What! Do you think God hates you?
“I Hate You God” - Four words that changed my life for the better.
He is actually okay with that and would like to talk to you about it. Even if it means you need to scream at Him. My problems were real, and I felt like He was to blame. The only answers I had heard were weak and cold. Faith is raw, real, messy, and at times ugly. Faith is a conversation that is willingly transparent, trusting the other person is not going to turn away. Trusting that even at your worst, they will treat you as if your at your best. This is who God really is. As the story unfolded, I found a new life of complete freedom, peace, and fun with God.
His kindness and gentleness in one of my most darkest moments caused so many lies to come crashing down. I now know, God is in complete control… of Himself. The only valid form of control in Gods world is self-control. Because that's the only form of control that exists within Him. Self-control is something that He promises to give us when He puts His Spirit in us. Where ever you feel like your at today - share a conversation with God and let Him know how He has made you feel. Have you shared a moment with God like this?
We'd love to hear about it in the comments below! Check out the full story today and begin your journey into personal health and freedom! I have been chased by murderers and almost killed. Been through through things that would kill most people but no matter how much I want it all to end. God will not allow me to die. I have tried church after church and it is always the same message that leaves me wanting and more depressed at my situation then I was before and hating myself. Why is everything taken from me. I was a happily married man with 2 kids and a good, solid income from working in software development at a number of large companies.
Suddenly in mid , my job was eliminated and I interviewed for a job at US Cellular. Right after that, things began to implode for me…I suffered some deep depression apparently and was hospitalized for weeks for it. I finally got out, only to be diagnosed later with epilepsy. What is the point of my life being taken to this point? Why am I stuck here, apparently unable to help my family by getting a better job with insurance, regular hours, etc.? I find it very hard to praise and worship a god who cannot even answer one prayer, or even say one word back to me.
I hate him and I would spit on his face if I ever saw him. First off let me say, that I pursue spirituality by necessity, not choice, if I had the ability to survive without the concept of God I would. Prove it you say? The following is purely my opinion based on what I see as the evidence. You must make your own determination. Be good to yourself, H oh, to answer your question why did God make me what? I am, because he hates you and suffering and misery for whatever reason AR what he does….
I spent alot of time on my lengthy post, and you screaned it or whatever? After reading through some of the posts I realize that some peoples lives really suck, I thought mine sucked, it does, but not that bad. Just my opinion, H. Truly sorry to all people of faith!! We ruined the world. We are our own torturers. We were meant to love one another and God, but live in hate and cause suffering to one another. We are sinners,who sin, and you whatever woes we suffer are our own works. However, God designed suffering. God designed the spiders venom, the inflammation and the caustic rot.
So in that, being a part of creation, and having a mind to actively see what I can see in empathy and understanding of suffering, and caring that it suffers, caring that I suffer, and wishing it would end for me, for all that is, good or bad, justice or no, having being wronged by or simply unaware of. I feel God hates me. And I hate him too. My weakness, inability to do something to stop it, knowing it should be stopped make make me one. So I forgive God for the wrongs I feel he has done to creation. I forgive every selfish wicked nothing that torments me here. The only thing I ask of God is justice, and I believe that to be mercy.
If he would kill me flesh and soul, I would not suffer.
I would not knowingly or unknowingly cause others to suffer. I would not hate, I would not offend, I would not be. If I can not help, and I can not, I will not harm. So yes, I hate God, he hates me, he hates the ant for the weight of a grain of earth in the many moments of measure in the mind of the ant- It may be below and beneath God, but is it not all to the ant as it is for me?.
I will always pray to him for mercy for all, I hold it far above pride and the cruel thorns hope leads one into in Gods eternal silence and cruelty. Its hard to dress up and look beautiful because guys only see you as a sexual object. Women go through pain before pleasure. Men go straight to pleasure. Women can die from having a child. You want them to be fruitful and multiply yet you make child baring painful. Are we to never experience sex because we stand a chance of getting pregnant.
