Dortmund und die große Fehde (Historische Kurzgeschichten aus Westfalen) (German Edition)
Also mittlerweile zwei Drittel ihres Lebens. Tomasz Stanko hat nun ein Doppelalbum nach ihr benannt. Sein Brahms war herb bis konzessionslos schroff und ernst. Bei Mozart verbannte er jede rokokohafte Eleganz. Mit 17 Jahren ist Lisiecki ein weltweit konzertierender Pianist. Nun hat sich der Kanadier mit polnischen Wurzeln Chopin vorgenommen. Hinzu kamen Ideen des Komponisten Andreas N. Er setzt auf Romantik. Sie wollen es mit Wagner versuchen? Mit dem ersten Cello-Solovertrag der Decca seit 30 Jahren.
Zu haben ist alles.
- The Case of the Monkey Burglar (Hank the Cowdog Book 48);
- Keiner hat was gesehen: Texte über Gewalt an der Schule (German Edition).
- RONDO - Das Klassik & Jazz Magazin.
- The Wait for Red Roses.
- Jüdische Rundschau (Berlin).
Ein rein subjektiver Wegweiser durch die Weihnachtsneuheiten. Mit diesen drei klangtechnisch exzellenten Aufnahmen, den Besten der letzten Monate, gewinnen Sie zu Weihnachten noch das Herz des blasiertesten Sammlers, versprochen! Die Konkurrenz ist vorbildlich. Er war Bischof, Musiker und Spion: Geburtstag neigt sich seinem Ende entgegen. Die Sprechstimme ist lyrisch und weich. Besuch am Stadttheater Baden.
So inszeniert sich Khatia Buniatishvili heute. Dass es auch anders geht, beweist Simone Kermes. Sie sieht auch ohne Pfunde so frisch und jung aus wie ihre Stimme klingt. Das ist abwechslungsreicher und man setzt sich keinem direkten Vergleich aus. Bei Zwillingen allerdings sieht die Sache anders aus. Im selben Jahr schrieb Haydn die Sinfonie Nr. Sie ist unangepasst und unberechenbar, gilt als stachelig und eigensinnig: Dieser Drehschwindel machte ganz Wien beschwipst.
So sehr sich die vier Lied- und Arienrecitals, die ich Ihnen dieses Mal vorstelle, in Repertoire und Stimmlage unterscheiden, haben sie doch eines gemeinsam: Jon Frederic West sowieso. Jonas Kaufmann dagegen bietet eine mediterran gelockte Version an der man seine Herkunft aus dem italienischen Repertoire ablesen kann. Klaus Florian Vogt schon gar nicht! Doch um seine neue Aufnahme mit Bach-Kantaten — der ersten seit — bibberte nicht nur er.
Als Pubertierender wollte er Rockstar werden. Kurz darauf sprach Dirigent Mariss Jansons in St. Beide haben gerade ihr erstes Soloalbum als Sopranistin vorgelegt. Damals unter Leitung von Arturo Toscanini. Kommt jetzt das Album zum Opernbesuch mit der Mutter? Keineswegs, verriet sie Peter Ueling, und auch, warum die Triangel das wichtigste Instrument der Oper ist. Sie war schon immer schnell und ist nicht nur deshalb eine famose Mrs.
Guido Fischer stellt das Originalgenie mit Weltraumerfahrung vor. Piano Classics bringt noch einmal drei Bildnisse namhafter Lisztianer. Dementsprechend wird man auch mit besinnlichen Klangerzeugnissen reich beschenkt. Da treffen zwei aufeinander: Lang Lang spielt Liszt. Und was die Selbstvermarktung angeht, da scheint Liszt in Lang Lang seinen einzig wahren Adepten gefunden zu haben. Doch versteht es der heutige Superstar Lang, den Kompositionen des seinerzeit als Virtuosen gefeierten Liszt auch eine Seele zu geben? Blinde Gier nach Macht, Geld und Sex: Die Polin Aleksandra Kurzak will hoch hinaus.
Doch kann man den Jubilar eigentlich noch neu entdecken? Was wenig bekannt ist: Bei drei der vier hier vorgestellten Opern handelt es sich um Ersteinspielungen. Es ist eine wahre Sisyphus-Arbeit, die Matthias Kornemann auf sich genommen hat: Gleichzeitig hat dieser ungemein verzwickte Torso aber immer auch zu Mythen und esoterisch angehauchten Deutungen verleitet. Was sich auch in etlichen Gesamtaufnahmen niedergeschlagen hat.
Was passiert eigentlich im Aufnahmestudio? Welchen Anteil am Gelingen einer Einspielung hat der Tonmeister?
Hilary Hahn begann ihre Karriere als Wunderkind. Lyrische Eleganz und noble Leidenschaft — das sind die Markenzeichen der jungen Amerikanerin, deren Vorfahren aus der Pfalz stammen. Der italienische Maestro Riccardo Chailly hat sich in saftigen Worten von der Berufsauffassung heutiger Gesangsstars distanziert.
Premiere nach Jahren: Wenn schon ein Studiotermin in der alten Heimat ansteht, dann muss es nicht nur russisches Repertoire sein. Tschaikowskis Erstes und Rachmaninows Drittes. So jung und schon weltweit gefragt: Den Werdegang des bayerischen Schwaben skizziert Christoph Braun. Doch ihre Karriere ist nicht immer geradlinig verlaufen. Michael Wersin hat sie getroffen.
Thomas Quasthoff hat sein zweites Jazz-Studioalbum aufgenommen. Was will dieser Mann bei den Berliner Philharmonikern? Und was wollen die Berliner Philharmoniker von ihm? Von deutschen Konzerthaus-Baustellen Hamburg kann man nur neidvoll nach Finnland blicken. Robert Fraunholzer hatte jetzt schon Gelegenheit, sich den Prachtbau anzusehen. Die Sentenz ist vielzitiert. Und doch kommt man bisweilen nicht umhin, sie sich wieder in Erinnerung zu rufen, wenn der Anlass danach verlangt. So ist das normalerweise: Man besinnt sich wieder auf eine Zeit, als die Orgel noch nicht die heutige sakrale Aura hatte.
Im Kongo gibt es das wohl einzige schwarze Orchester der Welt. Seine musikalische Eigenart bezieht er ganz aus innerer Ruhe und Besonnenheit. Es wird Zeit, dass wir ihn entdecken, findet Robert Fraunholzer. Seit Orpheus, dem Urahn der Spezies, wissen wir, dass eine Arie immer auch gerade dazu dienlich war. Der Philosoph Peter Sloterdijk spitzte dieses Wissen zu. Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau wird 85 Jahre alt. In Japan, wo er der Fernsehnation klassische Musik vermittelt, kennt ihn schon jedes Kind. Und bald steht er am Pult der Berliner Philharmoniker.
Otto Schenk, Urgestein opulenter Opernregie, feiert im Juni seinen Nun steht die zweite CD des Erfolgspaares ins Haus. Mozart, Mendelssohn und jetzt Brahms: Anne- Sophie Mutter macht sich daran, die vor vielen Jahren aufgenommenen Werke noch einmal einzuspielen. Hat sie etwas Neues zu sagen? Was treibt sie an? Der dritte im Bunde ist der Franzose Antoine Tamestit. Josef Engels stellt sie vor. Seither ist sie weltweit gefragt als Solistin wie als Kammermusikpartnerin — und will doch von ihrer Orchesterstelle bei Radio France nicht lassen.
