
Diário de Quem Amou Sem Limite (Portuguese Edition)

This percentage still seems too high in the eyes of the French agency, which would like to reduce it to 0. According to a survey published in France this week, most wipes and cleansing milks are potentially harmful to babies. Does the Commission intend to respond to those French associations that are calling on it to strengthen EU legislation on these products designed for young children who are particularly vulnerable in order to ensure that they are no longer exposed to potentially harmful products?

With the people of Greece having been plunged into deep misery, can the Commissioner substantiate his statement with actual data and figures? The first signs of stabilisation of the Greek Economy have been recorded during the first half of , marked by an overall softening of the recession. A strong revival of tourism has occurred over the summer.

Greece has benefited from increased competitiveness against other popular holiday destinations. Following the sharp improvement of confidence and financial indicators ESI, PMI, government bond spreads in the first half of the year, and despite their temporary weakening in spring due to uncertainties over the Cypriot programme, tourism triggered the improvement in the second quarter of and supported a good GDP reading in the third quarter. Led by exports and investment, real GDP is expected to expand in at an annual growth rate of 0.

In contrast, private consumption is expected to still decline, in line with aggregate disposable income. In , the recovery is forecast to gain strength, as investment becomes the main engine of the recovery. A rebound in exports in the context of the euro area recovery should support a revival in goods export growth as well as stronger shipping and tourism revenues.

With consumption no longer being a drag, real GDP growth is projected at 2. If so, why did it not know sooner? Does the Commission consider that Parliament, and in particular the Committee on Budgets, was given adequate time to scrutinise the supplementary and amending budget? The Commission has pointed out several times that it was anticipating liquidity problems at the end of the year. The Commission is very grateful to Parliament for having been able to take this decision despite the very tight deadlines.

My own constituency of Northern Ireland has suffered, and continues to suffer, the devastating economic impact of organised crime, particularly in the border regions. What assurances can the Commission give that it will listen to the recommendations drafted by the Special committee on organised crime, corruption and money laundering and approved by Parliament, in order to combat the scourge of organised crime?

The European Commission considers the recommendations in the final report of the CRIM Committee an important point of reference for shaping policies for the fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering. Many of the initiatives mentioned by the report have recently been undertaken by the Commission, e.

Other initiatives are currently under preparation, e. All initiatives undertaken by the Commission as well as their exact scope are carefully assessed in preparation, with full respect of principles of necessity, proportionality and subsidiarity.

Poverty and Peace in the Portuguese Speaking African Countries

Furthermore, what strategies does the Commission have in place to reduce these figures? Kan Kommissionen forklare logikken bag denne forskelsbehandling? However, some farmers can substitute catch crops with another measure. Thus, if the working document of the Commission is upheld, Danish farmers will not be able to use catch crops as an EFA even though Denmark is the only Member State where all farmers are required to establish catch crops or equivalent measures.

Bearing this in mind, does the Commission consider that its working document complies with the agreement between Parliament and the Council of Ministers on the CAP reform, which clearly gives authority to Member States to include areas with catch crops as EFAs? Furthermore, the working document rules out catch crops which are established pursuant to the nitrate directive, but at the same time specifically allows buffer strips to be recognised as EFAs even though they are required by EU regulations the habitat and the nitrate directives.

In this way, the very same directive includes some EFAs but not others. Can the Commission explain the reasoning behind this discrimination? However, why can a mandatory scheme, which has well-documented environmental effects but imposes significant costs to farmers, not be included, whereas a voluntary scheme based on a subsidy can? The Commission is in the process of developing the delegated acts necessary to implement the CAP reform and in accordance with the empowerments for the Commission foreseen in the basic acts.

The preparation of delegated acts involves discussions in the context of expert groups with experts from the Member States and European Parliament. The Commission will assess all the relevant questions raised in relation to the proposal for DA and will revise it as necessary. Af EU-Kommissionens svar til mig af Det er vel op til Kommissionen at sikre, at reglerne bliver implementeret og overholdt i overensstemmelse med EU-retten?

However, no answer was given as to what measures the Commission itself proposes to take to address the problem of the spread of common ragweed. The Commission's response is that this is the responsibility of Member States. What, however, does the Commission intend to do in order to ensure that they comply with the rules? Responsibility for enforcing feed and food safety rules lies with the Member States, which are required to establish a comprehensive system of official controls to verify compliance with food law.

In these audits, the control systems in place in the Member States and their effectiveness for the enforcement of European feed and food safety legislation are assessed. As the specific action plan has now been completed, can it provide information on whether or not the above objectives have been achieved?

The current Drugs Strategy stresses the need to improve the availability, accessibility and coverage of effective and diversified drug-demand reduction measures, to promote the use and exchange of best practices, and to develop and implement quality standards. This is one of the most significant political instruments for public involvement in the decision-making process and is hence a means of addressing the democratic deficit and the issue of EU solidarity.

In what way is the Commission helping the auditors establish the extent to which funding in question has or has not been properly used? What action will it take in response to any lack of transparency on the part of bodies entrusted by it with the management and deployment of humanitarian aid funds? The proposal is triggered by the fact that auditors found it difficult — not impossible, as stated in the question — to account for many of humanitarian aid funds worldwide.

The Commission has a strong framework in respect of accountability and transparency in place recognised by the European Court of Auditors. The main axes of the control strategy are the following:. Strict selection and quality control mechanisms for partners through regular and ad-hoc assessment;. Ex-ante controls on the selection of projects and before the contract's signature;. Through the cumulative effects of these controls, the Commission is in a position to provide detailed information on the final destination of aid, as made available, in a comprehensive set of regular reports.

Does it have any information on the fluctuation of the phenomenon of violence against women in the Member States? Does any research exist demonstrating a correlation between an escalation of this phenomenon of violence and the impact of the socioeconomic crisis? As we know, a plethora of actions financed by the European Structural Funds has already been implemented or is currently being implemented with the twofold aim of reducing and addressing violence against women and supporting women who have been abused.

How does it evaluate the results obtained to date? There are no official and comparable data available at EU-level on violence against women, mainly because: It is therefore difficult to measure violence and to analyse its fluctuations over time. To improve knowledge of the prevalence of this phenomenon the Commission is exploring possibilities to exploit current Eurostat surveys and is actively participating in the work of the European Institute for Gender Equality.