Why would you put those cravings desires in people when if we were to fulfill them it will make you angry. Your creations are very messed up. You are very unfair. What the hell does she get out of it you unfair. You built women to be slaves to man. It is sad how I heard about a girl who had intercourse for the first time and she was in tears because it hurt so bad and nothing felt good about it and she was immediately pregnant. But it was very pleasurable to the men. That would be another one of Gods bad creations being unfair to women.
If you are going to impregnate women at least give them the pleasurable side too since she got to go 9 months in pain and bad looks. Men will go as far as rape to fulfill their sexual desire. Waiting until marriage is like waiting till your Proving God is slow in all things. You have to be able to satisfy your partner sexually. So I can already see my entire sad lonely single future.
According to God, your supposed to be married. I just hate being a woman. God you are love?? Why give women tones of pain by carrying kids, bleeding, getting cut open and making it so painful in the vagina. You got straight mad at the females. You were like here give them pain in this, in this, and in this. This is one of your worst creations you threw on woman and not men. You created men to just have a great pleasurable time. I am still trying to see why God is sooo mad at women, angry at women, hate women. Child bearing is far from a blessing.
A lot of women have babies because they are sooo eager and curious to have and see what sex feel like. It was never about a child. A child is just part of that business. This is straight hateful. Why does it bother You what we do with our bodies mann? You have the power to give and take away, so if it bothers you for someone to break there virginity then why want You take those urges, stimulation, craves for sex away when You know people have a very small amount of power to stop themselves from fulfilling that crap. Favoritism You do show between male and female.
Everything about us painful. Males can just go and create and they have no idea what a woman go through. God will not help me so far i failed a really big test and my family does not have US citizenship and my life is really bad i think god hates me. Living in the world is suffering and pain. The world is separated from God by Sin.
We are obviously separated from God. The condition of sin has separated God from us. God created the world, gave it free will and He is allowing the world to feel the results of this freedom. Plants, animals, mountains, people all are free to do what they do. Lions eat animals, sheep get eaten. The earth roars with quakes. Men commit the highest evils — they kill, cheat, steal, slaughter, or rape other people and know better. Some are born with evil parents.
Others born disabled due to incredible bad luck. Others die in wars, or from pollution, earthquakes, from cancer, child birth, accidents or just random illness and awful suffering and death. Yes, the only sure thing in this world is death and taxes. I would say suffering, death and taxes. The people who are mad at God due to their suffering are right. The world is fallen, awful and unfair. Middle class American Christians, born into luck and wealth, have distorted the gospel into promises of prosperity while the NORMAL condition of this world is freedom — and suffering.
Constant suffering and pain. Suffering that is endemic to the human condition. Randomness, injustice, suffering and death is our lot in life, with a few random blessings in the middle. The promise of the gospel is that we can live for God now, or die for him and gain. We can help alleviate the suffering of others in our work and find eternal meaning.
Or we can leave this sinful world for heaven — our final healing. Meanwhile, I can only agree with the suffering people here. They have a bad deal. The world, though no fault of their own, has cheated them. They were dealt a bad hand. Life was stolen from them. They never had a chance. However, if they can cling to the only hope we all have, the hope that Jesus died for their sins — that He ultimately loves them — then they will have every tear wiped away in heaven.
That is the promise of the gospel to so many. Life everlasting, where every tear will be wiped away, where we join His family, with heavenly bodies, and live in eternal peace, our work of faith ended. Give Jesus what little you have, and you will find life most abundantly. Give him those dreams, all that suffering and you will have treasure in heaven, maybe more than those spoiled people who have so much here on earth. Those who wave their good fortune at you like they earned it, like it was not luck or others who gave their good lives to them as a grace filled blessing. Why is it that god is given all the credit for good things, but religious figures blame humans for all that is bad like this article.
I have had many interactions with god, and he intentionally divided people, puts us against each other, and then enjoys the resulting suffering as if we were cocks in battle. Everything that happens on earth is predetermined by god, as if he were directing a drama or horror show.
But the problem is that God created us, knowing how we would interact and live. I am a Christian but wish I never existed. I have been tormented my whole life with one cruel trick after another. I worked from nothing to millions, gave away millions to Christian causes, only to have be hurt continuously in every area of my life by Christians who rob, cheat, and steal. Though I dread the afterlife to. The latter is highly tempting if it were an option. Over 40 years of unanswered prayers and outright broken promises from God.
Cancers 3 to 6 months to live banished. Person out of a wheelchair that doctors said would be for life. And others, if kept, would be almost as bitter as the decades of not being kept…. God saves your tears in a bottle. God brings good and evil. God has actively purposed one of his angels to be a lying spirit. Everything is from, through, to God. As God has not kept his promises of good for me here on the planet surface how can I count on God to keep his promises for me of good on the other side of this life? I got here following God and being a servant, a vessel, to bless others in big ways while I got, get, the dregs.
The crumbs of crumbs. For a while I attempted to mix sweet with the bitter, in an attempt to hope for the best, that a kind loving God would come through. That God did not. I saw others all the way through get blessed big time. Who did little to sacrifice and serve. There is no longer a mixing of sweet with bitter. The attempt to make lemonade from lemons has failed. I have tested God. His words and his deeds do not match for me all these decades. Anything he did do, kept true to, was just to keep me going, surviving…. The only question that remains is how and when I exit this Malignant Tragedy.
Of course, there is the fear that forcing an exit with my own hand might result in an even greater misery on the other side of this thing. I read the original short story it was based on. Someone was very sly in writing that. And someone was very sly in writing it, adapting it, for the screen.
In a nutshell it is about a nasty little boy with all power. People are terrified of him and keep telling him that all the terrible things he did and does were and are so good.
Why does God hate me?
I too have had a life shattered by God. No one can tell me otherwise and no one can tell me to just hang in there, that God has a plan for my life. That all things are working to the good. God is a promise breaker in my life. My existence on this planet is a field of broken promises, promises made and broken by God, and shattered dreams. God would have to whisk me away to an alternate reality where I am young again. And if God keeps the others it will be very little very late. Have been used to bring about great blessings for others. I know God exists.
There is zero doubt about that for me. That God is kind and loving, that God IS love…. God is not much of that…. Given just enough to keep living and serving. I am afraid to commit suicide because I know that God can make things even worse on the other side of this life. Caught between a rock and a hard place, courtesy of the One that made us all. I despise that these words are coming from me. But The Truth is of the utmost importance to me. These two are what God appears as to me. I wish it were otherwise. I pray that God will show me otherwise, will show other sides of Himself that are….
God can do whatever God wants. God can tell us, me, that God is a good God. I want it to end. I will pray for that before I sleep, yet once again. God appears to be preparing an even greater hell on earth for me. I hope God does an about face and acts suddenly to bless me, to save me from absolute destitution and disease untended. For, in addition to asking for the grace, the blessing, of death, I will also be asking for a better life here.
The two are not at odds. There is no conflict there. The object is for all the intense suffering, the gross unfairness, the seemingly malevolent treatment from and by the One Who made us all, to come to an end. I choose Life, and a better one. If God chooses to continue to deny me that, then I want death. Other humans are missing out. I still have a heart for and pray for others. But I know not the results at this point. Prayers are in passing. They always were but there was a time when I could get close up in the trenches and be used to make the difference and witness Results.

God needs to move. I no longer can. I do what I can to do my part. And the afflictions that overtake the old. Mental illness, deaths, failure to have children, disabilities, addiction — People seem to have a lot of disappointment and real pain and suffering. There are dozens of hurt people here.
They are really questioning if God hates them due to their losses and suffering. This has touched a nerve, that could be an entire blog. I see a need for it. It is one of the most basic questions of religious people who search for meaning. This one page appears to have the most views in the PTS blog?! I see the Protestant Work ethic and Prosperity Gospel as ideologies that blame the victims of suffering for their lack of work or faith. Those who suffer are being punished by God due to their lack of faith or sin.
