Moguru Kaeru (Japanese Edition)
Page - 16 - Jon's Japanese V Nan-nen gurai Nihon ni sunde imashita ka? Eigo umai-ne casual Are you a student? O-shigoto wa nan desu ka? Dochira no kaisha desu ka? I work for a publishing company. Shuppan no kaisha de hataraite imasu. What time does your job start? Shigoto wa nan-ji kara desu ka? What are your hobbies? Shumi wa nan desu ka? When is your birthday? Tanjoubi wa itsu desu ka? What have you studied today?
Kyou anata wa nani o benkyo shimashita ka? What will you do this evening? Konban wa nani o shimasu ka? What do you do in the evenings? Yoru nani o shimasu ka? Are you busy next Sunday? Raishuu no Nichiyoubi wa isogashii desu ka? Are you free tomorrow? Ashita hima desu ka? Where should we meet? What time is best for you? Nanji ga ii desu ka? What time should we meet? Are you home tonight? Anata wa ie ni imaska? Anata no uchi wa doko no chikaku desu ka? Let's go to Shinjuku park. Shinjuku gyouen e ikimashou. Would you like to come to my house? Uchi ni kimasen ka? Shall we go out?
Shall we go out to [place name]? What is his name? Kare no namae wa nan desu ka? What is her name? Kanojo no namae wa nan desu ka? Watashi wa shiawase desu. What is your favourite food? Suki na tabemono wa nan desu ka? Where is your favourite place? Suki na tokoro wa doko desu ka? Who is your favourite singer? Suki na kashu singer wa dare desu ka? Kohii wa dou desu ka? May I call you? Denwa shite mo ii? I will call you. Can I have your address? Juusho o oshiete kudasai. Can I have your phone number? Denwa bangou o oishiete kudasai. Can I have your e-mail address? Meeru adoresu o oshiete kudasai.
Kono kami ni juusho to namae o kaite kudasai. Page - 17 - Jon's Japanese V Atode denwa shimashou ka? Watashi no renraku-saki desu. Please come and see me. Asobi ni kite kudasai. Could you do this please? Go on home now. Osoi node mou kaerinasai. Lets have dinner or something tonight. Sure, that would be great. See you later when leaving Itte kimasu Take care said to a person leaving Itte rasshai Say hello to X-san for me.
Im lost Michi ni mayoimashita. Anou Let me see. I see Naruhodo No kidding! Zannen desu Sorry to hear that. Nihon wa hajimate desu ka? How long will you be here? Dono kurai taizai shimasu ka? Im staying for X days. X nichi-kan taizai shimasu. Its very hot today, isnt it? Kyou wa totemo atsui, desu ne? Do you know [NAME]? Do you know Chris? Chris-san o shitte imasu ka? Do you know Kyoto? Kyoto o shitte imasu ka?
Do you want to come here again? Mata koko e kitai desu ka? Do you want to eat this again? Mata kore o tabetai desu ka? Do you want to drink this again? Mata kore o nomitai desu ka? Do you want to see this movie again? Mata kono eiga o mitai desu ka? ZenkaiIve met that person wa itsu okoshi ni narimashita ka? Sono hito to wa mae ni atta koto ga aru.
What do you want to do now? Ima nani o shitai desu ka? Dou shiyou ka na? Dictionary form or Ikimashou? Lets go Ikou Take care! Ki o tsukete ne! What time do you wake up every morning? Maiasa nanji ni okimasu ka? I wake up at 8 oclock Hachi-ji ni okimasu. Were you able to sleep well? How are you feeling this morning? Kesa wa ikaga desu ka? Tom likes fish Tomu-san wa sakana ga suki desu. Which do you like, sushi or tenpura? Sushi to tenpura to dochira ga suki desu ka? Dochira mo suki desu. I like sushi more. Sushi ga motto suki desu.
He seems to dislike me. Kare wa watashi o kiratte iru mitai desu. Watashi tachi wa New Zealand ga suki desu. You plural Anata tachi What will you both do?
Jōyō-List of the Kanji
Anata tachi wa dou surun desu ka? More than one person plural Tachi ie: A-san tachi You and I Anata to watashi They arrived at 7. Ano hitotachi wa shichi-ji han ni tsukimashita arrived. Konban dareka ga denwa o shimashita. Did someone called me tonight? Konban dareka ga denwa o shimashita ka? Boku I an Informal equivalent of watashi used by men My Boku no ie: You an informal equivalent of anata used by men Kimi Which person is A-san?
Lets wait and see. Sou da to ii desu ne. Sou ja nai to ii desu ne. Yes, so I heard. Could you repeat it one more time? Sumimasen, dou shitara ii desu ka? You see to be pretty busy at work. Shigoto isogashii sou desu ne. How is everybody in your family? Kazoku no minas an, genki desu ka? Ill have time in the afternoon. Gogo nara jikan ga arimasu.

Basic conjunctions sentence joiners Table of Contents Then. Yesterday I saw a movie and after that I went shopping. Kinou eiga o mite sorekara kaimono o shimashita. Besides, in addition to Sore ni ie: This flower has good colour. Kono hana wa iro ga kirei desu. In addition it smells nice. Sore ni nioi mo ii desu. Ms Kimura is a beautiful person.
Kimura-san wa kireina hito desu. And she is very kind. Soshite totemo shinsetsu desu. It has a similar meaning to Page - 20 - Jon's Japanese V So, and so, therefore, thats why dakara. Since I am not good at singing, I dont like karaoke. Uta ga heta dakara, karaoke wa suki janai. Also mo Mo is used as follows: I am a student Watashi wa gakusei desu.
I am also a student Watashi mo gakusei desu. Just recently I have become able to read Japanese newspapers. Saikin nihongo no shinbun ga yomeru you ni narimashita. Seen any interesting movies lately? Saikin, omoshiroi eiga mita? I meet him only occasionally. Kare to wa tamani shika aimasen. Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen. I only have yen. Can you write Hiragana? Hiragana ga kakemasu ka? No, I cannot write it yet. About approximate Gurai But demo But Desu kedo ie: This juice is delicious but expensive. Kono juisu wa oishii desu kedo takai desu. Kono kuruma wa rokunin ijouExcept for, besides Igai ask H for 2 eg sentences wa norenai.
Is that person Japanese? Ano hito wa Nihon-jin desu ka? This room is different from that room in size. Kono heya to ano heya wa ookisa ga chigaimasu. I have different tastes than my friend. Watashi wa tomodachi to konomi ga chigau. You have the wrong telephone number. Denwa bangou ga chigaimasu yo. Page - 21 - Jon's Japanese V This and that are similar. Kore to this kore wa that nete imasu. At last Spring has come. Yatto haru ni natta. Always, surely, certainly, without fail Kanarazu Probably, perhaps, maybe Tabun ie: Maybe she wont come.
Tabun kanojo wa konai deshou. Probably, maybe, quite, some Nakanaka ie: His English is pretty good. Kare no Eigo wa nakanaka umai. Not easily used with a negative Nakanaka This lid will not come off easily. Kono futa wa nakanaka torenai. Beginning Hajime ni End Owari ni Clearly Hakkiri ask H for 2 eg sentences Considerably, very much, really, a lot Zuibun ask H for 2 eg sentences compared with what was expected The past; ones past Kako How many do you need?
Ikutsu hitsuyou desu ka? How long will it take? Dona gurai kakarimasu ka? Time required Shoyou jikan Im studying XX. Watashi wa XX o manande imasu. Watashi wa XX kankei no kaisha ni tsutomete imasu. Kohii o nomi ni narimasu ka? Examples Or would you rather have tea? Soretomo koucha ni nasaimasu ka? Its nice weather , isnt it?
Ii tenki desu ne Well, where whall we go today? Sate, kyou wa doko e ikimashou ka? Dont you know him? Ano hito o shiranai desu ka? To tell you the truth, I dont either Jitsuwa watashi mo desu. She is very beautiful and charming. Kanojo wa bijin de miryokuteki desu.
Moreover, her father is a millionaire. Shikamo kanojo no otousan wa okuman chuoja desu. To connect nouns to and comes between nouns Examples: I like tennis and skiing. Watashi wa tenisu to sukii ga suki desu. When Im free, I read things such as newspapers Hima na toki wa shinbun ya zasshi o yomimasu. I want to drink coffee or green tea. Kohii ka ocha o nomitai. You can go to school by either bus or subway. Gakkou e wa basu ka chikatetsu de ikemasu. I drink either juice or milk every morning.
Maiasa juusu ka miruku o nomu. Either write a letter or make a call please. Tegami o kaku ka denwa o kakeru ka dochira ka shite kudasai. She speaks Japanese and also Chinese. Kanojo wa Nihongo mo Chuugoku-go mo hanashimasu. Page - 23 - Jon's Japanese V Note the clause after while in the English sentence always comes 1st in the Japanese sentence. Byouki no aida nani mo taberaremasen deshita. I will go to Boston during vacation.
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Yasumi no aida ni Boston e itte kimasu. I intend to travel a lot while I am a student. During the summer vacation I worked part Natsu yasumi no aida restauran de arubaito o shimashita. Sakana ga atarashii aida ni sushi o tsukurimashou. I cant do anything while I am busy with work. Shigoto de isogashii aida wa nani mo dekinai. My father lived in Auckland while he was young.
Shigoto ga taihen na aida wa, terebi o miraremasen. I will write a letter to my teacher while I am free. Hima na aida ni sensei ni tegami o kakimasu. I was home while it was raining. The room is quiet while my child is sleeping. Kodomo ga nete iru aida wa heya ga shizuka desu. I bought a newspaper while waiting for the bus. Basu o matte iru aida ni shinbun o kaimashita. I always make dinner when my roommate Itsumo roommate ga inai aida ni bangohan o tsukuru. I was reading a book while Tony was watching TV. Tony ga terebi o mite iru aida watashi wa hon o yonde imashita.
Carl learned golf while he was in America. Carl-san wa Amerika ni iru aida ni gorufu o oboemashita. Translate the following sentences into Japanese - I want to buy a coat while there is a sale. Sale ga aru aida ni kooto coat ga kaitai desu. This beach is quiet during the winter. Fuyu no aida kono kaigan wa shizuka desu. Page - 24 - Jon's Japanese V Chichi wa watashi ga nete iru aida ni uchi o demashita. Atode After means that the event C1 happens first and then the event C2 occurs. Honya ni yotta ato sugu right away uchi e kaerimasu. I got a stomach-ache after I ate fish. Sakana o tabeta atode onaka ga itaku narimashita.
After work is over, I am going out to eat Shigoto ga owatta atode, kaisha no hito to shokuji with my workmates. After I came to Japan, I study Japanese. Nihon e kita atode Nihongo benkyo o shimasu. After I jogged, I took a shower. Jogging o shita atode shower o abimashita. Lets see a movie after doing the shopping. Kaimono o shita atode, eiga o miyou. It has become a little cold after it rained. Ame ga futta ato sukoshi samuku narimashita.
Stuart fell asleep after he drank beer. Stuart-san wa biiru o nonda atode nete shimatta. Mason became ill after he came to Japan. Mason-san wa Nihon e itta atode, byouki ni natta. I studied right after I had eaten my meal. Ryouri o tabeta atode, sugu benkyou shimashita. Party noun no atode, uchi e kaerimasu. Lets have some tea after work. Shigoto no atode, ocha o nomou. I intend to go to a library after the class. Kurasu no atode, toshokan ni iku tsumori desu. Shokuji no atode, sanpo shimashita. I drink coffee after meals. Shokuji no atode kohii o nomimasu. After class I went to the library.
