Alumbrapalabras has been written for children and men who share this uniqueness. Other books of Leo Castillo: Pablo Montoya was born in Barrancabermeja, Colombia, in He is a poet, short story writer, novelist, essayist, musician and university professor. Francis of Assisi and Giotto, ; Hand Program, Books of short fiction: Homenaje Literariedad -Spanish- Poemas eugeniasancheznieto. Revista Cronopio -Spanish- Sitio web http: He has published fiction, poetry, and essays in English as George Angel in literary magazines and the chapbook Globo , and received the Nilon Award from Fiction Collective 2 for his book The Fifth Season His visual art has been exhibited and he has also illustrated books.
He also makes music with the groups Underflavour and Sell the Elephant. Adriana Paredes Pinda was born in Osorno, Chile, in She belongs to the Mapuche—Huilliche Nation. She is a poet, professor and medicine-woman. Ui, ; Parias zugun, She was included in the anthology Spinning in the Memory: In she won the National Poetry Competition in her country. Documental Voces de La Tierra Adkimvn. He is a poet, writer and journalist.
Part of his poetry has been musicalized and published in anthologies in several countries in Latin America and Europe. He has participated in the most important poetry festivals in Central America and has read his poems in Mexico and the USA. He was included in the Cuadernos hispanoamericanos of the Spanish literary magazine. He coordinated the poetry workshop Maelstrom with poet Jorge H.
She is a poet and storyteller. She led the radio series 'Books Do Not Bite'. She has lived in the Arab Emirates, Switzerland and Colombia. It has been said of her work: The poetic voice calls and yearns. Reproaches and praises imaginary beings. The night is a lyrical character out of existence but becomes flesh and nerve and hurts " Augusto Rodriguez, Ecuador. She is a writer, visual artist and tattoo artist. The latter book was published by Hombre Nuevo editors. Her unpublished books are: She has collaborated with theatre, dance, circus, street art, painting and music artists.
Sore creates an artistic mixture, returning us to the phonetic language, the mystery, the magic, myth. He is a writer and journalist. He has published in leading newspapers and magazines in Mexico and Colombia. He graduated in literary studies at Javeriana University of Bogota and in scriptwriting at the University of Rosario.
He was also a finalist in the story contest "Brazil of Dreams ". In , he took second place in the contest of CI with an environmental report on endangered species. He is the author of the books of annals "In the privacy of its libraries" and "Colombian Deeds" Editorial Norma, as well as the poetry book Travels of the Light, published by the Angel Editor. He is a poet, short story writer and literary researcher.
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- bio-bibliographical Information of invited poets to the 26th Medellín International Poetry Festival.
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After a six-month trip through South America, he settled in Buenos Aires, where he studied the genre of Argentine prose poem. As a literary scholar he wrote the studies: She is a bilingual poet, writer, radio producer and Zoque translator from the high northern region, coming from Chapultenango, Chiapas. She inherited the poetic sensibility of her grandfather Simon Sanchez, a shaman and musician as well as a Zoque dancer, from who she learned the rhythm and musicality of the traditional prayers.
In she was nominated for the Pushcart Prize, literary prize for the best publications in the USA. She has published five books of poetry and her poetic and narrative work has been included in several anthologies, newspapers, magazines and CDs in Mexico and abroad. He is the author of the book The Mirror is Another One, prose and poetic short stories, ; and the poetry books: He is a poet, theologian and professor.
He has worked with victims of conflict in various regions of Colombia, through a social corporation that supports rural communities. He has written four books of poems, a book of stories and some essays on theology. In his own words: Her flash fiction has been published by Letras con Arte, in the anthologies: She currently writes poems and practices her profession as an industrial engineer. She has been a professor of creative writing and cultural administrator.
She founded Residence on Earth, residence for artists. In , she was part of the curatorial team of the Regional Artists Salon for the West Central area. Her stories, poems and essays have been published in several literary anthologies and blogs.
Project MUSE - Contributors
Her first book, Casa Paterna Externado University of Colombia, is an anthology four unpublished books: Her work was recognized by the Governor of Magdalena in the Poetry and Young Story Contest, in which she ranked first in poetry and second in short-story. She has three unpublished books of poetry: Her poems have been translated to Catalan and included in several anthologies of the region and the country.
Her poetry reflects her own world and her efforts to evoke its significance in a very particular way. She has been press chief for several institutions. For two years, she served as editor of the Macondo Sunday Magazine, of the Hoy newspaper from Magdalena.