Yet the book of Job proves that suffering is not always due to sin, but randomness and reasons we will never know. Jesus words in Luke Deterministic Evangelical visions of an omnipotent, omniscient, God reveal that God wills some incredibly horrible suffering on some, and blesses others. God causes or allows preventable pain in some kind of dramatic movie script. I think Christians are afraid of the suffering topic. We fear chaos and pain.
We want to look away. We just hope God protects us and our families. When He does not — we lose faith. We join the ranks of disillusioned Christians like so many who posted here. I read that you are the Professor of Pastoral Care. How does Christianity answer this question of God allowing suffering? What do you teach Pastors to tell broken people?
Comments ( 218 )
The way Christianity answers the suffering question is based upon the original curse after eating the forbidden fruit and sending the world into death and everything that comes before it. Secondly that hell was just a metaphor or some other bs, otherwise I find it sick. That is an empty hope but I have it anyways. I am not jealous of those who may make it to heaven, but I think the one who lets people in or not is a hypocrite.
God hates us all ,we where created to suffer it is our purpose. Orgional sin and temptations that god new we could not resist are just part of the game,half my family is dying from cancer under a sea of medical bills I cant get enough work to pay all the bills. If God does not hate my family than why wont help and answer my prayers,maybe i am to much of a sinner so i am asking you to pray for us before its to late. There is a creator , but nothing like in the bible or any other book…i,m 57 years old and have a lot of living behind me…….
If god really exist then why my life sucks?? Why none of my prayer has any effect and whatever has happened or happening is just the opposite of my prayers and needs. If god is so loving why have not it been shown on me?? Does he hate me?? Does he hate me so bad that he let me born and instead of killing then and there he let me live and suffer slowly???
Does God hate me?
Or is he keeping me alive so that when any of his precious humans suffer he can put me aid them and let them use me as mat and when they recover they can throw me into dust??? But God allows it. Once I helped someone in distress, rather than just allowing it because I, unlike God, put my compassion into action. But there is no better group of people to give it to, so maybe I should write it…. It is not meant to make you feel better. But it is an explanation about your depths of suffering.
You see, in Heaven, God can provide only love and everything that goes along with it — wisdom, peace, joy, gifts, talents, etc. Consciousness of such creation is lacking. In some sense, we could say that such creation is naive. The highest creation God can create understands both good and evil.
So, God created our universe with Earth, a Petri dish of sorts, where beings in it do evil and are exposed to evil. Not every resurrected human will have the same reward on the other side. There will be differences, levels, positions, whatever you want to call it. And the main factor for the difference, as I understand it, is the amount of suffering one has gone through while he or she was here. Again, once a saint gets to the other side, God can provide him or her all the love, wisdom, peace, joy, gifts, talents, etc, for all eternity.
But one thing God will not be able to provide an inch is evil. So, the more one suffers here, the higher his or her reward, his or her position will be, for all eternity. And the one who suffered the most will be the highest creation God ever created and will ever create. I really like what PH says about God, about heaven, about suffering. So many responses are full of bitterness towards God. What do you gain by being bitter? I struggle with not being bitter towards my husband of 26 years. So I decided I would treat him as he treats me.
It is who I want to be. God does not want us to be bitter. Remember to look at Jesus. Take it out of your chest and give it to him. He will carry your load. The idea of sharing in the sufferings of Christ is a long time Roman Catholic belief.
5 Things You Had No Idea God Hates
Those who most suffered and displayed the character of Christ within them — sometimes were given sainthood by the church. I would dare say that this belief is no longer prevalent among most Roman Catholics. Consequently, I would say, just historically speaking that your beliefs have great merit. Lazarus begged for and ate scraps of food and had open sores that dogs came and licked. Lazarus suffered physical and mental degradation and humiliation. Even in death, the rich man wanted to use Lazarus for his own ends. Why would Jesus use such an example if he did not know that the suffering of people on earth is a reality.
