People & Permaculture: Caring & Designing for Ourselves, Each Other & The Planet
Courageous Leadership From The Heart. Strong Spirits, Kind Hearts. Get Your Pitchfork On! A New Psychology for Sustainability Leadership. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.
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Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. People and Permaculture widens the definition of permaculture from being mostly about land based systems to taking it right into the heart of our own lives, relationships and society. It is for anyone who thought permaculture wasn't for them because they didn't have a garden. It is for anyone who wants to improve their ability to care for themselves, their friends and family and for the Earth.
People and Permaculture transforms the context of permaculture making it relevant to everyone. It covers tools and techniques we can use in our own lives, investigates ways of creating harmony in our relationships and groups, and forges a wider vision for our social systems.

It further explores how to expand our feelings of connection across the globe and finally focuses on how we can manifest a positive future with the use of a new design framework specifically created for people-based designs. Part 1 - contains a detailed introduction to permaculture design and principles as applied to people. Part 2 - looks at the tools and techniques we can use in our own lives; how we can transform our internal landscape, enhance our well-being and be at our best.
Part 3 - investigates ways of creating harmony in our relationships and groups, through our communication and decision making. Part 4 - explores a wider vision for our social systems, in particular health and education. Part 5 - moves on to explore how to expand our feelings of connection across the globe. Part 6 - focuses on how we can manifest a positive future with the use of a new design framework specifically created for people-based designs.
People and Permaculture
Full of stories, interviews and personal anecdotes from permaculture people and beyond and with over 50 practical activities, readers are empowered and given practical tools to initiate positive change in their lives. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.
Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. In the process she draws in kindred ideas and influences from the field of peoplecare, making a significant contribution in the ongoing evolution of permaculture as a concept and a movement creating a better world. It is the very best of guidebooks: It will become a constant companion and is one of those books you will want to give to everyone you know!
We all have our dark moments of the soul, when we go deep into our individual beings and ask hard questions and sometimes get unwelcome answers. Are humans a plague on the planet? Can one person, when that one person is me, really make a difference? Can the juggernaut of consumer society be turned? Why should we single out our fellow humans for a special degree of care over, say, salmon, or whales? The answer is in this book. We take care of people because people matter, and because that is our nature as creatures who care.
What we care about matters to the fate of the world, now as never before. If permaculture as a design tool is about making connections, this book is about how we reconnect ourselves — to each other, to our inner selves, to our highest aspirations and, finally, to the cycles of life, of which we are just a small, but incredibly important, part. Thanks to Looby Macnamara for bringing us a heart-warming book which invites us to step from our comfortable sofa into a world of adventures, explorations and connections — and blesses us to return for a good rest and some quiet when we need it. She offers us the world as our playground — not something we have to set straight, but something we have the honour of engaging with.
A roadmap for the joyful expression of our love for each other and this wild, beautiful planet we call our home. In my experience the most challenging aspect of any design is not which plants or elements to include, but how to work with my fellow humans, and create situations where each person feels valued and able to make their best contribution.
Looby has done the permaculture community a great service with this book. It has helped me explore my own potential and think in new ways.
People & Permaculture by Looby Macnamara - Permanent Publications
Looby Macnamara effortlessly eases you out of that predicament and on to an upwardly-spiralling path of practical exercises, solutions and earth-based wisdom. Essential reading for anyone who wishes to reclaim their most intimate connection to people, place and planet. I heartily congratulate her.
The future of culture and agriculture is in permaculture. This book is perhaps the first to give readers the big picture and a comprehensive understanding of permaculture and how it can underpin our ecological, social and spiritual paradigm. The book is an outstanding contribution to an ever evolving vision which is creative, imaginative, sustainable and joyful. I do believe that we all love this Earth, everyone of us. Permaculture offers a glimpse to a kinder future, where our expression meets the right actions.
This book is a manual in how to get there — grounded, practical and brimming with joy for the good stuff. What I like most about this book, is that we are not banished from nature, but centred in it, which I believe is our rightful place.
People & Permaculture: Caring & Designing for Ourselves, Each Other and The Planet
This is a work of significant courage — for years now considerations of the peoplecare aspect of permaculture have been so conflicting that no-one has dared publish a volume like this. Bravo to Looby for breaking through the wall of silence and producing this book. The agile extension of the design approach that is, along with the principles, at the core of permaculture into the field of humans relations is particularly useful to me. I recommend this encyclopedic book to you. Most importantly she also equips readers with the tools and techniques needed to make this vision a reality.
An enlightening handbook for those who want to change the world. All too often, promising environmental projects are thwarted by burnout or conflict. This book is a treasure trove of wise observations and a manual for how to put the peoplecare ethic into practice. This handbook is so full of golden keys: Looby is a masterful hand-holder, redesigning our inner landscape with raw distinctions and organic intelligence.
Bestselling Series
With so many new options to choose from it is easy to change the ways we live on Earth. This is a book of learning — learning from other cultures, from ancestors, from nature, learning from our own pain. Looby helps us remember that out of deep rich compost grows the best fruits, herbs, flowers and vegetables. What a great idea — to explore how permaculture principles can be applied to designing healthy human culture at all levels of scale, from individual, to group, to global. This book is rich with ideas, real life examples and tried and tested tools for creating happy, effective and resilient people and projects.
The first half of the book was invaluable to me and transformed my view of permaculture. As a former leadership development person and independent consultant, I am familiar with many of the processes later in the book.