Under The Staircase: Hearing Gods Voice in the Darkness
I dont like this dream at all. I am certain it has to do with the evil one trying to derail my breakthrough. I have been having a number of setbacks just at the point of breakthrough. Yesterday me and my wife went to see someone who has the influence for our deal to be signed. This has taken far too long to materialise and i have known for sometime its satan behind it. I write this message soon after i woke up and prayed. I would love for you to please interpret a dream for me. My sister in law had a dream about my ex partner whom I still have communication with.
He was in a coma and I was sitting by his bedside crying. Although he was in a coma, he kept waking up dramatically and then quickly falling back into the coma. This happened over and over again. I have my own understanding of the dream in relation to my current situation with him, but if you could please give me your interpretation from a biblical perspective I would greatly appreciate it! I have been praying for God to give me an interpretation. At this point, three people have come to me saying they each had a very real and detailed dream that I was pregnant.
I also had a similar dream. Jessi, Thanks for taking the time to comment. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: I dreamt and heard very clearly in my dream, like a voice telling me: And i saw myself putting on shoes! Please could you tell me what this means? This interpretation of my dream would give me some direction as to where i am right now and i would truly appreciate your insight. This is truly fascinating. Rebekah went on a long journey and never returned. This is one possible interpretation, however, to understand the message that God has given you, you must first ask Him what it means.
The first time which was two weeks ago seemed more audible because I instantly woke up hearing Him. This was the second time He has woke me up to pray which I obey. I know that we are living in troubling times so I am sure that is why He wakes me to pray. Had a spiritual dream early in the morning.
I dreamed of an armor of God but in my dream it was in front of me facing me but no one was wearing it as if God showing me it was almost too bright to stare.

One thing that really stuck out was that it made a weird sizzling sound to the point that it woke me up. As I removed my eye mask I could still see the this vibrant armor. It was vibrant white with gold. Not sure if this has anything to do with my dream or God speaking to me but I am studying the Old Testament currently reading 1Kings Dear Denise, Thanks for visiting my site. The first thing that comes to mind of course is Ephesians chapter 6. Perhaps God is simply telling you to put on the full armor of God. I have had several dreams that I need help with.
In the first I am standing at a riverbank and a man whom I admire greatly is standing on the other side preaching the Word of God. I am married, have been to the same man for 20 years, never had an affair. He was standing with me on my side of the river. In the next dream my husband is killed instantly in a small plane crash. I feel there is possibly a relation to the two dreams. There are other things related to this man in my dreams.
For some reason the Lord has been bringing him to my mind for over a month. A few weeks ago I began asking the Lord about this and He gave me several signs in the daytime that pointed to there being some type of relationship in the future with this person. This man in the dream is a single man a bit younger than me.
Any message from God will never contradict the word of God The Bible. Because God never lies and He is not like a man that changes his mind. If there is some sort of relationship in the future with this man, it should be that of your husband becoming a friend and spiritual mentor for this man or this man becoming a spiritual mentor to your husband, not one where you are having a growing relationship with a man other than your husband. Such a relationship would be against the will of God. However, it is how Satan sometimes operates. I do not believe that Satan can give us a dream, only God can.
That is clearly NOT what God is telling you. However, I apologize if I misunderstood your comment. I really need someone to interpretate my dream just dreamt it yesterday I dream that Jesus was in old cabin the sun was setting you can see the light from the sun setting jesus was sitting on the floor with his legs cross in pain shaking he was bruised bleeding everywhere skin slice open he had fake crown made in throrns he look like that day he died on the cross I got some water in a basin and grab a wash cloth and start wiping his wounds away he said ouch ouch I said ill do it more gently continue to wipe hes wounds my don woke me up didnt get to finish the dream.
I also had another dream the world was ending planes crash and tornadoes earthquake and everyone was screaming chaos everywhere I saw jesus coming threw the clouds felt like armaggadeon battle I heard a knock from my door woke me up when I went to go look no one was, there ,. Although it was quite shock being having bald, I was OK and not very sad. Can you help to advise? I am a born again Christian. Rita, your dream reminds me of 1 Corinthians Chapter Hello Gary, 5 months ago I had a dream of people travelling in water using all types of big fish.
I went ahead to catch my fish a caught a huge whale like fish without a head on it. I remember feeling very disturbed about why my fish had no head. I thought to myself what good is this and I felt ashamed. As an after thought I thought that maybe people can eat it since there was a lot of meat. I know this dream has meaning. I have been trying to shake it off but to no avail. Found your site on a facebook search. I do dream a lot and very vivid. I have trouble discerning what comes from the Lord, or an attack from the enemy.
