verordnungen gelten unmittelbar in jedem Mitgliedstaat. Geheime Absprachen im Mobilfunksektor sind der Kommission bisher nicht zur Kenntnis gebracht worden. The use of such services is often indispensable for EU citizens for their work and private lives.

The telecommunications market is dominated by a few very large providers in most Member States.

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

Has the Commission received reports or indications of possible cartel-like price-fixing in any Member States? Has the Commission instigated cartel proceedings against any European mobile communications providers? If so, which ones and what was the outcome of the proceedings? Apart from maximum prices applicable to consumers, prices that operators charge each other have also been capped. For example, customers will have the option to sign up for a separate mobile contract for roaming. The Commission has so far not been made aware of secret cartels in the mobile telecommunications sector.

Die kV-Freileitung Strom von St. Wenn ja, kann die Kommission eine detaillierte Aufstellung vorlegen? Eine deutsche Fassung dieses Papiers kann auf folgender Europa-Website abgerufen werden: Is the Commission aware of any cases where cables similar in technical design to the Salzburg one are being erected or have been erected? If so, can the Commission provide a detailed list?

If so, what action has the Commission taken after receiving alternative recommendations? Please give each one as a single amount and as a percentage of the total costs. The European Coordinator's role was to contribute to the cross-border dialogue between the stakeholders and promote the European dimension of the grid development. A full analysis can be found in his report available on the Europa website:. On the last page of the paper, an overview of main cable installations in Europe at kV is available.

The grid design is the responsibility of the national Transmission System Operators TSOs and the Commission does not interfere in technical design and solutions. Information concerning projects co-financed under the trans-European energy networks TEN is published on the Europa website: Elektromagnetische Felder — gesundheitliche Risiken.

Welche Bewertung der Verbreitung von elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern, die durch oberirdische Stromleitungen, Erdkabel und Unterseekabel erzeugt werden, hat die Kommission in letzter Zeit vorgenommen? With the introduction of mobile phone base stations and new wireless technologies, environmental and health problems have emerged as topics of concern in certain countries, both in scientific circles as well as in the fields of public health and occupational medicine. What research has the Commission conducted or supported on the health effects of living near high-voltage power lines?

What recent assessment has the Commission made on the prevalence of electric and magnetic fields generated by overhead electricity lines, underground cables and sub-sea cables? What recent advice, if any, has the Commission received on the possible relationship between the incidence of childhood leukaemia and exposure to extremely low frequency electrical and magnetic fields? If it has received such advice, when will the Commission act upon it?

What regulation has the Commission issued on safeguarding housing and schools located close to high-voltage overhead power lines?

The Commission does not have the competence to issue regulations on this issue. All EU Member States have put in place a regulatory framework at least equivalent to this framework of protection. What measures has the Commission taken, or does it intend to take, to increase and support the attractiveness for students of studying in Member States other than their own? Has the Commission introduced measures to encourage graduates to return to their home countries on completion of their studies? The Commission strongly supports student mobility because of its positive impact on graduates' employability and cultural awareness and its wider contribution in opening up higher education institutions and systems to international cooperation.

Since , the Commission has implemented the Erasmus programme to support the mobility of students and staff in Europe. Since , mobility and strategic cooperation with insititutions outside of Europe has been supported via the Erasmus Mundus Programme. For the period after , the Commission has proposed that a new programme, Erasmus for All, will provide broader support for student and staff mobility, both within and beyond the borders of the European Union. The Commission has in this context proposed the introduction of a loan guarantee mechanism to help students who wish to follow a Master's programme abroad.

In addition, the Council adopted in , on the basis of a proposal from the Commission, a recommendation on the learning mobility of young people, which commits the Member States to removing or reducing barriers to student mobility. The Commission is currently developing a mobility scoreboard to track progress. Nevertheless, students who have been mobile with Erasmus are more likely also to be mobile as workers, as is their right under the Treaty rules on free movement. Der Europarat hat eine Initiative gestartet, deren Ziel es ist, Hassreden im Internet gesetzlich zu verbieten.

Wie kann die Kommission jungen Menschen und Jugendorganisationen die notwendigen Kompetenzen vermitteln, um derartige Menschrechtsverletzungen zu erkennen und dagegen vorzugehen? Die Kommission ist zwar bis zum 1. The Council of Europe has adopted a measure that seeks to make Internet hate speech unlawful. This would include hyperlinks to pages that contain offensive content. It has launched a manual on hate speech which aims to clarify this concept and guide policy-makers, experts and society as a whole on the criteria followed in European Court of Human Rights case-law.

