Lives of the Princesses of Wales
They had taken on the lease of Park House soon afterwards, and it was there that they had already welcomed three children — daughters, Sarah born and Jane born and a son, John who had died soon after birth his birth in Baby Diana was christened on August 30th, at St Mary Magdalene Church, Sandringham at a font where several royal infants had also been baptised.
She, like the other four sponsors, John Floyd, Alexander Gilmour, Sarah Pratt and Carol Fox were also friends of the Spencer family who were more than used to moving in royal circles. But the rural idyll of her Norfolk childhood was shaken in when her parents separated. By then, Diana was at school. However, bigger changes were happening outside the school gates.
Now Lady Diana Spencer , she had little time to get used to her new home before her father remarried.
Before they were royal: The life of Diana, Princess of Wales
His wedding in to Raine, Countess of Dartmouth, was the start of a relationship that Diana found difficult. Meanwhile, her mother had married Peter Shand Kydd, and they were spending increasing amounts of time in Scotland. Like many girls in her social circle, Diana left school before taking A Levels and instead headed to finishing college — in her case, Institut Alpin Videmanette in Rougemont, Switzerland, where she spent a term at the start of But it was to be a difficult year for Diana. Earl Spencer suffered a severe stroke, coming close to death, and spent several months in hospital recovering.
In pictures: The life of Diana, Princess of Wales - BBC News
It would be her final job before royal life beckoned. Diana took up the post in , and the following year, she found herself as a guest at a country house party also attended by the Prince of Wales. The two had met before but this encounter, in , marked the beginning of the relationship that would lead to marriage.
The engagement announcement came on February 24th, several weeks after Charles had proposed, and Diana appeared before the cameras as a royal bride in waiting just hours later. Diana not long after her engagement was announced. To acquaint them with the world outside of royal privilege, she took them to fast food restaurants and on public transportation.
Diana, princess of Wales
Although she used that celebrity to great effect in promoting her charitable work, the media in particular the aggressive freelance photographers known as paparazzi were often intrusive. It was while attempting to evade journalists that Diana was killed, along with her companion, Dodi Fayed , and their driver, Henri Paul, in an automobile accident in a tunnel under the streets of Paris in Though the photographers were initially blamed for causing the accident, a French judge in cleared them of any wrongdoing, instead faulting Paul, who was found to have had a blood alcohol level over the legal limit at the time of the crash and to have taken prescription drugs incompatible with alcohol.
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In a Scotland Yard inquiry into the incident also concluded that the driver was at fault. Her death and funeral produced unprecedented expressions of public mourning, testifying to her enormous hold on the British national psyche. The recording of that version of the song became the most successful pop single in history to date, selling more than 30 million copies. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles.
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Childhood and teenage years
Nov 11, See Article History. Lady Diana Frances Spencer. Prince William and Catherine Middleton: The Royal Wedding of Charles, prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Tina Brown on Princess Di.
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Tina Brown, one of the most prominent magazine editors of her time, wrote The Diana Chronicles in After details of extramarital affairs by Charles and Diana surfaced…. Two months later Fayed launched a private investigation into the….