She has worked as a reporter on political and cultural issues. She was recognized by the Bolivarian Museum of Contemporary Art in its 29th anniversary , for her journalistic contribution to the culture of the region. His poems appear in the anthology: He assumes writing poetry as an exploration of collective memory, and fervently believes in poetry as a tangible form of compensation for damage left behind by barbarism on the humblest souls.
He sees Paul Celan and Oscar Milosz as holy and imperishable saints and scrutinizes their verses searching for clues to sustain living. Currently he alternates between university teaching and editing Literariedad Magazine, a weekly electronic publication where the works of new and established authors share the same pages. She is a poet, sociologist, photographer and cultural manager. In poetry and photography she has found her home.
Since , she belongs to the editorial board of Innombrable Journal, an artistic and cultural project where poetry, short stories, essays, photography and illustration converge. She has also been invited as a poet to different events. Currently she is working on her first book of poetry, Lilies for Dawn unpublished.
He is a poet, short story writer, novelist. He has published the books: Akbar Ryskulov was born in Kyrgyzstan in He is a famous poet, novelist, translator, editor, journalist, university professor and diplomat. He was ambassador for his native country in Kazakhstan and Malaysia. He is also the president of the Association of Writers of Kyrgyzstan. He is the author of eight books of poetry. His works have been translated into some of the major world languages. Levcheva, and other contemporary writers. He has received various awards in his country for its contribution to the development of literature in Kyrgyzstan, including the "Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan".
She is a poet, short story writer, novelist, essayist and translator. She graduated from the Institute of Agriculture at the University of Basra in and has lived in Denmark since She has published numerous articles on literature, culture and politics in Arabic and Danish. She translated the tales of Hans Christian Andersen into Arabic in She has published, among others, the books: Digt -Video- -Arabian- Oficial website -Danish-. He has participated in numerous poetry readings inside and outside Saudi Arabia and in numerous meetings and festivals of Arabic poetry.
- Keep the Rhythm and the Bridge Wont Swing?
- Instituto Cervantes Festival de Poesía de París 2009.
- © Antonieta Villamil.
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- Going Astray.
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- Ralph Adamo.
His poems have been translated into English, French and Spanish. His recent works include: Antologia della poesia basca , three volumes of Spanish Contemporary Theatre , Fire and Embers. New Indigenous Mexican Poetry, ; Dalla antica parola parola alla nuova. Ventidue poeti messicani d'oggi, ; 34 Trentaquattro poeti per il XXI secolo catalane, ; Fly high word.
Sixty years of poetry in Italy, from the neovanguard to the Present three volumes, and Con fuoco il of Blood. As a poet, he has published: He has been translated into a dozen languages. In he was awarded the "Catullo Award" in the city of Verona, for his dissemination of Italian poetry abroad. Desde forma parte de Poetas contra la Guerra. Jochen Kelter born in in Cologne, Germany. He moved to Switzerland in and worked teaching in Switzerland and France. He lived on the southern edge of Lake Constance and maintained between and another address in Paris.
He was President of the European Writers' Congress between and Between and he published 13 books of poetry. He has also published novels, short stories, essays and translations from English, French and Italian. He is a member of the German PEN and has received several awards and distinctions. Isabel Crooke Ellison Born in England she came to Colombia where she finished her studies in archeology.
She married the anthropologist Horacio Calle Restrepo and in became a nationalized Colombian. During seven years they were dedicated to anthropological investigations, especially among the Murui-Muinane Indians of the lower Putumayo region. Then she studied medicine and after graduating from the School of Medicine, Juan N.
She now lives in Barichara, Santander, where she dedicates a great deal of her time to writing and illustrating her books. Alain Borer was born in Luxeuil, France in He is a poet, art critic, essayist, novelist, playwright, lecturer, writer-traveler as well as a recognized specialist on the work of Jean Arthur Rimbaud, having written a biography and numerous essays about the great French poet.
Rimbaud in Abyssinia, , is already a classic book about Rimbaud, on whom Alain Borer has spent around 30 years of study. He has published, among others, the books of poems: Bestiary, ; Blue Zone, ; Letter-Mother, Terje Dragseth born , lives and works in Kristiansand, Norway. I Sing My Body Electric. Dane Ts Hawk was born in Denmark in He is a poet, writer, actor, composer, bandleader and saxophonist. He is recognized as one of the most outstanding musicians of modern jazz in Scandinavia.
He studied with saxophonist and composer John Tchicai and with composer and arranger Bob Brookmeyer from to Some of his discography: Long term partner of the vienna poetry school sfd , both as a teacher and co-operator, frequently conducting collaborations between the sfd and the Schamrock-Festival and -Salons. Augusta Laar knew sfd founder Ide Hintze very well, early on she participated in several sfd classes and subsequently began teaching her own classes there, which made her an intimate companion and partner of the vienna poetry school.
Schamrock-Festival will host about 50 poets and artists from 18 countries, it will take place on October Poetry, edition art science, St. Wolfgang ; "99 love poems". Poems and vinyl records, Gedok Munich ; "weniger stimmen". Poetry, with accompanying CD, edition selene, Vienna He is a poet, a columnist and an editor.
Along with the poet Jan Wagner he edited the comprehensive anthology of young German language poetry Lyrik von Jetzt. Krystyna Dabrowska born in is a poet, translator, and essayist. She is the author of poetry books: Her translations include poems of W. A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and. She is a poet, photographer and composer. Following her doctoral studies with Larry Sitsky, Judith continued to study composition with Emmanuel Nunes in Paris in From to she worked on a project with Larry Sitsky to preserve the Australian compositions.
Judith has worked as a guest professor at the American University in Cairo and as an occasional interviewer for the Department of Oral History of the National Library of Australia. She currently teaches composition and musicology at the University of Southern Queensland. He is a distinguished scholar. Classical philologist, essayist, university professor and leading researcher, he is especially known for revealing the contribution of sacred plants to the classical world.
He has published two important works on this subject in Spanish: The Road To Eleusis: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion, with R. Gordon Wasson, Stella A. Kramrisch and Jonathan Ott, Others of his works are The World of Classical Myth: Berito Kuwaruwa is an indigenous leader of the U'wa Nation in Colombia. He creates from orality and is a shaman to his people. From a young age he has persistently fought in defense of his nation. For his international campaign to demand that multinational oil not drill the ancestral lands of the U'wa people, he won the Goldman Environmental Prize in She has two daughters and twin granddaughters.
Susana Gardner is the author of the full-length poetry collection: The Geraniums are a nonconforming New Orleans band known for rare and riveting shows. Together for nearly twenty years, Gallagher and Treffinger have honed their trades with Rene Coman bass , Daemon Shea drums and Tom Marron violin and harmonica. The Geraniums are the kind of music you should like. While only two records have hit the streets, The Geraniums have a considerable library of recorded material that will now be made public.
It is hard to keep the record in stock. She lives in Denver. He divides his time between southwest Florida and western Pennsylvania. Chloe Hanson is a Ph. She enjoys expensive beer, cheap wine, and forcing her dog to wear homemade costumes. Her poems have been published most recently in Torch Literary Magazine.
Sustaining the Sacred Post-Katrina showcases her talent as a producer and researcher. Some of her other publishing credits include: Poems for James Brown and many more. Poems to Stretch the Sky. She lives in Houston. Has written three novels, all of them translated into several languages: He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Tulane, in New Orleans. His poems have appeared in many literary magazines, anthologies, and college textbooks, including The Bloomsbury Review , Columbia Poetry Review , Highway Jeffrey Higgins is a poet, filmmaker, and sort-of musician from rural central Illinois, currently living in southeast Texas.
Jade Hurter is a poet and teacher living in New Orleans.

Her most recent book, Remembering Animals was published by Nightboat Books in She lives in Seattle and online at laurenireland. Tim Jones-Yelvington is a Chicago-based author, multimedia artist and nightlife personality. He lives and works in New Orleans. Visit his website at http: She lives, works, writes, and makes Montessori materials in Athens, GA.
Her translations include The Invisible Bridge: A Bilingual Anthology of Environmental Poetry. She is a contributing editor for The Wanderer and an editor at smoking glue gun. You can find her online at www. Bill Lavender is a poet, novelist, musician, carpenter and publisher living in New Orleans. His poems, stories and essays have appeared in dozens of print and web journals and anthologies, with theoretical writings appearing in Contemporary Literature and Poetics Today , among others.
His novel, Q , a neo-picaresque view of the surreal world of the future, appeared from Trembling Pillow in A chapbook, surrealism , was published in by Lavender Ink.
His Amazon author page lists most of his books. Read an interview with Bill about his poetics and about the press at Jacket2.
Gina Abelkop
Readings and interviews can be accessed through PennSound: Selected Essays She currently lives in Los Angeles. She can be found online at http: She has been a soprano, a lyricist, an art and design magazine editor, a philosophical counselling assistant, and a cowherd. Poems East of La Mancha. Her poems have been featured in various art exhibits, and in a Radiophrenia Glasgow broadcast.
