
Vergaberecht. Berücksichtigung sozialer und ökologischer Zwecke (German Edition)

Teulada gliederte sich in die Krone ein, wobei die Markrafen von Ariza, die seit dem Jahrhundert von ihrer Gerichtsbarkeit auf diesem Gebiet Gebrauch gemacht hatten, nicht mehr die Herren von Teulada waren. Jahrhunderts wirkte sich eine Reblaus-Epidemie nachteilig auf die lokale Wirtschaft aus, vor allem auf die Pflanzung von Weinbergen. Die Auswanderung nach Afrika und Amerika sollte diese schwierige Situation mildern. Weiterer Anbau aber von niedrigerer Bedeutung ist u.

Die lokale Agenda 21, ein zukunftweisender Plan, der in Gang gesetz wird, verfolgt diese Ziele, so dass Teulada wohl eine gesicherte Zukunft hat, wenn diese erreicht werden. Wir sind ganz sicher, dass Teulada sich unter der Herrschaft von Rebolledo befand. Manamens y Empares , Letra V, mano 48, fol. Wir erlitten viele und auch sehr schlimme Angriffe. Real audiencia, procesos, part. Von diesem Prozess ist umfassende schriftliche Information vom 9. Jahrhunderts an Privatkunden verkaufte.

Mai in Valencia wurde dieses Einkommen auf 15 Libras 34 Cents gesenkt. Dies ist durch eine Bescheinigung des apostolischen Notars Ignacio Avinent vom 5. Juni schriftlich dokumentiert, die im Archiv von Benisa liegt.

Vergabe Öffentlicher Aufträge - Haushaltsrecht Teil 6

Abgesehen von dem oben genannten Angriffe der Algerier, erlitten wir einen langen und strengen Winter, der alle unsere Ernten verdarb. Diese ist die erste Geschichte, die die valencianische Tradition zeigt. Einige bistimmten Daten im Leben des Heiligen sind: Es gab so viel Applaus, dass ihn jemand fragte: Vater Vicente, wie sieht es mit ihren Hochmut aus? Hin und her, aber immer mit mir. Er blieb bis zum Juli in Valencia, als die Rivalen schon Frieden geschlossen hatten. San Vicente predigte jeden Tag. Der Heilige kam dann nach Teulada, wohl um sich auszuruhen und seine Schwester zu besuchen.

Die Namen der Bezirke zeigen uns diese Vorgeschichte. Diese Feststellung aus dem Unter diesen Gemeinden befindet sich Teulada, und sind wir uns bewusst, dass wir nicht deswegen chauvinistisch sind? Allerdings fehlen wichtige Beweise aus verschiedenen Momenten der Geschichte. Dieses Kulturerbe befindet sich vor allem in verschiedenen Orten der Gemeinde, aber mehrere wichtige Teile sind auch in den Vitrinen einiger Museen der Region Valencia zu finden. Es ist un German to Spanish: Social Sciences Detailed field: Und mit welchen Ideologien rechtfertigt sich die herrschende Weltordnung?

Unsere Themen Die verschiedenen Projekte des iz3w arbeiten zu folgenden Themenfeldern: Die seit erscheinende iz3w ist eine der profiliertesten internationalistischen Zeitschriften im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie werden mit erheblichem Einsatz ehrenamtlicher Arbeit verschlagwortet.

Auf dessen Webseite www. Dieses Projekt erstellt aus den Inhalten des iz3w ein methodisch vielseitiges Bildungsangebot. Das Hinterhaus in der Kronenstr. Selbst in unserem eigenen Alltagssprachgebrauch kommt der Begriff kaum noch vor. In den er Jahren kam eine weitere Bedeutung auf: Es avanciert mit einer Gesamtauflage von Das iz3w mietet das Hinterhaus in der Freiburger Kronenstrasse 16 a.

Dort ist es bis heute untergebracht. Eine Formlose Kurzbewerbung reicht aus. Aktion Dritte Welt e. Symbiose aus Empathie und Coolness Contamos con un gran archivo de revistas y nos comprometemos con la labor educacional sobre el tema Norte-Sur. Nuestros temas Los diversos proyectos en los que participa el iz3w abarcan los siguientes asuntos: Proyectos y actividades del iz3w iz3w — Revista entre el Norte y el Sur.

Incluso en nuestra propia lengua cotidiana apenas lo usamos. El semanario "Die Zeit" publica un dossier de esta academia. Con una tirada total de Si la voz independiente del iz3w significa algo para usted le rogamos nos haga llegar su donativo desgravable. Por favor, transfiera su donativo a esta cuenta: Donativo para ADW e. Translation - German Nr. Valladolid Spanien Tel. Ihr Sitz befindet sich in Valladolid Spanien und arbeitet parteilos, konfessionslos und ohne Gewinnstreben.

Ein Leben, das durch dieses Konsumsystem, wie wir alle schon wissen, von den egoistischen Gesetzen des neoliberalen Systems regiert ist. Eines unserer Ziele ist es Bestandteil der globalen Aktivismusbewegung zu werden. An zweiter Stelle befinden sich die Kinder und Jugendlichen unserer globalen Gesellschaft. Spezielle Ziele unserer Vereinigung sind: Registro Mercantil General field: Law general Source text - Spanish Siguen las firmas de los comparecientes.

Del contenido de esta diligencia, extendida en el presente folio de papel timbrado de uso exclusivo notarial yo, la Notario, DOY FE. Del contenido de esta diligencia, extendida en el presente folio de papel timbrado de uso exclusivo notarial en Altea, a diecinueve de abril de dos mil diez, yo la Notario, DOY FE.

ALTEA, a nueve de abril de dos mil diez. Sicherheitsstempel der Nummer April als dauerhaft wohnhaft in Spanien gemeldet. Januar als dauerhaft wohnhaft in Spanien gemeldet. Dezember , zum Datenschutz personenbezogener Daten wird bekannt geben, dass: Der Verantwortliche dieser Karteien ist der Registrator. Die Einsicht der Kartei ist rein rechtlichen Zwecken vorbehalten und der Inhalt ihrer Angaben darf nur zu Antragszwecken hinzugezogen werden und unter Achtung der Registervorschriften.

Register der Konkursentscheidungen betrifft, laut Artikel 61 bis der Handelsregisterverordnung, in der Eintragung nicht eingeschlossen sind. Ich unterzeichne, unterschreibe und stemple diese Kopie, in Altea, am Grund- oder Stammkapital Gezeichnetes Kapital: Hierbei handelt es sich um einen rein informativen Auszug der mir auf elektronischem Weg zugesandt wurde und das Unternehmen xxxxxxx SL. Scheidung im Einvernehmen - Beschluss General field: Der Ehe entstammt folgendes Kind: Es besteht keine Aussicht auf Wiederherstellung der ehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft der Parteien.

Bezirksgericht Stockerau Abteilung 3, am En materia de divorcio Esposa: Las partes solicitaron el divorcio de mutuo acuerdo. No existe perspectiva alguna del restablecimiento de la vida conyugal de las partes. Studio - Getting Started Level 1. When I was for the first time abroad, even before I started my studies, I discovered my passion for travelling and getting to know different cultures, languages and ways to see and live the life. After getting a degree in Tourism I started my studies in Translation and Interpreting , and than I experienced the pleasure of communication possibility between different cultures.

Once I decided to pursue a career as a professional translator I started a Master degree in Institutional Translation in order to specialize in some fields of my interest and be able to offer a higher quality service.

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In addition to my education, my work experience in some fields like tourism and finances allowed me to deepen my knowledge of the characteristic language and terminology of these fields. I am a very committed and hardworking person, a high-qualified translator who takes pride in delivering only a quality and professional service. Profile last updated Nov 21, More translators and interpreters: Or create a new account. Some may want to evacuate but lack the financial means to do so, or feel constrained to simply abandon everything they own.

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Disasters are common in Bangladesh. The fertile country is situated on the Ganges—Brahmaputra delta and irrigated by the Meghna river, which enables it to sustain a dense population but also exposes it to floods, cyclones and other hazards. These days, climate change is making such events both more frequent and more intense for Bangladeshis. Good disaster prevention is key! Innovation has the potential to boost it. We briefly introduce innovative ideas on how to use ICT to make a difference. For safety, empowerment and resilience.

The RISK Award has been set up to help improve risk reduction and disaster management by providing financial support to projects dedicated to this topic. A short film provides insights. Over insurance and development experts from 50 countries participated in the event - which took place for the fourth time in Asia. Big Data und Innovation sind in aller Munde. Erfahren Sie auf den folgenden Seiten unseres aktuellen Jahresberichts, wo Innovationen viele unserer Projekte voranbringen. The lack of coordination between government agencies, involvement of the collaboration networks existing in the community, and incorporation of spatial planning in the location of the new settlements around L'Aquila Italy after the earthquake has delayed reconstruction of the city centre.

The displaced population was relocated to 19 new settlements. These new settlements are characterized by a lack of urban facilities. The aim of this paper was to analyze the relationship between urban facilities, collaboration networks and lack of spatial resilience in the recovery process in L'Aquila. This new policy brief frames the challenge highlighting five key insights that feed the debate and create adequate action.

The policy brief is a product of our Resilience Academy. A year after the historic Paris climate agreement was reached by states, country representatives are back at the negotiating table to work out how to implement it. But the talks in Marrakesh will seem a world away for those who are already seeing the effects of environmental stress and climate change first-hand. Mobile Network Operators MNOs provided microinsurance coverage through mobile phones to more than 40 million people in Asia, estimates a new study on mobile insurance in the region, carried out by the Microinsurance Network and Munich Re Foundation, based on data.

The study shows that there are an estimated 2. The total number of lives covered, through these MNOs, stood at a total of Microinsurance in Sri Lanka initially started as a service to support the microfinance sector, focusing on providing loan protection, insurance and life savings. The insurance business extended their services to provide welfare and health products to low-income people. Schaffen wir den Umbau der Energiewirtschaft — hier und in der ganzen Welt?

People with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to disasters because of health, architectural and technological barriers. The aim of the project is to reduce or eliminate barriers in the city.

Gesetz vom 21. September 2005 über das Öffentliche Auftragswesen im Bereich der Sektoren...

Around representatives from the insurance industry, distribution channels, supervisory authorities and donor organisations met in Cairo to share their experiences and discuss innovations to advance insurance for emerging consumers in Egypt. The event provided participants with an opportunity to share knowledge and learn from other parts of the world.

It also helped to improve understanding of the Egyptian market and its opportunities and challenges. The study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the environment in which both microinsurance and traditional insurers operate, in order to promote sustainability of the microinsurance sector in Africa. With a focus on the needs of insurers, this report is intended as a tool which offers valuable and actionable market intelligence of emerging trends and highlights vibrant shifts in the various markets throughout the region.

The Ganges—Brahmaputra delta enables Bangladesh to sustain a dense population, but it also exposes people to natural hazards. This article presents findings from the Gibika project, which researches livelihood resilience in seven study sites across Bangladesh. This study aims to understand how people in the study sites build resilience against environmental stresses, such as cyclones, floods, riverbank erosion, and drought, and in what ways theirstrategies sometimes fail.

Loss and damage is a concept which gives a better understanding of climate change impacts and promotes more effective adaptation strategies for vulnerable people. Loss and Damage occurs when the impacts of climate related stressors cannot be avoided through adaptation or mitigation measures. This publication is the summary of the 11th International Microinsurance Conference that took place in Casablanca, Morocco, on 3 — 5 November The event, which took place in the MENA region for the first time, brought together some participants from over 50 countries to discuss the challenges and opportunities in microinsurance.

This article explores various pathways to involve local communities in EWS from top-down to more participatory approaches. Based on a literature review and three case studies that outline various levels of participation in EWS in Kenya, Hawai'i, and Sri Lanka, the article suggests a need to review the way EWS are designed and applied, promoting a shift from the traditional expert-driven approach to one that is embedded at the grassroots level and driven by the vulnerable communities.

The study identified 6. This Policy Paper makes a case to international policy makers, national government representatives, UN agencies and other development actors for an integrative approach across these three interrelated international processes centred on strengthening the lives and livelihoods of all people across the world.

Jedes Jahr sterben weltweit 2,5 Millionen Menschen infolge von Wassermangel oder an verschmutztem Trinkwasser. This preliminary briefing note summarises some of the key insights and trends from the Landscape of Microinsurance in Africa study which will be published in the first quarter of This landscape study identified1 Wichtige Abkommen wie die Millennium-Entwicklungsziele und die UN-Katastrophenvorsorgestrategie werden neu aufgesetzt.

