A Book of Joy
Every day is your birthday. View all 36 comments. Nov 07, Brandice rated it really liked it. Lasting Happiness in a Changing World provides countless insight from Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, two spiritual masters and moral leaders, as the book synopsis appropriately characterizes them. These two well-known and highly respected men are friends, and their interaction throughout the book had a playful tone while still showing great admiration and respect for one another. I enjoyed the book overall as a whole, yet found the greatest enjoyment and takeaways i The Book of Joy: I enjoyed the book overall as a whole, yet found the greatest enjoyment and takeaways in the chapters focused on each of the 8 Pillars of Joy: This is the type of book you can revisit often, learning something new each time.
For me in particular, this time around it was Acceptance. While there is a plethora of great information to be found and of course, ultimately implemented in this wonderful read, The Book of Joy , I leave you with the following few favorites: It means that we can turn our faces to the wind and accept that this is the storm we must pass through. We cannot succeed by denying what exists. The acceptance of reality is the only place from which change can begin.
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Indeed, the more we turn toward the suffering, our own and others, the more we can turn toward the joy. We accept them both, turning the volume of life up, or we turn our backs on life itself, becoming deaf to its music. They had also told us and demonstrated that true joy is a way of being, not a fleeting emotion. What they had cultivated in their long lives was that enduring trait of joyfulness. They had warned us that we cannot pursue joy as an end in itself, or we will miss the bus. Joy comes, rather, from daily thoughts, feelings, and actions. And they had told us repeatedly the action that gets us on the bus: View all 12 comments.
The Book of Joy started out in an ordinary enough manner. It was well-written, interesting, at times humorous, and full of truth. This is literally a life changing book for me. Even if you don't experience an epiphany like me, this book still has the potential to make your life better. You can already be happy and take something from this.
You don't have to be Christian or Buddhist f The Book of Joy started out in an ordinary enough manner. You don't have to be Christian or Buddhist for it to be effective either. The guidance within applies perfectly well to the secular life. I received a complimentary copy of this book via a Goodreads giveaway. Many thanks to all involved in providing me with this opportunity.
Powerful, exquisite, full of love and friendship between Archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama. I listened to this on audio; incredible to hear the different voices narrators were actors, very good actors and quotes from these two enlightened friends. This is the premier "book of joy" I've read thus far. Empowering and thought provoking with humor and love for self and others. View all 15 comments.
It's that kind of book! We are all human beings looking for happiness and trying to free ourselves from suffering. So we should be more kind to othe 4. So we should be more kind to others and to ourselves. The only thing I found to be a liiittle downer, is that there is often talk of the importance of relationships.

But only a very little part actually goes deeper into how shy or lonely people can overcome their struggles. In a wider sense, they can, of course, by applying the practices of kindness and mindfulness on their everyday life. But the fact, that a lot of us still struggle remains the same. Then again, that's life, huh? Jun 22, Victoria rated it it was amazing. Sounds a bit lofty and just a smidge dull except that the two men at the heart of these discussions are his Holiness the Dalai Lama, he of the beatific smile, and the Honorable Archbishop Desmond Tutu, himself a bit mischievous.
The result of these far-ranging discussions is this book filled with insights and laughter in equal measure and I was filled with joy just listening to it. Structured on the Eight Pillars of Joy--perspective, humility, humor, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion and generosity--these principles provide the basis for finding joy in every moment and in every encounter.
And while these precepts seem simple enough, how hard is it for all of us to live with these thoughts top of mind every day? Certainly not I when the fifth driver of the day cuts me off, but this is why I listen to books like this, so that I can keep drumming the message into my head. All issues big and small can be overcome with a modicum of compassion, reconciliation and perspective. How the tragedy of his exile when seen from a different angle brought the plight of the Tibetan people and the teachings of Buddhism to a larger audience that might not have been cast in the limelight had he remained in Lhasa.
In his own words: There are different aspects to any event. For example, we lost our own country and became refugees, but that same experience gave us new opportunities to see more things. For me personally, I had more opportunities to meet with different people, different spiritual practitioners, like you, and also scientists.
This new opportunity arrived because I became a refugee. If I remained in the Potala in Lhasa, I would have stayed in what has often been described as a golden cage: It has certainly changed the way I am viewing my own tragedies. This is the ultimate lesson in how to make lemonade out of lemons. And while I still despair some days at the state of our world, I focus instead on what I can do in my little corner. How can I be there for my family?
How do I support my friends? What charities can I lend my talents to that will make a difference in my neighbors' lives? And who is going to dock two holy men stars? Who needs that kind of bad karma? So take a step back, practice humility, laugh often, accept things as they are, forgive when necessary, be grateful, be kind and help others. And if you fail at one or any of these today, remember that every day is an opportunity to begin again. View all 19 comments. Sep 08, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Shelves: I so desperately needed to read this book but I didn't know it until tears were running down my face.
Not from sadness, but from the opportunity it presents. But practicing joy is a choice that we can control when so much is out of our control. It's a simple concept but potentially life changing nonetheless. Lasting Happiness in a Changing World is self-help in nature with elements of documentary, spiritualism, and world culture. It teach Read this book. It teaches how to practice joy through redirecting our thoughts, showing compassion, choosing gratitude, and by purposefully giving joy to others.
The question is not: How do I escape? How can I use this as something positive? View all 6 comments. Nov 15, Gerri Leen rated it it was ok. I expected to like this more than I did. There is an old writing rule of "Show, don't tell" and this book, with it's third person narrator describing everything and very much inserted into the thing, is pretty much all tell.
And there's a lot of repetition. The overall message is good but frankly a bit light on content.
Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu collaborate on Book of Joy | Books | The Guardian
View all 3 comments. Dec 15, Susan rated it it was amazing Shelves: This audiobook is life-changing. What a wonderful conversation to listen in on! These two men, from different religious backgrounds, come together and show the world that spirituality is universal and not defined by a specific religious context. Their messages are simple and straightforward which makes it even mo This audiobook is life-changing. Their messages are simple and straightforward which makes it even more shocking that we all need to be reminded of them.
They propose eight pillars of joy and discuss each one from their different perspectives and life experiences to teach us to ground ourselves in compassion for others. I listened to this book straight through then listened to it again and then bought the hardcover so that I could have a reference. What wonderful and inspirational thoughts from two men who have suffered from extreme hardships and still remain joyful, hopeful and caring about humanity, even those who have hurt them personally.
Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
Pick this up and listen to their peaceful and enthusiastic voices. It will bring you JOY! Feb 02, Kacey Kells rated it it was amazing. In this book however, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu stated that it is in our Human Nature to seek happiness and joy; hence, since we are social animals, the only way to be happy and joyful is to look at others, to be compassionate. Indeed, if Everyone well, almost! Indeed, if you focus on yourself, you will feel lonely and sad: Archbishop Desmond Tutu added: Later, His Holiness stated: I think the only way really is, as we have said, through education.
After several days of discussion, the two Nobel laureates concluded that there are eight pillars of Joy: And what is the use of being unhappy if it can't be remedied? Written with a dash of humor, it radiates happiness. More importantly, it enabled me to share a fabulous, a beautiful and enriching experience; it brings hope and lightens the path.
I really loved it! Feb 11, Elsa rated it it was amazing. Five Stars because there are just 5. I said it before but I mention it again: So touching, sometimes so funny, and so deeply true. It took me a while to finish it because every time I would read some pages I just wanted to stop and think about it or it would take me to think about situations that I lived. I have this urge now to talk about it to everyone I know and I care, kind of trying to make them read it and take it serious.
It would Five Stars because there are just 5. It would be so good if people would read this book and believe that we, each one of us, can really make the difference. That we can really forgive one another, that one can spread love just by giving a smile to a stranger on the streets. Joy Love Forgiveness All wonderful feelings.
If you want to read this book, take time and grab a pencil because I am sure you will stop thousands of times to write something on the side View all 4 comments. Buddhism always fascinates me. Not as a religion but as philosophy. Perhaps, of all religions philosophical view collectively, Buddhism effectively reaches the core of human nature, and thus promote its fellow believer to nurture their soul. Feb 21, Alli Lubin rated it it was amazing.
I am savoring this book. While happiness is often seen as being dependent on external circumstances, joy is not. Thus begins the dialogue on the nature of true joy. The question most asked of them when they began the project was not about how we could discover our own joy but how we could possibly live with joy in a world filled with so much suffering. Feb 20, Bonnie rated it it was ok. Enjoyed multiple parts of this book, but spent more time frustrated with the collaborator who just couldn't seem to get out of the way.
For a book that multiple times stressed that people who use the word, "I," more often die earlier, he certainly seemed to get a lot in. If you skim for quotation marks so you can focus on the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop's discussion, as well as where you see some discussion of the psychology and neuro-science, there's a good book in there. Jan 28, Ann Lihl rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Definitely a must read in cultivating a peaceful, joyful and compassionate life.
The world needs this book of wisdom, especially now with so much political division going on. These two spiritual teachers, the Dalai Lama XIV and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have wonderful words of wisdom in how to deal with everyday struggles, especially in regards to our personal relationships and the world around us. It doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are or where you are in the world, this book and the e Definitely a must read in cultivating a peaceful, joyful and compassionate life.
It doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are or where you are in the world, this book and the exercises in the back of the book are a great teaching tool in how to have a joyful, peaceful existence and I paid special attention to the parts of the book on how not to be judgmental of myself and others, because we are all human. Learning to be more compassionate is definitely the road to a more loving life that I personally want to have.
I especially loved the banter between these two compassionate souls. Their conversations made me laugh and made me realize too that we shouldn't take ourselves so seriously and to laugh at ourselves more. Of all the spiritual books I've read, the ones by the Dalai Lama or written about him and what he is all about are all my favorite.
He is the most loving, peaceful person I know. And now I have a new profound respect for an additional compassionate soul: Definitely a must read. View all 11 comments. Jun 15, George rated it really liked it Shelves: The Dalai Lama a Buddhist , Tutu a Christian , and Abrams a Secular Jew spent a week together in dialogue - discussing the principles and values they considered most important. This book is the result of that week. In their dialogue, they discussed principles and values such as compassion, generosity, forgiveness, acceptance, righteous ang "The Book of Joy: In their dialogue, they discussed principles and values such as compassion, generosity, forgiveness, acceptance, righteous anger, and courage.
And they devoted significant time to discussing suffering and joy. To the cynic and I can be cynical at times , these values might seem quaint or simplistic. However, I have to admit that, several times, they were able to pierce my cynical armor. Tutu shared incidents from his life and his experiences in the South African anti-Apartheid movement of which he was a leader.
And Abrams discussed insights of modern science and a few of his own life experiences. The dialogue was held at the Dalai Lama's home in India. The high point of the week was the Dalai Lama's 80th birthday celebration at the Tibet children's school. This is the kind of book you can either read straight through or you can read a couple of paragraphs or pages each day and then reflect on it throughout the day.
Also, at the end of the book, there are a dozen or so stand-alone meditation exercises. Since listening to this book I have endeavored to be more compassionate in my daily life. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to reflect on the important things in life and to those seeking encouragement in life. Religiniai skirtumai yra asmeninis reikalas. Tikrai - vietomis net juokiausi.
O Dalai Lama vis juokaudavo, kad arkivyskupas jam pavydi. Gal vos apie kelias. Dec 05, Calista rated it really liked it Shelves: I love the Dalai Lama and everything he has to say. I feel so fortunate to have his words in todays age. He has seen many horrors and tragedies in his long life and he has this wonderful perspective. I admire him and I want to have his views on life.
I wish I could quote adequately from this book. There were so many quotes form the book that rang true for me. This book really made me think and exam my life. It was a joy to read a savor. Both of these men have lived amazing lives and they really I love the Dalai Lama and everything he has to say.
Both of these men have lived amazing lives and they really are filled with joy. I want to radiate that kind of joy. This book came at the perfect time for me and I would like to read it again sometime. It also makes me want to read more of the Dalai Lama's works. The meditations at the end of the book are nice. I want to own the book so I have them to practice. This review and others can be found on BW Book Review. Personally, when I think of religion, this is what I think of.
The fundamental good of it, all the ways that they draw people together and accept them no matter what. They really exemplify the love and compassion, all while showing immense happiness no matter what. Even in the bad times, they show joy and acceptance, all while fighting for change. However, the people who do bad get the most press rather than these people, giving religion a different look.
Joy is so important to live your life. I try to live like that, to have as much joy as possible. Half the time when I'm talking about things that upset me, I'll throw in a joke and find a way to laugh at it.
The Book of Joy
I accept it and I'm not going to stop fighting for a change, but there's no point in being upset. Having happiness in your life really improves it. I could cite so much research on that one little thing. It's hard to find, though, in the world we live in. This book is a great introduction to this through an interreligious dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity, two widely different religions that come together. This book brings up a lot of concepts, but I'm only going to touch on a few.
For me, compassion is key. I've had a love of the topic since I read Pema Chodron last year. She's an amazing author and if you haven't read her, I'd highly suggest it. She brings in so many base concepts and ideas to live by. Yes, she weaves in religion, but you can take that out and still find truth in it.
Compassion leads to so many things since, to properly practice it and, by that, I mean a specific Buddhist practice that I won't get into here you have to first love yourself. Then, you extend compassion to friends and family then to people you feel neutral about to people you somewhat like and even to people you don't like.
It grows your joy, being able to see how we're all the same with the same wants. The next two are humility and humor. I see them as very combined because to have humility, you have to find humor in things. And to find humor, you need to be humble. I always laugh at myself. Not a day goes by when I, much like Tutu, make a self-depreciating comment about myself. It sets off the situation and keeps me from getting on my high horse. Then, I also admit when I don't know something. I don't like pretending. I've done that enough in my life to know it's not for me.
Now, as I said, the world is a very different place. It's full of hate and sadness. Just when I was listening to this book, Hurricane Harvey was on the news. They looked back on their long lives to answer a single burning question: They traded intimate stories, teased each other continually, and shared their spiritual practices. By the end of a week filled with laughter and punctuated with tears, these two global heroes had stared into the abyss and despair of our time and revealed how to live a life brimming with joy.
This book offers us a rare opportunity to experience their astonishing and unprecendented week together, from the first embrace to the final good-bye. We get to listen as they explore the Nature of True Joy and confront each of the Obstacles of Joy—from fear, stress, and anger to grief, illness, and death. They then offer us the Eight Pillars of Joy, which provide the foundation for lasting happiness. Throughout, they include stories, wisdom, and science. Finally, they share their daily Joy Practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives.
The Archbishop has never claimed sainthood, and the Dalai Lama considers himself a simple monk. In this unique collaboration, they offer us the reflection of real lives filled with pain and turmoil in the midst of which they have been able to discover a level of peace, of courage, and of joy to which we can all aspire in our own lives. Two great spiritual masters share their own hard-won wisdom about living with joy even in the face of adversity. The occasion was a big birthday. And it inspired two close friends to get together in Dharamsala for a talk about something very important to them.
The subject was joy. Both winners of the Nobel Prize, both great spiritual masters and moral leaders of our time, they are also known for being among the most infectiously happy people on the planet.
From the beginning the book was envisioned as a three-layer birthday cake: Both the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have been tested by great personal and national adversity, and here they share their personal stories of struggle and renewal. Now that they are both in their eighties, they especially want to spread the core message that to have joy yourself, you must bring joy to others. Most of all, during that landmark week in Dharamsala, they demonstrated by their own exuberance, compassion, and humor how joy can be transformed from a fleeting emotion into an enduring way of life.
His tireless… More about Dalai Lama. He… More about Desmond Tutu. He is the coauthor of a… More about Douglas Carlton Abrams.