Dave Darrin on Mediterranean Service or, With Dan Dalzell on European Duty
McDowell, and Steven W. Scarabaeinae with description of one new species and new synonymies , Federico C. A revision of the tribe Coelidiini of the Oriental, Palearctic and Australian biogeographical regions Hemiptera: Are We There Yet? Definition and Analysis , Alan G. Arsenicals of Peonol , Clarence Kenneth Banks. Article 8—Investment Securities , Winthrop B.
Chaudhury, A Sagel, P L. Philips, and S R. Craven , Neb. Linder, and Jo Ellen Hinck. A sensorless haptic interface for robotic minimally invasive surgery , Baoliang Zhao. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. The Wilderness Society , U. A slip model for rarefied gas flows at arbitrary Knudsen number , Lin Wu. A Soybean Transcript Map: Matukumalli, Qijian Song, Julian M. Quigley, Kevin Chase, K. Gordon Lark, Robert S. Assessing and managing freshwater ecosystems vulnerable to environmental change , David G.
Birge, Stina Drakare, Brendan G. McKie, and Richard K. Bernhardt, and Daniel A. Kain, Le Dinh Cong, and J. Assessing planning and execution of immediate and prospective memory tasks by adults with acquired brain injury , Jessica A Brown. Assessing Rigor in Experiential Education: MacLean and Brian J. Assessing Success in Honors: Getting beyond Graduation Rates , Sean K. Assessing the allergenic potential of food proteins in germ-free and conventional mice , Nathan L Marsteller.
Assessment of disturbance effects of an existing wind energy facility on greater prairie-chicken Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus breeding season ecology in the Sandhills of Nebraska , Jocelyn O. Arjo, and Antoinette J. Assessment of rice self-sufficiency in in eight African countries , P. Assessment of variation of nest survival for grassland birds due to method of nest discovery , Tara J. Devault, Guiming Wang, and James A. Assignment of measurable costs and benefits to wildlife conservation projects , S. Association between history and physical examination factors and change in lumbar multifidus muscle thickness after spinal manipulation in patients with low back pain , Shane L.
Childs, and Deydre S. Teyhen, Theodore Croy, and Julie M. North, Joseph Coresh, and Anna Kottgen. Assumed Transmission in Political Science: Wals, and Christopher Tiwald. A Statutory Right to Treatment for Prisoners: A study of pre-service teachers participating in Candidate Learning Communities: A mixed methods study , Barbara Sunderman. Curculionidae , Marvin L. Davies and Genevieve Marsh. Houston and Maurice H. Introduction , Walter E. Aufrecht and Sidnie White Crawford. Kaul, and David M. A Tale of Two Paradigms: Youssef, and Shannon L. Implications On Medical Imaging.
At Home and at Large in the Great Plains: Essays and Memories , Paul A. A Time for Change: Atmospheric processes sustaining a multidecadal variation in reconstructed and model-simulated Indian monsoon precipitation during the past half millennium , Qianru Wu. At the Crossroads of Corporate Takeover Legislation: Missouri Public Service Co. June 22, , Daniel Freeman Kaplan. Attitudes and beliefs student teachers hold toward technology integration , Darci L Karr.
Nagel and Felix V. A typology of mathematical moments in kindergarten classrooms , Elizabeth Petit Cunningham. Auditing Partnership Tax Shelters: Audits and Assessments in beef cattle production , Rob Eirich. Author Under Sail , Jay Williams. Autoignition behavior of synthetic alternative jet fuels: Oehlschlaeger, Elisa Toulson, and Tonghun Lee.
The Nebraska Range of Vision Rule: Kelly , Neb. Summers , Neb. Shivaprasad, and Susan L. Muth, Maryanne Opiekun, and Gary K. Schmidt, and James A. Bret Snyder, Michael J. Richard, and Carol U. A virus-encoded potassium ion channel is a structural protein in the chlorovirus Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 virion , Giulia Romani, Adrianna Piotrowski, Stefan Hillmer, James Gurnon, James L. A visual analysis of articulated motion complexity based on optical flow and spatial-temporal features , Beau Michael Christ.