Visit her website for more information. Whether digging into her Louisiana roots and tapping her boots to an original honky-tonk tune or emoting alongside wailing electric guitars in a consuming 90s-esque, alt-rock trance, Kelcy Mae undoubtedly sings from the heart, which—to the benefit of audiences—is often right on her sleeve.
She has been published in a number of journals including Waccamaw , Hobart , and Big Lucks. In another capacity he curates a one-of-a-kind archive of some 30, historic New Orleans newspapers dating from the late 19th to the early 20th century, Nola DNA. He has instructed courses in literature, writing and publishing for Tulane, Loyola, and Delgado.
Bio-bibliographical Information about Invited Poets: 25 Medellin International Poetry Festival.
Kwoya Fagin Maples is a writer from Charleston, S. James Marion Sims of Montgomery, Alabama. This work received a grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. Maples teaches creative writing at the Alabama School of Fine Arts and organizes a three-dimensional poetry exhibit which features poetry and visual art including original paintings, photography, installations and film.
When not reading or writing poetry, Barry practices law. His poems, stories, and essays have appeared in such journals as Iowa Review, Boston Review, Handsome, Pank , and Rhino, among many others. It explores themes of death and reincarnation from the vantage point of a mother preparing to host a returning soul. She weaves the chaotic spirit-realm of the Bardo into the post-Katrina cityscape of New Orleans.
Soraya Membreno is a daughter of Nicaraguan immigrants and a pre-Lebron Miami native. She is a poet, essayist, and editor. Writers on Race in the Life of the Mind. She is the Director of Community at Bitch Media. She holds a M. The editor or co-editor of four volumes of poetry and fiction, he is the author of Coronary Fitzgerald Letterpress, and, most recently, Hattiesburg, Mississippi: He lives in New Orleans.
She is a member of the Kale Soup for the Soul collective www. She is a graduate of the MFA program in writing at Rutgers-Newark and teaches for various university programs. For more info visit itinerantmuse or paulaneves. Tiana Nobile lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a Kundiman Fellow. An Ovulution Bloof Books WordTech Press, January , see at https: Vanesa Pacheco is a Bostonian Latina poet. Soham Patel is a Kundiman fellow. A Chapter kitchen-shy press came out in In , Jonathan Penton founded UnlikelyStories.
Since then, he has lent editorial and management assistance to a number of literary and artistic ventures, such as MadHat, Inc. Photo by David Carlisle. She is the author of two forthcoming books— Bayou St. Marthe Reed has published five books: She lives in Oakland with her three daughters, two hens, one puppy, and geologist husband.
Selected Poems, Adventures in Poetry , and many other books of poetry. Alison also writes book and music reviews, and is a staff book reviewer for Five 2 One Magazine. Amber Atiya is a multidisciplinary poet whose creative practice incorporates elements of performance, book arts, and visual arts. A 21st Century Anthology of Female Poets. Lisa Samuels is a transnational poet, essayist, and sound artist who has lived in the U.
She has worked with experimental composers in the U. She is author of many books of poetry, poetic prose, and criticism, including several volumes of Memory Cards most recently from Talisman House and two volumes of Dementia Blog Singing Horse Press. JD Scott is the author of two chapbooks: He is the editor of Roof Books roofbooks. She is a contributing editor at Aster ix and Society Editions.
Shipman lives in New Orleans with his wife and daughter and teaches English and creative writing at St. A native of Birmingham, Alabama, she received her B. She is the author of two full-length collections and the editor of two anthologies, Political Punch: Contemporary Poems on Women and Place. Reese Writer in the Library. She is a freelance writer, advocate and supporter of the arts in education. Alina Stefanescu was born in Romania and lives in Alabama with her partner and four small mammals.
She won the Ryan R. More online at www. Tabios loves books and has released over 40 collections of poetry, fiction, essays, and experimental auto biographies. More information is available at http: He has edited two widely used anthologies of francophone literature, and edits Ezra: An Online Journal of Translation www. Song lyrics include Daybreak and New Words. His novel is Winter Light. Maureen Thorson is the author of two books of poetry: She is at work on a series of poems about despair, and a group of essays about eyeballs, truth, and power.
Visit her at maureenthorson. American Happiness , her first collection, is published by NewSouth Books. Skin Verb first got together in Philadelphia at the end of the twentieth century. They have always cleared the bar of being considered a band. Kina Viola is a poet and book designer living in Ithaca, NY.