Even people who believe and hope in Him, still live a miserable life. However, we also know that Lazarus knew Christ and offered up his sufferings to Him. We know this because Lazarus had received a great reward. If I were to guess at one similarity between Lazarus and all the people who have written above — those who despair from life, who feel God is laughing at their misery and simply does not care — the similarity between them all might be a deep desire to be loved by God and to love him.
One way you can measure whether or not your suffering will attain higher glory in heaven — is how strong is your aversion to treating others the way you feel you are being treated? Or how strong is your aversion to being dishonest or??? The Word says that life is but a breath — a flower that fades quickly away. Suffering lasts but a moment in historical time.
Learn to listen to the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. He does speak to our hearts and his purpose is to provide comfort and understanding.
The devil will always lie, confuse, accuse, kill, steal and destroy. Command the devil to leave by the authority of Jesus — and quiet yourself and listen to the Holy Spirit who has profound love for you. Why is it when I pray, whatever I request, I mean all request I ask from God, each one of it situation gets worse?. I am afraid to pray. But I tried it again. A simple request, Doomed! It was not even given a chance, and made it worse and hurtful.
What I hate most is He gives you a little taste of it happiness then takes away. If so, then I must be the unluckiest person that God every created. I have to agree with the comments. I feel God never cared about me. He condoned people being hurt and abused to this very day. I have prayed and fasted but what i see he blesses the sinful and they have happy lives. I am giving up this and go on the best way I can. IT is said because we love a God who does not love us.
I got fired from a good paying job because I stood up for injustice. And lived with next to nothing just do his will. If I kept my mouth shut I would have lots of money. But now l face a crisis so bad I want to die. And God is never here for me. All I hear are words. I wish I had never heard of him. And I wish I were dead. I feel he is purposefully tormenting me. Can someone explain to me why God is so against me for this long.
Why does God hate me? And the worst part is he cares nothing about the suffering we face from this inequality or handicap. I read in dismay how you can disregard the pain we sufffer , the humiliation, loss of opportunity and social and other oppression. Please offer some constructive answers , admit that this is a price we are paying for a fallen world that we get NO additional credit for when it comes time for judgment. God has abandoned me since I was a kid.
Neither one of my parents were ever there or care about me. I have suffered great losses after doing a good deed for someone. Too all you of you wondering why God hates you — God hates you because he is a wicked psychopath who enjoys seeing people suffer. Do you see people complain on Facebook about how much their lives suck? You see your friends traveling around the world, visiting Disneyland and partying hard. Grow up and face the truth. There are no answers when it comes to God. If he even exists. Life as most of you know just simply stinks much of the time and there is no god waiting to save you from all the misery.
Or maybe he hates humanity and enjoys our suffering. Maybe its all a game between him and satan. Or maybe there is no god or satan. So if life has become miserable why hang around if theres no chance it will improve. I have been a Christian for almost 30 years. I got save thinking God would heal me of homosexuality. Have made a complete mess of things by hiding my same sex attraction, not functioning like a straight man. I regularly hear how gays are perverts from the pulpit. Why do I think God hates me? Because imbdisobedient in my feelings and attractions.
I spend a lot of time wishing I was born female and wishing I could change sexes. There are vessels created for dishonor. I live in a state of frustration. Just so you know, you are not unusual. Many people suffer with sex identity issues after sexual abuse. There are many other sin areas too. Other people suffer with pornography, masturbation, sexual fetishes. Even more people struggle with drug addiction, anxiety, fear, feelings of uselessness and other painful things. Then there is guilt from horrible things people actually did violence, child abuse, stealing, betraying, murder, abortion, etc.
Second , if these feelings run deep, chances are you may need to see a capable Christian counselor to help you resolve the root cause of your problem. For counseling resources visit the http: No matter what you have ever done or have failed to do God loves you and always will totally, fully and unconditionally. And daily thank God for his unfailing love.
Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen. The issue we have addressed in this Daily Encounter points out the critical need and importance for a father's love and affirmation of every child during their formative years. We ignore this divine principle to the peril of our children and their generation.
Jesus Christ in John 8: