
Utopian Socialism

Robert Owen & Utopian Socialism

His novel "Utopia" which popularized word "utopia" in modern times described the need for the creation of a state that practiced religious toleration, freedom of marriage, simpler communal life, free education and health care. He wrote this highly influential book guided by his frustration with the current political state in late 15th and early 16th century England, where he directly served English King Henry VIII as councilor, and for three years as Lord High Chancellor of England.

After the release of Utopia, many authors across England and Europe took its ideas and used them to create the new literary genre that managed to survive all up to modern time. This genre was not closely connected to socialist movement but was instead used to explore various thoughts.

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  2. Twas the Night Before Christmas - The Illustrated Treasury Edition (Illustrated Treasury Editions Book 12).
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This book served as the direct inspiration for the creation of the British Royal Society in , which promoted education, exploration of new modern sciences, sharing of knowledge, and fueled the creation of first modern universities. Moore's utopian vision gained additional popularity in the 19th century with the publication of several highly influential socialist works.

Although they did not call themselves "utopian", ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels talked about visions and goals for the creation of utopian societies where people lived like equals. The distinction between utopian socialists and other modern movements were made in the Friedrich Engels' book called "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific", in which he described them as ones who want to transform France into country with rational society, economy and their willingness to make those changes without struggle between classes or political revolutions.

Robert Owen's Utopian Socialism

To him, utopian socialists claimed that they could achieve their goals with the help of like-minded people within existing society. The popularity of utopian socialism gave birth to one of the biggest waves in utopian literature. During the 19th century, many utopian philosophers and writers tried to describe their ideas either in written form or by trying to realize their dreams in reality.

Successful Welsh businessman Robert Owen with help from philosopher Jeremy Bentham managed to reform the way of life for the workers that were employed by them.

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They created the lifestyle for them that included fewer work hours, distributed work, schools for children and renovated housing. Own was also responsible for creating few of the first utopian settlements in the United States. More About Utopian socialism 4 references found in Britannica articles Assorted References major reference In socialism: Utopian socialism comparison with communism In communism: Help us improve this article!

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