Little Gem Hedgehog
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I haven't watched this in so long and I honestly can't remember if I liked it or not. Whenever I see a clip of it I'm reminded of how good hand-drawn animation looks.

I don't have the time to watch it right now but I'll have to take the time to do it someday. I grew up mostly playing the Adventure era games with the occasional classic title, so I love being able to see a version of Sonic that isn't a generic goody-two-shoes with a bland personality. I wish we'd see more versions of Sonic that have an assholish side to him. Then again I just like asshole protagonists that are ultimately heroic. I really gotta take the time to read StC at some point.
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- Sonic the Hedgehog - The Movie () OVA- A hidden gem : SonicTheHedgehog.
I loved this when I was a kid. I remember watching this years ago and I re watched it recently. The Japanese sub is better, and the English dub is so bad it's good vibe. Even as a kid I remember not liking the dub at all and then later when I found the subbed version I liked it a lot more. I wish Sonic had more animations like this!! God, I remember renting this from the library when I was like 4 or 5 and watching it for the first time.
Eveybody points out Sonic flipping the bird, but has anyone ever pointed out Metal Robotnik's ass cannon? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. SonicTheHedgehog comments other discussions 1. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. SonicTheHedgehog subscribe unsubscribe 28, readers users here now The subreddit for Sega's mascot and all-around cool blue guy. Remember, minors browse here This Includes: Politically-motivated or similar inflammatory remarks. Don't post low-effort fanwork Low effort means something you made in MS Paint in 2 minutes i.
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Discussion of emulation in general is allowed and welcomed, just not linking towards places that openly host pirated content. No merchandise that appears to be misrepresenting itself as genuine for official stuff or creator-sanctioned for fanwork and similar. Let's Play posts aren't allowed An LP is defined as a video with standard gameplay, with or without added commentary. Using gameplay as the backdrop for other info such as DidYouKnowGaming? Low-effort fanwork rule still applies. Be civil, coherent, and calm, even when criticizing This means don't start flame wars.
So about halfway into the drive our stomachs started to rumble.
That being said, we decided we would rather stop in Bedford, PA to have a bite. Now as convincing and as numerous as the billboards were leading up to Bedford, Ed's Steakhouse was not my first choice for the afternoon. After about two minutes of back and forth, and being that I was the driver, I had to lay down the law and request that my riding companions stop watching the latest YouTube sensation and use their Internet connected devices cell phones to the layperson to find us a decent place to eat lunch.
There were nothing but amazing reviews showing up! This was our stop and after about 2 miles off the beaten path, we arrived.
And not a moment too soon I was about to eat my shoe I was so hungry after hearing all these rave reviews. It was one of the most pleasant dining experiences I have ever had. The staff was "icing on the cake" to the great food we had just eaten. I really felt like I was at someone's home for lunch rather than eating out. If you've ever accidentally grabbed one whilst gardening you will be familiar with what is known round here as "YUK!
Now with that in mind, would you fancy eating one? No, me neither and funnily enough, hedgehogs prefer other things too. Not that those other things are any more inviting to us, but then we're not hedgehogs. The food chart below shows the natural diet of a hedgehog and slugs and snails feature way down the list. Don't get me wrong, Hogs will eat them but the less they eat the better. Because we humans like to remove slugs from our gardens and the way we tend to do that is by liberally sprinkling slug pellets around.
Little gem of a cafe. - Hedgehogs Cafe
The slugs eat it, the hedgehog eats the slug, and the rescue centre ends up with one very sick hog. Slugs also carry the intermediate stage of lungworm. When a hog picks this up it can be life threatening, resulting in pneumonia and rapid death. Yalden, East Anglia ; Grosshans, N. Germany ; and Wroot, Middlesex.
Hedgehogs are having a very hard time finding food these days.
Little gem of a cafe. - Review of Hedgehogs Cafe, Bassendean, Australia - TripAdvisor
Whilst I'm sure Alan Titchmarsh and his ilk are very nice people, their garden make-over programs and the consequent miles of gravel, decking and non-native plants have caused a massive decline in native insects for our wildlife to eat. You can do a lot to rectify this by feeding hedgehogs in your garden. Put out a dish of cat biscuits, hedgehog biscuits or meaty dog food each night along with a dish of fresh water.
If there are hedgehogs around they will come to know where there is a reliable source of food. If you want to keep them around make sure you do this every day, you could supply a feeding station and maybe a house as well.