
Breaking The Wheel

There were several variations of the device and sometimes it also consisted of a wooden cross. Sometimes it was a very slow and painful death and people could live for as many as four whole days after before finally dying.

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The Catherine wheel or Breaking wheel was a medieval torture device to break the bones of people. The condemned on the Catherine Wheel could face the prolonged torture adn in some cases victims lived for several days. Alternatively, the torture victim could face a quick death through the blows delivered on his chest and stomach by the executioner.

The exact mechanism of the Catherine Wheel also varied from one country to another. The Catherine Wheel was one of the most commonly used torture devices during the medieval times and was also known as the Breaking Wheel. It should just be called breaking , because you could replace the wheel with any heavy object and get the same result. I totally was thinking it was something more like the rack.

Where you were tied out a rope to each arm and leg and then a wheel was spun and tightened the ropes. Kind of like a mechanical draw and quartering. I thought it was just like a pully where your arms were tied and pulled around the outside part of the wheel Although yes, and something can be said about realizing what you look like to others, I will say this I have found that even some of the weirdest, dumbest, scariest looking people can be some of the most sane, intelligent, warm people you will ever meet.

Turns Out I Have No Idea What “Breaking On The Wheel” Means

So I just couldn't rly cast judgement without knowing them further. I could look more on their channel to maybe answer the question, but I'm not. For the purposes of the video we saw the function of the wheel and all that. Further than that the setting and their look are extraneous. I'm not hating on your comment they do look like crystal meth tweaker mother fuckers, but this is just the shit that popped into my brain after reading it. There's a scene from a TV show that showed a guy tied up to a wheel and the executioner broke his limbs with a club and them beat him to death.

I thought of that when Dan was describing it. But I can't for the life of me remember which show it was.

Some show along those lines. I mean, if she gets to be queen and have servants isn't that kind of more of what she is trying to get rid of—entitlement and oppression? A broken wheel can't crush those beneath it anymore. Dany freed the slaves in Slavers Bay and made them equal with the masters the nobility.

I assume she plans on elevating the smallfolk in Westeros by granting them more rights and taking significant privileges away from the nobility.

Berserk 2016 Breaking Wheel

After all, "the common people" are the ones who will support her when she gets back home. I highly doubt that, another war for the iron throne is the last thing the people want after so much death and destruction, also they are in the wake of winter and are facing far greater theats in the north than the threat of someone who is not worthy sitting on the iron throne.

I assume you're referring to my last line, which was meant as a joke. The rest of it was my serious opinion on what she meant. Basic revolutionary, collectivist, psuedo Socialist stuff.

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Power to the people, stop the callous opressors, ect. I merely took it as a slightly desperate attempt to show superiority in her goals and convince Tyrion she was the very best like no one ever was. It seemed to me to be kind of a hasty outburst from Danaerys' side, without it meaning anything practical.

They really did a great job portraying book Dany in this episode. I think I finally hate show Dany as much as book Dany.

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I've hated show Dany for quite a while now, just because of the way she acts like some kinda godess but in reality she is just as power hungry and plotting as the rest of them, pretty much everything she does is to cement some kind of power. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. All story information must be hidden. TWOW sample chapters and five previous novels Published: