An die Leser des »Aufbau« (Fischer Klassik Plus) (German Edition)
Best would ofcourse be to get the vdb file to work in lw. Originally Posted by prometheus. With your help he will. Last edited by prometheus; at I got it working, at least mostly.
Aufstand der Fischer von St. Barbara
One of my issues is that I am still using LW So partially, I am dealing with whatever was broken with OpenVDB on that release that may have gotten fixed in a later release. I went back to Blender and freed my bakes. Then I set the bake to start at frame 2. Previously, when I would just load the second file in the sequence, it would crash nearly every time. I thought that maybe if I just started the bake from the second frame, then I would have the information I needed.
Set up my nodes and blackbody radiator, using flame for the OpenVDBNode and the Emission channel and Density for scattering and absorption and the explosion looked waaaaay better Checked it in VPR and it looked really good. Started to render a single frame, but it was going to take two hours for that one frame, so cancelled it. So that worked; at least, I had all of the channels available. I really appreciate all the help and suggestions.
Just the fact that I went from seeing nothing to a very serviceable explosion is huge progress. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The Revolt of the Fish Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Revolt of the Fishermen by Anna Seghers. This translation by Margaret Goldsmith was published in New York the following year. It tells of the doomed attempt by fishermen in a nameless country to obtain more than starvation wages from their bosses.
Published by Longman, Green and Co. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Revolt of the Fishermen , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Revolt of the Fishermen. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Mar 01, Pascale rated it liked it. The revolt was really finished before Hull was turned over to the police in Port Sebastian and before Andreas was killed on his flight to the cliffs. The story then chronicles the doomed attempts by the fishermen of this fictitious country to obtai "The only result of their revolt was that the fishermen of Santa Barbara put out to sea later than usual: The story then chronicles the doomed attempts by the fishermen of this fictitious country to obtain a bigger share of their hauls and higher prices for the catch.
Hull turns out to be some sort of union leader, who sees it as his mission to galvanize the oppressed fishermen. Throughout he remains a mysterious figure. Already on the run from the police, he'd be better inspired to skip town. His decision to stay on has fateful consequences since a number of people get killed who wouldn't have stood up against the shipping company if he hadn't motivated them. One of the victims is young Andreas, who on his own decides to sabotage the first boat to leave the harbor after the strike has started.
At the time of writing, Seghers was a member of the Communist Party, so the subject matter reflects her interest in labor disputes. However, the treatment is highly literary, and this can't be read as propaganda at all. Krafft-Ebing became professor of psychiatry at the German University of Strassbourg at the young age of 29, and he later held for many years the most coveted chair in psychiatry, that at the University of Vienna. While his fame rests mostly, of course, on his Psychopathia Sexualis, he did significant work in fields other than the study of sexual behavior and is known to have had a great influence on Alfred Adler.
He was also the first to establish the relationship between syphilis and general paralysis. Brecher, The Sex Researchers, pp. This work deals with an amputation method invented by him known as the Kruckenberg-hand. Ein Abriss Seiner Geschichte. Fine copy in damaged slipcase. Half calf over pebbled boards. Spine deteriorating, otherwise very good. Among many discoveries in physiology and anatomy, Landois discovered the haemolysing effect of blood serum of one species when transfused into another.
He also invented the test for carbon monoxide in blood. Stols and had covers designed by R. Modern library cloth, orig. It deals with the borderline between the pharmacological and the toxicologiacal action of drugs with the untoward or side-effects of all kinds of medicaments" Garrison-Morton.
Lewin is a legendary figure, "the most interesting personality of all psychopharmacologists of his time" Holmstedt. Old marbled boards rebacked in black cloth, gilt title. The volume covers metalloids and metals, organic and chemical products, fauna and flora products and poisons, and septic poisons, as well as a number of narcotic substances.
Louis Lewin is a legendary figure, "the most interesting personality of all psychopharmacologists of his time" Holmstedt. A prolific writer, he was the author of more than books and papers, including a history of poisonings and an annotated list of Jewish doctors through history. Historische und Experimentelle Untersuchungen. Lewin was the most important psychoactive drug experimenter of his time.
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In the two decades preceding the present work he authored monographs on kava-kava, coca, and peyote. Georg Stilke, 8vo, viii, 4, pp. Small hole in backstirp otherwise very good. The modern classic of psychoactive drug classification. The work has been translated into French, Italian and English. The English edition first introduced Aldous Huxley to drug literature. Blue cloth, edges very lightly worn. It is also an useful reference source for travels, voyages, and military books.
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Besterman ; Colas ; Hiler p. Half purple cloth over black cloth, light wear to boards, light even darkening of paper, very good. Lombroso here summarizes his views on the relationship between physical stature and criminal behavior. Special attention is given to the brain and to the shape of the cranium.