In Greece, the European Social Fund ESF co-finances projects providing assistance to the most vulnerable groups, including women who have been abused. These projects are ongoing and no evaluation has been conducted yet. Projects co-financed by Structural Funds are not monitored on a sub-group basis, so no specific take-up rates are available.

With the introduction of a new single property tax in Greece, plans exist to introduce a sliding scale tariff for all farmland, including small areas of uncultivated or fallow land not included in any urban or residential development plans and from which owners derive no financial or other rewards. What view does the Commission take of the classification of all land as a taxable asset? Does it have information regarding similar or corresponding all-encompassing land tax arrangements? If so, what are the implications thereof in terms of upkeep?

The Commission will not comment on this matter at this stage, as the Greek authorities are still working on the precise design of the new tax, which will be reflected in draft legislation to be approved by the Greek Parliament. There is a wide variety in the way countries tax property under the recurrent property tax, some taxing only land, others taxing land and buildings separately, and still others taxing the total value of properties land plus buildings. In EU Member States the tax is often applied as a percentage of the assessed total value of the land.

In some Member States e. Romania there is an explicit lump sum per square meter tax rate depending on location and use of land. Once plastic waste enters the oceans it can stay there for years and is carried all over the world, meaning that plastic waste from Europe can cause severe environmental damage thousands of miles away in places where we are not even aware of it.

Can the Commission state when the results of the consultation on the Green Paper on Plastic Waste will be published? Does the Commission plan to come forward with legislation which will address both the quantity of plastic waste produced and the ecological, environmental and health problems caused by plastic waste across the globe?

The Commission is preparing a review of waste legislation for spring Would the Commission agree that small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs are a vital part of the European economy? If so, can the Commission confirm if any targets exist for SMEs bidding for Commission work and what any such targets are? Do any opportunities exist for SMEs with specialist knowledge to access Commission contracts and how are such opportunities made available to SMEs? It aims to create conditions of fair and open competition for all economic operators.

Public procurement is based on transparency and equal treatment, so no specific targets are set for SME bidding. Yet, the rules strive to ensure fair conditions of access for SMEs. SMEs can participate individually or as part of a consortium or as a subcontractor, based on their specialised skills and knowledge. A CEI can be used either to pre-select candidates to be invited to submit tenders in response to future restricted procedures, or to collect a list of vendors to be invited to submit requests to participate or tenders in response to future procurement procedures.

A CEI shall be published in the Official Journal or wherever it is necessary to provide publicity among potential candidates, i. In , an enterobacterium known as Escherichia coli wreaked havoc in Germany, resulting in 14 deaths. That same year, three more deaths in Paris were attributed to a particularly virulent strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae. However, it is impossible to establish a direct link between their deaths and this bacterium, as most of the patients were vulnerable and had several concomitant diseases. Forty people have been infected and three infected patients have died.

Here too, no direct causal link has been established by the medical community. What does the Commission recommend to prevent such bacteria from spreading beyond hospitals and into the community? The Commission is aware of the outbreaks mentioned by the Honourable Member and does not have information to establish a causal link between the infections and the fatal cases. Additional investigations carried out locally by the French health authority are necessary to demonstrate such a link. These include developing guidance on infection prevention and control including the importance of hand washing and of hygienic procedures in high risks departments; strengthening surveillance of healthcare associated infections, including monitoring the spread of the most dangerous bacteria and training healthcare workers to minimise the risk of spreading the bacteria through medical and paramedical procedures.

It also includes giving appropriate information to patients for example on how to avoid behaviour that increases the risk to acquire and spread infections. Concerning EU legislation case definitions for healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial resistance have been adopted in , providing for an EU approach to identify, monitor and respond to multiresistant bacteria in healthcare facilities.

Concerning prevention beyond hospitals, the same approaches apply to other community institutions, such as nursing homes. Aggiornamento sull'utilizzo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale in Romania ai sensi dell'articolo 7, paragrafo 2, del regolamento CE n. Aggiornamento sull'utilizzo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale in Ungheria ai sensi dell'articolo 7, paragrafo 2, del regolamento CE n.

Aggiornamento sull'utilizzo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale in Bulgaria ai sensi dell'articolo 7, paragrafo 2, del regolamento CE n. Aggiornamento sull'utilizzo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale in Polonia ai sensi dell'articolo 7, paragrafo 2, del regolamento CE n. Aggiornamento sull'utilizzo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale a favore di Rom e Sinti. In quale misura i finanziamenti del FESR sono stati impiegati in Italia allo scopo di promuovere misure orientate all'inclusione sociale di Rom e Sinti dal a oggi?

Risposta congiunta di Johannes Hahn a nome della Commissione. Non sono disponibili dati disaggregati per componenti etniche sugli stanziamenti del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale FESR. Per quanto concerne la spesa del FESR per la crescita inclusiva nel suo complesso, gli Stati membri hanno stanziato per il periodo un totale di 17,8 miliardi di euro in investimenti per l'istruzione, la salute, l'alloggiamento, i servizi all'infanzia e l'infrastruttura sociale.

Si allega una sintesi delle azioni previste nei progetti pilota di alloggi per i Rom. What are the estimates for ERDF spending on such measures in and ? These principles do allow for explicit targeting, but this should not be exclusive in nature i. It is however by definition impossible to quantify the proportion of these amounts from which Roma benefit, either directly or indirectly, given that this is largely general mainstream, rather than targeted, expenditure. Under the rules of shared management of cohesion policy, implementation is carried out by the Member States.

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

The Commission would therefore suggest that the Honourable Member contact directly the competent managing authorities in Member States concerning the implementation of specific projects funded by ERDF. Aggiornamento su violenze, persecuzioni e discriminazioni anticristiane in Vietnam. La situazione della chiesa cattolica dovrebbe migliorare ulteriormente grazie alle recenti iniziative prese dal Vietnam per instaurare relazioni diplomatiche con la Santa Sede.

While the Constitution and relevant laws and policies provide in principle for religious freedom, restrictions persist in policy and practice notably on provincial and village level, also affecting Christians. However, a gradual improvement can be noted in the implementation of this normative framework, concerning in particular the registration of churches.

As regards the Catholic Church, the recent steps taken by Vietnam towards establishing diplomatic relations with the Holy See can be expected to lead to further improvements. Freedom of Religion or Belief was among the issues discussed with the authorities in all the three sessions held since.