Gakkou no atode, Hakone ni ikimashita. Please use this medicine after reading Kono kusuri wa setsumeisho o yoku yonde kara, the instructions carefully. Please take this medicine after meals. Kono kusuri wa shokuji o shita atode, nonde kudasai. Shall I call you later? Page - 25 - Jon's Japanese V Translate the following sentences into Japanese - I practiced kanji before the examinaton.
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I will go out after I do my homework. Shukudai o shita atode dekakemasu. I called my friend before I went to China. Chuugoku e iku mae ni tomodachi ni denwa shimashita. I am going to bed after I take a bath. O-furo ni haitta atode nemasu. Since I do not like shopping, I wont go out. Kaimono ga heta dakara, ikinai. Since I have just arrived in Japan, I dont Nihon e tsuita bakari dakara, nani mo wakarimasen. It is equivalent to and in Engish. Mr Kimura is a teacher, and his wife is a doctor.
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Kimura-san wa sensei de, okusan wa isha desu. This is a Japanese camera, and that is a German one. Kore wa Nihon no kamera de, are wa Doitsu no desu. The wedding is at 3 oclock, and the reception is at 5 oclock. Kekkon-shiki wa san-ji de, reception wa go-ji desu. Mr Smith is English and came from London last year. Sumisu-san wa Igirisu-jin de, kyonen Rondon kara kimashita. Tomoko plays tennis very well and has become Tomoko-san wa tenisu ga totemo jouzu de, pro ni a professional. Tony is French and a student of Auckland university. Tony-san wa Furansujin de Auckland daigaku no ryuugakusei desu.
Nara is a quiet and beautiful city. Nara wa shizuka de kireina machi desu. Well, I must be leaving now. Dewa kore de shitsurei shimasu. Then, why did you do it? Dewa naze sou shitan desu ka? If so, I give up. Well then, we will now start the meeting. Dewa kore kara, kaigi o hajimemasu. So long, see you again tomorrow. Contrary reasoning, and connects two contrasting sentences Ga is used as a conjunction to connect a sentence with another sentence when what is to be stated in the latter is contrary to what is expected from the former.
Japanese food is delicious but expensive. Nihon no tabemono wa oishii desu ga, takai desu. Although its cold, I went out. Samui desu ga, dekakemashita. Im sick, but Im going to work. Byouki desu ga, shigoto ni ikimasu. I have free time, but I dont have money. Hima wa arimasu ga, okane wa arimasen. Today the weather is bad, but its not so cold.
Kyou no tenki wa warui desu ga, amari samuku arimasen. Page - 26 - Jon's Japanese V Kusuri o nomimashita ga, mada yoku narimasen. The meal was delicious, but I could not eat much. Ryouri wa oshiikatta desu ga, amari taeraremasen datta. I am able to speak German, but cannot write it. Watashi wa Doitsu-go o hanasu koto ga dekimasu ga, kaku koto wa dekimasen. I drink alcohol but dont smoke cigarettes. O-sake wa nomimasu ga tabako wa suimasen. I want to travel but I dont have any money. Ryokou o shitai ga okane ga nai. I didn't study for some time; then contrary to expectations, my grades got better.
Shibaraku benky shinakattara gyaku ni gakk no seiseki ga yoku natta. I really like her, but contrary to my expectations she hates me. Kanojo no koto ga suki na no ni gyaku ni kirawarete shimatta. I went to Hawaii and it was wonderful. Hawaii ni ikimashita ga, subarashikatta desu. I read that book and it was interesting. Sono hon o yomimashita ga, omoshiroikatta desu. I saw that movie and went to see it again. Ano eiga o mimashita ga mata mitai desu. I drank medicine and became well. Kusuri o nonda ga yoku ni narimashita. I studied Japanese and now have many Japanese friends.
Nihongo benkyou shita ga takusan Nihonjin no tomodachi ga imasu. O-heya ni go-an'nai itashimasu. We will open at 3 o'clock. Tten wa, 3-ji ni kaiten itashimasu. We will deliver it to your house.