Die Kunst des barocken Ziergesangs hat Hochkonjunktur: Aus Anlass von Harnoncourts Nun ist Blechacz seinem Landsmann Chopin erneut auf der Spur. Geburtstag spendiert er ihm, sich und seinem Publikum die beiden Klavierkonzerte. Das Lied zum Film oder der Film zum Lied? Heute wollen wir an dieser Stelle aus gegebenem Anlass einmal kurz das Politische streifen. Alle Musik sei politisch, hat Luigi Nono postuliert.
Der Pianist Helmut Deutsch kann selbst ein Lied davon singen. Nicht immer ganz einfach, vor allem, wenn ihnen dabei ein kanadisches Filmteam auf die flinken Finger schaut. Und der liegt jetzt auch auf CD vor. Er hat es selbst bewirkt: Robert Fraunholzer sprach mit dem neugierig und entspannt desillusioniert wirkenden Wunderknaben, dessen klarer und analytisch offener Bratschenton ebenso mitteilsam wirkt wie er selbst.
In kurzer Zeit hat das Internet unser modernes Leben revolutioniert. Moderne Zeiten anno ? Das junge und aufregend andere Kammerorchester lebt nicht in einem Elfenbeinturm. Seltsame Zeiten sind das. Kaum ein Lebensfeld betreten wir, ohne nicht offenkundig und meist sehr offensiv mit Superlativen konfrontiert zu werden. Der Erfolg gibt ihm recht: Der Dirigent, die wunderliche Gattung. Bachs Orgelmusik kann so sexy sein: Michael Wersin hat ihn gesprochen. Die Trennung war beschlossene Sache, und dieses Album sollte ihr letztes sein: Fangen wir an der Themse an.
Bei der Premiere am 6. Es hat seinen Ursprung in Rom. Mit Christian Thielemann hat sie eben ein neues Straussalbum aufgenommen. Sie stammt aus Moldawien. Sie ging in die Schweiz und studierte Komposition. Das Kuschelige an der Klassik aber behagt ihr nicht. Und das Angepasste schon gleich gar nicht. Das Problem an der Sache ist nur: Die meisten Menschen kennen nur eines von beiden. Doch auch weltweit umjubelter, viel geliebter und viel beneideter Opernstar zu sein, ist nicht immer einfach.
Anna Netrebko kann ein Lied davon singen: Grund genug, sich einmal bei unseren polnischen Nachbarn umzuschauen. Denn die Stadt an der Weichsel hat noch mehr zu bieten. Mittlerweile ist sie durchgestartet. Ihr Terminkalender ist voll: Gewichtig stand die Frage im Raum: Warum hat es der Liedgesang heutzutage so schwer?
Die Antworten aber kamen leicht. Offensichtlich kommt Klassik, die sich als Pop ausgibt, beim Publikum besser an. Immer auf der Reise zwischen verschiedenen musikalischen Welten: Sollen wir uns erinnern? Salzburg, das war ein Erlebnis in diesem Sommer. Bryn Terfel wird immer wieder mit Meat Loaf verwechselt. Bachs Cellosuiten, egal ob mit dem Parnass oder dem Mount Everest verglichen, sind und bleiben eine offene Frage. Ab zieht Hamburgs kleinstes Sinfonieorchester in die historische Musikhalle ein. Ja, so war es. Von der Liebe sprachen wir und von Paris, der Stadt der Liebe.
Der Name stammt nicht vom Komponisten, sondern vom Verleger, aber zuerst einmal darf er als Parameter der Kritik dienen: Man sagt das so: Paris, das sei die Stadt der Liebe. Denn sie verweigert dem Operngourmet konsequent alles, was er am Genre so liebt: Marc Minkowski gilt als Feuerwerker unter den Orchesterchefs.
Seine Frau Eliette hat zu diesem Anlass ihre wenig ergiebigen Memoiren herausgebracht. Manches hat das Leipziger Vokalquintett amarcord bei den 68ern aus England gelernt. Carsten Niemann hat beide Truppen belauscht und zu ihrer Kunst befragt. Er engagiert sich gegen Krieg und Diktatur. Interviews gibt er nur wenige. Walzer im Film — da denkt man an Ballszenen oder zumindest an Heimat- oder Historiengenres. Die internationale Tenorszene hat — wenn man so will — in letzter Zeit ein wenig Latinoschlagseite. Dreimal Bach mit Fritz Wunderlich in Wieder- bzw.
Einmal muss die Frage gestellt sein. Alfred Brendel beendet seine Karriere.

Im ziemlich dicht besetzten Feld hervorragender Geiger hat sich Vadim Repin in die vorderste Reihe gespielt. Frank Sinatra schwor auf ihn — und dennoch wollte Harry Connick jr. Die Wiege des Regietheaters steht in Berlin: Was ist das Komische an der Komischen Oper?
Jüdische Rundschau (Berlin)
Wir trafen die Weltklasseklarinettistin mit dirigierendem Ehemann und bratschendem Bruder zur Aufnahmesession in Warschau. Altmeister Pierre Boulez vollendet seinen vielbeachteten Mahlerzyklus mit der Neueinspielung der 8. Das Buxtehudejahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. Evgeny Kissin 36 gilt als einer der wichtigsten Pianisten der Gegenwart — aber auch als einer der schwierigsten. Mit ihrem ersten, selbst konzipierten Album ist ihr nicht nur ein optischer Coup gelungen: Robert Fraunholzer stand sie Rede und Antwort.
Dies ist die Geschichte einer wunderbaren Geige und ihrer sonderbaren Reise durch die Zeiten. Eigentlich ist es ja ein bisschen paradox: Es muss ja nicht immer Bayreuth sein oder Salzburg. Und wer singen konnte, konnte alles singen. Humor und Jazz — geht das zusammen? Geburtstag ist, wenn man Geburtstag feiert!
Die Queen macht es vor. Mit seinem Elektrokontrabass hat er einen faszinierend eigenen Sound entwickelt. Sie sind wie die Sonne und der Mond ihres Ensembles: Robert Fraunholzer traf den blonden Russen nach Aufnahmesitzungen in Berlin. Ihre Songs hat die Schwedin Fredrika Stahl selbst geschrieben. Sie pendeln zwischen erdenschwer pulsierendem Souljazz und klassischem Swing. Thomas Quasthoff will nun doch wieder Oper singen. Doch die lettische Pianistin Lauma Skride geht selbstbewusst ihren eigenen Weg.
Sergey Khachatryan 21 fummelt privat an Autos rum und malt armenische Kirchen. Robert Fraunholzer traf den Geigenmann in Berlin. Gidon Kremer feiert seinen Das Mozartjahr ist zu Ende, und es gibt nichts zu feiern? Wir sind ja jetzt im Hellmesbergerjahr! Der hochdenkende Theodor W. Kein ernstzunehmender Zeitgenosse hat sich jedoch diesem Urteil angeschlossen. Er ist es gewohnt, genauer hinzusehen als andere. Und einer, dessen Charme man ohne Weiteres erliegen kann. Der Weltraum, unendliche Weiten! Wenn sie spielt, geht die Sonne auf.
