
Gods Trophy: Becoming Gods Prized Possession

  1. The Eternal Purpose (Gods Master Plan For The Ages).
  3. The Ugly Duckling.
  4. Houston Forward Times | You’re God’s Trophy Not the Devil’s Prize - Houston Forward Times.

Injury and death are but steps away. To be blunt about it, I get lost. Hence, I know in order to at least be competitive I must train. I just want to be left alone. Can you see how that frame of mind can get you killed? Can you see how your reluctance to step foot on the field of faith can spell trouble?

You’re God’s Trophy Not the Devil’s Prize

The bible is full of references about those who would be seduced, abducted, tricked and persecuted for not being true to the Word of God. God himself expresses frustration at times about those who would willingly forget, or unwillingly choose not to remember who He is and who they belong to. Rockefeller used to dress up in a suit and a top hat and have his picture taken giving some poor boy a dime. A dime was a lot of money in those days. But even so, the most that could be said of Rockefeller is that he was giving OUT of the abundance of his riches. However, if he had gone to one of those boys and had purchased for him a mansion in the country and given him a chauffeur-driven limousine, then it could be said that he was giving ACCORDING TO his riches.

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That is the way God has saved us. Not merely out of His riches. But according to His riches. How rich is God? How much grace does He possess? All of God's attributes are of infinite measure.

So that if He has graced us according to the riches of His grace, then He has graced us very richly indeed. Stanley Livingston had a medical condition in which he was required to drink goat's milk. He was visited one day by a tribal king and he noticed that the king was eyeing his goat. Livingston felt led of the Lord to give the goat as a gift to the king and, in return, the king presented him with the staff that he was carrying. Later that day, Livingston confided in a friend, "I don't know what I was thinking. How could I have been so foolish as to give my goat away. I don't know what I shall do with this stick.

That isn't a stick. It is a scepter. You don't just own one goat.

Jomo K. Johnson (Author of Deadest Rapper Alive)

Now you own all the goats in the tribe. The Lord has given us an inheritance. And we have been walking around thinking that it is just a stick. God has a plan for the universe. History is moving toward a goal. We do not have to guess at either the plan or the goal. It has been made known to us. Verse 9 says that "He made known to us the mystery of His will.

That wasn't always the case. Throughout the Old Testament era, God spoke to the fathers through the prophets, but He did not tell them all that would come to pass. They were missing a key element of the puzzle. But that has changed for us. The key element has been revealed. In the Older Testament, they knew that there was a promise of a perfect seed who would come and destroy the works of Satan. They knew of a great prophet that would come. They knew of their need for a lasting sacrifice.

They knew of God's covenant promises. And they knew of God's kingdom. But they did not know exactly how it would all work itself out in the plan of God. The answer to the mystery is Jesus. He is the perfect seed of the woman. His death overthrew the devil and his angels. Through His blood we have entered into a greater and more perfect covenant.

He is the Prophet, Priest and King. And we have entered into His kingdom through faith. We have the whole story. We have the beginning of the story in the Old Testament. We have the middle of the story in the coming of Christ and in His death and His burial and His resurrection. And we even had the end of the story, for we have His promise that one day He shall return. It will be at that time - the fullness of the times - that we shall experience the summing up of all things in Christ 1: When Christ returns, the entire universe - things in the heavens and things upon the earth - shall be brought into conformity and into submission to Him.

What is our response to this teaching? It is that we do not have to wait until the coming of Christ to involve ourselves in such conformity. We have been called today to be both conformed and transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. In Him 11 also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, 12 to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory Ephesians 1: We have an inheritance.

Notice the use of the present tense. We are not merely heirs of a future inheritance. It awaits us as a present possession in the heavenlies. It is an inheritance that has been awaiting us for a very long time. It have been awaiting us since before we were saved. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things were created, and through whom we live.

Not only does God prize us, treasure us, consider us as special because he created us, he also showed how much he prizes us because he paid the highest price imaginable for you and for me. The cost was huge but God believed us worth the cost. What was the price he paid? He gave his son, Jesus, so that you and I could be his prized possession. So you must honour God with your body. He sees the image we give to the world and he knows us from the inside. He knows our flaws, our weaknesses, our strengths and our potential. Knowing all these things, knowing us as we truly are, God still calls you and me his prized possession.

If we do we open ourselves up to being mistreated, misused and abused. We do belong to God and as his prized possession we can trust him completely.

  1. Sei bambini dappartamento (Italian Edition).
  2. Do You Know You Are God's Prized Possession?!
  3. Spinners Garden: A cozy mystery for dog lovers. (A Dannyboy Pointer Mystery Book 2).
  4. .

He cares for us, protects us, watches over us and wants the best for us. He wants us to become the person he created us to be. He has our best interests at heart. So, what is the outcome of knowing we are God's prized possession? First, I believe it gives us a right perspective of ourselves.

We have no need to compare ourselves with others, to think less or more of ourselves than we should. Not only does it change the way we think about ourselves, it also changes the way we behave. We want to bring glory to God in the things we do, to choose to do those things which are honourable, good and right rather than mistreating our bodies or doing what displeases God.

The Message paraphrase of Galatians 5: Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. Rather than being judgmental, critical, showing favouritism, belittling others, we will see them as God sees them. We will recognise their worth and value, we will believe in their significance, we will accept them as they are. We will love and esteem them as God does.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you believe you are God's prized possession. Today rest in that incredible truth. It's content is material adapted from previous blog posts. To learn more, click on the link below: Popular posts The Blessing Of Pain Before they can treat the migraines I need to take a 12 week break from all my painkillers. The leg pain in particular has been almost unbearable, sitting, laying on the sofa, in bed, heat treatment, massage mat; none of these things have provided me with much relief.

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