Avoidance as an explanatory mechanism for poor outcomes in treatment for substance use disorders , Andrew P Oakland. In re Estate of Pye , F. Hartup, and Glenn H. Putnam, and Nathanial B. Background differences in baseline and stimulated MMP levels influence abdominal aortic aneurysm susceptibility , Matthew A. Agrawal, Timothy Greiner, Jeffrey S. Timothy Baxter, and Wanfen Xiong. Sutter, and Emil P. Bait matrix flavor preference by mongoose Herpestes auropunctatus in Puerto Rico: Johnson, and Kurt C. Ormsbee, Michelle Desler, Matthew S.
Wiebe, and Angie Rizzino. Nebraska State Bank Neb. Bolgrien, Peter Ismert, and Tony Selle. Barely touch the blues: A novel , Jacob Hilton. Barriers to seed and seedling survival of once-common Hawaiian palms: Shiels and Donald R. Freedom of the Press for Whom? Barron , John R. Giovinetto, and A J. Bat incidents with U. Martin, and Guiming Wang. Bat Rabies in Guatemala , James E. Alvarez, Natalia Kuzmina, Daniel L. Lindblade, and Charles E. Beating a Dead Horse: Beautiful Objects , Jenni Brant.
Become a Future-Focused Leader: Eliminate Gender Roles , Lizeth Fraire. Before there was Pinterest: Hamilton and Tom J. Beginning With El Barrio: Behavioral and Antennal Responses of Drosophila suzukii Diptera: Conceptual and Research Considerations , Susan M. Sheridan and Thomas R. Civil Aircraft , Kristin B.
DeVault, and Guiming Wang. Blackwell and Esteban Fernandez-Juricic. Olsen and John B. Jorgensen, and LaReesa Wolfenbarger. Behavior of Prions in the Environment: Implications for Prion Biology , Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt and Jason C. Klugman, and Charles H. Morkill and Stanley H. Behavioural responses of stable flies to cattle manure slurry associated odourants , K Tangtrakulwanich, T A.
Baxendale, L Zurek, D N. Friesen, and J J. Benchbooks and Manuals of Procedure: Best practice guidelines for rat eradication on tropical islands , B. Best practice recommendations for data screening , Justin A. Harms, and Alice J. Betti sequences over local rings and connected sums of Gorenstein rings , Zheng Yang. Between Historical Truth and Story-Telling: Beyond Constructing and Capturing: Assessing the organizational potential in alternative discourses of struggle in Nigeria , Chigozirim Ifedapo Utah.
A closer examination of Advanced Placement exam access and success nationally and in urban and rural schools , Carina McCormick. Beyond the Bright Side: Dark Personality at Work , Peter D. Harms and Seth M. Beyond the Schoolhouse Gate: Board of Education , F. Bibliometric Analysis of the "Health and Population: Big Dreams , Michael T. Bike braking vibration modelling and measurement , Rob Redfield. Papoulias, and Christopher J. Biochemical and proteomic profiling of maize endosperm texture and protein quality , Kyla J Morton.
Biochemical, physiological, and anatomical insights into aphid-bioenergy switchgrass interactions , Travis Joseph Prochaska. Wilhelm, Pierre Lucas, Diana L. DeRosa, and Mark R. Biodegradable slashing agents from soy protein for textile industry , Yi Zhao. Bioenergetics and habitat suitability models for the Chinese mystery snail Bellamya chinensis , Danielle Haak. Bioenergetics and habitat suitability models for the Chinese mystery snail Bellamya chinensis , Danielle M Haak.
Good and Bad , Megan Neve. Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption , Julie Wolf, Tristram O. West, Yannick Le Page, G. Page Kyle, Xuesong Zhang, G. James Collatz, and Marc L. Biogeochemical aspects of uranium mineralization, mining, milling, and remediation , Kate M. Gallegos, and Edward R. Bioinformatic game theory and its application to cluster multi-domain proteins , Brittney Nicole Keel. Hakguder, and Hasan H. Biological approaches for addressing the grand challenge of providing access to clean drinking water , Mark R.