Go-jitaku ni haitatsu o itashimasu. At what time will the meeting end? Kaigi wa nanji ni owaru ka, wakarimasen. What should you do? Dou shitara ii ka, kangaete kudasai. Kobe wa donna machi ka, shirimasen. Kono sweater wa takai. Combine both sentences to get - Because this sweater is expensive, I wont buy it Kono sweater wa takai kara kaimasen. Because tomorrow is Sunday I wont go to school.
Ashita wa Nichiyoubi da kara gakkou e ikimasen. Because the room is dirty, I will clean it. Heya ga kitenai kara souji o shimasu. Because the bottle is broken.. Kono bin wa warete imasu kara. As I have a stomach ache, I wont eat anything. Onaka ga itai desu kara, nani mo tabemasen. Because Im busy, I cant go. Since its raining, Ill stay home. Ame da kara uchi ni imasu. My mother is home because my younger brother is sick. Otooto ga byouki da kara, haha wa uchi ni imasu. I went to see a movie because I was free yesterday. Kinou wa hima datta kara eiga o mi ni ikimashita. My little sister often listens to CDs because she Imooto wa ongaku ga suki da kara yoku CD o likes music.
I went out on the weekend because the weather was fine. Shuumatsu wa ii tenki datta kara dekakemashita. Lets turn on the air con because it is hot. Atsui kara air con o tsukemashou. I could not talk with my friend because I was busy. Isogashikatta kara tomodachi to hanasemasen deshita. This restaurant is popular because it serves delicious food. Kono restaurant wa ryouri ga oishii kara ninki ga arimasu. I will study at home because there is a test tomorrow.
Ashita shiken ga aru kara uchi de benkyou shimasu. I cannot buy a computer because I have no money. Okane ga nai kara, konpyuutaa wa kaemasen. I walked home because the bus didnt come. Basu ga konakatta kara aruite kaerimashita. I will not take a walk because it is raining. Ame ga futte iru kara sanpo wa shimasen. Because I dont have time, I dont read the newspaper.
Jikan ga arimasen kara shinbun o yomimasen. Because Haruko is 17, she cant drink sake yet. Haruko wa juunana-sai da kara mada o-sake o nomenai. As its a bit cold, shall I put on the heater? Sukoshi samui kara sutoobu heater o tsukemashou ka? Kara is used more often in casual situations, and node in formal situations such as business meetings and in writing. Use kara with friends, node at work. Kara is used for emotionalNode and de are used for giving expressions, ie: These expressions are used in public situations and in polite speech.
I cancelled because I was busy. Ishogashikatta node cancel o shimashita. Page - 28 - Jon's Japanese V Shigoto de cancel o shimashita. I cancelled because of the typhoon. Taifu de cancel o shimashita. Could I go home because I have a headache? Atama ga itai node kaette mo ii desu ka?
Im taking a day of tomorrow because a friend Furansu kara tomodachi ga kuru kara, ashita kaisha is coming over from France. I couldnt buy it because I didnt have any money. Okane ga nakatta node kaemasen deshita. The building collapsed because of the earthquake. Jishin de tatemono wa mecha-kucha desu. I stayed home all day because it was raining. Kinou wa ame data kara zutto uchi ni imashita. The movie I wanted to see was crowded, so I went Mitai eiga ga konde ita kara hoka no eiga o mita. But I do really want to see that one after all, so Im Demo, yappari sono eiga ga mitai kara ashita ikou going to go tomorrow.
Reason -node -kara Because Mr. Tanaka speaks English well Tanaka-san wa Eigo ga jouzu dakara you dont need an interpreter. Please sit down over there Shashin o toru kara, soko ni suwatte kudasai. Translate the following sentences into Japanese - I cannot go out because my parents are coming. Ryoushin ga kuru kara dekakeraremasen. Lets have a party because its your birthday. Anata no tanjoubi da kara party o shimashou! I always take a subway because its cheap and fast. Yasukute hayai kara itsumo chikatetsu ni norimasu. I have no money because I bought a new computer. Atarashii konpyuutaa o katta kara okane ga arimasen.