Cesare Lombroso , the Italian criminologist, was born of a Jewish family in Verona, and became professor of forensic medicine and of psychiatry at Turin, where he later filled the chair of criminal anthropology. Strongly influenced by Auguste Comte, from whom he adopted a perhaps exaggerated tendency to assign all mental facts to biogical attributes, he was the greatest of a long line of Italian criminologists, which included Bovio, Ferri, and Colajanni. His far reaching studies showed, in sum, that the criminal population is characterized by a higher percentage of nervous, mental, and especially physical anomalies than non-criminals, and that degeneration and atavism are the causes of these anomolies.
In the present volume, Lombroso proposes a classification of criminals, such that those born "criminal types" may receive a different kind of punishment from those whom circumstance tempts into crime. In his work two beliefs are incarnate. Ecru wrappers, wrappers worn, soiled, chipped at edges, interior leaves clean, otherwise very good. The Scottish-born Weimar poet and novelist Mackay is best remembered as a gay activist and anarchist; when the Nazis came to power his works were condemned and destroyed.
The present volume is an early collection of his poetry notable for featuring gender-neutral pronouns. Not found in any of the standard references. Mann , author of such influential and important works as The Magic Mountain and Death in Venice, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in The political climate in Germany forced his move to Switzerland in , and to the United States in ; he lived in Pacific Palisades from and became a U.
His scathing denunciations of the Nazis resulted in the revocation of his German citizenship and banning of his works. He returned to Switzerland in and lived there until his death. See Bleiler Checklist p. Die Entstehung der Buddenbrooks. Illustriert von Erich M.
Barest stain to endpapers, otherwise fine. A speech given by Mardersteig on the occasion of the festival of the Gutenberg-Preis. Kritik der Politischen Oekonomie. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Engels. Quarter black calf, gilt lettered and ornamented, black marbled boards, all edges marbled, boards mildly rubbed, light rubbing to spine extremities, internally pristine, a very attractive set, nearly fine. Volume II is a second edition, with variant collation from the volume noted by Spinazzola at , the set otherwise identical. The first volume of Das Kapital originally appeared in and the second volume, edited by Engels after the death of Marx, came out in Browning of spine, otherwise very good.
The Revolt of the Fishermen by Anna Seghers
Veb Verlag der Kunst, Signatures to half-title, otherwise fine, in a very good dust-jacket. Folio, ix, 4 , 82pp, 77 photographic illus. Light spotting and edge wear to boards, a very good copy with institutional bookplate. Im Klavierauszuge von Siegfried Schmiedt. Oblong quarto, 38pp, orig. Commissioned by the Emperor Joseph, Der Schauspieldirektor is the comic tale of a rural opera theatre manager in Salzburg and the trials and tribulations of trying to assemble a company for the new opera house.
The overture has survived as a very popular concert selection today. Very rare; no copy in APBC. An edition is distinguishable by lacking the cast on the verso of the title. This work is the most influential of all dermatological assessments of venereal diseases. NUC cites one copy of this edition in the National library of Medicine.
August Lebrecht Stettin, This appendix is purported to be a translation of a 14th-century manuscript and includes two full-page woodcuts. Not in de Guaita, Ouvaroff, Caillet, etc. The second title, a collection of Hippocratic aphorisms, does not appear to have been published. A commendable anthology of Paracelsean writings, based on the Huser Quarto edition, and brought into modern German.
It is a work of considerable value, also for its notes on the herbs and drugs recommnded by Paracelsus" Pagel, Paracelsus, p.
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The translator, Bernhard Aschner, was a distinguished endocrinologist, the first to keep hypophysectomized dogs indefinitely alive and to demonstrate that they would develop genital hypoplasia. Vorstand des Deutschen Holzarberiter-Verbandes, Heinsbergen, with his bookplate. One volume has an article on and early photographs by Karl Blossfeldt. Full red polished calf, gilt panelled borders and spine. It includes sections on alchemy, natural science, medicines, cosmology, geology, artificial gems, the magnet, gunpowder, secret writing, etc.
It was the earliest work to contain a description of the camera obscura with a lens chapter A passage in the tenth book has erroneously been quoted to ascribe to Porta the invention of the telescope. The seventh book includes some important observations on the magnet. The first edition, containing four books, was published in when the author was 15 years of age. The work had a great vogue and was translated into most European languages. Gabrieli, Della Porta-Notizoa Bibliografia, p.