Gerba, and Menachem Elimelech. Biological system development for GraviSat: A new platform for studying photosynthesis and microalgae in space , Erich D. Tan, Florian Selch, and Antonio J. May, and Christopher J. Biquadratic magnetic interaction in parent ferropnictides , A. Bird Management in Fruit Crops: Shwiff, and Phillip H.
Birds and butterflies respond to soil-induced habitat heterogeneity in experimental plantings of tallgrass prairie species managed as agroenergy crops in Iowa, USA , Mark C. Cambardella, and Jarrett D. Expansion of the Standing Requirement under Rule 10b General Motors Acceptance Corp.

Black-bellied Plover in Buffalo County. Harkness, and Zhang Yao Zhong. Blame within Reason , Adam R. Blame within reason , Adam R Thompson. Palmer , S. Block and Bridle Annual Blogging with Students across the Curriculum , Laurie A. Friedrich and Guy Trainin. Military Personnel , Isabel G. Horton, Besa Smith, Timothy S. K Ryan, and Tyler C.
Kubilis, and Stephen T. A Survey of the Fleas of Ctenomys Rodentia: Gardner, and Marcela Lareschi. Book Review , Leonard V. History of the Supreme Court of the United States: The Taney Period, — by Carl B. Swishert , James A. Book review of Parascript: Parasites and the Language of Evolution by D. Materials for a Basic Course by David L. Ratnert , Thomas L. Books, stories, and the imagination at Filastrocca: Case study of a preschool learning environment in Pistoia, Italy. A Momentary Community , Elizabeth G. Boots on the Ground: Harms and Paul B. Extending R from the desktop to the Grid , Derek J.
Bottom-up solution synthesis of narrow nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons , Timonthy H. Vo, Mikhail Shekhirev, Donna A. Guinel, Axel Enders, and Alexander Sinitskii. Botulinum toxin-induced facial muscle paralysis affects amygdala responses to the perception of emotional expressions: Justin Kim, Maital Neta, F. Caroline Davis, Erika J. Ruberry, Diana Dinescu, Tood F.
Scotland, and Paul J. Brain Development and Learning in the Primary Years.
Reward Yourself
A service learning project in a freshman level human trafficking course , Beth A. Breaking the Hydro-Illogical Cycle: Maxson, and Richard D. Breeding bird response to partially harvested riparian management zones , Christopher J. Blinn, Bruce Vondracek, and Gerald J. Bridging Physics and Communications: Bringing the Standards into the Classroom: David Walter, and Michael L. Tucker, Qijian Song, and P. Bullying and Peer Victimization: Radliff, Cixin Wang, and Susan M.
Business Risks and the Insurer's Duty to Defend: Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Calving location selection patterns of saiga antelope in Mongolia , B. Can analyzing spatial relationships through geographically weighted regression improve our understanding of low school attainment? Candidate Genes and Voter Turnout: Smith, and John R.
Can primaquine therapy for vivax malaria be improved? Kevin Baird and Karl H. Can resilience be developed at work? A meta-analytic review of resilience-building programme effectiveness , Adam J. Vanhove, Mitchel Herian, Alycia L. Harms, and Paul B. Can You Help Me? Berentsen, Scott Vogt, Antenor N. Shiels, and Terry R. Capital Planning for Firm Growth , T. Capturing the effects of free surfaces on void strengthening with dislocation dynamics , Joshua C. Munday, and Jaroslaw Knap. A test of the gender self-perception scale, with implications for survey data and labor market measures , Alian Serae Kasabian.
Drewien and Kent R. G , Janet S. Sollars, and Gary E. Carbon storage potential of windbreaks on agricultural lands of the continental United States , William Ballesteros Possu. Wojno, Nancy Schoenberg, Electra D. Paskett, and Mark Dignan. Genoways, and Phillip E. Caring for Compromised Cattle: Assessing Animals at Risk. Carnivore incidents with U. Belant, and Travis L. Atwood and Stewart W.
Shiels, Grizelle Gonzalez, D. Jean Lodge, Michael R. Willig, and Jess K. Dubhashi, Edmond Rodrigues, Sidhartha S. Banaulikar, Ruchi Singh, Aditya P. Catch shadow, Hold light , Autumn Cipala. Cattle, Co-Wives, Children, and Calabashes: Cattle, Environment, and Economic Change: Olsen and George F. Cavity ignition in supersonic flow by spark discharge and pulse detonation , Timothy M. Moore, and Athanasios Nenes. Webby and Eric A. Szabo, and Martin Carson. Challenges in the aerodynamics modeling of an oscillating and translating airfoil at large incidence angles , Mehdi Ghoreyshi and Russell M.