Kara is also used to describe sequential action it means after, since, ever since V1 te-form kara V2 This sentence pattern indicates that upon completion of the action V1, the action V2 is to be conducted. After eating Ill do some work. Tabete kara shigoto o shimasu. Ever since he got married, he has been happy.
Kekkonshite kara shiawase desu. I will work for my fathers company after going Kuni e kaette kara chichi no kaisha de hatarakimasu. Page - 29 - Jon's Japanese V Konsaato ga owatte kara resutoran de shokuji-shimashita. School begins at 8. Gakkou wa hachi-ji han kara hajimarimasu. The summer vacation is from July 20th. Natsu yasumi wa shichigatsu hatsuka kara desu. Ive had a cold since yesterday.
Kinou kara kaze o hitte imasu. I came from Tokyo to Kyoto by shinkansen. Tokyo kara Kyoto made shinkansen de kimashita. Ill study after watching TV. Terebi o mite kara benkyou shimasu. Ill go home after taking a rest here. Koko de yasunde kara kaerimasu.
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It is 6 months since I came to Japan. Nihon ni kite kara rokkagetsu ni narimasu. How long does it take to go there on foot from Soko wa eki kara aruite, dono gurai kakerimasu ka? The first mo is often dropped in more informal speech. I repeatedly asked him to come. Kare ni kuru you ni nando mo tanonda. Page - 30 - Jon's Japanese V Please come by 2 oclock.
Niji made ni kite kudasai. The meeting will be over by 5. Kaigi wa go-ji made ni owarimasu. I must return the book by Saturday. Douyoubi made ni hon o kaesanakereba narimasen. I heard that it will rain from today until next Monday. Kyou kara raishuu no getsuyoubi made ame ga furu sou desu. I will be working in the office until 6 oclock today. Kyou wa roku-ji made kaisha de shigoto o shite imasu. I will be traveling from Tuesday until Saturday. Kayoubi kara doyoubi made ryoukou ni ikimasu. The office is closed until next Wednesday. Jimusho wa raishuu no suiyoubi made shimatte imasu.
Give me 2 tickets for Kyoto please. Kyoto made no kippu o ni-mai kudasai. This car can hold up to 5 people. Kono kuruma wa go-nin made noremasu. Kyaku ga kuru made ni souji o zenbu shite okitai desu. I am going to continue studying Japanese until Jouzu ni naru made Nihongo no benkyou o I become good at it. Mae Ni Before refers to time before a given action, and is attached to the Dictionary form of a verb. I studied Japanese before I came to Japan. Nihon e kuru mae ni, Nihongo o benkyou o shimashita.
I will study Japanese before I have practical training. Jisshuu-suru mae ni, Nihongo o benkyou o shimasu. I have something to do before I go. Iku mae ni, suru koto ga arimasu. I always read a book before I go to bed. Itsumo neru mae ni, hon o yomimasu. I finished the homework before the class began. Kurasu ga hajimaru mae ni, shukudai o shite shimatta. I will clean the room before my friend comes. In the Japanese version, Spat appears from time to time with different evil plots. Just like in Ham-Ham Heartbreak , the ham hams always thwart his plans.
Runs the photo studio in the Ham-Ham Clubhouse with her boyfriend Seamore. Never makes an appearance in English TV series; makes an appearance in Hamtaro: Hamster with a turtle shell on his back; can swim. Seamore never makes an appearance in the English TV series, but appears in Hamtaro: He also runs a photo studio in the Ham-Ham Clubhouse with his girlfriend, Barette. A hamster who wears a monkey costume. Never appears in English TV series. Never appears in English TV series, but makes an appearance in Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue Video Game. Prince of Rainbow Land. Ham-Ham Games Video game and Hamtaro: Never appears in English series.
