Your Spiritual Journey: Living the God Kind of Life
10 Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life | The Chopra Center
It was no different for Peter and the Twelve. Because Peter was such a dominant figure in the gospels, we have the advantage of tracking his spiritual development as a believer from beginning to end. So as we carefully traverse the roads Peter traveled, each of us will be able to identify more closely with him on his journey of faith.
When Peter first met Jesus he did not realize what the future held for him; he was simply a fisherman who earned his living fishing at night and mending nets during the day.
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God changes us from being self-centered men and women into mature Spirit-controlled vessels so that we will be free from the tyranny of selfishness which tends to make us proud, ego-centered people whom God cannot use to do His kingdom work. In short, what God promises… happens! When God takes a man in hand, no matter how wild a character he may be… He changes him! Though the process was often painful and challenging, his transformation was certain, as is yours and mine Phil 1: God often has to send into our lives some dramatic experience to wake us up and make us face the fact that Jesus Christ can be a significantly greater reality in our lives.
Peter saw something of his own heart when he beheld the miracle of the fish. Not only did Peter see something of his own heart in this second meeting with Christ, he also saw something of what he will be. Many Christians commit themselves to serving Christ with all their being… but a few months later they are like a deflated balloon.
Abiding in Christ, intimacy with Christ, and depending on Christ — those things are at the heart of true spirituality.

Intentionality is essential for the fruitful Christian Phil 4: We have to take up residence in Christ and His Word if we truly want to experience the liberated life that Jesus so desperately wants to give us Jn 8: Alas, Peter was learning the obedience of faith to the Word — few believers get to test their faith in such a dramatic way; sadly few Christians dare to test their faith at all. Obedience is faith in action. One of the biggest lessons God wants to teach us is how to start walking on water — stepping out in faith from our comfort zone.
Abraham was a man of this kind of faith; he left the land of his birth and followed after God Gen 12; Heb When God called Abraham, he had no idea where God was taking him… all he knew was God had called him to follow Him. You have words of eternal life …. Everyone has to come to terms with the Bible, that it in fact is the living word of God 2 Tim 3: Unless we accept the Word of God in all its fullness, we cannot come to know or enjoy the spiritual realities of the Christian life.
Unless we accept the authority of Christ over our rational processes, we will remain floundering babies. The question is this: Will you follow Christ when your sensibilities are offended?
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You have the words of eternal life. When you settle the issue of authority, you are then free to be a real intellectual. That is a good measuring rod of maturity.
- Spiritual Growth.
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- a spiritual journey.
- Croce, Gentile, Bergson (Filosofia per tutti Vol. 12) (Italian Edition).
When you question the wisdom of God, you are suggesting that you are wiser than God and make your fleshly mind the ultimate determinant of what is really true. If you are into an easy, simple, elementary kind of Christianity, you have been seriously misinformed — no such thing exists Heb 5: Prayerfully and humbly reflect upon all of the scriptural references in this study, and the Holy Spirit will open your mind and heart to the truth Acts Carefully reflect upon what Jesus just said here.
For some of you this is a very difficult issue… I respect that, that is simply one of the spiritual battles that you must overcome. Back to the topic at hand: This shall never happen to You! Spiritual Growth - How is it done? In order for spiritual growth to occur, you first need to make sure you possess a true spiritual life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life" 1 John 5: Spiritual growth can only occur in a person who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his or her Savior.
Learning how to grow spiritually is a life-long journey which occurs as you read and apply God's Word to your life. Then we will be thoroughly equipped for every good work. This is the essence of spiritual growth. Another key to Christian growth is walking in the Spirit.
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.
- a spiritual journey?
- The Cambridge Companion to Hans Urs von Balthasar (Cambridge Companions to Religion).
- Peter's Spiritual Journey.
- Peter's Spiritual Journey;
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But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law…Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. I am a mom of two, and am currently trying to find ways to pare down our household to only the essentials. And I want one of the main essentials in our household and in my daily life to be pursuing the heart of God. That is what drives me to get rid of clutter, free up our schedules and our finances to that end.
Thank you for what you are doing! I am walking the same path for the same reason. Thank you for the inspiration, and my prayers are with you and your family on your journey.
10 Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life
Just for the record, atheists and humanists can also embrace a lifestyle of meaningful simplicity and minimalism. As an agnostic Zen Buddhist, I honor all faith traditions as long as said faith does not seek to harm others but I did want to speak on behalf of the community of non-theists. Just found your blog through a friend. The truth is, everything in this life is a spiritual journey, because everything we say and do comes from that Spirit within. Thank you SO much for this post! It too made me nervous. I clicked to look through some of your older posts and voila! Thank you again for your openness!!
If you are going to be an idiot, fine. Love the sound of it!! When we get rid of all the necessary things in life, we have more room and time to realize how much we really do have. For myself, this includes more room and time for Christ. Our culture makes us feel like we constantly need more…more clothes, more cars, etc. I recently developed a minimalist approach to living as we are moving overseas permanently soon. Had to clean up and get its. Had to clean up and toss things out.