Women with Disabilities: Essays in Psychology, Culture, and Politics (Health Society And Policy)
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How do they resist the culture's power to label them as deviant? The essays describe the ways in which disabled women face discrimination in the workplace and the failure of the mainstream women's movement to address their concerns.
- Women with disabilities : essays in psychology, culture, and politics (Book, ) [www.newyorkethnicfood.com].
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Excerpt Excerpt available at www. In the process, the book shows how it is possible to counter conventional stereotypes that demean and degrade. Viewing the position of women with disabilities from a socialist feminist perspective, they emphasize that there can be no true equality of rights and opportunity witout honest appreciation by the majority of the physical and emotional differences of those who have grown up on the fringes of society. This collection is for anyone interested in human relations and human rights.
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But because society persists in viewing disability as an emblem of passivity and incompetence, disabled women occupy a devalued status in the social hierarchy. This book represents the intersection of the feminist and disability rights perspectives; it analyzes the forces that push disabled women towards the margins of social life, and it considers the resources that enable these women to resist the stereotype.
Drawing on law, social science, folklore, literature, psychoanalytic theory, and political activism, this book describes the experience of women with disabilities.
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The essays consider the impact of social class, race, the age at which disability occurs, and sexual orientation on the disabled woman's self esteem as well as on her life options. The contributors focus their inquiry on the self perceptions of disabled women and ask: From what sources do these women draw positive self images? How do they resist the culture's power to label them as deviant?
The essays describe the ways in which disabled women face discrimination in the workplace and the failure of the mainstream women's movement to address their concerns. They have succeeded remarkably well in finding or perhaps helping to shape essays that make those necessary connections.
Women with disabilities : essays in psychology, culture, and politics
In the process, the book shows how it is possible to counter conventional stereotypes that demean and degrade. Viewing the position of women with disabilities from a socialist feminist perspective, they emphasize that there can be no true equality of rights and opportunity witout honest appreciation by the majority of the physical and emotional differences of those who have grown up on the fringes of society. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support?
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Women with disabilities : essays in psychology, culture, and politics | EIGE
Review "More than most collections of essays, this one is integrated by the editors' clearly articulated intention to unite politics and scholarship, disability studies and women's studies, theory, analysis, and action. The integration of gender studies with disability scholarship. Health Society And Policy Paperback: Women with disabilities are women first, sharing the dreams and disappointments common to women in a male-dominated society.
But because society persists in viewing disability as an emblem of passivity and incompetence, disabled women occupy a devalued status in the social hierarchy. This book represents the intersection of the feminist and disability rights perspectives; it analyzes the forces that push disabled women towards the margins of social life, and it considers the resources that enable these women to resist the stereotype.
Drawing on law, social science, folklore, literature, psychoanalytic theory, and political activism, this book describes the experience of women with disabilities. The essays consider the impact of social class, race, the age at which disability occurs, and sexual orientation on the disabled woman's self esteem as well as on her life options. The contributors focus their inquiry on the self perceptions of disabled women and ask: From what sources do these women draw positive self images?