Holistic Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Month-by-month Guide
I started to read What to Expect It seemed to feed into the whole treating-all-pregnancies-as-though-they-are-high-risk-pregnancies attitude that I find so problematic. I gave up on that book because I felt it would encourage me to act like the paranoid, senseless women that congregate online on thenest. It's not alarmist or condescending. At times, it's cloyingly positive about pregnancy, and that drove me a bit nuts. But if a book's going to be too extreme, I would rather it's extreme in the "pregnancy is important and powerful and magical" direction, than the "pregnancy is an life-threatening, horrible illness that must be managed by doctors in their infinite wisdom" direction.
I completely disagree with the reviewers that think the book is biased in favor of medical intervention and obstetric care. I think the Searses did a very good job of trying to remain neutral on the obstetric v. They present it in a way that allows women to make their own decisions. They emphasize that each approach is guided by a different set of assumptions.
They try to paint a positive picture of both. In their section on tests that can be run during pregnancy, they explicitly say that no interventions is the best route to go. They dissuade people from getting ultrasounds unless there is a medical need for them i. So, I hardly read the Searses as uncritical advocates of obstetric care as it is practiced in the US. The parts where they detail what's going to happen each month are thoroughly disgusting. Any woman who isn't already pregnant should read them and think really seriously about whether they really want to go through all that nonsense.
But, for ladies that are already with child, those sections are helpful and reassuring.
The Pregnancy Book: A Month-By-Month Guide Tag: Everythg. You Need to Know from America'S..
Apr 13, Tricia rated it really liked it. Best pregnancy book I read. Way better than what to expect when you are expecting. Jul 15, Tabitha rated it really liked it Shelves: Despite the publication date, this remains one of the best pregnancy books that I have read. Instead of terrorizing gestating women with the 8 billion things that can go wrong, the authors focus on the much likelier outcome that the majority of women experience which is a healthy pregnancy and s in childbirth.
The authors do pay attention to possible complications and devote an appendix to some more detailed explanations of these concerns. This allows the reader to decide whether they will read Despite the publication date, this remains one of the best pregnancy books that I have read. This allows the reader to decide whether they will read this information rather than being sideswiped by it week to week.
The authors also provide a balanced view of medicated, un-medicated, and semi-medicated labor by providing information without the judgement found in many texts. Each month is detailed clearly and includes sections on physical changes, emotional changes, and baby's development. Each chapter also includes additional information related to each month: Mar 10, Rebekah rated it really liked it Recommends it for: From the family-friendly Sears family and Dr. Informative and full of great information to encourage smart women. They give you all the info about what we may expect month to month in our bodies, what those symptoms indicate of what's happening, how to choose a care provider, and make the choices that work best for you as you progress and experience labor and delivery.
It assumes From the family-friendly Sears family and Dr. It assumes our female intelligence, the ability to make informed decisions, and to listen to our bodies I didn't feel this way about WTE. It discusses the work of doctors and midwives, gives information about medications available in labor, how to manage labor without medication.
It's information, encouraging and friendly. I can't say how it reads as a first-time mother-to-be. With this second pregnancy, it's interesting to learn more about what happened with my first, and feel even more determined not to repeat some things. I highly recommend the Sears' books!
Jan 08, Jessica rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Sears is probably the most famous proponent of "attachment parenting" and this pregnancy book lays the groundwork for that approach by advocating unmedicated childbirth, preparation for breast feeding, and other "natural" approaches. But in addition to this less interventionist sort of advice, Dr. Sears also provides more mainstream medical information, about things like prenatal testing and options for pain relief during birth. I found this balance to suit me very well, and referred to this Dr.
I found this balance to suit me very well, and referred to this book often throughout both my pregnancies.
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It also has very good checklists and diagrams summarizing what is going on at each stage of pregnancy and what to expect as each month goes on, emotionally, physically, and medically. Jan 01, L. If I had one basic book to recommend to pregnant chicks it would be this. It is very comprehensive and easy to read- divided up by months with common questions, etc.