The EU will continue to monitor developments closely and encourage authorities to ensure full respect of Freedom of Religion or Belief. Sembrerebbe tuttavia inevitabile che il numero complessivo di canali di trasmissione disponibili da utilizzare in Italia sia destinato a diminuire rispetto a pochi anni fa o quantomeno a operare a livelli di potenza che non creino interferenze transfrontaliere. What view it takes of the decisions made by the Italian authorities when allocating radio frequencies?

The Commission understands that Italian transmitters have earlier used TV channels that were allotted by that treaty to neighbouring countries, creating interference with the transmitters operating in those countries. The Commission supports these efforts and appreciates the willingness of all involved parties to acheive a fruitful outcome. It would, however, seem inevitable that the total number of transmitting channels available for use in Italy would decrease in comparison with the situation a few years ago as a consequence, or at least have to operate at power levels that do not create cross-border interference.

The introduction, by Italy, of Single Frequency Networks should at least partly alleviate this effect. The Commission in parallel continues to monitor the compliance of national radio spectrum allocations and assignment with EU rules. Aggiornamento sull'utilizzo del Fondo sociale europeo a favore di rom e sinti. Per tale motivo gli Stati membri non presentano relazioni sui finanziamenti dell'FSE a favore dei Rom ed alcuni vietano addirittura la registrazione dell'origine etnica delle persone. Inoltre, il finanziamento di misure destinate alle persone svantaggiate in generale, di cui i Rom fanno parte, andrebbe a sua volta preso in conto anche se i beneficiari comprendono anche i non Rom.

In addition, the funding of measures benefiting disadvantaged people in general, of whom Roma are one target group, should be taken into account, though the beneficiaries include non-Roma, too. Tiere in der Ukraine. Die Bundesregierung argumentiert u. Wenn nein, warum nicht? Die Weltbankgruppe wird von ihren Mitgliedern geleitet, deren Finanzminister im Gouverneursrat vertreten sind.

Die Kommission kann keine verbindlichen Mindestnormen vorschlagen. Two of these projects served to expand the capacity of Avangardco, which claims to be the largest egg producer in Europe, through the construction of two egg production factories for three and five million animals, respectively, in Ukraine.

Will it actively pursue this same aim within the relevant OECD bodies, too? If not, why not? During the review of these guidelines scheduled for , will the Commission actively support the inclusion of binding minimum standards for farm animal husbandry that are equivalent to EU standards? A few exceptions exist at present such as welfare standards at slaughter that are based on the international guidelines adopted by the World Organisation for Animal Health. The Commission constantly promotes the acceptance of animal welfare standards with its trading partners and in multilateral organisations.

It is not within the competence of the Commission to propose binding minimum standards. The situation is similar with regard to the OECD, i. Raggiri fiscali delle multinazionali USA. Nell'aprile ha istituito la piattaforma sulla buona governance fiscale C per assicurare il seguito attuativo di queste raccomandazioni. L'UE sostiene con forza il progetto e tanto la Commissione quanto gli Stati membri partecipano attivamente al suo sviluppo e alle sue realizzazioni.

Is the Commission aware that US multinationals have been engaging in tax dodging in Europe? How does it intend to respond? Does it know which other countries are involved in triangulation arrangements used to avoid tax? The Commission is aware of the issue of international corporate tax avoidance, which takes a multitude of forms. The EU strongly supports the project and both the Commission and Member States are actively involved in its development and delivery.

The problem cannot be solved by singling out and addressing individual countries. Businesses will easily find alternatives. Negli ultimi giorni, in Italia, diversi organi di stampa hanno riportato notizie circa il costo del conio delle monete. La maggior parte degli Stati membri sostiene costi di acquisizione superiori fino a quattro volte al valore facciale delle monete stesse.

La Commissione non dispone di indicazioni circa il prezzo di acquisizione delle monete da 5 cent. Various Italian media outlets have recently carried reports on the cost of minting euro coins. Those reports indicate that it costs more than four cents to mint a one-cent coin and more than five cents to mint a two-cent coin — i. Most Member States are confronted with acquisition costs exceeding up to four times the face value of these denominations.

The Commission has no indications on the acquistion price of 5 euro cent coins. For the acquisition prices in Italy, the Honourable Member may ask the Italian authorities. The slate industry in Wales employs people in its four operations, with approximately a further personnel employed in sectors which rely directly on the slate industry. Slate was excluded from this levy. Could the Commission please give an expected timeline of when the UK slate industry will be informed of a decision regarding its exemption status, and a start date of when this decision will be implemented?

Since the Commission could not exclude that some of the exemptions, including that for slate, constituted aid on the basis of the information available, and as their compatibility with state aid rules had not yet been demonstrated, the Commission had to open a formal investigation procedure to examine them more in detail. The formal investigation procedure gives the slate industry the possibility to comment on the opening decision and to provide any information it deems liable to demonstrate that the exemption for slate does not constitute aid or is compatible aid. Opening the formal investigation procedure does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation.

At the end of the investigation, the Commission can conclude that the exemption does not constitute aid, is compatible aid or is not compatible with state aid rules. If at the end of the investigation the Commission has to conclude that the exemption for slate constitutes aid and is incompatible with the internal market, the aid has to be re-paid as from the date it was granted, provided this recovery is not contrary to a common principle of European law.

Em caso afirmativo, onde, quando e de que forma foi o mesmo divulgado? The report is also quoted as stating that the Portuguese authorities are to forward to Eurostat a copy of the document detailing possible penalties against Madeira drawn up by the National Statistics Council, but that no such information has as yet been received and that this requirement has therefore not yet been complied with. If such a report exists, is it available to the general public?

If so, when and how was it published?

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If this report is not publicly available, how is it possible that a media organisation has been able to access it? What type of penalties is Eurostat referring to? Are these penalties which may arise from the abovementioned investigation, or of some other type? If the existence of such misrepresentation is established, the Commission may recommend to the Council imposing a fine upon the Member State concerned. During the abovementioned visit, the Portuguese statistical authorities informed Eurostat on the follow-up of the previous statistical misreporting case in the Autonomous Region of Madeira discussed in a visit by Eurostat to Portugal in , including the investigation launched at national level by the Public Prosecutor, the discussions held in the Statistical Council and the national statistical law, where sanctions are foreseen.

