
Transform Yourself With Twitter Power

Trust is the glue of life.

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  • 8 Twitter Bio Ideas to Attract More Followers | Sprout Social.
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It is the foundational principle that holds all relationships. Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates Love.

1. Intrigue People

As we all become more settled in our individualism, we become stronger in the sea of changes. A new equilibrium is on the way.

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A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing — Oscar Wilde. All people know the same truth. Our lives consist of how we choose to distort it. Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them. It can be a link to your website, landing page or blog post. Also, a little-known hack you can use to get multiple links in your profile is to add one in your bio. We recommend using a trackable link so that you can keep an eye on traffic that comes from Twitter. Here are eight Twitter bio ideas to make your account stand out for all the right reasons:.

After reading your Twitter bio, you want people to feel like they need to know more. The way to do this is by piquing their interest somehow. Evernote manages to explain what they do, while appealing to your curiosity. Large established brands like Nike can get away with that. Take a look at how GoldieBlox manages to clearly explain what they do while being very succinct. Having followers for the sake of having them is pointless. All it takes is a quick and short description of why people should click the link in your bio.

If you want to improve your chances of success, create a special opt-in offer of some kind that you can direct your Twitter traffic to. If your company has a sister brand, why not promote it in your bio? But this is shifting, in part, because of social media. The paradigm is now no longer to try to appear perfect, but to be more transparent with your thoughts and feelings, to reveal your humanness.

We now have queens acknowledging that they get nervous at times when speaking, CEOs being more honest and at times using blogs to express reservations over past decisions, and people openly sharing personal views on social issues. Of course, what we decide to reveal and when to reveal it can be delicate, and there will always likely be items we wish to keep private.

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However, rather than working to hide our thoughts and feelings, social media is helping to create greater personal transparency. It used to be a big deal that Oprah had over 20 million people watch her show every week or that the New York Times was read by millions of people, and while these large media outlets still control much of our attention, now with social media, power is increasingly more widespread. So-called mainstream media is no longer always the driving influencer of public opinion.

  • 8 Twitter Bio Ideas to Attract More Followers.
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On Twitter, some individuals now have a million or more followers, Facebook Pages can also have hundreds of thousands of fans, and YouTube videos can get millions of views when they go viral. Most of this content is coming from regular people, rather than big, corporate-owned media organizations. For example, people like occasional Mashable guest writer Brandon Mendelson , who has over , followers on Twitter, have used social media to increase their influence beyond what was possible for "regular people" in the past.

As the networks for sharing and amplifying information strengthen, the ability of each person to influence public opinion and policies increases. As a result, we feel much less like passive bystanders and much more like participants who have a voice in the events in our world. In every era, cultures go through numerous changes, and in recent years ours has been more impacted than anything else by social media.

Large media companies are not likely to go away overnight, nor will the need to communicate by phone or meet people in person, but social media is providing yet one more means of engaging with people on this vast planet of ours, and if used effectively can give all of us greater choice in how we live and what happens in our world.

Technique one: your hips

Manage a Facebook Group. Image courtesy of iStockphoto , sodafish.

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