Challenging Tradition in Religious Textiles: Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Williams, Rita Wrinkler, and Huaxia Yao. Changing Permanence , Matthew R. Changing the Paradigm for Drought Management: Photographs by Rian Dundon , Rian Dundon. Chapter 12 Family Farmer Bankruptcy , J. Chapter 13 Drought Mitigation in the United States: Progress by State Government , Donald A. Wilhite and Steven L. Wilhite and Olga V.
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Chapter 1 Drought as a Natural Hazard: Concepts and Definitions , Donald A. Walker and Aaron B. Chapter 35 Preparing for Drought: A Methodology , Donald A. Chapter 39 State Actions to Mitigate Drought: Lessons Learned , Donald A. Chapter 40 Responding to Drought: Chapter 51 Reducing Societal Vulnerability to Drought: Future Challenges , Donald A. Chapter 6 Planning for Drought: Chapter 7 Large scales and future directions for landslide ecology from Landslide Ecology , Lawrence R.
Johnson, and Gary R. Dordick, and Ravl S. Salisch, Sama Adnan, Yury V. Characterization of co-circulating swine influenza A viruses in North America and the identification of a novel H1 genetic clade with antigenic significance , Tavis K.
Dave Darrin on Mediterranean Service, Or, with Dan Dalzell on European Duty (Paperback)
Characterization of inhibitors of fatty acid transport protein-2 in cell and animal models , Nipun Saini. Characterization of novel Brown midrib 6 mutations affecting lignin biosynthesis in sorghum , Erin D. Scully, Tammy Gries, Deanna L. Kovacs, Wilfred Vermerris, and Scott E. Bevins, Scott Carver, Linda L. Crooks, and Sue VandeWoude. Molr, and Rekha G. Rogers, Bruce Anderson, and Suresh Dhaniyala. Characterizing the effects of both synthetic and natural inhibitors on the function of holocarboxylase synthetase and lipid metabolism , Elizabeth Cordonier.
DeLong, and Jeffery W. Chemical repellents appear non-useful for eliciting exit of brown tree snakes from cargo , Fred Kraus, Randal Stahl, and William Pitt. Chemotherapeutics challenges in developing effective treatments for the endemic malarias , J. Chemotherapeutics for vivax malaria , J. Tyler and Lisa Melander.
Child Care Expansion Initiative: Watkins, and David DiLillo. Child maltreatment severity and adult trauma symptoms: Does perceived social support play a buffering role? Steel, and David DiLillo. Chinese parents' perspectives on adolescent sexuality education , Carolyn P. Edwards, Wenli Liu, and Jessica Dennis. Lanzatella, Gautam Sarath, and Christian M. Chloroquine for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Guyana , J. Chloroquine or sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the treatment of uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparurn malaria during an epidemic in Central Java, Indonesia , J.
Naval Medical Research Unit 2, I. Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium vivax , J. Chlorovirus ATCV-1 is part of the human oropharyngeal virome and is associated with changes in cognitive functions in humans and mice , Robert H. Agarkova, Flora Leister, Kristin L.
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Chromatographic analysis of drug-protein interactions during diabetes and characterization of human serum albumin through multidimensional mass spectrometry , Ryan Eiji Matsuda. Chromosomal banding patterns of the Holarctic rodents, Clethrionomys rutilus and Microtus oeconomus , C.
Circumstantial Evidence , Paula Day. Konkel and David Gammack. Lighting Two Worlds , Joseph W. City of Riverside v. Civic Capacity and Integrative Public Leadership: Updated and Revised current through August 3, , Alan G. Clarifying prehistoric parasitism from a complementary morphological and molecular approach , Lauren M. Reinhard, and Cecil M. Robinson and Thomas H. Classification of Consumer Protection Statutes. Jones, Lynn Escalon, and Don Parker. Classification of the waxy condition of durum wheat by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy using wavelets and a genetic algorithm , Barry K.