Auch wenn insgesamt noch ein langer Weg zu bestreiten ist, die Dialogforen haben auch gezeigt, dass Verhandlungen wichtig sind, selbst wenn Sie auf den ersten Blick scheinbar wenig bringen. The first day of the conference will see the launch of the preliminary briefing note of the Landscape of Microinsurance in Africa data.

Today, the microinsurance sector sees the launch of a new dynamic platform providing key global data on microinsurance. This publication is the summary of the 10th International Microinsurance Conference that took place in Mexico City, Mexico, on 11 — 13 November The event, which took place in Latin America for the third time, brought together some participants from nearly 60 countries to discuss the challenges and opportunities in microinsurance.

Auch im vergangenen Jahr haben wir in allen drei Bereichen viel erreicht. Der Report fasst die Projektarbeiten der Stiftung zusammen. People on low incomes are extremely vulnerable to risks such as floods, droughts, illnesses or death. Microinsurance aims to protect poor populations from specific perils in exchange for regular premium payments proportionate to the likelihood of the event and the cost of the risk involved.

Die Themen kreisen um Katastrophenvorsorge und Umweltschutz. Katastrophenvorsorge ist wichtiger denn je. Dadurch wollen wir die Resilienz von Menschen und Gesellschaften steigern. Dennoch ist Wasser eine knappe Ressource: The project proposals range from specifically local activities for the promotion of risk reduction to holistic and systematic ideas at national level. This publication summarises a jury selection of the best project proposals in They provide valuable information as to how effective disaster risk reduction projects can be implemented.

Not all migration behaviours in the context of environmental change are the same. The elderly migrate differently from the young, men from women and the relatively wealthy from the relatively poor. This working paper aims to explain demographic change in post-disaster communities in systemic terms, applying the perspective of socialecological resilience in livelihood systems. This paper is part of a set of working papers that resulted from the Resilience Academy The development of a Post Framework allows for improvements of the current risk reduction targets and standards.

This opportunity has to be realized. The resilience concept requires greater attention to human livelihoods if it is to address the limits to adaptation strategies and the development needs of the planet's poorest and most vulnerable people. Although the concept of resilience is increasingly informing research and policy, its transfer from ecological theory to social systems leads to weak engagement with normative, social and political dimensions of climate change adaptation.

The paper argues that resilience possesses two differing properties, while resilience can be regarded as a boundary object, it may also come about through the emergence of boundary objects and related entities. As a home to important flora and fauna, with rich cultural roots and heritage, island communities are often characterized by their deep social ties with the natural environment.

However, due to environmental degradation, impacts from climate change including slow e. Climate-induced environmental change is likely to render some of the places in which people live and maintain livelihoods uninhabitable. While our understanding of the interactions between environmental change and migration has increased, less attention has been paid to places becoming uninhabitable and the processes of relocating entire communities.

The video summarizes the conferences outcomes and shows one highlight, the awarding ceremony of the RISK Award: Volunteers of ONG Inclusiva prepared a short video which calls for new helping hands. The project team relies on the many volunteers from the local communities to make inclusive resilience a reality. An innovative method allows to deliver drinking water from the air right into villages in the South-East of the country. Nets collect the fine drops of water from fog in the mountains. The water is then tested on quality, if necessary enriched with minerals and finally transported to the five villages in the valley.

Wie immer der Gipfel ausgeht: This publication is the summary of the 9th International Microinsurance Conference that took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 12 — 14 November The event, which took place in Asia for the third time, brought together some participants from nearly 60 countries to discuss the challenges and opportunities in microinsurance. While much of the discussion has focused on loss and damage to human livelihoods, climate change is also having a significant impact on ecosystems.

Central America continues to be a violent region and is prone to increasing climatic shocks and environmental degradation. This paper explores the non-linear feedback loop between violence and climate shocks on livelihood resilience in El Salvador and Honduras, two countries experiencing high rates of violence. The project proposals range from safer primary schools and the inclusion of special-needs citizens in evacuation plans to system ideas at national level.

This publication summarises a selection of the best project proposals They provide valuable information on how effective inclusive disaster risk management can be implemented. This report is the summary of the Microinsurance Learning Sessions: Climate and natural hazards are increasing in intensity, frequency and complexity. Their related impacts have powerful implications for humanity, particularly communities with deep reliance upon natural resources.