The sanctions referred to in the report are those foreseen by the national statistical law and not sanctions under Union legislation. Em caso afirmativo, como e quando? The news report quotes wording allegedly taken from the report, according to which Eurostat felt that this was a case of deliberate misreporting on the part of a Portuguese government body and, in the report drawn up by the team of experts that visited Lisbon, it noted that this oversight was serious and warranted severe sanctions.

Does the Commission know whether the abovementioned report, drawn up last summer and quoted in the newspaper report in question, exists? If this report does exist, is it available to the public? If so, where, when and how was it published? If the report in question is not publicly available, how can a media outlet justifiably have had access to it?

What objectives were set for the team of experts that travelled to Portugal as part of the excessive deficit procedure and what were the limits of their powers? How many visits to Portugal by experts have there been in this regard and how many reports have been produced? Have these reports been notified to the Portuguese statistical authorities? If so, how and when? If these reports have not been made public, are they classified in any way? Can the Commission provide full copies of the reports? The team of experts are included in the published report. Can the Commission explain why it is funding a new training facility for European police officers while it is proposing to merge the European Police College and Europol because of budget cuts?

The Commission awarded a grant for a two-year project, arising from the open call for proposals under the Prevention of and Fight Against crime ISEC programme, and based on a proposal submitted by the University of Strasbourg with the anti-fraud office of Catalonia Spain and the Commission for establishing of property acquired from criminality Bulgaria together with associated partners. The funding is not for a new training facility, as suggested in the question, but for a specific action — a training course with a research component — of limited duration.

It is designed to achieve not only cost savings, but also and more importantly, functional synergies in accordance with the Common Approach on decentralised agencies. Consultations publiques de la Commission. Can the Commission say to what extent it takes account of the results of its public consultations? The online consultation carried out in early elicited answers from a very large number of European citizens.

A large proportion of respondents to this consultation declared their membership of associations related to firearms use. The Commission took the results of the public consultation into account, along with other relevant information. Can the Commission specify what proportion of its telecommunications equipment is manufactured in the United States? The Commission's corporate telecommunications infrastructure consists of equipment from a large number of manufacturers.

In almost all cases, undertakings are not the Commission's contractors. This is because, in the context of procurement procedures, a tenderer or candidate is perfectly entitled to offer products manufactured by another company, which may itself be based in a different country. A year-old woman from Arad in Romania died last month from a pulmonary embolism caused by the contraceptive pills she was taking. Shortly after the post mortem report was compiled, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicine and Health Products reported this case to the European Pharmacovigilance Committee.

Unfortunately, this is not a one-off incident, as news agencies around the world regularly publish such tragic stories. There is also a six times higher incidence of cancers among women who have taken the pill compared to those who have never taken the pill. What kind of measures does the Commission envisage taking in terms of informing the public about the possible adverse reactions to contraceptive pills? The well-known risk of venous thromboembolism can potentially cause a pulmonary embolism is small and varies depending on the type of progestogen the product contains.

The risk of arterial thromboembolism can potentially cause a stroke or heart attack is very low and there is no evidence for a difference in the level of risk depending on the type of progestogen. The review has reinforced the importance of ensuring that clear and up-to-date information is provided to women who use CHCs and to the healthcare professionals giving advice and clinical care. The product information of these medicines will be updated to help women make informed decisions about their choice of contraception together with their healthcare professional.

What percentage of the allocated funding was spent by these organisations on the promotion of abortion or the provision of abortion services? A detailed project description is always part of the contractual terms between the Commission and beneficiary organisation for each project funded under the Development Cooperation Instrument. Programme implementation is also closely monitored in respect for the agreed contractual terms.

EU funded projects with these organisations neither include promotion of abortion nor abortion services. The Commission has a variety of instruments available including those relevant for providing support to the civil society organisations. Uitleg naar aanleiding van het onderhoud tussen Kris Peeters en Michel Barnier.

De plannen van de Vlaamse overheid om de concessie rechtstreeks, zonder aanbesteding, door te schuiven van de BAM Beheersmaatschappij Antwerpen Mobiel , die verantwoordelijk is voor de financiering en implementatie van het Masterplan project, naar TLH een dochter van BAM , is volgens de Commissie niet in strijd met de Europese regels rond overheidsopdrachten.

Die verschuiving werd in opgezet om het Oosterweeldossier uit de Vlaamse begroting te houden. TLH wordt daarbij beschouwd als een autonoom overheidsbedrijf en wordt niet gekoppeld aan het Vlaams Gewest, waardoor de begroting van TLH niet opgenomen wordt in de Vlaamse begroting. Zoja, wat is het resultaat en is dit beschikbaar? Op welke rechtsgrondslag wordt de TLH niet opgenomen in de Vlaamse begroting? Gaat de Commissie daarmee akkoord? Welke motivatie en omkadering heeft de Vlaamse regering gegeven om die overdracht te motiveren?

Het gesprek van Commissaris Barnier en de minister-president van de Vlaamse regering, Kris Peeters, betrof uitsluitend de Europeesrechtelijke vragen met betrekking tot de openbare aanbesteding die waren gerezen in de context van het Oosterweelproject. TLH wordt beschouwd als een marktproducent en valt daarom statistisch, overeenkomstig de ESRnormen, buiten de overheidssector. Met deze classificatie heeft Eurostat in ingestemd op basis van meest recente informatie op dat moment.

Het feit dat de concessiehouder buiten de overheidssector wordt geclassificeerd, brengt echter niet automatisch met zich mee dat de financiering van het project volledig buiten de overheidsbegroting wordt geboekt. Zo bepaalt het ESRhandboek overheidstekort en overheidsschuld dat indien de overheid de meeste risico's in verband met het project draagt, de gebouwde infrastructuur moet worden opgenomen in de overheidsbegroting. According to the Commission, the plans of the Flemish authorities to pass the concession on directly, without a procurement procedure, from BAM Beheersmaatschappij Antwerpen Mobiel , which is responsible for the financing and implementation of the Masterplan project, to TLH a subsidiary of BAM do not breach European public procurement law.