Wie riecht der perfekte Duft? Und wie klingt die richtige Musik dazu? Wer originell sein will, muss sein Geheimnis haben — und bewahren. Ein Wunderkind muss sich mit vielerlei herumschlagen: Kann die Staatsoper Stuttgart auch nicht bieten. Aber sie ist relativ nahe dran. Nun legt sie ihre erste Solo-CD vor. Sie hat den Tango im Blut.
Davon zeugt nicht nur ihre neueste CD mit argentinischen Liedern. Und das mit Bravour! Robert Fraunholzer traute seinen Augen nicht. Jetzt begeben sich die 12 Cellisten der Berliner Philharmoniker auf himmlische Abwege Ein Rundblick von Guido Fischer. Ihr Repertoire reicht vom Soundtrack bis zu Boulez.
Geburtstag des Komponisten Dmitri Schostakowitsch wirft seine Schatten voraus. Was an alter Musik auf uns gekommen ist, zeigt nur die halbe Wahrheit. Was die Barockmeister hinzu improvisierten, steht nicht in den Noten. Es begann mit Werbespots. Millionen von Menschen rund um die Welt erinnern sich heute jedoch nicht mehr daran, was in den Filmen angepriesen wurde.
Die eine wurde ein Sternchen am herrlich bunten Pophimmel, die andere aber folgte ihrem Papa und griff zur Sitar. Und tat es doch auf ganz andere Weise. Kein Geringerer als Simon Rattle hat sie dazu inspiriert. Boris Berezovsky liebt den Nervenkitzel. Ob am Roulettetisch oder auf dem Klavierhocker. Darf eine Diva das? War es Freundschaft, Zuneigung, Liebe? Nun ist sie eingeweiht, die neue Orgel der Dresdner Frauenkirche, und die Reaktionen auf ihr erstes Erklingen tendieren insgesamt stark ins Positive — nach endlosen Querelen im Vorfeld: Der norwegische Pianist Leif Ove Andsnes hat etwas zu sagen — durch sein exzellentes Klavierspiel ohnehin.
Doch im kommenden Jahr stehen gleich zwei neue Herausforderungen an: Durch beste Kontakte zu russischen Radiostationen kommt man inzwischen selbst an historische Aufnahmen von Musik-Titanen wie Richter, Oistrach und Rostropowitsch heran. Was macht auch noch die morscheste Oper lebendig? Sie festigt aber weiter seine Anwartschaft auf Hancocks Jazzklavierthron. Eine CD-Neuheit lockt mit dieser Headline. Und schon klingt der vertraute Evergreen ein bisschen anders. Letztes lebendes Mysterium der Opernwelt.
Und weil der Vatikan im Eine erinnert an die Weiten Neu- Mexikos. Zu Jarretts Sechzigstem bekennen wir: Als elektrisierendsten Sound seit Charlie Parker hat J. Was hat Golfen mit Singen zu tun? Die dritte Episode sollte die letzte sein: Aber es gibt Trost: To the Orientalist Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, who died totally impoverished in Heidelberg in in a "sudden death," 10, Taler were "bid," if his work were left unpublished - according to the valuation of money at the time, this was a sum from which he could have lived comfortably.
But since he assessed truth higher and his book Entdecktes Judentum [Judaism Discovered], despite repeated attempts at bribery, nevertheless did appear, it was confiscated by the political pressure of World Jewry. Another scholar, Raabe, who translated the Mishnah, the basic text of the Talmud, completed about A.
At the beginning of the 19th century the revelations of Neophyte concerning the Jewish blood-practice appeared. Behind this name was concealed, as could first be determined many decades later, the former Rabbi Noe Weinjung. His work was extirpated by his racial comrades, and it would have been completely lost to the future if some Greek and Italian translations, which also have again become very rare, had not been done. Weinjung himself was rescued in a Romanian cloister from the death threats of the Jewish mob, which was scared off.
But subsequently, in order to defame his revelations, which totally agreed in their frightful details even with future blood-practice committed by Jewry, the Jews declared in all places of the world that the work of Neophyte had been generated in a "drunken- delirium"! Brafmann 4 , to whom one owes informative revelations about 10 the rabbinate, was poisoned in accord with Talmudic murder-laws at the end of the previous century - just as happened to a Chevalier Gougenot des Mousseaux, who was so "incautious" as to also mention some ritual- murders in his work: A "sudden death" overtook Doctor Pinner at the moment when he had translated the first part of the Talmud.
About the treatment which was accorded to the Prague University Professor August Rohling, a book hardly laudable to the situation obtaining in the Royal and Imperial Monarchy could be written, and even in the most recent times, , the hospitality of Leiden University was withdrawn from Johann von Leers by the old Huizinga, because the German scholar had also written about Jewish ritual-murder. With these names only a few striking examples have been emphasized - they will be dealt with yet in another connection.
Jewry knew why it persecuted these men with downright satanic hatred, Maimonides knew why he taught: Ritual-murder exists not just in the "hysterical fantasy of out- worn superstition," the confessions of ritual-murderers can not be subsequently devalued as "extracted by torture," on the contrary, they are documentary and authentically evidentiary records of Jewish murder, which prove as factual the occurance of ritual murders up to our own time, for Jewish ritual crimes will be committed as long as the Chosen People are at all able to encyst themselves in Gentile humanity, and as long as the 1 1 true reason for these satanic crimes is not shown in all sharpness: During the course of the centuries, in warding off these Jewish crimes and their perpetrators, the people oftentimes grasped at self-help, though no lasting success attended it, since the protection of those to whom the blood and honor of the people was entrusted, faltered.
But the people nonetheless emotionally and correctly recognized what their spiritual or secular authorities in nearly all cases either didn't want, or were not allowed, to see - that the Jew and his crimes are constantly and unalterably the same, or, as a chronicler plainly and rightly says in his description of the martyrdom of a child kidnapped for ritual-murder in the year Two centuries earlier the great adversary of Luther, D. Johann Eck of Ingolstadt, in his book: Ains Judenbuechlins velegung [Publication of a little Jewish Book], Ingolstadt, , establishes the same thing: Thus there is no more blood- thirsty a people on the earth than the Jews, for they are blind, constipated, and of a hardened heart.
Such a list would be endless. We wish to make clear that the cases before us represent only a tiny fraction of that horrifying murder which has replayed itself before our terrified eyes in centuries and millennia. In this investigation, according to opportunity, only those cases should be collected which in the course of time were intentionally placed ad acta, 12 or which have been retained as especially typical and informative in regard to this type of Jewish murder-plague and its accomplices.
One question naturally occurs: Are ritual-crimes still possible today? As mentioned at the beginning, they are still possible anywhere, even today, and are actually committed where Judah believes itself to be unobserved, and can bleed a people, as we can prove by means of unerring evidence, for the Jewish blood-intoxication is as old as the Jewish tribe itself and is commanded by the blood-god Yahweh.
The New Germany would have the right to be freed from Jewish murders; the representatives of the "Chosen People" living among us know that the mere attempt or the mere preparation for such a murder would unleash measures against it which would put Judah in an even greater state of shock. The King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria discovered a hidden chamber in which a Greek was found, who implored the king for rescue: In response to his questions, his guards had told him that a secret law existed with the Jews which commanded them to sacrifice a human being each year at a certain time.
Apion in his - as is typical - vanished book Gegen die Juden [Against the Jews]. The above passage is cited in the counter-argument of the Jew Josephus: Among other things, Josephus asks: Why should the Jews have chased after only the Greeks, when other strangers still travelled through Palestine! They took the very men whom a favorable opportunity placed in their hands! It is conspicuous that Josephus, among the very feeble arguments in his "defense," did not introduce the very ones which are brought up first and foremost today by the Jews, that in particular it is strictly forbidden to the Jews to consume blood, that the "heathens" are held to be "unclean", and so forth.
Die Menschenopfer der alten Hebrder, page and following. In the old voluminous Socratic Church history from the 5th century A. What an endless chain of Jewish blood- murders, though, lies between the two! In the year the Jews purchased from the Persian King Chosroes II, 90, prisoners for an insignificant sum after the conquest of Jerusalem, in order to then sacrifice them all in the crudest way Cluverus, Epitome hist.
The blood flowing from out of a wound near the heart was collected. In order to retard the rate of blood flowing out, the sadistic murderers basted the child's head with hot water. The corpse was put into a sack and thrown outside of the place into the shrubbery. The chief official of the place, who had been bribed by the Jews, held back a detailed announcement.
Finally, however, the murder was atoned for. The victim was canonized by the Church. England had still further blood-crimes to record in the 12th century, as in 1 at Glouchester Mon. VI and also Acta sanct. Man HI, during the Easter feast of 1 a boy from Blois was crucified and thrown into the Loire in a sack. Count Theobald of Chartres had the leaders burned. Those who converted to Christianity were pardoned. In France, furthermore, in the cellar of the castle of Pontoise 14 on the 25th of March of the year , a boy was scourged by Jews and stretched on a cross to be bled to death under the mocking shouts from a raging mob of Jews.
The child has entered the roll of martyrs as "Holy Richard of Paris" and is highly revered by the people Boll. His body rests in the Church of the Innocents at Champeaux. The Jews of Braisne had crowned a Christian with thorns, led him through the streets with hands bound behind his back, whipped and crucified him; this happened under the eyes of the Countess Agnes von Dreux who had been bribed by the Jews. Although the Jews in his kingdom, but especially in Paris - the "Jewish Athens" of that time - had great influence, this king found the rare courage to take draconian retaliatory measures.
The Jew Caro in his Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Juden [Social and Economic History of the Jews], I, page , speaks however of a "cruel procedure in Bray-sur-Seine 1 , when 80 and more Jews met their death," but prudently omits statements which approach the reasons for this "persecution of the Jews"! In the 13th century this terrible custom seems to have spread more and more. In Zaragoza the Jews made a law among themselves that anyone who delivered a Gentile child into captivity should be free from all debts and fees.
During the long reign of King Alfonso X the "Wise" countless ritual crimes, in part judicially and historically attested, occurred on Spanish soil. Alfonso X of Castile was finally so convinced of the fact of blood-murder, that in the 24th volume of the penal code Las Partides named after the the seven divisions authored by him, he enclosed the following regulation in his own hand: The sexual intercourse of the Jews with Christian women was made punishable by death.
Truly, a wise king, but unfortunately an exceptional phenomenon in terms of his conduct. Geza von Onody, p. Jews in Munich extracted from a small child by means of piercings and incisions all the blood, "while they made use of their customary criminal practices" H. The crime was discovered by accident: In the year the population of Germany grasped at self-help against this murder-plague after a series of bestial murders: From 1 - 3 January of the year Aronius, Regesten z.
Juden in frank, u. Reich, page [Collection of Documents for the History of the Jews in the French and in the German Kingdom] as a result of the murder of a boy there, a persecution of the Jews took place at Lauda and the neighboring Tauberbischofsheim Baden , at which houses and property of the Jews were destroyed by the enraged crowd and eight highly placed Jews were burned.
At the beginning of December of the same year the population of Wolfesheim at StraBburg also resorted to self-help: A general wave of outrage moved over Germany when two Fulda Jews on Christmas Day attacked five boys in the mill of a miller who lived in front of the gates of the city and had gone to Holy Mass with his wife, miserably killed the boys, collected their blood in a prepared pouch and finally had set fire to the mill to cover the tracks of their bestial atrocity.
But the bodies of the children were brought as corpora delicti into the Reichspfalz to Haganau to the Emperor 16 Frederick II; their arrival set the population into terror and outrage. But the Emperor, after shortly before having received a high sum of money from Jewish hands, merely gave the answer: The citizens of Fulda nonetheless took another position, understandable to us: Since a general persecution of Jews loomed, the Jew-owned Frederick II summoned an assembly of clerical and secular princes to Hagenau in July But after he had again been successfully bought off with large sums from the Jews accepta tamen a Judeis magna pecunia, Aron.
The Jews achieved acquittal and beyond that, an imperial letter of protection. Everyone was forbidden to express further accusations against Jews. We allow the fact with very firm acceptance, that those very people for whom the blood of even permitted animals is forbidden, could have no thirst for human blood, because of the terribleness of the thing, because Nature forbids it and because of the kind of relationship which associates it with the Christians. With explicit reference to the events of Fulda, this pope acquitted the Jews from the suspicion that they made use of the blood for ritual purposes after the commission of a blood- murder of a twelve-year-old girl on Tuesday of Easter week of in Valreas Department Vaucluse ; 17 he [stated that he], the Pope, did not want Jews, whose conversion was awaited by the Lord, to be unfairly!
The bishops in Germany received an express papal directive on 5 July , to show favor and mercy to the Jews and "to legitimize their status" Aron. In this position of "legitimized status" sanctioned by Emperor and Pope, the Jews were able to continue to lead their victims to slaughter; the defenders of the slaughterer Buschhoff at his blood-murder trial in Xanten in , were still referring to the Enqueue of ! The historian Matthias Parisiensis reports, according to the account of the Hungarian diplomat Geza von 6nody 7 , that during the reign of King Henry III, the Jews of Norwich kidnapped a Christian child in , kept him locked up and fed for a year in order to slaughter him as sacrificial lamb for the celebration of the Passover festival.
The execution of the crime was prevented through a betrayal, and the Jews who were brought before the King confessed the intended ritual- slaughter in all of its details. Henry III imposed a lenient punishment, allegedly out of charitableness. The Jews showed their thanks by committing an entirely similar type of crime hardly a year later. In this case a child was held prisoner in a shack belonging to the estate of a rabbi.
The Bishop of Norwich brought criminal charges against the murderous pack. After several fruitless attempts at bribery, the four main culprits were condemned to death and were broken on the wheel. The French historian Basnaye, who describes in all his works the accusations against the Jews as "malicious inventions," makes an exception in his mention of this case, for he writes: In a general uprising of the people broke out, caused by a murder committed there secretly by the Jews. In - again at Norwich - the Jews circumcised a non- Jewish child and kept him hidden in the Ghetto under the alias Jurnim with the intention of crucifying the victim later.
The father found his child after a long search in the Jewish Quarter and filed charges with the Bishop William of Rale. The latter had four of the Jews who were convicted of the crime hanged on the gallows, "where they gasped out the rest of their miserable lives. Benedict in London, the corpse of a boy was found which showed areas of ashen-paleness and cuts as well as Hebrew characters in several places.
Baptized Jews were forced to explain these characters, found the names of the parents of the child and read that he had been sold to the Jews when very young. The wealthiest Jews secretly left the city at this time 9. The victim had been nailed to a wall; the stabbed body was deposited on the banks of the Ebro River. In the same year a rabbi sacrificed a Christian child in his own house at Orsona in Castile Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang chez les juifs de tous les temps; Paris, Savine, , p.
The most awful crime of English Jews which was judicially established, is reported by Geza von Onody according to authentic court sources, in his book about Tisza-Eszlar. Before the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul in the year , the Jews in Lincoln kidnapped the eight-year-old later canonized boy Hugh and brought him into the house of the Head Rabbi there, 19 Copinus; after the child had been held prisoner and flogged daily for twenty-six days, his executioners formed a law court and brought the innocent creature before it. A Jew played the role of Pilate and condemned the child to death on the cross.
The rest of the Jews present functioned as executioner's henchmen. The child was nailed to the cross and made to bleed to death. When the guiltless victim had finally expired under the most terrible torments, the Jews ripped the bowels from out of his body and prepared various talismans from them The mutilated corpse was thrown in a well, which led to the discovery of the crime. The chief perpetrator, the Head Rabbi, was dragged to death by horses, while the accomplices died on the gallows; the threads of the crime extended back to London, and in total 91 Jews were imprisoned. But the judicial investigation further brought the following to light: The Jews of Lincoln had "invited" to this horrible spectacle of the crucifixion four participants from every city of England which had a Jewish community; they confessed that such sacrifices occurred annually in the Jewish congregations, that most remained undiscovered since they "happened in secret in concealed locations".
Schudt IV, Chapter 11, p. This beastly crime was also discovered and punished. On the 2nd of April of the same year a crime of entirely the same kind occurred in London; here the murderers were tied to horse tails and dragged to death through the streets of London and their bodies hung on the gibbet Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, p. In this century ritual-murders were repeated at all 20 parts of the British island; in May all the Jews of England were arrested and thrown into prison; in the Council in London under Edward I finally drew the necessary conclusions and by command of the King banned "for all time" this murder-plague from England.
According to a document of 1 July Aronius the Jews in Pforzheim placed a seven-year-old girl Margaretha upon a several-times folded piece of linen, wounded every joint in her body, and with their combined strength squeezed out her blood, which was carefully gathered into the linen. The corpse of the child was weighted with stones and cast into a body of flowing water, where it was found after a few days by fisherman, who noticed a hand sticking out of the water.
The Jews convicted of the crime were first broken on the wheel and then hanged. Two of the murderous culprits mutually strangled each other in order to escape the revenge of the people Aronius, p. The stabbed and cut-to-pieces body of the girl was buried in a stone casket in the castle-church at Pforzheim. The Dominican nuns at Pforzheim reported in their chronicle, that the grave was opened in the year in the presence of Cardinal Bernhard and the little corpse was found still uncorrupted. In it was transferred to Baden. The gravestone, still present in the castle-church at Pforzheim, declares explicitly, handed down under the exact date, that the child was killed by Jews: In a later report the question is raised in connection with this crime, as to why the Jews had the custom in every!
So one should surely know that every year in each nation the relevant city or region would be chosen by lot, which would have to supply the Christian blood necessary for ritual purposes to the Jews Thomas de Cantimpre: De vita instituenda, II, Chapters 29, 23! Likewise around this time a Jew at St. Die, who 21 had violated his Christian servant- girl after previously rendering her unconscious in order to gain her blood - the Jewish compiler of this document speaks of an "operation" - was brought before the court of the Duke of Lotharingia and condemned. His execution was done in this manner: The contemporary report, however, brings out the following extremely typical turn of events: As the Jew, preparing himself at the place of execution, wanted to speak once more, to confess the reasons!
In Munich in a small boy was stabbed all over his body and made to bleed to death Raderus, Bavaria sancta, II, p. The enraged populace is supposed to have locked Jews - unless this number is based upon an error in writing - together inside the wood-built synagogue and have burnt them by laying a fire around it. Yet these measures of retaliation made no impression upon the Jews there: Goar and thereby gives us valuable material.
In the middle of April of the year , this young victim of Satanic Jewish blood-thirst was 22 slowly tortured until he bled to death. To his memory and as a memorial of this atrocity the uncompleted St-Werners-Kapelle was later erected above Bacharach. Gougenot des Mousseaux in the translation by A. Rosenberg covers the death of Werner of Wesel from the Bollandists, "the mighty researchers in the field of history," as follows: The faithful of the Talmud took him into service and used him to shovel out the dirt in a cellar.
His landlady, uneasy about this, said to him: The Jews dragged him into the cellar and gagged him. Then they began to strike the boy with a lash, opened his veins with his very own knife that he carried with him, and squeezed the blood from his body. They let the body hang, until all the blood had been gotten from it. The main perpetrators were broken on the wheel, and the accomplices driven away.
The grave of the child in the parish church in Bern was a place of pilgrimage for several centuries, "until the new Gospel [i. Murer, Helvetia sancta, p. During these years, in Oberwesel, Bacharach, Siegburg, and numerous other places, persecutions of the Jews broke out as a consequence of repeated murders or attempted murders of children. Emperor Rudolf I von Habsburg received from Jewish hands 20, Marks and commanded the Archbishop Heinrich of Mainz to solemnly announce in a sermon that the Christians had done the Jews the greatest injustice, and that the corpse of Werner should 23 be burnt and the ashes scattered to the winds!
Later, Rudolf von Habsburg tried to impose a tax on the Jews but was unable to put it through. The King finally stepped in. Total calming of the aroused crowd did not, at any rate, take place and for and the following years the names of martyrs of a not inconsiderable portion of the community are handed down [to us]. Colmariensis, II, 30 ; in the same year there was a ritual-murder in Constance, in in Bern, in in Renchen Baden. In , at Easter, Jews from WeiBensee in Thuringia caught the schoolboy Conrad and gave him a gruesome death, as they cut into his muscles and opened his veins to squeeze out the blood.
The desecrated corpse they hung up to mock in a vineyard. Soldiers under the leadership of Friedrich, the son of the Landgraf Albert of Thuringia, raided the murder-band and quickly despatched them to their deaths. Before Page 2 p. The aroused people did not wait for the return of the King, Wenceles II, but fell upon the Jewish Quarter and "applied a radical remedy, in that they slew the entire Jewish population of Prague" G.
In the County of Savoy several children disappeared, again at Easter time, and so also at Geneva, Rumilly, Annecy and elsewhere. A Christian, Jaquet of Aiguebelle, confessed that he had sold the children by arrangement with the Jew Acelin from Tresselve to other Jews.
Acelin, for his part, admitted that he resold the children to his rehgious comrades. The latter had killed the children and from their brains and bowels had prepared a salve or aharace dish i. In the Jews of Uberlingen Baden threw the son of a 25 citizen named Frey into a well. The countless incisions which were later discovered on the corpse allowed the determination to be made of the occurrence of a preceding withdrawal of the blood.
Without first first waiting for the approval of the Emperor, known to be a friend of the Jews, the judges of the region executed sentence of death upon the authors of the crime Chronik des Joh. According to the same chronicle of Vitoduran covering the years and preserved in its original textual form at the monastery of St. Gall in Switzerland and cited by Sigismund Hosmann in his Judenherz[Jewish Heart] , in in Munich a small child was murdered by Jews and [the body] deposited outside of the city. The body displayed more than 60 piercing wounds!
Emperor Ludwig IV gruffly rebuffed the parents of the child and forbid even the pilgrimage of the populace to the place where the body was found; "bombarded by their gilded arrows and blinded and corrupted by Jewish money. Sigbert and in a "secret location" cut to pieces with knives until he expired Acta sanct. On 2 March Jews stole the four-year-old son of a Zurich shoemaker and cut up his body; the blood was collected. The body was thrown into the so-called Wolfsbach [literally: Wolfs Creek] where it was soon discovered in the mud. An altar was erected in Munster, "through which devotion increased by the day, until the city renounced the old Catholic faith; thereby the devotion of all their old forebears vanished and was entirely extinguished.
In at Hagenbach in Swabia some Jews were caught in the act at the moment when they were slaughtering a child kidnapped from his parents. They were burned M. According to the decree of 15 July the Jews under the government of Charles VI were expelled from France because of repeated ritual-murders of children 26 and other intrigues injurious to the community; in the actual Kingdom of France, there was no longer one single Jew for a span of a century; only in the enclave of Avignon belonging to the Pope did a Jewish community maintain itself.
The Judenbuchlein of Johann Eck of the year reports that in the year Archduke Albrecht of Austria had Jews burned at Vienna, because these men had murdered three children. After "a search was carried out for her on land and in the water over many days with diligence and industry with no success, the body was found in a creek: On the basis of further inquiries the Jews of Lienz were brought in as suspects in the murder. A Christian woman, Margareta Praitschedlin, had decoyed the child into their hands 27 in return for gifts of money!
She, too, confessed her crime in full compass. Another Jew, Joseph, was condemned to the gallows and hanged with a dog at his feet. Praitschedlin was tied together with two old Jewesses at her back and burned. Five Jewish children were baptized! To all Jews entry to the city remained forbidden.
At last, in the year the nobles of Karnten repeatedly requested of the Emperor the expulsion of all Jews from their lands. The Emperor Maximilian I finally ordered this in the well-known Edict of Schwabischwerd of on the Wednesday after the fourth Sunday before Easter. The devotion to this slaughtered child is not yet extinguished today [i. The father of the child had a tablet erected in at the grave of the little martyr, originally to be found at the cemetary of the city parish church with the inscription: In several Jews at Savona near Genoa killed a two-year-old child; they perforated the body in every direction, caught the blood in the vessels in customary use at the circumcision of their sons, and cast the blood-emptied corpse into a 28 cesspool.
The blood, mingled with pieces of fruit, was eaten in ritual Form A. The young son of the physician Salomon of Genoa stated the following as an eye-witness of this bestial murder: In Breslau Jews enticed a child to them, fattened him for some time and then stuck him [inside] a barrel with nails, which they rolled back and forth until the blood was withdrawn from the victim in this manner. In July of the year ten Jewish merchants, returning from the market in Bozen which in earlier times had four markets, passed through the Inn valley.
They had already "come to terms" [i. That is what the betrayer had counted on. Thus she gave the child over to the protection of his godfather and urgently recommended him to his protection. It was not without misgiving that she took leave of her child. When the mother had gone some distance, the farmer gave the Jews an agreed-upon signal from his house. Two of the Jews now secretly entered the house of the farmer, filled his hat with the agreed-upon quantity of gold pieces Ducats 29 at which he led them up the wooden stairs to the room where the child still softly slept.
He awakened the child, dressed him in his clothes and handed him over to the strange men. Vier Tiroler Kinder, etc. As a precaution, the Jews had brought along a Rabbi. In a birch forest not far from the village of Rinn, the child was slaughtered: The veins in his arms were opened and the blood carefully collected in copper bowls. Every single one of the Jews committed exceptional atrocities on the victim, even the dead body was further profaned and then hung up on a tree, which was supposed to represent a cross.
The murderers got away unpunished. The farmer Mair of Rinn, the guardian of "Anderl [diminutive of Andreas] of Rinn" succumbed to madness and had to be restrained in chains in his own house. The victim of the ritual-sacrifice was buried at first at the cemetary of Rinn, but later buried in a special niche. Around this niche the story of the martyr is immortalized in image and inscription. The cult of the child martyr has lasted up until our own day; The Diocese of Brixen on July 12th celebrates the feast of the blessed Andreas of Rinn, its diocesan patron.
Deckert writes in addition Vienna, Around Easter time of the year the Jews in the small Spanish city of Sepulveda, at the behest of their Rabbi 30 Salomon Pecho, nailed a young girl to a cross and pierced her all over. Following the judicial process the main perpetrators were condemned to death at the stake, the remaining Jews who had taken part in the torture were, for one group, condemned to the gallows and the wheel, while those of the other group were strangled in prison.
The rest were expelled from the city Colmenares in Historia de la insigne ciudad de Segovia and Synopsis episcoporum Segoviensium, p. A comprehensive literature treats the infamous case of the Trent boy-murder of the year , which in its time aroused the greatest sensation in the entire cultural world of the West. This ritual-murder and its accompanying circumstances are even in our day extraordinarily informative in more than one respect. Probably the first person who was able to report this crime to his countrymen authentically and in detail was the first Saxon Landrentmeister [Master of Revenues for Saxony], Johann von Mergenthal, who in the year under the leadership of Duke Albrecht of Saxony undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the retinue of the latter.
This journey led him also through Trent, "where Germany ends and Italy begins. Hieronymus Weller at Leipzig. In the Vienna Hofbibliothek [Court Library] however, there still today is incontrovertible evidence: These are not disputable. The folio pages of the Vienna Codex come from the hand 31 of the recorder of the Trent trial, Johann v. Pope Sixtus IV charged a commission of six cardinals and outstanding jurists in Rome with the task of re-checking once again the trial documents. The most important Italian legal scholar of his time, Franz Panvino of Padua, held the chairmanship of this commission.
This was the context in which the codex was composed. This interesting manuscript was made use of on many occasions, as emerges from the frequent marginalia, but was then missing again for centuries. In this old manuscript was rediscovered and published in excerpt form in the Italian newspaper Civilita cattolica.
In the governorship archive at Innsbruck the Catholic vicar Dr. Deckert was in charge of over document files interrogation protocols , letters and drafts relating to Simon of Trent, originally preserved in the Consistorial Archive of Trent and originating in the year ; Deckert published the result of this in the framework of his treatise: Vier Tiroler Kinder, Opfer des chassideischen Fanatismus, which had as consequence, that today there still exists but one copy of this "dangerous" work in one single public library of Greater Germany!
In addition, the indisputable and fully objective findings from the examination of the body, determined by three Trent physicians still before the arrest of the villains, have been handed down to us! They convey to us in the most precise way the horrible 32 manner of death of the 28 month-old, who was later beatified by the Church. The confessions of the eight main accused, held in solitary confinement and also separately questioned, which coincided in the smallest details, however, yield the following shocking picture: In the first days of Holy Week of the year , in which the Passover feast fell on Holy Thursday, the heads of the Jewish families of Trent arrived at the house of the most respected of them, by the name of Samuel, on whose property the local meeting place of the Jews, the synagogue, as well as the Jewish school were situated.
They were complaining about the fact that the Easter baking of the matzos could not be prepared because the blood from a Christian child was lacking. Samuel offered a "prize" of gold Ducats for the procurement of the sacrificial victim. The Jew Tobias betook himself into the streets which were nearly empty of human traffic around the time of the evening Mass on Holy Thursday.
Before the house of his parents a month-old child was at play, Simon Gerber. He was lured away with games to the house of Samuel and there locked within until full darkness. The eldest of the Jews, an old man of 80 years, Moses "the Old One," began the slaughtering by ripping out a piece of flesh from the child's right cheek with pincers; the other Jews followed suit. The down-flowing blood was caught in a tin platter. In a similar manner the right leg was mutilated. The remaining parts of the body were punctured with long, thick needles acum a pomedello , in order to obtain the last of the blood.
Finally the circumcision was performed. At the conclusion, the executioners imitated the crucifixion, in that they held the convulsively jerking creature stretched in the four directions with the feet extended uppermost in modum crucis , as the rest of the Jews again pierced him with needles and sharp instruments. The child's blood was collected into a pot and divided among the individual Jewish families.
The Easter banquet could be prepared. In order to divert from themselves the suspicion which was growing ever stronger, the Jewish criminals believed themselves to be especially cunning when they were first to give report to the Bishop of Trent of the horrifying discovery of a mutilated child body, after the parents, supported by numerous inhabitants, had vainly searched and the city gates had been closed as a precaution. Yet they thereby delivered themselves up [to justice]. The type of wounds, never before seen, and the tender age of the victim brought the authors and instigators [of the crime] before the court.
The wives of two of the main accused gave the informative statement that already, in earlier years, similar child- murders had been performed which had all, however, remained undiscovered. During the trial three attested documents were presented concerning four Jewish child-murders, which all occurred in the Diocese of Constance, and two blood- murders in Endingen, another in Ravensburg and one in PfuUendorf Moreover, two of the accused admitted to the Protocol their complicity in the child-murders in Padua, where in earlier centuries several children were slaughtered, and at Regensburg, where a child had been bled to death.
The trial, conducted by the Trent authorities with extraordinary thoroughness, extended over three full years; just under the date 7 July there appears in the documents the note Rome: The rich Jews of Italy, although in their social standing still held within certain limits, exercised a great influence already at that time by means of their money and their physicians at the courts of Italian princes and even at the papal court.
Now however, through Trent, "things were coming to light which the Jews wished to be covered by eternal night" Deckert. A thirst for blood, a satanic fanaticism was revealed which surpassed any capacity of the imagination; rumors which till then had been constantly nourished by bad experiences, had found their confirmation, that in human society racially alien individuals, with complete consciousness, murder and slaughter in order to obtain blood for ritual purposes, and that all this is grounded in tradition kept with strict secrecy! According to Deckert, one passage p.
They procured many patrons for themselves with money. The second interruption was caused by Pope Sixtus IV, who gave the curt justification that the arrival of his authorized Legate, whom he had advised beforehand, should be awaited; Bishop Hinderbach of Trent, who was conducting the investigation, received a papal letter, according to which he might not further proceed against the Jews, because some princes disapproved of the whole case!
The announced Papal Legate then made his appearance in the person of the "Commissar" Bishop Baptista dei Giudici 35 von Ventimiglia, referred to in the documents in the abbreviated form of his place of birth. He was a favorite of the Pope, his countryman and most intimate confidante. If we have the right, considering "our mental disposition" Paul Nathan , to doubt the first quality, then it is all the more worthwhile to examine more closely the second when it comes to the matter of excerpts from the documents!
On his way from Rome to Trent, he appeared in Venice in the company of three Jews, but had to "withdraw from there unwelcomed" due to the prevailing mood of the populace, which was hostile to Jews. They are seeking to diminish the documents and make them disdained extenuare etfloccipendere. They consult on a daily basis in Roveredo. The Jews were looking to bribe all, and already, so one hears, they had managed to obtain much from the Pope and some cardinals at Rome; but one could hardly believe it.
Paul de Novaria, a Jewish spy, had slipped into the Bishop's castle and for two months copied the trial documents, since Hinderbach had not delivered these to the Jewish attorneys. In a trial convened in connection with this [i. He had advised removing the grating from the ditch so that the witnesses could say that little Simon had fallen into the ditch and been swept away. He had received funds from the Jews with which to bribe the valet of the Bishop, so that the former would poison the Bishop; Ducats had been promised to him, should his plan succeed.
The Bishop's Secretary, Gregor, had been assigned the leadership of this part of the trial. At the beginning of the trial the accused priest refused to confess orally, he would only do so in writing. The same priest Paul had still been hired to poison the city magistrate of Trent, Hans v.
To give the trial against the ritual-murderers yet another twist, through a shameful maneuver 37 promises of money, a hoax involving a letter of safe-conduct a completely unsuspecting incorruptible Trent citizen by the name of Anzelin was lured to Roveredo, held prisoner in his quarters by Ventimiglia against all law and tortured daily so that he would accuse a Trent couple Zanesus Schweizer of the child's murder!
For the most part he was hidden under a bed; only when Jewish visitors had come was he allowed to emerge. Every evening Jews came to them to consult with the Legate. The Jews had often counted out money. Finally, because nothing could be gotten from him, he was released on condition that he would say nothing about the incident! Since this scandal, too, had proven ineffective, Ventimiglia grasped at a final remedy: But "in these long, hard struggles for truth and justice" Deckert Hinderbach, who was surrounded by German men who were impervious to Jewish bribery, finally came off the victor.
Through his energy a trial procedure had been made possible, which can stand as a laudable exception before history and its research and which can still, centuries later, supply us with the most valuable material. At the end of October , Hinderbach gave a report about the exact investigation, the capture of the guilty, their consistent confessions, and their just conviction to all eligible princes. He possessed the courage to designate the "investigation" which the Papal Legate had begun, concisely as well devastatingly in his accounting, as curruptam inquisitionem.
The populace had risen against the Legate and mocked him in derisive songs as Caiaphas [i. Hinderbach would like to put a stop to this in his diocese" documents. At the end of in an energetic letter, Hinderbach asked the Pope "to make an end to this scandal at last. Baptista dei Giudici von Ventimiglia withdrew grudgingly to Benevento.
In order that their valuable ally not completely drop from their sight, the Jews leased a garden behind his house, "to have easy access to him," according to a letter of 23 March No successor was named; apparently Rome had no one whom it could hold as immune to Jewish attempts at bribery. Hinderbach, bom in Hesse bom at Rauschenberg in Hesse in observance of his govemmental duties conducted the trial to its just conclusion despite indescribable difficulties.
He had spumed at repeated intervals high sums of money from Jewish bribery as can be concluded from his own letters , which was all the more to his credit since he often had to stmggle with financial embarrassment. He did not even fear death by poison, which had been threatened for him. Salis, and the city chief Jacob v. Spaur, who bowed neither to Jewish nor to Italian intrigues, as is provable from repeated documentary protestations" Deckert.
Because of the threatening danger of plague, the approbation of the trial documents in Rome was delayed. The children of the executed Jews were supposed to be baptized. According to the Judenbuchlein of D. Eck, Trent cost the Jews , Gulden. Moses "the Old One," the head of the Jewish community, had already killed himself in prison. Four of those who were complicit or accomplices were baptized and pardoned. The synagogue-house of Samuel was tom down and Hinderbach had a chapel for the victim erected on the site, which was enlarged in through donations of the citizens of Trent.