While hate speech online is not in itself punishable, it may provide evidence of motive in a hate crime case. How can the Commission combat hate expressed online in the form of racism and discrimination? How can the Commission equip young people and youth organisations with the competences necessary to recognise and act against such human rights violations? The Commission supervises Member States' implementation of the ban Responsibility for enforcing the ban primarily resides with the Member State where the service is deemed to be established.

Exceptionally, a receiving State may limit its reception and retransmission if it violates national hate speech standards, which requires prior notification to the Commission. The Youth in Action Programme promotes mobility within and beyond EU borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, and encourages the inclusion of all young people. In the Salzburg area there is ongoing concern among civil society about the kV power link to be built in the area and the fact that the details are not being clearly communicated.

Why has the Commission not yet appointed a neutral moderator even though concerns by civil society and NGOs continue to grow? Could the Commission explain what measures are being taken to support innovative solutions, such as village-level mini-grids and standalone solar in the area of Gaisberg? During the detailled elaboration of the route in these areas, an alternative route was identified, so that the Tauglgries and the Bluntautal will not be crossed.

The new route will continue east and has the additional advantage offewer residential properties being located in the vicinity of the route. European environmental legislation does not explicitly allow nor prohibit any type of projects. Projects have to be assessed on a case-by-case basis and need to fulfill the conditions laid down in the relevant environmental Directives.

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  4. In general, through the Seventh Research Framework Programme, the Commission supports the demonstration of smart grid technologies, including at the level of districts with high penetration of solar photovoltaic, for instance through a grant given to the project Grid4EU. One of Grid4EU's major objectives is to maximise smart districts' benefits through the use of innovative architecture and operation of distribution networks www.

    Dar acestea sunt imposibil de respectat de ex. To participate in the procedure, each person supporting an initiative is required to fill in a statement of support form provided by the organisers. This can either be on paper or online. For many of the specifications namely points 2. But they are almost impossible to meet e. It would be very helpful to include a video tutorial showing how to download and use the software, as well as detailed explanations of how to ensure that the requirements are met.

    Given the amount of personal data to be provided by signatories, which in some cases includes the full address, date and place of birth as well as a personal ID number, a relatively high level of security related technical specifications is required. The open source software made available by the Commission complies with the relevant technical specifications.

    The Commission intends to keep improving it on the basis of the feedback received from users. The Commission is committed to do its utmost to ensure that online collection remains accessible to citizens while making sure that the appropriate measures are required to adequately protect signatories' personal data.

    Becker, Florian [WorldCat Identities]

    As regards the Czech Republic, the law in question has been adopted recently but its publication is still pending. The document clearly states that the reproduction period for eiders in both Sweden and Finland continues until the end of August. The Birds Directive prohibits the hunting of birds during their spring migration and reproduction periods. What does the Commission intend to do in relation to this matter?

    Millones de ciudadanos europeos y cientos de miles de PYME utilizan diariamente varios servicios populares que ofrecen almacenamiento de datos digitales en la nube. Die von der Kommission am Im Zuge der Reform werden insbesondere die auf Anbieter von Cloud-Sicherungsdiensten anwendbaren Datenschutzbestimmungen modernisiert, indem beispielsweise der zunehmenden Bedeutung der Diensteanbieter Subunternehmen Rechnung getragen wird. Millions of European citizens, and hundreds of thousands of SMEs, use on a daily basis a number of popular services that offer storage of digital data in the cloud.

    Important questions are raised about the implications of the service agreements users enter into and the protection of their data. Considering the popularity of cloud services this uncertainty does not help the adoption of digital services on behalf of EU citizens and the building of trust in the Digital Single Market. Does the Commission intend to evaluate the extent to which companies offering cloud storage services comply with EU legislation on privacy and security of digital data including the Safe Harbour Agreement?

    Would the Commission consider developing a digital observatory to inform EU citizens about the degree to which popular cloud and web 2. Durante le fasi di apertura e di chiusura di tale capitolo, la Croazia ha dovuto soddisfare rigorosi parametri di riferimento. Di conseguenza, in questi settori il paese ha compiuto progressi significativi. Anche per quanto riguarda la protezione delle minoranze in generale, sono stati predisposti il quadro giuridico e le condizioni per la sua attuazione.

    La Costituzione croata garantisce la partecipazione delle diverse minoranze in Parlamento, con otto deputati in loro rappresentanza. The accession negotiations lasted almost six years and are regarded as among the longest and most difficult faced by a candidate country so far, following the introduction by Brussels of a series of stricter evaluation criteria and methods.

    In the accession negotiations with Croatia, particular importance was given to reforms in the areas of judiciary and fight against corruption and organised crime, the respect of fundamental rights as well as public administration, also in preparation for the management of future EU funds. Croatia had to meet demanding benchmarks at the stage of opening and closing this chapter.

    As a result, Croatia has made significant progress in these areas. An appropriate legal framework and the necessary implementing structures and institutions are now in place, administrative capacity is being continuously strengthened and track records of results have been established or continue to be developed, thereby ensuring the overall sustainability of reforms. The legal framework providing for the general protection of minorities and the conditions for its implementation are in place. The Croatian Government has been expressing its commitment to the rights of minorities, reaffirming their place in Croatian society.

    The Croatian Constitution foresees a guaranteed representation of minorities in parliament where eight members represent the different minorities. Staminali e latte materno: La ricerca avviata nel da un gruppo di studio dell'University of Western Australia di Vienna, nel corso del VII International breastfeeding and lactation symposium di Medela, ha aperto una nuova sfida per la medicina rigenerativa: Si registra, dunque, un ulteriore passo in avanti nel campo della medicina rigenerativa, dimostrando ancora una volta come il latte materno non sia solo un semplice nutrimento per il bambino; tali staminali possono diventare cellule di tessuto osseo, cartilagineo, adipose, pancreatiche, epatiche, neuroni.

    E' proprio questo il loro valore: Per questo motivo si ritiene che tutte le prospettive di ricerca debbano essere lasciate aperte a sviluppi nuovi e inattesi. It demonstrated that it is possible to extract genuine multipotent stem cells from breast milk that are capable of being transformed into a variety of different cell types. Furthermore, breast milk can be obtained easily and, according to the Australian researchers, contains large quantities of stem cells. It amounts to a further step forward in the field of regenerative medicine, demonstrating yet again how breast milk is not just mere nourishment for babies; these stem cells can become bone, cartilage, fat, pancreatic, hepatic or nerve tissue cells.

    Their value really lies in this: It should be noted that, particularly in the field of genetic engineering, research and development require a considerable amount of high-risk investment and therefore only adequate legal protection can make it profitable. It should also be stressed that effective and harmonised protection throughout the Member States is essential in order to maintain and encourage investment in the field of biotechnology.

    Consider also that in the field of protection of biotechnological inventions there are differences between the legislation and practices of the various Member States that are accentuated by the varying development of national case-law on such legislation. In view of the above, can the Commission relate the progress made by EU studies in the field of stem cells and indicate what work and aims it considers can increase scientific knowledge in the sector of stem cell research, in order to broaden medical understanding and develop diagnostic, preventive or therapeutic procedures, from the standpoint of a common legal framework for regenerative medicine?

    The Commission is aware of research showing that stem cells may be found in human breast milk. It is the Commission's view that regenerative medicine offers hope for patients with life-threatening and untreatable diseases, that it is an innovative and fast-moving field and that all avenues of research need to be kept open, including for new and unforeseen developments. Wenn ja, seit wann? Welche Weinsorten von welchem Jahrgang werden in dem Weinkeller gelagert?

    Was ist der teuerste und der billigste Wein, die im Keller gelagert werden? Um Verwaltungslasten zu reduzieren wurden diese Fragen in einer Anfrage zusammengefasst und die einzelnen Fragen mit einer laufenden Nummer versehen. Die Weine und Spirituosen werden nicht einzeln verkauft. Sie sind Teil der Kosten einer Mahlzeit. Bezahlungen werden im Haushalt als Einnahmen verbucht. If so, since when? What types of wine are stored in the wine cellar and from what vintages?

    What other alcoholic beverages are stored in this room? How many bottles of wine are stored in the wine cellar, broken down by wine type and vintage? How many bottles of other alcoholic beverages are stored in the cellar, broken down by beverage type? What are the most expensive and the least expensive wines stored in the cellar? What are the most expensive and the least expensive alcoholic beverages stored in the cellar? How much does the Commission spend each year on wine? What amounts were spent in , , and ?

    How much does the Commission spend each year on other alcoholic beverages? On what occasions are the wines and other alcoholic beverages served? Who is permitted to drink the wines and other alcoholic beverages in question? Are the wines and alcoholic beverages also offered for sale? Please answer each question individually, referring to its number. As is the case in other national and international administrations, the Commission purchases wines for the purpose of representation towards third parties such as representatives of states, international organisations or other external stakeholders.

    Examples are business lunches, state dinners or receptions on the occasion of official visits to the Commission. Red, white wines, mainly from vintage years to , plus a selection of commonly used spirits. The purchase of wines and spirits differs from one year to another. Regarding a detailed break-down of figures for to , the Commission would have to undertake lengthy research. It cannot consider doing this at the present time because of other priorities.

    For official Commission reception meals for representation purposes, the beverages that accompany the meals between high level representatives of the Commission and third parties are paid through the representation budget referred to above. For non-official meals, these beverages and the meals must be paid by the staff members individually. Wines and spirits are not sold individually. They are part of the cost of a meal. Payments are charged as income to the budget. De daadwerkelijke uitvoering van de Kimberleyprocescertificering wordt op nationaal niveau door middel van EU-autoriteiten gehandhaafd.

    Bijgevolg kunnen alleen deze landen voldoen aan alle eisen om als daadwerkelijke invoer— en uitvoerautoriteiten in de Europese Unie op te treden. Wordt de uitvoering van de Kimberleyprocescertificering in lidstaten zonder een EU-autoriteit substantieel gecontroleerd en beoordeeld door de Commissie? Elk kwartaal ontvangt de Commissie een statistische aangifte. In het kader van de Belgische wetgeving moeten diamanthandelaren ook handelaren in ruwe diamant zich registreren bij de Federale Overheidsdienst Economie. Deze verplichting vormt een aanvulling op de KPCS-vereisten.

    The European Union is the most important trading area for rough diamonds in the world. Consequently, only these countries can fulfil all the necessary requirements to act as the actual importing and exporting authorities in the European Union. In the past, the customs services of EU Member States without an authority have been found to proceed with normal customs clearance procedures without the prerequisite approval of any of the six EUAs.

    Does the Commission know how to quantify sales of rough diamond shipments from EU Member States without an EU authority, and is the Commission capable of verifying that these uncontrolled sales could have contributed to fraud? The EU authorities provide the Commission with monthly reports of all KP certificates verified for import and export.

    A statistical return is made to the Commission on a quarterly basis. If it were suspected that diamonds were being used for fraudulent purposes, then this would need to be reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities. As a matter of Belgian law, it is necessary for diamond dealers including dealers in rough diamonds to be registered with the Federal Public Service Economy. This is in addition to the requirements of KPCS.

    Alarming cases have come to light of underage girls from Pakistan being sold to United Kingdom citizens of Pakistani descent. What steps has the European External Action Service taken to protect women in third countries against human trafficking and forced marriages?

    The EU has encouraged the Government of Pakistan to take urgent measures to ensure protection for the rights of women. The EU intends to raise the issue of illegal trafficking of human beings in the course of this dialogue. Alarming cases have come to light of underage girls from Pakistan being sold to British citizens of Pakistani descent.

    What steps has the Commission taken, and what steps does it envisage to take in the future, to ensure the effectiveness of visa controls, in order to prevent the trafficking of women from third countries to any Member State, regardless of whether or not it is a member of the Schengen area? The Commission shares the Honourable Member's concern about the issue of trafficking girls and women for the purpose of forced marriage. The Commission is very committed to addressing trafficking in human beings effectively. In fact this is a priority in several policy areas, such as gender equality and migration.

    Discussions on the proposal are expected to be concluded soon. Furthermore, this year the Commission plans to develop guidelines for consular services and border guards on the identification of victims of trafficking. Within Local Schengen Cooperation, Member States' consular authorities in third countries already exchange information about possible abuse of visa procedures for the purpose of trafficking human beings.

    The strategy stresses the need to strengthen prevention and proposes concrete actions. The EU alleged that the requirement to use local products to qualify for financial support is in violation of global trade rules, as subsidies must not be conditioned on the use of domestic products. Local content requirements would lead to an inefficient allocation of investment capital and could undermine the economic model of the industry, ultimately preventing renewable energy from becoming fully competitive with conventional energy forms.

    A local content requirement making the granting of the aid contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods appears to be discriminatory and, in principle, likely to be contrary to the fundamental freedoms of the internal market. If such condition is indissociable from the subsidy, the Commission would not be in a position to authorise it under the state aid rules.

    When an aid scheme contains such a clause, it cannot be considered as de minimis aid or as block exempted and remains subject to a notification obligation. The Commission has not often encountered local content requirements in the aid schemes for renewable energies notified to it. In fact the Commission is aware of only one scheme containing a provision that resembles a local content requirement.

    Under the scheme, investment aid was granted for the construction of biomass-based power plants. If the Honourable Member knows of state aid measures conditioned to the use of local inputs, he is asked to send the information to the Commission. Can the Commission state the reasons why these pilot projects have not been implemented and what actions it will take to remedy the situation?