If so, with what result, and are its findings available? Does the Commission agree with this? How did the Flemish Government justify this transfer, and what framework did it adduce? As national accounting issues were not addressed, there was no need to consult Eurostat. TLH is considered a market producer and it is statistically classified outside the general government sector, following ESA95 standards.

The classification was agreed by Eurostat in , based on the latest available information at that time. However, the fact that the concessionaire is classified outside the general government sector does not automatically entail that the funding of the project is fully recorded off the government budget. For example, following the ESA95 Manual on Government Deficit and Debt, if the government is bearing most of the risks associated with the project, the infrastructure built should be recorded in the government budget.

As mentioned under 2, TLH is considered by the Belgian authorities as a market producer statistically classified outside the general government sector, following ESA95 standards. The connected continent package bears great significance for Europe. Through this legislation a greater part of society can enjoy the advantages of Internet and mobile communication.

The proposal contains complex measures which would affect the entire market structure. Such important changes can only be implemented via a package based on thorough analysis and wide consensus. Have impact assessments been carried out on the potential effects of this package on smaller Member States, specifically on their markets, SME sectors and budgets? The package will introduce a new roaming concept just after the adoption of the Roaming III regulation. Could the continuous modification of roaming rules cause market obscurity, given that operators are unsure of the regulation to which they must adhere?

The proposal aims to achieve the right balance between the need to ensure regulatory consistency and the respect of national competences in accordance with the subsidiarity principle. It envisages mechanisms that facilitate day to day coordination of regulatory measures, rather than shifting decision-making competences. In line with the current regulatory framework, national regulators will continue to have a key role in monitoring and regulating markets in their territory. Equally, in the area of spectrum the Commission is not seeking a transfer of responsibilities from the national to the European level, but the coordination of use of radio spectrum ensuring a synchronised approach and the application of consistent conditions across Europe.

The proposal is based on an extensive impact assessment that considered the interests of smaller Member States and also the impact on SMEs. In particular, the impact assessment concludes that improved connectivity would enable growth possibilities across all economic sectors enabling the use of applications such as e-Commerce, cloud computing and organisational innovation, driving productivity gains especially for SMEs. As regards roaming, the proposal builds on the Roaming Regulation and proposes a solution to end high roaming charges by reinforcing competitive market conditions.

The Commission considers that it is important to incentivise operators to find agreements which allow them to reduce wholesale roaming costs and thus enable them to provide roaming services at the level of domestic prices roam-like-at-home starting in Building on the Roaming Regulation the proposal gives interested mobile operators a roadmap to fix roaming surcharges before the review.

The European steel industry is the second largest steel producer in the world and is of strategic importance for several other major European industries. However, the global competitiveness of the European steel industry is at risk due to low demand, high operational costs and unfair international trade restrictions.

How does the Commission intend to fight illegal activities, including VAT evasion? What best practices are in place to fight VAT evasion in the steel production market? The Commission would point out that in the area of VAT responsibilities are divided between the Commission and Member States based on the principles of subsidiarity.

The organisation and the management of tax systems is primarily the responsibility of Member States. This means that the assessment, collection, auditing and the recovery of VAT fall under the responsibility of Member States. In order to assist the Member States in their efforts to fight fraud more efficiently, the Commission provides the legal framework that allows Member States to cooperate in this field as well as offering them tools to fight cases of cross-border fraud.

These tools comprise exchanges of information, carrying out multilateral controls and the presence of tax officials in enquiries in other Member States. Through this network, Member States can exchange information relating to potential fraud cases and exchange best practice to tackle VAT fraud in cross border situations such as in the steel sector. L'articolo 3, lettera h dello statuto di Federfauna recita: Ritiene la Commissione che l'iniziativa di questa associazione sia compatibile con la sua iscrizione nel registro dei portatori di interessi?

La Commissione ringrazia l'on. However tongue in cheek it may be, the statement is clearly intended to show animal rights activism in a particular light. Hitler, whose crimes against humanity are symbolised by the image of Auschwitz concentration camp, is the ultimate expression of this twisted logic.

The departments of the Commission in charge of animal welfare issues and agricultural policy have not had any contact or collaboration with FederFauna and are not aware of any of its activities. Following this alert, the Commission will perform a quality check of the TR registration of this organisation, covering its activities with relation to EU legislative activity i.

The aim of quality checks is to limit, as far as possible, the existence of flagrant errors, mistakes, inconsistencies or other abuses found in the Transparency Register content. It is recalled that the information provided is, and should remain, the responsibility of the registrant, who remains liable for any violation of the code of conduct.

Therefore the quality checks do not have the effect of formally clearing the declaration or constituting a validation process. Directiva privind publicitatea pentru produsele din tutun interzice publicitatea pentru acestea. The tobacconist pointed out a loophole in the legislation concerning the advertising of electronic cigarettes. The directive on the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products bans the advertising and sale of electronic cigarettes to minors, but does not make reference to how advertising directed at adults should be handled. Given that electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, will the Tobacco Advertising Directive be updated to include specifications on electronic cigarettes?

Applicare alle persone che si spostano in un altro Stato membro le disposizioni del loro paese d'origine sarebbe contrario all' acquis dell'UE e sarebbe impraticabile sul piano amministrativo. La maggior parte dei cittadini dell'UE che si spostano in un altro Stato membro lo fanno per lavoro. Il corpus della legislazione dell'UE contiene inoltre rigorose disposizioni di salvaguardia contro la frode oltre ad assicurare che gli obblighi in forza della normativa unionale siano rispettati e che sui sistemi di assistenza sociale degli Stati membri ospitanti non ricada un onere irragionevole.

Ulteriori particolari su tali salvaguardie sono contenute nella comunicazione di cui sopra. UK job centres have reported that they have already been flooded with inquiries from Bulgarian and Romanian nationals wanting to know how to access the benefits to which residents are entitled. Does the Commission believe that there is adequate EU legislation in place to combat this problem? Has the Commission considered the possibility of incorporating into the existing provisions on this subject a principle of reciprocity, whereby EU citizens who move to a different Member State should be treated in the same way as they are treated in their country of origin?

Has it considered the possibility that individual Member States might be able to reserve the right to adopt restrictive measures on access to social services and welfare benefits for people who have never worked in that country? Furthermore, freedom of movement for EU citizens is one of the four fundamental freedoms that constitute the cornerstones of the Single Market. Nevertheless, the principle of equal treatment is subject to limitations and conditions set out in the Treaty and in secondary legislation.

