Night of the Tiger
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Night of the Tiger (Hades' Carnival, #1) by N.J. Walters
Netherlands Dutch Top 40 [32]. Netherlands Single Top [33]. South Africa Springbok Radio [36]. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Night of the Tiger by N. Night of the Tiger Hades' Carnival 1 by N. Five thousand years ago, in order to be saved from the horrors of Hell, shapeshifting warrior Roric was imprisoned in his animal form on a carousel.
After that, all he has to do is stay alive for twenty-hours, and his soul is safe from Hades for all eternity. But is the woman who sets him free a distraction sent by Hades? When graphic Five thousand years ago, in order to be saved from the horrors of Hell, shapeshifting warrior Roric was imprisoned in his animal form on a carousel.
Paperback Editions
Night of the Tiger Book 2: Mark of the Bear Book 3: Pride of the Lion Book 4: Howl of the Wolf Book 5: Heart of the Serpent Book 6: Flame of the Phoenix Book 7: Published January 15th by Samhain Publishing, Ltd. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Night of the Tiger , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Mar 22, Kate's Corner rated it really liked it Shelves: So you know when you get tired of the same ole, same ole plot and blurb in books. So I have had this book on my radar for a while now and I'm not really sure why I waited.
The Lady of the Beasts a Goddess from before the Olympians was locked away in the Underworld as she wouldn't give up her warriors for evil. She cursed her seven warriors to not fall into Hades lap. Aimee Horner has been having strange nightmares and they a So you know when you get tired of the same ole, same ole plot and blurb in books. Aimee Horner has been having strange nightmares and they are getting worse. In some of her dreams though she is protected by a white tiger. The Lion, Tiger, Wolf and Bear are waiting to be released. Aimee can't resist temptation and awakens the warrior Roric.
They have to fight against Hades as he wants their souls. Great plot with great characters. A must read in my opinion. Do I really have to rewatch again and again Disneys Hercules to get a really cool evil Hades? Loved the atmosphere at the carneval in the beginning, but the characters stayed pale , especially the hero come on white tigers should ve way cooler and the villains were kinda lame.
Nice romance but nothing too impressive. All in all I exptected more Nice read but I am a bit disappointed. Shey's review posted on Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews 4. You are definitely kept on the edge throughout this thrilling book with plenty of spice to set Hell on fire! In Aimee Horner is having a hard time telling reality from illusion. When she woke up from a coma at seventeen after a car crash that ki Shey's review posted on Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews 4.
When she woke up from a coma at seventeen after a car crash that killed her parents her nightmares became hellish. Although she was able to turn them into a career as graphic artist now these nightmares have literally taken her into the depths of Hell with Hades himself. Her only saving grace has been dreams of a white tiger that has given her a peace that these nightmares seem to take away. Roric, the leader of the warriors for The Lady of the Beast has been trapped in his white tiger form for five thousand years waiting for his chosen one to come and release him.
With this comes a price of course. Roric has only have 24 hours to either join Hades or fight him if he can hold him off for those 24 hrs. Then he his free otherwise he will lose his soul. When she spots a beautiful carousal with a white tiger just like her dreams she is automatically drawn to it. Once she touches it her life is forever changed and her nightmare is really beginning. The chemistry between them is flaming hot and it has been over fives thousands years for Roric but his tiger senses more about Aimee as their mate. Knowing they only have one day to defeat Hades their loyalties and faith are tested.
Aimee and Roric are both honorable and strong warriors in their own rights one as a human one as an immortal shape-shifter but still even in the face of Hell and Hades are they willing to give up themselves to save the other? I have read several of Ms. Definitely looking forward to the next book and the journey of the carnival and see how the next shifter and his chosen one are tested. Review copy provided for an honest review.
But as a graphic novel illustrator she has always had a lively imagination and so she uses her nightmares to try and create her own graphic novel. But when she goes to a carnival with her friend, it seems that her nightmares are coming to life and so is the white tiger I am so disappointed in this bo 2.
I am so disappointed in this book! I really loved the premise of it; however, for me it just didn't live up to expectation. I found myself losing interest in the characters as I was reading, they just didn't hold my attention, although Roric the hero of the story was sexy and intense he didn't stand out enough in a genre full of sexy and intense heroes.
However, there were aspects of this book I did like, tension and atmosphere was created really well. This was especially the case when Aimee was having nightmares and whilst she was in the carnival N. Walters managed to make it seem creepy and unreal and I did enjoy those parts.
But it did fall down a little in the romance department, this could have been because of my disinterest in the characters themselves though rather then any lack of chemistry on their part. Although this was book was okay and I loved the idea behind it, unfortunately this hasn't captured my imagination like other Paranormal Romance series have. Dec 08, D Thomas rated it it was amazing Shelves: I have to say that I wasn't really sure if I wanted to read this series or not.
I bought the first two books and they have set on my nook ever since. I love paranormal, but for some reason I was just unsure of these. However, after reading the first book I am very glad that I bought them. Night of the Tiger is all that I love about paranormal romance. This is even a little on the dark side from a lot of lighter paranormal books that I have read. There is plenty of fighting and I love a manimal with I have to say that I wasn't really sure if I wanted to read this series or not.
There is plenty of fighting and I love a manimal with a sword. Tigers are just a plus anyway. Don't get to read very many books with tiger shifters in them. Walters has done an excellent job with setting up the world of hell. Very descriptive, I could actually see and smell what I was reading no, my kitchen wasn't on fire ;- , but I am one of those people who really get into what I am reading. The feelings of anger, need, want, lust and eventually love are all very well played, considering that she had to fit it all in there in just a 24 hour period.
Mar 13, Chalice rated it liked it Shelves: Tough rating this one. I loved the story outline, but the execution lacked. The writing was frequently overblown and felt awkward. Much eye rolling ensued throughout. The heroine was plucky without being too stupid, yet was insecure enough to be mildly annoying.
The hero was very black and white, in more ways than one. Strong, confident, protective, determined, and sure that the heroine had no place in his life, besides some quickies, because of his devotion to his duty. The sex scenes tri Tough rating this one. The sex scenes tried to be hot, but it felt more like some extra naughty words were thrown in to give it a more adult rating.
The fact that there was no pat solution to some of the hero's situation at the end was different. Because of things like that and the mythological theme, I'm hoping that this is one of the author's early works and that improvement will happen with time. Dec 10, Nickcole rated it really liked it. This was an incredible story that at first i didn't think i was going to even like. But that changed once I started reading page one.
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The story started out a little slow, giving us a chance to get to know Aimee and he dreams that would be discussed more later into the book. I know they only had 24 hours to really make a connection, but in my opinion I wish they would've spent more time giving Roric and Aimee a chance to meet and actually bond. It felt kind of weird that they were "in love" by the end, but it did make for great sex scenes. I really can't wait to read the next book! Yes ; Onto the Bear Recommend: Dec 28, Bethany Lovell rated it really liked it. What a bizarre story! Immortal shapeshifting warriors, frozen in time in their animal forms, forced to wait out their destiny on a carousel owned by Hades himself.
Only a certain type of female can free them, and once she does, they have to survive the next 24 hours to be free forever. I love white tigers, so I automatically loved Ro What a bizarre story! I love white tigers, so I automatically loved Roric. I loved Aimee because she was smart and brave and didn't cower, run away, or do something dumb-ass to put herself and Roric in more danger.
She knew that when you have a warrior beside you, you do whatever he tells you to do and you do NOT argue! I'm really iffy about paranormal books lately, and I usually abandon them halfway through. This book, however, kept me reading until the end, and right on into book 2! This was an easy book to get into. There wasn't any surprises at least for me. Yes they feel in love very quickly but then this book is based off of like 24 hours or something. Didn't bother me at all. I really enjoyed it and am excited to read about the rest of the warriors. What else does Hades have up his sleeves?
First time reading this author and it was okay. I enjoyed certain parts but other parts of the book felt self-indulgent. The world building was decent it was the characters that felt a little too contrived and it was slow to get going. But overall an enjoyable read. Could this author get any more amazing? Excellent story, and wonderful narrator! Great idea but kinda boring and repetitive execution May 27, C. Glenn Yarbrough sang the title song vocals. It was released in January He goes into the local bar for a cold beer, and tells the bartender the town has an unusual number of citizens named "Jonas" and "Reprisal.
He is then told of the events behind the fight involving a buffalo hunter and gunman named Jonas Trapp and the night the local Mexicans still call "The Night of the Reprisal" and "The Night of the Tiger", their name for Jonas. In flashback, we learn that Jonas Trapp Connors is a poor cowboy in love with a wealthy woman named Jessie Larkin Hays. They intend to marry despite the objections of her aunt Ruth Warrick. The aunt sees Jonas as a man of no prospects and prefers she marry someone more substantial.
Night of the Tiger
To gain the aunt's permission, Jessie pretends to be pregnant. Jonas marries her, but quickly tires of his dull life in town and being forced to live off his wife's money. He heads for the hills without her to become a buffalo hunter, hoping to amass enough money to give Jessie the life he feels she deserves, without her aunt's involvement. This is in direct contrast to TV Guide's review at the time that Jonas was a fortune-hunter after Jessie's money.
Jonas is gone for more than 10 years. He amasses a small fortune of his own and a reputation as a dangerous gunman who once traded shots with Clay Allison and walked away. He decides it is finally time to return home. On the trail, Jonas stumbles over the campfire of an obvious rustler and is ambushed by three men: They accuse him of being the rustler; and despite his denials, beat him, take his money, then brand him with a running iron and leave him for dead. A farmer named Hanley finds Jonas and helps nurse him to health.
Trapp, learning that his money has been stolen, is consumed by a desire for revenge and heads back for Cold Iron, where he learns from his father that Jessie's aunt has died and his wife is now engaged to another man - Brooks Durham.