She, like Bijou, came from France. Boss once had a crush on her, but now it seems like she has a crush on Hamtaro. This, of course, gets her in trouble with both Bijou and Sparkle. Member of Team Djungle. Primarily wears a frog outfit, but often changes.
Ham-Ham Games video game. They were jealous that the ham hams got to carry the everlasting torch, so they pursued them to steal it. Never appears in English TV show; appears in Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak video game. Never appears in English TV series; appears in Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak video game and "Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue" video game. Couples often discussed and supported by the fans. It is known that that Bijou loves Hamtaro and Boss loves Bijou, but Hamtaro's take on the relationship is never truly explained although his actions at the end of "Bijou's Favorite Ribbon" suggest that he has feeling for Bijou.
Sparkle, in the later Japanese episodes, begins to have a crush on Hamtaro as well, and goes through great lengths to get Hamtaro to notice her, similar to how Boss tries to get Bijou to notice him. As a result, some fans have begun to pair Boss with Sparkle due to some of their similarities. A Japanese episode also showed Boss suddenly falling for Sparkle, but that was because Boss ate a seed that made him fall in love with her the seed was originally meant for her to give to Hamtaro.
However, it is definitely not certain whether they will harbor any feelings for each other and Boss tends to think of Sparkle as an annoyance especially in Ham Ham Games. Sandy's feelings for Maxwell were first revealed in 'Let's Dance Sandy' when Maxwell helped her up after messing up during practice for the Sunflower Seed Festival. After being forced by the other girls to tell Maxwell about Sandy's feelings, Hamtaro finally tells Maxwell, and he begins to love Sandy as well.
Later episodes show Sandy and Maxwell together more often. In 'Bijou's Favorite Ribbon' they were poked fun at by Stan. Sandy was also seen giving Maxwell a Valentine's Day seed, though Stan wanted it. In the Japanese episode 'Chisana Koi Monogatari', Maxwell is shown as being clueless about his relationship with Sandy, much to Sandy's dismay. The episode showed that their relationship wasn't really solidified yet, despite the other episodes. It ends with Maxwell barely admiting his feelings to Sandy and the two of them holding each other's paw on the night of Tanobata.
Unlike all the other couples, most Hamtaro fans agree that Sandy and Maxwell should stay together. In the series, the love triangle involved Dexter, Howdy, and Pashmina, but fans have also added in Stan and Panda. It is unknown who Pashmina really likes. Dexter and Howdy are always seen fighting for her love, but she doesn't seem to be paying attention to them. Instead, she wants them to be friends. Currently, she isn't looking into a relationships, but a rumor of a Japanese episode confirms that she loves Dexter.
It also makes the most sense since Dexter is a more refined hamster compared to Howdy, who is rough and tells many bad jokes. However, it is still unknown. Many fans have paired Stan and Pashmina for various reasons They look cute together, Stan should be with a girl ham There have been a couple of instances where Pashmina seemed to like Stan Stan impresses her at one point in 'Bijou's Favorite Ribbon' and in 'Pashmina's Present' Stan gives Pashmina a pink rose, which she likes until Stan reveals other roses for Bijou, Penelope, and even Sandy.
It is still not confirmed. There is also a rumor about Stan falling for Flora, the nurse ham. The fans have paired the two together since they are the youngest of the ham hams. So far, it has been fairly dispproved due to Penelope's love for the other races currently, she loves Herbert the Pig. However, there has been some evidence. Also, in 'Stucky's Tunnel' there was a brief scene where Stucky flirts with Penelope, which upsets Cappy.
It is still not known if they will be a couple. All of Pepper's appearances seem to indicate that both have definite feelings for each other. There was even one instance where Pepper thinks that Oxnard is interested in another girl and becomes upset. They are a confirmed couple, as in the final episode of Hamu Hamu Paradaichu, an announcement is made that they will be married.
