Living Victoriously in Christ Growing in Christ: A 30 Day Devotional
We want to give you an opportunity for the next 30 days to have your life forever changed by crashing into the life of Jesus by checking out a new story from the Gospels each day. Before His ascension to the Father, Jesus gave a commission to His followers to go and make disciples. As one sets out to fulfill that command, we encounter diverse responses — including objections and questions. How does one engage with the gospel of Christ in such a pluralistic culture? This plan hopes to help people handle questions and also draw them to appreciate and worship the God of the Good News.
Get ready to start thriving! This Bible reading plan will guide you through the New Testament in 60 days. Many books will inform you, but the Bible has the power to transform you. Just read the daily selections and you will be amazed at the power, insight and transformation that will happen in your life. A call to women to embrace real, vulnerable, and courageous living in a culture of perfection and surface beauty.
This weeklong devotional features Dr. Zacharias leads readers to think about who Jesus is and why his identity matters for our lives.
- Living Victoriously in Christ: Growing in Christ.
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Is it okay to set goals as a Christian? How do you know if a goal is from God or yourself?
And what do Christian goals look like, anyway? In this 5-day reading plan, you'll dig into the Word and find clarity and direction on setting grace-fueled goals! Welcome to a new life in Christ! Now that you decided to follow Jesus, this reading plan will help you to learn about important topics such as prayer, repentance, and the Bible. Each devotional will equip you to live the abundant life Jesus came to bring and call you to become a fruitful disciple of Christ. Why did God choose you? What is your mission? It was John I stopped to read the small booklet again, and sure enough it was the same passage.
God must be trying to tell me something. My life has been like the grape vines on the backyard fence lately. Twisted, going every which way but the way it should be.
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God has been gently pruning my life. He has been getting rid of those things in my life which distract me and take away from the Joy of life in Jesus. Worry and stress have robbed me of my Joy in so many ways.
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The more time I spend worrying, the less I get done. The less I get done, the more stressed I get and the more I worry. My life has become twisted and unruly, just like the grape vines on my friends back fence. In an attempt to get things done I have made a schedule.
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I created a list of things which must be done each day, and the time frame for them to be completed by. While being organized is a good thing it can distract me from what is most important. Spending time with Jesus in the word is more important than getting my schedule done.
I have loosened the strings on my tight schedule. Now, I have a list of what needs to be done and am asking God to show me what HE wants me to get done today. There is a difference between living in a country and reigning there. And just so, the sin-nature dwells within, but it is our responsibility not to let it rule in our lives. Romans 6 contains vital truth on the subject of deliverance from the power of sin.
The first five chapters of Romans point out that all are guilty before God, but at the moment of repentance and conversion they are declared righteous before God, and thus they begin the Christian life. But all of us know that the new believer soon faces a tremendous fact—the fact of indwelling sin. It is one thing to become a Christian; it is quite another to live a life of holiness. Romans 6 describes not the kind of life we should live, but how to live that life. All who have accepted Christ believe that He died for them, but few seem to realize that they died with Him.
The Bible teaches that in the mind of God every believer died and arose in the death and resurrection of Christ, and if we are to know the secret of victory, we must know this great truth.

At Calvary we were identified with Jesus Christ in death. That is why Paul, in Galatians 2: When we descend into the water, and the water closes over our heads, it is like being buried in a grave; and when we emerge from the water, it is like rising from the grave. Thus our baptism is an outward symbol which illustrates our death and resurrection with Jesus. We may not feel like we died with Christ, but we must go by what the Bible says.
How do we know that Jesus died for our sins? We believe that—but how do we know it? What is the purpose of our crucifixion with Jesus? It has not been eradicated, but its power has been broken and annulled. The Bible does not teach the doctrine of the annihilation of our sinful natures. We will not get rid of the sin-nature until we are safe in the arms of Jesus. While the sin-nature is still in us, we are to be dead to its power over us. Think of the village drunkard who could seldom pass the door of the tavern, and was unable to resist the appeal of liquor during the greater part of his life.
He drank himself to an early grave.
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Suppose that, as he lay in his casket, the men from whom he bought the poison which killed him, brought bottles and bottles of the stuff into the room, and placed it in the casket alongside his dead body. Would the liquor have any attraction for him? Certainly not; it would have no appeal to a dead man. It is we who are to be dead to the appeals of sin. Now we are to reckon this to be a fact. First, we died with Christ.
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Second, we arose with Him. God says it is so, and now I say it is so! We are to conclude about ourselves what God has already declared about us. How shall we reckon ourselves dead unto sin? The answer is this: Count it as true, and then act accordingly.