Core Themes In Social Work: Power, Poverty, Politics And Values
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Title Core themes in social work: Open University Press Physical description p. Summary "This book sheds a very bright light on poverty as a central experience of the people social workers work with. Research and theories of power, politics and values are thoroughly discussed and provide the basis for a sustained commitment to social justice. The book is a supportive read as it skilfully appreciates the personal challenges that critical and assertive practice entails. It is a book for students, professionals and service leads to keep, re-read and savour.
Through an exploration of issues of power and an interrogation of the real meaning of social work ethics and values, Sheedy motivates and encourages us to reflect on our practice and to ensure that it is truly person-centred. It offers a journey towards rethinking and embracing effective critical practice, which engages with human rights and social justice as much as with empowerment and with individual and interpersonal change.

Occasional student accounts, coupled with use of key points and questions for discussion make for accessibility. The book synthesises, summarises and critiques ideas about how to understand and resolve social issues, enabling readers to question how they might work creatively alongside service users. Social Capital and Economics. Sociology and Social Work. Sociology, Youth and Youth Work Practice.
Core themes in social work : power, poverty, politics and values | Copac
Education, Philosophy and the Ethical Environment. Professionalization, Leadership and Management in the Early Years. Habermas, Critical Theory and Health. Global Perspectives in the Geography Curriculum. Gender and Community Care. The Curriculum of the Future. From Children's Services to Children's Spaces. New Approaches in Ethics for the Caring Professions. Contemporary Feminisms in Social Work Practice. Care in everyday life. Vanessa De Oliveira Andreotti. Adult Literacy Policy and Practice. Science Industry and Society. Identity and Difference in Higher Education: Occupations and Society Routledge Revivals.
Women, Oppression and Social Work. The Ethical Foundations of Social Work.
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Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy. Bourdieu, Habitus and Social Research. Second International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Evidence Informed Leadership in Education. Core Themes In Social Work: Power, Poverty, Politics And Values.
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