It's Laura's birthday, and Hamtaro is feeling neglected. The Ham-Hams then tell him about a magical sunflower seed that will grant you any wish you want-- Hamtaro is determined to find it so that he can tell Laura how much he loves her. However, an evil devil hamster is after it too! Will Hamtaro ever get his wish?
Hamtaro and the Ham-Hams are peacefully sleeping when Hamtaro suddenly has a vison. It's a princess called Saro-shina calling for help! Suddenly, the Ham-Hams are takes right out of their dreams and taken to a faraway land called Hamu Ja! Saro-shina is being forced to marry an evil cat genie named Sabaku-nya! Can the Ham-Hams save the land from danger? Bijou is called to a distant land, and Hamtaro follows. Bijou makes friends with the village hamsters who regards her as the 'snow princess' , when a group of pirate hamsters suddenly show up!
The captain falls in love with Bijou, and Hamtaro is jealous. Now Hamtaro must race the captain for Bijou's love! This story is based off of the old Japanese folk tale of Momotaro Peach Boy. However, Hamtaro floats down the river in a sunflower instead of a peach; thus they call him Himawaritaro Sunfower Boy. There are also four Hamtaro OVAs. Hamtaro finds out from Laura that he was the son of a class pet in Laura's old school and the teacher gave him to her.
Just in time for his birthday, Hamtaro sets out with Boss and Oxnard to visit his mother, while the other ham hams set up a surprise birthday party for him. While it was shown in America, the entire adventure was edited out, showing only the beginning where the ham hams were telling everyone to keep Hamtaro's birthday a secret and the ending where all the ham hams are singing for Hamtaro's birthday. As Laura heads out to summer camp, Hamtaro and Oxnard come across a young girl by the name of Heibi, who's trying to find the ocean. Heibi found a treasure map while searching through her grandmother's place and is now willing to do this to help her ailing grandmother.
The ham hams, who are more than willing to help her, pack their things and set out to find the treasure. Unlike the first OVA, the second was shown in its entirety in America. Based on the third Hamtaro game fourth in japan , Prince Bo falls from the sky when the rainbow disappears. Now Hamtaro and the ham hams must help him bring back the rainbow. The only OVA not shown in America.
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Considered the prequel to the fourth Hamtaro game fifth in japan , Hamtaro and the ham hams are tasked by Prince Bo with lighting the everlasting torch. However, the Rainbow Girls won't allow this and pursues the ham hams. This was the last Hamtaro episode shown in America before Cartoon Network cancelled the series. Tottoko Hamutaro GameBoy Color: This was the very first Hamtaro game, and was not released anywhere outside of Japan.
It is a virtual pet simulation. Not much else is known. The second game released in Japan, but it was the first game released in the United States. Taking place in a full hamster world, Hamtaro is tasked with finding all the ham hams and bringing them together in the clubhouse. The game introduced the use of the ham chat. While it is simply the ham ham language in the game, the ham chat in the game allows different uses of each expression, which include Hamspar rival to set things ablaze.
This was the final Game Boy Color game released in Europe. The second game in America third in Japan , Ham Ham Heartbreak had a more interesting story than the first game. Hamtaro has a nightmare one day about an evil ham ham in a devil costume. He runs around and tears apart any couple he sees. However, this nightmare turns out to be a vision of his upcoming struggle against the evil ham ham, Spat.
Luckily, he's not alone, for Bijou is going to help him set things right. More of an enhancement of the first game, Ham Ham Heartbreak slightly improves Ham Hams Unite's graphics and colors and adds an interesting story, more ham chat vocabulary, and Bijou as Hamtaro's partner. It was released in Europe however, fully playable in English and several other languages.
Prince Bo was happily crossing the rainbow, when suddenly, the rainbow disappeared and he soon fell from sky. Luckily, he happened to "bump" into Boss. Prince Bo wanted to return home, but without the colors of the rainbow, he was unable to return. Willing to help the prince, the ham hams set out to find the seven colors of the rainbow.