The Commission has not received any information from the UK authorities on the specific situation described by the Honourable Member, and it is not therefore in a position to investigate it. Most EU citizens moving to another Member State do so to work.

Further details of such safeguards are set out in the communication referred to above. Mutilazioni genitali femminili e immigrazione. Nonostante l'approvazione della risoluzione votata dall'Assemblea generali della Nazioni Unite circa un anno fa che ha messo al bando universalmente le mutilazioni genitali femminili Mgf , per milioni di ragazze in tutto il mondo ancora incombe la minaccia delle mutilazioni dei loro genitali.

Quali azioni intende intraprendere la Commissione per l'intensificazione e il coordinamento degli impegni politici, legali e finanziari per far cessare concretamente le mutilazioni genitali femminili a livello globale? Quali azioni intende intraprendere, a livello europeo, la Commissione a tale riguardo? Come osserva l'onorevole deputato, ogni anno milioni di donne e ragazze in tutto il mondo, anche nell'UE, sono sottoposte a mutilazioni genitali, in violazione dei loro diritti umani.

Despite the UN General Assembly resolution banning female genital mutilation FGM , passed a year ago, millions of girls around the world still live with the threat of having their genitals mutilated. What action does the Commission intend to take to step up and coordinate political, legal and financial commitments to help put a real stop to female genital mutilation around the world?

Can the Commission provide any recent information and up-to-date statistics and can it say which Member States are affected by the practice of FGM? However, these national figures are not necessarily comparable. The communication has a strong focus on prevention and includes both internal and external actions. This communication defines a list of measures that the Commission will take to push forward the elimination of FGM. Dalla rivolta di Gezi Park, i giornalisti stranieri non sono visti di buon occhio in Turchia.

Poverty and Peace in the Portuguese Speaking African Countries

Since the Gezi Park revolt, foreign journalists have been viewed with suspicion in Turkey. Now, a journalist has been threatened with expulsion from Turkey. He will not be welcome in the country and will not be allowed to stay there or to return in future. The reasons are unclear, however, as the Turkish authorities refuse to explain either to his employer or to the Dutch Foreign Ministry what grounds they have for such harsh treatment.

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Does the Commission agree that freedom of speech and freedom of the press have been violated yet again in Turkey and that this attitude is plainly at odds with the values of the European Union, which Turkey has been trying to join in vain for many years? The Commission is aware of the case referred to by the Honourable Member. It has been informed by the Turkish authorities that the issue has been resolved and that the journalist is now free to travel to, and work in, Turkey. In their daily lives, people are exposed to a whole range of chemicals.

In many cases, there is currently insufficient knowledge to assess the hazard presented by a given substance, for example how human health is affected in the long term. Work on chemicals legislation needs to be deepened and broadened in Europe. The revision of REACH, and the future criteria for hormone disrupters, are very important steps in this context, but by no means sufficient. The UN panel on climate change IPCC has played a big role in collating and presenting scientific material on which to base political decisions at all levels, including in particular global level.

As the issue of chemicals is equally complex and global and will perhaps have a comparable impact on our future, it would be desirable for the UN to set up a similar panel for chemicals. How will the Commission encourage the UN to develop such a global chemicals panel? The Commission supports international cooperation on chemicals management to improve the protection of human health and the environment. There are already a number of legally binding international agreements, as well as non-binding instruments in place, which are actively supported by the Commission and which establish scientific material that is made available to all countries in order to support national management of certain chemicals.

The Commission together with the Member States and other countries is currently considering options for a future chemicals policy in the context of a consultative process on chemicals management launched by UNEP. In view of the above, the Commission considers better use of existing instruments to be more important than the creation of new ones. One important issue in preparing the new Patient Mobility Directive has been to ensure that patients are exempted from having to pay in advance themselves for planned healthcare in another Member State. This is important because healthcare should be provided to all on an equal footing, and many patients are not able to take out loans or otherwise finance their healthcare abroad, even if they can expect to receive reimbursement later from their own Member State.

How many EU Member States have introduced systems exempting patients from having to pay in advance themselves for healthcare in another Member State? In drawing up the Patient Mobility Directive, systems were discussed whereby, for example, patients could apply in advance for a voucher which they would show the healthcare provider. The provider would then invoice the Member State directly and not the patient on the basis of this voucher. How many countries exempt patients from having to advance money themselves for planned healthcare abroad?

At the time of writing the Commission has received notification of transposition measures from thirteen Member States. These measures are currently being translated and assessed. Could the Commission explain the implications of the European Arrest Warrant: The practical procedures that apply when a Member State receives a European arrest warrant EAW and the authority that carries out the arrest pursuant to the EAW, will be determined by national law.

On the basis of Eurostat Balance of Payments statistics, the United Kingdom trade goods and services balance with other EU members can be estimated as follows:. The Commission does not have information of the nature requested by the Honourable Member. Indeed, the Commission is not aware that such precise information is available even at Member State level although there may well be academic research which does look at this question.

As a result of this, all Member States of the European Union benefit from the same trade regime on third markets. Therefore, trade restrictions faced by the UK in overseas markets are usually the same as those faced by other Member States. One of the main objectives of the EU's common commercial policy is to remove trade barriers and trade restrictions in third country markets, to the benefit of all Member States. Apparently the presence of dioxin has also been confirmed. Is the Commission aware of the situation outlined above?

If so, what steps has it taken thus far to protect the environment and the health of residents in the Bussi sul Tirino area? Does the Commission believe that Italy has abided by EU environmental legislation? The Commission is not aware about the situation presented by the Honourable Members concerning Bussi sul Tirino. To such actions, however, the polluter-pays principle applies which implies that the funds will not intervene whenever the contamination can be traced to a polluter.

Detailed provisions on the possibility for support by the funds to such projects will be the subject of negotiations between the Commission, Italy and individual regions on the partnership agreement and operational programmes and will be laid down in these programming documents. All the objectives mentioned can only be met by applying a specific strategy for the Carpathian region, as they cannot be achieved through the Danube Strategy. Given the very large geographic overlaps that would exist with the Danube Strategy, that Strategy's geographic flexibility and its coverage of Carpathian challenges, the Commission does not see the rationale for a Carpathian Strategy.