    Many aviation authorities have welcomed the introduction of urgently need policy improvements in this document. However, there has been criticism of provisions in the text that allow excessively long times on duty. There have also been suggestions that the EASA has ignored scientific evidence in several areas. Can the Commission state why the scientific evidence has been overlooked by the EASA in drawing up its proposal? Can the Commission confirm that this has taken place? The maps annexed to the draft only show the core waterways network.

    Consequently, it is not possible to appreciate the plans for the development of the European waterways after Is the Commission aware of the inconsistency described in the previous paragraph? How did this come about? Does the Commission intend to provide for any exceptions or transitional periods in connection with this matter?


    If so, under what conditions? The proposal is currently discussed by Parliament and Council in the course of the ordinary legislative procedure. This focus is without prejudice to the regional importance class III and lower waterways may indeed have. In order to have a consistent approach for inland waterways, the Commission proposed to include them all into the core network. Wytyczne dla sieci TEN-T, koszty struktur administracyjnych.

    Wytyczne dla sieci TEN-T, nowe wymogi dla infrastruktury kolejowej. The implementation of the concept of core network corridors carries with it the risk of excessive growth of the administrative structures responsible for managing the aforesaid corridors and the related high costs of maintaining these structures. Can it present a preliminary cost estimate at EU level for the aforesaid administrative structures? Further to the above: Does the Commission intend to provide for any exceptions or for transitional periods in connection with this matter?

    As regards the corridors, proposed as implementation tools for the core network, the proposed administrative structures are lean and flexible. They can be adapted to the needs of the individual corridor. As regards the requirements for rail infrastructure, the Commission proposes to apply them to the whole of the network, including the existing infrastructure.

    This is necessary to ensure interoperability and high quality throughout the network. In addition, the proposal includes a revision clause which foresees that by the end of , the Commission shall carry out a review of the implementation of the core network, evaluating compliance with the provisions laid down in this regulation. This would allow the Commission to propose a revision of the regulation, if appropriate. The Commission states in its proposal that the aims and objectives of this programme are to support artists, cultural professionals and cultural organisations.

    How does the Commission plan to implement the Creative Europe programme while ensuring it is user-friendly and accessible for citizens? What structure does the Commission anticipate this programme will take, and what funding structure will be implemented? Can the Commission provide information as to why it is more beneficial to merge the cultural and media industries and related sectors into one programme instead of having dedicated programmes for each of them?

    How does the Commission plan to support individuals who are not involved in cultural organisations but would still like to apply for the programme? The Commission's proposal for Creative Europe aims to ensure the widest possible access for citizens and to simplify the process of participation. So far as concerns the context in which the term is used, although t h e legislature i n te nded to institute protection for the interests of consumers, it also intended to protect those of suppliers of certain services, in order that they should not suffer the disproportionate consequences arising from the cancellation at no expense and with no explanation of services which have given rise to a booking.

    The order was followed by further competitive bidding successes in. November and December for everlarger product deliveries to public. Ausschreibungen im November und Dezember zu immer umfangreicheren Produktlieferungen an. Although, as a general rule, neither criminal law nor the rules of criminal procedure fall within the Community's competence, that does not prevent the Commu ni t y legislature , w he n the application of effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal penalties by the competent national authorities is an essential measure for combating serious environmental offences, from taking measures that relate to the criminal law of the Member States which it considers necessary in order to ensure that the rules which it lays down on environmental protection are fully effective.

    Most frequent English dictionary requests: Please click on the reason for your vote: This is not a good example for the translation above. The wrong words are highlighted. It does not match my search. It should not be summed up with the orange entries The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Thank you very much for your vote! You helped to increase the quality of our service. Abraham Lincoln taught himself [ Abraham Lincoln brachte sich die [ Damit reicht es jetzt [ The action of the [ Parliament fed er a l legislature , th e supreme courts judiciary , [ But the risk of a double demand was properly based not on the nonaccessoriness of, for instance, the earlier German Grundschuld, but on the previous possibility of the good faith acquisition, free of pleas and defences, of a mortgage generally, so that this risk applied in equal measure in respect of the conventional mortgage [Verkehrshypothek] and [ Introductory remarks by Felix Hufeld at the G20 Conference on "Digitising Finance, financial inclusion and financial literacy" on 25 January in Wiesbaden.

    Rede von Felix Hufeld auf der Impulsvortrag von Felix Hufeld auf der Handelsblatt Jahrestagung "Banken im Umbruch" am 1. September in Frankfurt. Juli in Hohenheim. Oktober in Frankfurt am Main. Mai in Bonn. BaFin Springe direkt zu: Pfadnavigation Sie sind hier: Oktober in Leipzig.

    EU erhält gemeinsame Bankenaufsicht