Not in Duveen or Ferguson. Note on back endpaper, otherwise fine in nearly fine pictorial slipcase. Celebrating African sexuality, this amazingly illustrated volume probes many anthropological questions as well. Includes a tremendous bibliography. Quarter brown calf, brown cloth boards, gilt lettered, autograph notes and signature, mild wear and rubbing to spine, some sunning to boards, mild-light foxing throughout, overall a very good, attactive set. Reichenbach began his career as a chemist he was the first to isolate kerosene, creosote, and paraffin , metalurgist, and expert on the chemical analysis of meteorites.
In , he believed that he had discovered that certain "sensitive" individuals, mostly women, could detect physical stimuli under conditions in which they would not be detectable to normal sense. A series of experiments confirmed to him the existence of a radiating universal force permeating all nature which he called "Od" after Odin, the Norse god. Who is Sensitive, Who is Not? This set was previously owned by Robert Dale Owen, the minister, parapsychologist and spiritualist who has provided signed, hand-written notes. The present volumes, cornerstone works of psychical research, continue to be highly influential works in the field.
The Sensitive Man is rare, Who Is Sensitive rarer still and has never been translated into English; it is fortunate that it is bound into this set. Restif de la Bretonne. Katalog einer Sammlung seiner Werke. Mit einer biographischen Einleitung von Dr. Studien in der makroscopischen Morphologie. In addition to the discoveries made here, Magnus Gustav Retzius , one of the most eminent of modern histologists, helped to establish the neuron doctrine by comparing the nerve cells in a wide variety of invertebrates and vertebrates.
He also studied prehistoric craniology and the brains of highly endowed people in order to isolate special gifts in separate areas of the brain. In addition to his scientific titles, one must also recognize his many sketches of scientists, volumes of poems, and many cantatas. His brain is now in the collection of elite brains in the Museum of Pathology of the Caroline Institute. Wear or bumping to extremities, internally fine, overall very good. The authors confirmed the existence of the foramina of Magendie and Luschka, and studied the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid" Garrison-Morton.
In addition to the discoveries made here, Magnus Gustav Retzius , one of the most eminent of modern histologists, investigated the organ of hearing in bony fishes and the macroscopic anatomy of the human brain, publishing remarkable albums of Finnish and Swedish skulls. He also studied the brains of highly endowed people in order to isolate special gifts in separate areas of the brain.
Eine Angenehme und Lehrreiche Erzahlung. Contemporary boards with tinted wood engraving mounted to front, lightly varnished, light-moderate foxing and damp stains throughout, otherwise good. Mit 20 Faksimilefarbendrucken Nach W. Leopold, Ritter von Sacher-Masoch served in the Italian war of and was for a short while a professor in Lemberg. The steamy revelations published about Sacher-Masoch by his widow are not universally accepted as true.
Ein Bummel durch Hinterindien. Boards, paper label, a little browned. Boards, plain black cloth backstrip, hinges cracked, otherwise very good. This study of the transcription of Slavic and Semitic writing into roman is quite scarce; NUC records three copies. Folio, 6 pp, 27 of 28 full color plates. Orig marbled board portfolio, cloth spine, paper label. Spine worn, tears to margins of some plates, still very good.
From the library of designer A. Mit neun Radierungen von Ferdinand Schmutzer. The illustrations are by the Viennese etcher Ferdinand Schmutzer Grammatik mit Lautlehre , Text und Glossar. Folio, printed title and half-title, 15 color lithograph plates of which 6 are double-page. Other copies in trade or copies recorded in NUC have different numbers of plates, therefore it is not certain how many plates a complete copy includes. Felix Bagel , [].

Leather straps broken, otherwise a very well-preserved copy of a delicate piece of handiwork. Carefully printed with a patented process, the "manuscript" farcically depicts a struggle for power after the demise of Rhampsinit III. The brilliant Karl Maria Seyppel b. A very well-preserved copy of a delicate piece of handiwork. Niedergeschrieben und abgemalt Jahre vor Christi Geburt. Hottentottisches Blaubuch mit Kritzelein. Craftsman, illustrator, bookbinder and humorist Karl Maria Seyppel b.
Elephant folio 26 x 19 inches , unsewn, 2ff, 16 chromolithograph plates some folding , each with separate descriptive letterpress. Some of the plates are grouped together and are meant to be taken out and pieced together in order to show the entire design of a window; as each plate is 26 x 19 inches, an entire grouping is rather large. Tillich was his advisor on this dissertation.
Spine chipped, back wrapper with sm. Asthenia Universalis Congenita Stuttgart: With a frontispiece photograph of the author and 11 plates, several in color. Original boards designed by Lissitsky, spine and corners worn, bookplate, otherwise very good. This edition features Constructivist typography on the front cover, designed by the painter, typographer and designer Lissitzky , with Malevich the major exponent of Russian Constructivism.