The strategy includes almost entirely the countries covered by the Carpathian mountain chain, and has adapted a functional geographic approach, staying open on a case by case basis for other partners, such as Poland.

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The Carpathian Convention is an important partner in implementing the action plan. The Commission also encourages cooperation among Carpathian countries using European Territorial Cooperation programmes and urges the Carpathian countries to make use of the existing EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which already provides a framework for cooperation.

In the countries covered by the Carpathian mountain chain, EU involvement is already guaranteed by the numerous activities in the Danube Strategy. The ministers agreed to come back to the issue later in the year. In this respect, on the basis of a proposal to be made by the Commission in early autumn based on the most up-to-date estimates of payment appropriations, the Council commits to make a decision, without delay, on a further draft amending budget to avoid any shortfall in justified payment appropriations.

A negative EFF balance for Sweden, for instance, is the result of such changes in status. Member States' payment forecasts cannot directly be compared to the actual payments that have taken place thus far in the year because the latter includes the significant amount of payment claims received before the end of last year and had to be charged on the appropriations available in the budget. According to the President of the Commission, should be a year for getting things done and for decisive action.

In its Work Programme for , the Commission identifies the implementation of proposals to boost growth, the completion of banking union and the single market of the Digital Agenda, as well as the use of funds under the future Multiannual Financial Framework to combat youth unemployment, as priorities.

Does the Commission plan to present any new legislative and programme proposals over the coming year on the key priorities and challenges for ? If so, what is the indicative schedule for doing so? How will it account for the change and the difference in programming priorities as a result of the new Multiannual Financial Framework and of the new programmes and policies for in its activities over the coming year, and particularly in the desired implementation of proposals in progress, against a backdrop of economic and financial crisis which is slow to change?

The Commission foresees a limited number of legislative initiatives in , most planned for the first part of the year, as well as initiatives looking ahead in broader policy fields. They include further work on a number of the key themes of this College, including helping to promote economic recovery, youth unemployment, climate and energy policies beyond , and taking forward the reflection on the rule of law. The Work Programme places a particular emphasis on helping the European Parliament and the Council to conclude on key legislative dossiers, as well as on implementation more generally.

The new MFF programmes are of particular importance here: Many of the programmes are directly specifically towards economic recovery, and the Commission is working with Member States and other responsible bodies to ensure that the goals of Europe and the specific issues identified through country-specific recommendations are prioritised when directing spending over the next planning period.

Does the Commission have any recommendations to make to the Member States in terms of collaboration to make a year of action and getting things done? Is there any order of urgency that should be taken into account, particularly in view of the new programming cycle beginning in ? Proposals now before the legislator are of primary interest to this goal: The institutions can help to secure this goal by working closely together to finalise negotiations on key legislative proposals before the European Parliament elections next May. For the Member States, it will be essential to ensure a smooth and timely start for the new programmes under the Multiannual Financial Framework and to deepen economic and social cohesion through the ongoing reforms to deliver the Europe strategy in the context of the European Semester.

I et svar af Den danske regering har nu vedtaget et lovforslag, som pr. Agter Kommissionen, hvis den vurderer, at den danske lovgivning ikke er forenelig med EU-lovgivningen, at indlede en procedure over for den danske regering for at sikre, at loven bringes i fuld overensstemmelse med EU-lovgivningen? These are households where the property is rented and where landlords force the tenants, via the rental contract, to buy a particular TV product from a particular TV service provider.

Thus, the provisions of the Danish Rent Restriction Act, which allow landlords to impose particular TV products on tenants, have the same effect of restricting competition on the TV market as the soon to be abolished compulsory affiliation to cable distribution networks. The Danish Government will shortly take a decision as to whether the Rent Restriction Act is to be repealed in order to put an end to mandatory collective agreements. Does the Commission agree with the conclusions of the Deloitte report that the abolition of mandatory collective agreements will make TV products more expensive for individuals, or does it believe that free competition in general will result in lower prices for consumers?

However, since the Commission intervened, Denmark has amended the law. However, under the Danish Rental Act, where the landlord is letting property in return for the payment of a rent, there are no State measures involved. Further, even where undertakings are involved in the rental contract, the situation does not prima facie appear to involve a breach of EU competition law with an effect on trade between Member States, in particular where the practises would be proportionate and justified by legitimate interest objectives, such as the landlord's right to protect its property and ensure that any antenna installation by the tenants is carried out in an acceptable manner.

Therefore, based on the information available to the Commission, further action does not seem necessary at this moment in time. Many EU countries allow private vehicles to use the roads for certain periods during the year for example 3. Will it take the initiative to try and make the Greek Ministry of Finance see the many benefits of such an arrangement?

In particular, it must not give rise to border-crossing formalities in trade between Member States and must respect the non-discrimination principle. The eventual decision to introduce more flexible arrangements by the Member States for road charges or circulation taxes for private cars has to be accommodated within the overall budgetary constraints and targets. Absurdly high taxes have been imposed on property in Greece over recent years. In , Commissioner Oettinger sent the Greek Government a questionnaire about the property tax paid with electricity bills.

What answers in detail were received from the Greek authorities? Which ministry replied to the questionnaire? Did the Commission find that the answers were absolutely satisfactory? The questionnaire aimed to clarify certain aspects of the special property tax regime and in particular potential disconnection of electricity supply if the levy is not paid. This temporary special levy was to cease after the introduction of a new single property tax in a forthcoming piece of national legislation.

The answers also addressed how satisfactory protection from disconnection was ensured for vulnerable customers. These women would be the antithesis of the occidental woman 9. For Lewis, the main point of concern is the manner in which these categories have become permanent, absolute, Africa being analysed as a counterpoint to the Occident.

Besides, the author emphasizes the necessity of taking into consideration some particularities: According to Imam Are they active agents or victims? Rodrigues recounts in a first-person narrative her experiences about the activities performed during the fight for liberation, both in supporting positions and during combats, when she eventually died.

The following declarations were obtained about the aftermath of war: Because of the war we ran to the bush, my children, my husband and my parents, we were all there, really suffering. In the bush, we had classes for the children. There I started working in teaching. In 92, when the war started, I had to leave it all and we came here. They took me in because I could not stay in Cacuaco. We got a rented house and my husband found a job. There was no transfer. So here we are: Some families found available land to build shelter in the periphery of the urban centre and, in some occasions, to carry out a little subsistence farming , distant from roads and without any transportation services available, while others have settled in the shantytowns inside the cities.