Since attacks by Jewish rabble were feared. In , Hinderbach had to address the bishops of Italy in a circular due to misuse by mendicant friars of the collection for the holy martyr Simon! To the present day, Simon of Trent is the patron saint of the Diocese of Trent and his feast day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday after Easter. In the 19th century, no Jew dared to spend a single night in the city of Trent A special brotherhood had [instituted] a watch over it, so that the old edict of banishment against the Jews was upheld and executed.
On the altar of the church of San Pietro of Trent stands the sarcophagus of the child, which holds the still extraordinarily well-preserved body in a crystal casket. The body rests naked on a pillow and the countless wounds, according to the report of 40 Deckert, for whom it was made possible to view the relics of the ''santo bambino,'' are still clearly recognizable: The body is still completely well-preserved. Held to the light, I even saw the fine hair of the head.
The wound of the right cheek is clear to see; similar to it are numerous piercing wounds over the whole body. Over years have elapsed since the death of the child, and that's how well the relics are preserved. The Trent trial documents 14 from the year found a late so-called "revision" by the Jew Moritz Stern, in the Jewish sense of course, faithful to the principle: Upon this irresponsible type of portrayal, a German researcher of world reputation. Erich Bischoff, whom no one could bring under the embarrassing suspicion of "anti- Semitism," passed a devastating judgment in his foundation-making work in this subject of , Das Blut in judischem Schriftum und Branch [Blood in Jewish Scripture and Custom].
That Stern finally accuses the Trent Bishop Hinderbach, presiding at the time of the murder, without any indication of reason and proof, of "preparing" the trial documents after [the trial], serves only as a rounding out of what has already been said about these "researches" by competent experts. The Trent pronouncement of sentence took drastic measures; one could almost have promised a lasting effect from it. Yet already, five years later, in , in the 41 Portobuffole region, belonging to the Republic of Venice, the seven year-old boy Sebastian Novello of Bergamo is slaughtered by several Jews.
Here too the case against the Jews could be made and their guilt proved beyond doubt in interminable hearings. Mark's Place in Venice, in front of the Doge's Palace, the criminals were publicly burned. Before Page 3 p. A third case occurred at Treviso. Again, five years later, Jews slaughtered the child Lorenzo in the area of Vicenza, a sign that at that time these areas especially had been designated by secret instructions to "furnish" blood. In the year the Franciscan Bernardin of Feltre closed a sermon at Crema in upper Italy with the words: And should I, who eat the bread of the poor, keep silent when I see their robbery?
Emanuel Baumgarten adds to this in his defense of the Jews: We at least believe that the rumor concerning the murder of the boy is a slanderous invention; for what reason, others may see. The remains of the dismembered corpses were brought to the town hall. In the vault was found a stone block, fixed up like an altar, whose blood-traces were covered with glue Raderus, Bavaria sancta, III, p. In in Guardia near Toledo, a small child was nailed to the cross by Jews, after he had been stabbed and scourged.
Full text of "J e w i s h R i t u a l - M u r d e r; An Historical Investigation"
The child was canonized. In fourteen Jews, among them two Jewesses, dragged off a child into a Jewish house in Tyrnau in Hungary; after they had stuffed his mouth, they opened the victim's veins. The blood was carefully collected "down to the last drop" and a portion preserved. The body was dismembered. At house-searching, spots of blood were discovered in one of the Jewish houses, which led to the arrest of the murderers.
The Jewish women who had been questioned first confessed the crime in all its horrific details. The main culprits were condemned to death by fire Bonfinius: In the year , as Eck was passing from Cologne to Freiburg "for his studies," he had the opportunity at Freiburg to observe the body of a child butchered according to Jewish rites, which was discovered "in the woods": In the city archives of Tyrnau there is a document from the year , which was composed on the occasion of the ritual-murder at Bosing It reports that on Ascension Day in the market-town of Bosing, which today is situated in Slovakia, the nine-year-old son of the tenant farmer Gregor MaiBlinger suddenly disappeared.
Early in the morning of the next day, a peasant woman found outside the village a mutilated child's body with the hands bound and lying on his face in a puddle among thorn hedges. She immediately brought her discovery to the court, which determined that it was the child who had disappeared the day before; the father was able to recognize his son in the mutilated child's remains. The type of wounds and the circumstance of the body being empty of blood steered suspicion toward the Jews of the village, especially since an entire series of similar crimes from earlier years had remained unsolved.
The entire Jewish population of the market town was "taken prisoner. George and Bosing" determined exactly the type of the wounds on the body and proceeded then to harsh individual interrogation of those arrested. The Jew David Saifmacher confessed that the Jew Michel took the child captive and got him into the cellar and after a while a great number of Jews showed up in order to torture the child.
Jew Michel confessed how he lured the child into his house on Ascension Day and that "all tortured 44 the said child with each other, and he [himself] had struck the first blow on his head with a hook and then each Jew stabbed the child for a while. With the agreement of all the Jews, the blood was handed over to various Jewish middlemen.
The child's body "was carried at night with bound hands out beyond the Hofner alleys and laid in a [patch of] thorn plants near a stand of some nut trees, where some Jews then stood watch. This statement was amplified by the Jew Szecho, who declared that "in Passion Week four years ago a Christian at Tyrnau had been tortured, but he [himself] had not been there.
It corresponded to the sentiment of the people: At the excavation site on the occasion of the construction of the PreBburg-Tyrnauer railroad in , in the vicinity of the present railway station of Bosing, a walled cavity was stumbled upon, which still was filled with the remnants of bones and coal.
Material Information
In , at Easter, the four-and-a-half-year-old Michael Piesenharter from Sappenfeld, Kreis Neuburg Oberpfalz was kidnapped by Jewish merchants in the area of Ingolstadt, bound to a pillar, tortured for three days, his fingers and toes mutilated, finally cut with crosses all over his body and after death had occurred, hidden under dry foliage. A shepherd dog helped to trace the body. The examination findings of the surgeons yielded the following: The Jewish criminals were supposed to be acquitted through a "letter of release" hurriedly arranged on the part of some indebted members of the nobility.
In at Rawa in Poland two Jews stole the son of a tailor and nailed him to a cross; the murderers were convicted and burned, their racial comrades expelled Acta sanct. In at Witow in Poland the two-year-old son of a widow was sold by a down- on-his-luck subject for two silver Marks to the Jew Jacob and by the latter was slowly tortured to death in hideous manner. Inscription and image in the chapel of the Holy Cross in Vilna bear witness that the blood of the child was mixed with the meal which served for the preparation of the matzos Easter bread Acta sanct.
Around the same time in Zglobice the Jews stole a boy whom they carried off to Tarnow, where already another youngster was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances; both children were still able to be freed in time Acta sanct. In in the small town of Szydlow the Jews stole a peasant boy and withdrew his blood from him through opening the veins and numberless piercing wounds.
The corpse was found in an isolated spot and bore all the signs of torture Acta sanct. In , in March at Vilna, the seven-year-old Simon Kierelis 46 was tortured to death by several Jews. Upon his body over wounds were caused by knife and scissors, aside from the many cuts which they had inflicted on him under the nails of his fingers and toes.
The body was later handed over to the monks of St. In the church of St. Bemhard at Vilna there is a marble tablet with the following inscription: In the year after the birth of Christ" Acta sanct. In , again in the vicinity of Szydlow, Jews stole a peasant child and butchered him [in the Jewish manner].