THE BASLICATO: Time After Time
Their love story is every couples dream. Some people have that rare chance to find their Soul Mate and live very happy with them for their adult life. Good story I enjoyed the story even though I had to skip over a lot of the dialog because it was so long and over done.
- The Baslicato (Time After Time #3) by Carol Ann Kauffman.
- Fudesaki - My Writings.
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Not very believable, but it was a good fantasy story. Beth Sattler rated it it was amazing Feb 27, Apr 05, Michele rated it it was amazing. The bond between Nicole and Richard is instantaneous. One look into each other's eyes and both knew it. Well, Jack knew it anyway.
Nicole thought she knew him from somewhere but was a lot more leery. There was some kind of bond which could not be denied nor could it be broken! No matter what, if something happened to Jack--Nicole would go to him and was able to save his life more then once. But people and their insecurities kept tearing them apart as well-no I won't tell you--but it happens cons The bond between Nicole and Richard is instantaneous.
Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper song)
But people and their insecurities kept tearing them apart as well-no I won't tell you--but it happens consistently. Until they can resolve the differences and the problems-and there are many--they stay apart but together. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and am looking forward to reading more in this series. Aisling Spofford rated it it was amazing Dec 18, William Kauffman rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Eileen rated it liked it Nov 14, Jeanette rated it really liked it Jan 16, Dansaremm rated it really liked it Apr 22, Deb marked it as to-read Nov 25, Lacey Dearie marked it as to-read Mar 24, Sweetpea marked it as to-read Apr 20, Cindy marked it as to-read Apr 22, Ashlyn marked it as to-read Aug 31, Shaw marked it as to-read Jan 26, Jo Notary marked it as to-read Jan 30, Pam Raymond marked it as to-read Feb 15, Brenda marked it as to-read Feb 16, Campbell added it Feb 17, Stephen Robertson marked it as to-read Feb 17, BookishBelle added it Feb 27, Andrea added it Oct 07, Lola marked it as to-read Oct 07, Marsha marked it as to-read Oct 11, Portions of the video were also shot in front of Betty's Department Store in Wharton, NJ, which was a staple of the community in the s.
According to Lauper, "It was important to me that we were natural and human in the video. I wanted to convey somebody who walked her own path and did not always get along with everyone and did not always marry the guy. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Time After Time disambiguation.
- He Loves U Not;
- The Baslicato.
- When Girls Get Together: Five First Lesbian Sex Experiences.
Cyndi Lauper Rob Hyman. European single [8] "Time After Time" 12" version — 5: List of number-one adult contemporary singles of U. The Best of Eighties Soft Rock". Retrieved 27 February The Wall Street Journal.
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Retrieved 24 September Rock On The Net. Retrieved April 25, Retrieved October 30, Retrieved July 10, Retrieved July 11, Retrieved 15 September Cyndi Lauper "Time After Time " ". She's So Unusual PopMatters". She's So Unusual album review ". Archived from the original on Library and Archives Canada. Australian Chart Book — Archived from the original doc on Top 30 in Dutch.
Archived from the original on 28 March Archived from the original on 7 November Dutch Top 40 Retrieved 24 September The South African Rock Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 11 September Billboard Canadian Digital Songs.
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Archived from the original on 28 August Ultratop 50 in Dutch. GfK Entertainment Charts in German. Single Top in Dutch. Dutch Top 40 in Dutch. Swiss Singles Chart in German. I'm really looking forward to reading more in the series. This book had everything for me!
It has beautiful scenery, race cars, good looking men, and a great story line! The Time after Time series is great! Every book is so different and takes you on a whole different ride each time! It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I highly recommend this book! It's a great one for the summer reading, on the beach or in the front lawn! Aug 02, Michele rated it it was amazing. I have read more then a couple of Carol Ann Kauffman's Time after Time novels as well as others written by this author.
She really knows how to write twists and turns into all her novels! This one really had me glued to the pages. Brook recognizes Richard even though he is now in the body of the famous race car drive known as the Baslicato--but does not really believe her intuition. She agrees to help him heal so that he can ultimately drive in a major race in Italy. What goes onwell I can't t I have read more then a couple of Carol Ann Kauffman's Time after Time novels as well as others written by this author. What goes onwell I can't tell you without giving away the storyWill these lover's ever find each other in another time and have a happy ending?
Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper song) - Wikipedia
I really never saw this ending coming and it had me in tears! Any of Carol Ann Kauffman's novel are a must read in my opinion! Sep 09, Valerie Roberson rated it it was amazing Shelves: These Stories of Richard and Nicole are remarkable! Each one is more exciting then the other. It amazes me how they keep finding each other and at least one of them knows who they really are. Carol Ann Kauffman has such a way to bring these two together in such an unusual way.
Richard accidentality ended up in a kidnapped race car drivers body. The doctor who walked into his room, her name was Brook, but Richard knew it was Nicole.

Head trauma said the doctor, but I can fix him wit These Stories of Richard and Nicole are remarkable! Head trauma said the doctor, but I can fix him with some time. But Richard didn't have time. There were people out to kill him. So his Father wanted to take him back to is home in Italy and have the doctor come with them.
The head of her hospital didn't want her to go. More than once someone tried to take their lives. When Nicole returned to America, her long time companion wanted to marry her and she said no. You see, by now she knew who Richard is. Without giving anything away, you go through many attempts on their lives and you will be surprised who is doing it. Trips back and forth from America to Italy, with adventure in both countries. Nicole does leave the States to live in Italy and open her own hospital. But that's not where it ends.
With Nicole's birthday coming up fast, I knew they had to make some kind of changes. The way it was done was a huge cheer and a tear.