Although today they are residing in urban areas, most of these people do not have complete access to the benefits usually associated to living in the city: The Government has relocated some of the families, but there was no conformity to proper procedures during this process. In addition, relocation areas do not dispose of basic sanitation or suitable healthcare, education or transportation services Human Rights Watch, In the specific context of Angola, other than the deficiencies 16 displayed in the educational system and concerning the whole population within the educational age range, girls have to face additional obstacles to gain access to education For these women, the informal market does not provide any kind of social aid or educational services.

Meanwhile, the entrepreneurship capacity of some sellers must be brought to light: The small vendors sometimes buy their merchandise from others colleagues in the market to sell it next in the city streets, diminishing their margin of profit. On the opposite side, some sellers with better designed businesses choose direct importation of small quantities; such question will be discussed later on in. The selling price is determined by direct bargaining with each costumer.

Another regular procedure for usual costumers is the kilapi For now, and as a common trait, those possessing more capital choose to work in open markets. But there is a string of expenses that come with the decision of settling in a marketplace: Daily authorization for selling, with variable.

Cloths placed over the selling spot to shade from. It is not possible to transport the merchandise. On the other hand, by selling at their doorway these women have a better possibility of conciliating schedules amid family activities and work activities, of prolonging labour hours and dealing with the product according to its requirements.

Below are presented three narrations in which these situations are demonstrated: The street is a last resource, the outcome of their lack of sufficient money to have a spot in the marketplace or of not having enough customers at their doorway. These women do not have suitable work circumstances; they endure under the weight of the merchandise they carry around the streets — under the sun, in the dust, in the polluted atmosphere.

They prepare the food to be sold and eat their own meals sitting in the streets, without any sanitary conditions. Many times, their merchandise is apprehended or they are forcefully removed from the site where they are selling. Frequently, when the police officers are approaching, they stop their trade and remove swiftly from location The relationship between zungueiras and the State is far from being pacific, and were even registered some violent reactions from zungueiras against the inspectors: After some struggle between them, the mentioned recipient fell to the ground and stopped the traffic.

But the tipping point happened when the baby that the lady was carrying on her back fell violently unto the floor after she was pushed by the inspector. For these women, family is their most sizeable support. In every interview conducted, this help was explicit, inferred as a duty, to their relatives in circumstances of health, education and situations of deceased family members. Mostly during the civil war, when many families already located in the cities welcomed migrants from their homeland or from the same social standing, besides their own relatives. As a consequence of the insecurity experienced in the rural districts, many people went in search of their relatives, by their initiative.

After the peace was settled, welcoming relatives from the homeland is until now a widespread practice: Frequently, those who have given refuge are the same ones who helped their relatives integrating into the job market: We have to give them something or the experience you have All of the interviewed individuals proclaim some sort of religious confession and attend frequently religious services.

As a result, the churches take on the task of socialization spaces, where women can exchange their experiences: It was no good So then I got that chance M6 mentions as well paying increasingly higher duties for the exported products: For 4 thousand to 8 thousand in merchandise, which makes for two very large packs, for each we pay around 1, Dollars only to retrieve the merchandise. Further than choosing external suppliers, these women have learned to analyse the market, though in a non-systematic way. They work by custom-made orders, so I call asking for X amount of those shirts or those t-shirts, X amount of whatever.

Só Pra Contrariar - Depois do Prazer / Essa Tal Liberdade / Encerramento (Ao Vivo)

This activity also takes them closer to the formal market, for they have to pay for importation and customs duties and interact with customs officers, hoteliers and dispatcher companies. Formed and managed by the women themselves, this mechanism has revealed to be one of the most significant methods of mutual aid used all throughout and after the armed conflict. Furthermore, many of these women do not possess official documents to give them affordance to the formal sector either they got lost or were destroyed during the war , and some of them can not read or fill the necessary documentation to ask for a loan.

Another appointed reason is the fear of assuming an obligation to financial institutions. The order of reception of funds can be modified any time the beneficiary decides that, at any given moment, someone else has a more pressing need for money. Like this, they manage to diversify their merchandised products and invest in better equipment acquire larger volumes of manufactured goods and buy refrigeration equipment to conserve perishable goods , or perhaps spend some money in home improvement or larger home appliances, such as television sets, sound systems, etc.

Although microcredit on offer is still limited, these programs let those who have access improve their trade and better support their families. Before the war, many of these women already had established a determinate standard of life — in the Provinces they were teachers, students, farmers, typists. When compelled to migrate to Luanda, without the necessary qualifications to get hold of any job in the urban location, they found in the informal market a harsh way to make a living.

Overall, they do business with anything they manage to get, or whatever was traded by those who mentored their beginnings in the activity. The profit obtained has to be distributed between feeding their families and restocking the merchandise for the following day of dealing. The precariousness of the informal sector has made these mutual aid mechanisms and informal credit systems into fundamental methods to beat the barriers of integration in the informal urban work market in the post-conflict age.

Although good results have been achieved, these programs can not be interpreted as the ultimate solution to the promotion of women in the Angolan society. In general, the scarcity of training, low employment, limited access to social assistance as well as to many others services and resources, have been blocking the inversion of structural inequalities to which women have been submitted until now. Beyond Impasse, Towards Alternatives. Alves da Rocha, M. Grameen Bank Microcredit. Mulheres, paz e conflitos armadas , Coimbra: Power, poverty and the global water crisis, UNDP.

The liberalization process was conducted in an unrestrained way, without government intervention in terms of public policies capable of protecting the human resources involved in this course of action. This question, though relevant for the configuration of the urban informal market, will not be analysed in this report. Sex, the state of being either female or male, is determined by biological characteristics such as anatomical, reproductive and chromosomal attributes. Sex is deemed to be natural whereas gender is seen as the social expression of natural, biological differences primarily based upon the appearance of genitals.

Consequently, as a significant category of analysis, Gender Studies offers us a critical platform for confronting the deteriorating African condition …. It is yet necessary to mention that this imagery has left a trail in time. For further information about the role played by women in armed conflict, see: In Zimbabwe, for example, the guerrillas asked parents to send their daughters to the camps to help soldiers with housekeeping, laundry and preparing foods.