The development of effective Early Warning Systems could contribute to foster livelihood resilience by improving coping mechanisms and even enhancing adaptive capacity. The CloudFisher collects drinking water from fog without requiring energy. It is quickly installed, does not require additional energy and is extremely low-maintenance. All used materials are food safe. Es war die erste von bislang zehn internationalen Konferenzen, die jedes Jahr im Wechsel an einem anderen Ort rund um die Welt — sei es in Lateinamerika, Afrika oder Asien — stattfanden.

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Fische werden gefangen, seit es die Menschheit gibt. SIDS have bountiful supplies of renewable resources but the challenges ahead are daunting. Isolation and remoteness coupled with climate change, the impacts of natural disasters, and out-migration means that even island life itself is being threatened.

Mikroversicherung hat sich in den vergangenen zehn Jahren rapide entwickelt. In Lateinamerika und der Karibik hat sich die Anzahl der Versicherten zwischen und mehr als verdoppelt, in Afrika sogar verdreifacht, so dass dort nun 7,8 bzw. At the 10th International Microinsurance Conference in Mexico City from November 11 to 13, , insurance experts will discuss the potential for insurance for emerging customer segments in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The conference coincides with the release of the latest Landscape Study of Microinsurance in Latin America and the Caribbean, published by the Microinsurance Network together with the Munich Re Foundation. The study indicates progress towards financial inclusion with 7. Microinsurance in Asia and Oceania is growing fast. A number of governments such as India, Indonesia and the Philippines have started developing a regulatory framework to facilitate the development of innovative solutions.

As more and more stakeholders see the potential of microinsurance for the insurance industry and for economic development in the region, the demand for detailed data on the status of microinsurance grows. However, until now, only sparse information on the latest trends, main growth drivers and key market development topics has been available.

Die Menschheit steht vor einer Herkulesaufgabe: Die CO2-Emissionen wachsen heute schneller als in den vorangegangenen drei Dekaden. In , microinsurance covered 7. Only three countries in Africa registered a higher percentage. Menschen im Risiko sind unser Anliegen. Wir helfen ihnen, Gefahren zu erkennen, Schwierigkeiten des Alltags zu meistern und sich gegen Naturkatastrophen zu wappnen.

Der Report fasst die Projektarbeit aus zusammen. Microinsurance in Africa is a nascent and complex industry involving many stakeholders and operating in a variety of environments. The early stage of its development and its complexity make it difficult to get an overview of what is happening in Africa with microinsurance without a focused and persistent approach.

There are many debates in the literature on the concepts of social vulnerability and resilience, but these simplified approaches capture their essence. Social vulnerability and different types of resilience broadly provide sufficient opportunities for non- governmental organizations to frame policies and practices for their specific mandates and, in this way, support the shift from theory to practice in order to support communities in becoming more sustainable and resilient. Beira is the second largest city in Mozambique with approximately , inhabitants.

It has been facing increasing environmental stress and natural hazards over the last decades. Population explosion, mainly due to immigration from rural areas, is one driving factor. In fact, the population has almost doubled since It achieved this by focusing on the hazards of places and providing a comprehensive examination of a number of empirically based approaches for measuring hazard exposure, losses and social vulnerability.

The microinsurance sector in Latin America and the Caribbean LAC has recently experienced tremendous growth in life and accident coverage as well as a notable increase in products covering multiple risks. Despite some significant initiatives, primary health and property microinsurance coverage remains extremely limited. The conference took take place on September 10th and 11th, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja. Das wirft die Frage auf: Fog nets enable access to ample supplies of drinking water even in arid and virtually inaccessible regions.

Our aim is to ensure a fully functioning water supply and thus enhance the life quality and improve the resilience of people at risk.

Vergaberecht. Berücksichtigung sozialer und ökologischer Zwecke

We support the p e d world organisation which is building fog collectors in Tanzania. Growth of the global economy alone will not be enough to combat poverty in the developing countries. What is needed are project-related financial donations and sustained initiatives that will enable people to help themselves. With its projects, the Munich Re Foundation has set itself the target of making a contribution to the millennium goal of eradicating poverty.

This publication is the summary of the 8th International Microinsurance Conference that took place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on 6 —8 November The event, which took place in Africa for the third time, brought together a record number of participants from around 60 countries to discuss the challenges and opportunities in microinsurance. But it is an uncertain business, particularly for the poor, and calls for risk mitigation, risk transfer and risk coping.

Improving these mechanisms can have large benefits, as the risk is costly. Insurance can not only reduce risk for farmers but increase productivity, by supporting credit. Aber nur wenige haben bis dato Zugang zu entsprechenden Produkten. Die zunehmende Nutzung des Mobilfunks als Vertriebskanal macht Hoffnung. The deadline for applications is 31 December Nach Zahlen der Weltbank leben derzeit weit mehr als 4 Mrd. Davon haben und 1,3 Mrd. Recent decades have seen a significant increase in the number of natural catastrophes with devastating consequences.

Tsunamis and earthquakes have resulted in major losses and high death tolls in the past few years. Weather-related events are becoming more frequent and more severe also due to climate change. Warning systems have always played a key role in reducing casualty figures and preventing or minimising losses. Since the massive Tsunami of December , which caused over , deaths in Asia and Africa, effective early warning has become an increasingly important factor in disaster prevention. Die Ergebnisse des Jahres zeigen, dass die Stiftung auf dem richtigen Weg ist und Menschen rund um den Globus von unserer Arbeit profitieren.

The topic of loss and damage associated with climate change is new for both science and policy. Science is exploring the consequences of climate change impacts driven by human action affecting the concentration of greenhouse gases GHGs in the atmosphere — which in turn affects atmospheric and ocean temperatures. Today, the challenges faced by fragile states are multidimensional. Mainly, there are political, economic and social areas where one government could prove its weakness and incapacity to practice the rule of power.

Environmental factors further challenge fragile states in applying approaches to be used for delivering resilience and institutional stability to their populations. As part of this, climate change makes no distinction between solid states and fragile states and creates very difficult situations for so many by now feeble states. Over the past decade, it has been widely recognized that insurance provides the low-income population with important benefits which can help prevent individuals and families from falling back into extreme poverty when they are faced with a financial loss.

This report is the summary of the 7th International Microinsurance Conference that took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 8 —10 November The book provides a state-of-the-art overview of research on climate impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. It outlines a policy framework for linking climate change, global justice, and sustainable development. The authors cover interdisciplinary research results from climate science, development economics, ethics, hydrology, and agriculture.

Es besteht ein breiter Konsens, dass Forschung ein wichtiger Wegbereiter hin zu einer weltweit nachhaltigen Entwicklung ist. Fragility encompasses a number of partially overlapping but distinct notions and labels: This second volume of Protecting the poor is a unique collection of recent practices and emerging ideas in microinsurance.

It covers numerous innovations that have emerged in recent years to meet the challenges of providing insurance to low-income people, from new products and deliverychannels to consumer education tools, while examining changes in regulations, providers and schemes. As the microinsurance community dramatically evolves and millions more low-income households have access to better insurance cover, this timely second volume will be an invaluable resource for policymakers, insurers, academics and NGOs.

The collection of fog for the purpose of the production of clean water has attracted increasing attention over the past few decades. It is a simple and sustainable technology with the potential to produce precious water in some regions of the world. It is achieved by exposure of mesh material to foggy air masses. There are numerous projects on five continents to collect fog water, of which some are more successful than others. The beneficiaries are often poor people, although successful projects also exist in more prosperous regions. The population in Africa is growing rapidly.

The publication discusses the issue of: Climate change due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is expected to affect human migration and displacement in the near- and longer-term. Wenn Sie vor 10 Jahren als professioneller Versicherer zu einem Mikroversicherungs-Branchentreffen gegangen sind, dann waren sie ein Exot. There are a number of scenarios in which people could be displaced or forced to migrate due to climate change and extreme weather events. The competition over scarce water supplies, land and jobs that can result from prolonged drought could lead to social upheaval and an increased incidence of violence and ethnic tension.

Populations already vulnerable to conflict, environmental scarcity, cultural fragmentation or economic stress will bear the greatest impact as climate disasters worsen. They are less able to withstand climate shocks or build resilience. Migration betrifft zunehmend auch Frauen.