Lavine, Nikhil Mirjankar, and Stephen Delwiche. Classrooms as Creative Learning Communities: Classrooms as creative learning communities: A lived curricular expression , Soon Ye Hwang. McElravy, and Tonya Haigh. Climate change skeptics teach climate literacy? Climate effects on mammalian body size and grassland composition inferred from late Quaternary grazers in the Great Plains of North America , Tom Baldvins. Cook, and Eric P. Department of the Interior and U.
January, and David DiLillo. Futrell, and Brenda J. Close on the Wind: Arnold , Neb. Cluster Analysis of the Coprolites from Antelope House: Sutton and Karl Reinhard. Cluster-based boundary of use for selective improvement to supervised learning , Lee Dee Miller. Amount of instructional coaching support to transfer science inquiry skills from professional development to classroom practice , James A Houston. Collateral Estoppel and the Right to a Jury Trial: May 2, No.
Collateral Estoppel—The Doctrine of Mutuality: A Dead Letter— B. Hall , 19 N. Peter Pan Bakers, Inc.
Collectivistic leadership and George C. A historiometric analysis of career events , Tamara L. Yammarino, and Gregory A. Central Missouri State College , F. Begier, and Sandra E. Colonization of bison Bison bison wallows in a tallgrass prairie by Culicoides spp Diptera: Ceratopogonidae , Robert S. Pfannenstiel and Mark G. Combating Drought through Preparedness , Donald A.
Cahoon, and Yongming Zhou. Combined effects of phosphorus nutrition and elevated carbon dioxide concentration on chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis, and nutrient efficiency of cotton , Shardendu K. Singh and Vangimalla R. Butler , Neb. Combining Fundamentals and Technicals , Fabio Mattos. New Directions , Dinah Eastop. Communicating with Families of Infants.
G , Marjorie Kostelnik, Debra E. Communication Flows in Distribution Channels: Mohr and Ravipreet S. A Developmental Perspective , Richard F. Abery, and Robert W. Overcoming Barriers to Inclusion , Richard F. Spiegel, and Robert W. Final Report , Jennifer K. Community gardens as urban social-ecological refuges: Community Satisfaction , James J. Potter and Rodrigo Cantarero. Comparative analysis of peak-detection techniques for comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography , Indu Latha, Stephen E.
Reichenbach, and Qingping Tao. Miller, Emma Yee, Mary H. Bono, Steven Huynh, Craig T. Meteyer, and John J. Comparing cropland net primary production estimates frominventory, a satellite-based model, and a process-based model in theMidwest of the United States , Zengpeng Li, Shuguang Liu, Zhengxi Tan, Normann B. West, and Stephen M. Comparison of bird community indices for riparian restoration planning and monitoring , Jock S. Wong-Kone, and Lisa G.
Comparison of canopy temperature-based water stress indices formaize , Kendall C. Trout, and Lousie H. Burken, Robby Bondurant, and Andrea K. Comparison of experimental respiratory tularemia in three nonhuman primate species , Audrey R. Hovanitz, and Kenneth W. MacDonald, and Galen E. Paparozzi, Ryan Pekarek, George E. Elizabeth Conley, David P. Lambe, Paul Read, and Erin E. Comparisons of antifeedancy and spatialrepellency of three natural product repellents against horn flies, Haematobia irritans Diptera: Muscidae , Junwei J. Boxler, Kristina Friesen, and David B. A Theoretical Analysis , Larry J.
Competency in Medical Care , Daniel Callahan. A comparative study of social movements and news media in abortion debates , Katherine E. Competition between the filth fly parasitoids Muscidifurax raptor and M. Pteromalidae , C J. Kaufman, and C K. Complaint Resolution in Nebraska: Citizens, Bureaucrats, and the Ombudsman , Alan J. Sundstrom and Craig R. Bickel, Artyom Kopp, and Sergey V. Schoenberg, and Electra D. Computational approximation of nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics using an aerodynamic model hierarchy , Mehdi Ghoreyshi, Adam Jirasek, and Russell M.
