Eating an Elephant: Write Your Life One Bite at a Time
You did your one thing where you will never do your 75 things.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time
Accomplishing one big thing a day can boost your confidence and help overall mood. All of the positive actions that I am taking in my life that make me slightly better. Woke up without snoozing. Wrote a blog post. Decided not to eat a doughnut. Went for a twenty-minute walk. Each thing makes me feel a little bit better about myself.
There is no wrong answer. You can either make your small accomplishments part of your to-do lists or eliminate most tasks all together. Regardless of which option is chosen, as long as stress is being reduced, run with it. You have made it to the tail end of dealing and managing your stress. Item s unavailable for purchase.
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And work in a manner that will keep you on pace with the rate the world is moving today even beyond. Finally, you have to have the hard work and patience to last long enough to the last bite. No elephants were harmed in the writing of this article. One bite at a time. Execution is what gives an idea value.
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You have to JUMP. Your mindset has to be exponential Human perception is linear. But my real question is then, how long would it take you to eat our elephant? What does that actually mean? What if you went 30 exponential steps? That level of hard work requires grit.
Eating an Elephant: Write Your Life One Bite at a Time | Writing Your Life
Never heard of it? Well the dictionary defines grit: Not everyone is an elephant eater. The reality is no one does. You just have to start it! Post navigation Previous post: What Black Panther means for the future of African innovation, technology and perspectives March 23,