Dr Sears is a pediatrician and he and his wife have several children. They had some babies at home, some in the hospital, some adopted. While he is a little left of center this book outlines all options regarding hospital and out of hospital births. Aug 16, Alie Stumpf rated it really liked it. It gives great, empowering tips to women who are committed to a natural childbirth. Though there is a clear bias toward non-medicated labor, it does give advice about how and when to use medication so that you avoid other more serious interventions.
Some parts are humorously outdated bring a fistful of quarters to the hospital for phone calls! Feb 27, Tere rated it it was amazing. The only pregnancy book I recommend.
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Treats the mother-to-be as an intelligent stakeholder who needs to be empowered and supported. Covers a wide variety of topics, including federal laws and maternity leave, birth options, nutrition, etc.
14 best pregnancy books that are worth buying
Strongly advocates breastfeeding and attachment parenting. While I don't follow attachment parenting, per se, this book made the most sense to me. Best recommended for those wanting something more than the drivel in "What to Expect" and similar books. Jul 02, Melynna rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: While What To Expect tries to be unbiased, it really does lean toward medical intervention more and just letting the doctors tell you what to do all the time.
This one encourages you to take a more active role, be informed, and make decisions based on what you want and what's really better for your baby and yourself in the long run. I would definitely recommend it. Sep 17, Brilliant rated it it was amazing. Jan 24, Dana rated it it was amazing. I got this book when I was about one month pregnant with my daughter. It is a must-read for any pregnant lady. As I read it is was like it was reading my mind as it answered all the obscure questions that I had in my head.
It provides logical, non-judgmental medical advice but also personal narratives from both experienced mothers from varying viewpoints and from the author who is both a ob nurse and mother of six. I've heard it is much better than "What to Expect When You'r I got this book when I was about one month pregnant with my daughter. I've heard it is much better than "What to Expect When You're Expecting," as that book can be judgment-laden and full of scary scenarios which already neurotic pregnant ladies need not read. Jun 18, Sophia Wright rated it it was amazing.
Seriously this was a great book. You're going to find so many helpful tips here. I'd like to have seen something though that discussed more baby products that help with nurturing and caring for your little one. For example, nursing covers are great for breastfeeding in public and you can basically get them for free on the web, and a bunch of other great products.
10 Best Books on Natural Birth – Natural Pregnancy Reading Plan
In fact you can use this I found on the internet Ah it was so many years ago that I needed this book this will be a rose tinged blurb. I avoided most pregnancy books as I was already in a high risk pregnancy from very early on. As bed rest was required for the vast majority of both of my to term pregnancies I loved this book. It was a guideline for normal and somewhat abnormal pregnancies without the common scare tactics. Instead the vibe was friendly, positive, helpful, and quite clear about when to seek further counsel. This pregnancy book h Ah it was so many years ago that I needed this book this will be a rose tinged blurb.
This pregnancy book helped me through so many emotions, questions, and moments. I'll always be grateful to the Sears family for this book. Sep 28, Kyleigh rated it liked it. I find it difficult to gather my thoughts on this book. It read like a textbook: It was a good enough source for information on what a woman goes through during pregnancy, however, I suspect a good bit of the data is out of date. This book is probably a great reference to have on hand as one I find it difficult to gather my thoughts on this book.
What to Expect When You're Expecting
This book is probably a great reference to have on hand as one goes through the months of pregnancy, and a good starter, but it's a little too middle-ground for my tastes. Aug 20, Janine Tangney rated it really liked it Shelves: This book has a friendly tone and helps answer common questions and worries in a non-threatening way.
I wanted to find a pregnancy book that helped calm my worries I have a lot of them! Some books can be very intense on what should and shouldn't be done, and long, scary chapters on what can go wrong. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. On Becoming Baby Wise: Available for immediate download. The Whole 9 Months: The First Forty Days: Ina May's Guide to Childbirth Mar 4, Usually ships in 1 to 2 months.
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