Cannon, Kimberly Agzigian, Rozanne E. Katya Fernandez, Dustin K. Howarth, Claudia Jones, Katherine G. Pandya, Gina Sedaghatkish, Kevin L. Stenquist, and Jennifer Wheeler. Implications for Monitoring , Christopher J. Schmitt, and Thomas W. Concerning the time dependence of the decay rate of Cs , J H. Lee, and P A. Conclusions and Future Directions , Jerrold L. DeVault, and Bradley F. Concomitant uptake of antimicrobials and Salmonella in soil and into lettuce following wastewater irrigation , J.
Snow, Xu Li, and Shannon L. Conference Systems in Diplomacy , Joseph E. McGrew, and Robert H. Conflicts between Zoning Ordinances and Restrictive Covenants: Conjoint behavioral consultation via distance delivery CBC-D: An evaluation of efficacy and acceptability , Michael J Coutts. Connecting with Others Brings Business Success: Connectionist-based rules describing the pass-through of individual goods prices into trend inflation in the United States , Richard G. Binner, and Vincent A. Conservation cuantitativa de los vertebrados , Michael J.
Carroll, Juan Carlos Senar, and Jeffrey j. Consistent model of magnetism in ferropnictides , A. Dent , Neb. A New Door in the Wall of Separation: Allen , S. Unconstitutional— United States v. Brown , U. California , U. Constitutional Law—Due Process and Abortion: Vuitch , U. Constitutional Law—Nebraska Views Mapp v. Ohio — Erving v. A Return to the First Amendment?
Georgia , U. Hooey , U. The Question of Constitutionality: Batchelor , F. Constitutional Law—Standing to Sue: What Remains of the Frothingham Rule? Cohen , U. Director of Motor Vehicles , Neb. Cavitt , Neb. Binder , F. Principles and Institutions , Kali N. Constitutional Revision in Nebraska: A Brief History and Commentary , A. Constructing Entropy , Xanthe Isbister. Evans Myers, Craig R. Allen, and Hannah E. Three essays on inequality, stress, and dyadic functioning as a longitudinal and reciprocal process , Deadric T Williams.
Continuous third harmonic generation in a terahertz driven modulated nanowire , Kathleen E. Kovalev, Amrit De, and Leonid P. Contribution among Negligent Tortfeasors: The New Rule and Beyond: Rittenour, Ming Chen, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Steven D. Control of Majorana edge modes by a g -factor engineered nanowire spin transistor , Amrit De and Alexey Kovalev.
Controversial and Non-controversial topics of Nanotechnology , Phillip Astorino. Conventional Wisdom or Faulty Logic? Reinhard and Baughn M. The analysis of ancient human feces for dietary data , Karl Reinhard. Copyright and the First Amendment: Nurturing the Seeds for Harvest: Nation Enterprises , S.
Coqui frog populations are negatively affected by canopy opening but not detritus deposition following an experimental hurricane in a tropical rainforest , Paul D. Klawinski, Ben Dalton, and Aaron B. Malone, Liwang Ma, Bernard T. Shaner, and Carl H. Wright , U. Corrections in Transition , Myrl E. Shultz, and Craig R. Rupprecht, and Dennis Slate. Jeffrey Root, Matthew W. Hopken, Thomas Gidlewski, and Antoinette J. Could avian scavengers translocate infectious prions to disease-free areas initiating new foci of chronic wasting disease?
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume He restored the monastery of Ripoli , destroyed and pillaged by the revolutionists, and reconsecrated its church on 1 July, Bishop Jorge - 38 reconsecrated the Church of Ripoli and also consecrated that of S. Countess Ripoli bit her lip, then surveyed Dalzell with a sidelong look which she did not believe he saw, but Dan, trained in habits of observation, had missed nothing.
Log in or sign up to add your own related words. Log in or sign up to get involved in the conversation. It's quick and easy. Community Word of the day Random word Log in or Sign up. Definitions Sorry, no definitions found. Etymologies Sorry, no etymologies found. Tournely-Zwirner He restored the monastery of Ripoli , destroyed and pillaged by the revolutionists, and reconsecrated its church on 1 July, Tournely-Zwirner Ripoli , which was already in existence in , and obtained form the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume