Divorcio en el aire (Spanish Edition)
He is savagely funny, sometimes intentionally but often not. What does he desire? And who is he? As narrator and reader attempt to put that puzzle together, the narration becomes darker and deeper. Very clever, often hilarious. The appeal of this fast-moving story lies in the narrative voice, exasperated yet laconic. For a novel so full of words, a surprising amount is left unsaid, which makes it all the more effective and unexpectedly fresh. A novel that constantly provokes its reader. His ability to create fascinating situations pulls the reader in.
Also by Gonzalo Torne. See all books by Gonzalo Torne. Inspired by Your Browsing History.
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Glimpses of the Moon. The Cake Tree in the Ruins. Spy of the First Person. Novels LOA The Mayor of Casterbridge. The April 3rd Incident. A Ladder to the Sky. The World According to Garp. The Splendor Before the Dark. Ways to Hide in Winter. Horsemen of the Sands. Thanks for telling us about the problem.
Divorce Is in the Air
Return to Book Page. Divorcio en el aire empieza cuando Joan-Marc y Helen se marchan a un balneario para tratar de salvar su matrimonio. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Divorcio en el aire , please sign up.
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Lists with This Book. Almost Proustean in its detail to minutiae, this densely written novel is not easy going. In the form of a letter to one wife, the narrator seemingly details and boy does he detail the collapse of his marriage to another woman. I had a hard time finding any sympathy for Joan-Marc given his spoiled navel-gazing, but I had to admire his wit and way with wordplay.

There is some gorgeous writing here, which elevates it to a solid 4 for me. Some memorable lines "Kids with imagination are never alo Almost Proustean in its detail to minutiae, this densely written novel is not easy going. Some memorable lines "Kids with imagination are never alone. Don't bother unless you're ready to immerse yourself.
Vivimos en tiempos de crisis. Pero no nos equivoquemos. La lectura de Divorcio en el aire ha sido una cuesta empinada.
View all 3 comments. Oct 24, Devicio rated it really liked it. Una historia de incisos sin cortes, llena de comentarios lacerantes capaces de dibujarte la sonrisa a tajos. Aug 28, Daniel rated it it was amazing. Bien, en esta novela no hay. Aug 09, Silvia Valls rated it really liked it Shelves: This novel was well translated by Goodreads friend Megan McDowell, but a combination of its annoying narrator and its mundane nature put me off from it. Jul 21, Luna Miguel rated it it was amazing. Joan-Marc se confirma como uno de esos personajes que pueden poblar el imaginario de "Aproximaciones a la belleza del marido": Muy fan siempre de GT.
The prose in this book is vivid and rich; it's a shame it's overshadowed by overt racism and fantasies of domestic violence. I couldn't get past the first chapter. I was promising myself I would flatten her skull before I'd let her cross that river.
Divorcio | Revolvy
But I don't think it's the case here because the bigoted lang The prose in this book is vivid and rich; it's a shame it's overshadowed by overt racism and fantasies of domestic violence. But I don't think it's the case here because the bigoted language does nothing to advance the plot. It's there for no reason. The setting also jumps around abruptly, making it hard to follow, and the dialogue between the main character and his first wife is melodramatic and unrealistic.