Or whether it was just a far fetched dream caused by what I had seen on tv or the tv being on while I slept. I have been going through the bible daily using an audio bible for the last year and journaling my prayers and a few dreams that mark an impression on me. For the longest time I was having nightmares about going to hell.
They had stopped for awhile until last night. I am still praying through this dream and doing some inquiring and meaning on symbolism. I want to be careful though because there is a lot of new age stuff out there and sites that say they are Christian, yet end up having astrology plastered all over their web page. I hope I can recall last night what I dreamed. It was somewhat upsetting, but I need to realize not to focus on them giving the true picture, some of it can be attacks from the enemy making me question my faith in Christ.
Hristo Smirnenski - The Tale Of The Stairs
However I will record what I remember in case the Lord chooses for me to learn from these dreams and change the way I think about him, or if I am sinning against him in some way and my heart needs to turn towards him for forgiveness and cleansing. It started out last night being at school where I attended grades There was a zip line at the back wall door way where the high school usually enters and exits.
My best friend Julie and I were playing on it. She went first, and somehow it had turned into a long rope that I had the other end and swung it like a skipping rope. It was way to close to the wall and Julie was on the other end and crashed into the wall and her neck got severed. I ran to her and tried to comfort her and get her help. I could feel her spine of her neck ajar, she was still alive and talking.
Then there was another character type animal, something crossed between a wolf and a badger, that tried to get inside of Julie with a strong tight thread and cut off circulation to kill her. Then I found it trying to do the same to me around my hands and getting on the inside of my stomach. Pulling tighter and tighter. I had tried to unknot it and pull it loose being careful not to tear or harm the insides. I then dreamt I had died. With many people I flew straight upward and a simple gown was placed on me. I found myself going through this building with lots of doors.
I opened the door there were many people in line. I was getting excited for I was going to see my Savior. I looked forward stretching my head in different positions to see where he was. He told me that God was upset at me because my thoughts were blended. I remember beginning to bow down thinking it was Jesus, and then he turned into this half badger half wolf. I was in the wrong place and in the gates of hell itself I thought. I had been fooled again in my search for Christ. How I wanted to see him, So I ran to another door and went through it. It was sooty and firery, but I continued on,….
I also have repeating dreams of missing the school bus at the farm home which I grew up. I am always at the door ready to board the bus and then it drives away. Last night was the exception, different driver and a shorter bus. It was one of my school chums that lived near our farm. There are so many recurring school dreams, one I helped out a history teacher with his camping trip. It was cold and I went into a large tent where he was the adult supervisor for the boys. I ended up laying by him to be warm. Well lets say it led to more…. I am recently divorced this last year and not been with my former husband for 2 years.
We had been married a few months shy of 29 years. I have never been unfaithful to him. Yet he had emotional relationships 4 times throughout our married life. As far as I know they were not sexual. Why am I dreaming of being intimate with my history teacher? Am I taking it too literal? I admit I have questioned my faith in Christ many times throughout the years and His love for me. There are so many times I had prayed to Jesus the sinners prayer in different wording, but all meant the same, and was from my heart completely!
Yet in my thought process I am challenged about the relationship I have with Christ. Are my dreams of hell an attack from Satan? Why do I feel so frustrated when I wake up? Hello Gary, I came across your website and was very glad to find it. My daughter who is away on course told me that she had a very strange dream. She and her friend and other people were in a plane that was going down. She thought that there was something wrong with the tail of the plane. The first thing she remembered was that they were in the water still strapped in their seats.
She reached under the seat to release the life jacket and remembers swimming to the shore. Then all of a sudden, she was at my house with me and it was night and we were looking at the moon. Do you make anything of this or is it just a dream? Charlotte, Thanks for visiting my site. I would also consider recent events that might be influencing the dream. It was last month that an airliner crashed in the ocean. It was on the news 24 hours a day for three weeks. What a wonderful ministry. May God bless you! Here is my dream It was cut short because the phone woke me.
I dreamed I was shopping but suddenly a police officer was there watching me I felt a negativeness in the dream about him like I had done something wrong. I noticed my purse was almost empty. I closed it and turned back to the shelves trying to remember what I was shopping for. Thats all I woke. Lately life has thrown me a whole lot of heart ache, stress and broken and grieving and planning on moving, not sure how that would be related but I have a great love for God and his fellowship.
Thanks for your precious time. HI Gary, i had a dream were i was in a room with familiar faces of people i know. Very refreshing to read your resposes on this site. Thank you and my God enlarge you. I came here looking for dream interpretation and you are spot on! I had a dream about not been able to find shoes that fit me and I like the idea of referring to the scripture which I never did.
Two days later I dreamt attending royal wedding at the stadium. I tried to climb but slipped and fella long fall from the top to the bottom. Amazingly smn I did not know came to check if I had broken bones but I was fine, she just massaged me. And idid not feel any pain, could just feel a long distance from top to bottom. Please help me with this on. Hi Gary I had a dream hope you can assist me, I dreamed about a place where there was a small bridge and as I cross the bridge, I was told there was people coming from far to build a bigger bridge to the place we were crossing.
When I get to the other side of the bridge there was an office and people were getting there to get some help, I looked on the other side I saw our former president who passed way about a year ago sitting under a tree. I went into the office and started shouting at the people on why they were not helping the old state man and I took him and left him in that office. As I went out I saw 3 Jewish male walking as they walk they were wearing Jewish prayer shawl and I asked one of them where to get one. I was directed to mall. Hi Gary, Recently I have found myself combing the internet for dream interpretations.
While strongly feeling some of my dreams are prophetic I resorted to using dream dictionaries anyway. As I read your article I realized my error. I recently had a dream of being on a wheelchair trying to cross afield of tall grass, Suddenly I see a snake around me but I am lifted up from the field by a woman who appears to be my mother. We are both on some type of platform and as we look down the tall grass appears shorter and I can see many snakes hopping and jumping about in the grass they are now clearly visible.
Last night I had a dream that I was demonstrating a concept to my class by wading in the ocean. As I went a little farther a woman I consider an enemy of mine jumps in the water and swims around me. The water is not clean but not murky either but she swims around me like a shark but says nothing. I strongly believe that enemies ANC trouble are all around me however could you steer me in the areas of scripture I need to research to better understand?
Hi Rosalyn, I would start by reading Psalm I would love to know about a dream that I have yesterday. I was getting baldness on top of my head, it was a big bald spot. I was so concerned in the dream. I want to know if you can help me with this dream i had. My husband and i have been separated for one year due to adultery.
We have two toddler boys. We have been talking about reconciliation lately. But i had this dream that i caught my husband having an affair with my old childhood friend. Me and the girl got into a big fight ones i caught them and then afterwards my husband and i started to fight. Then next thing i know all of the girls friends and family comes to fight me. And i told my husband to leave so he packed his bags and left. Can you tell me what scriptures in the bible speaks of adultery. Hi Lynn, Thank you for visiting my site. It could simply be that you are dreaming about the things you have been on your mind while awake.
I can, however, share with you the scriptures in the bible that speak of adultery. Here is a link that lists most of them: Please help me with the interpretation of this dream. Whilst inside we kept on hoping the snakes would not find a way into the house and l woke up. This is fascinating because someone else I know had a very similar dream in which 3 venomous snakes tried to bite her. I would spend some quality time in prayer with the Lord.
Ask Him what the dream means. I thank God for your life. Please what does the dream of eating roasted and boiled sweet corn on a cob with your boyfriend mean? The corn was much and really sweet and soft. Hello, I enjoy this site. I normally will not look on line for a spiritual meaning of my dreams, normally I go to the scriptures and pray about it. I recently went to see my uncle before he died. I felt his death was hastened in a medical way by medication, hospice was there also.
- The Boy from Ilysies (Libyrinth).
- Revelation:.
- Shira | Dark Souls 3 Wiki.
- Christian Dream Interpretation | Hearing God's Voice.
- Past Loving (Mills & Boon Modern).
I had no control over the situation and tried to see him alone for a few minutes to pray. My Aunts would not let me spend any time alone with my Uncle. After I left and came home I was disturbed about it. I dreamed that night I was in my large closet, it was full of clothes on hangers, and I was looking through the clothes. I turned around and one of my Aunts took a set of my clothes on a hanger and walked away. The other took three clutch type black purses possibly formal clutches for evening wear and she also walked away. I went to my scriptures the next day.
I know certain words in the dream have significance…. I thought you may have some insight. My relationship with my Aunts have been strained…. I love them from afar, and I would always try to be kind, I have felt to not be pulled into family issues. These are my mothers sisters. My mother is no longer living and I have moved on into my own life. Thank you for taking the time to read this…. This is a good site and I know people are refreshed when they come here. Dreams about shoes are very common and they are nearly always referring to Ephesians 6: If someone in the dream has stolen your sandals, it means that you are not currently fitted with the readiness that comes form the gospel of peace.
Jesus is telling you to spend more time reading the Bible with prayer for understanding. Can you give me an interpretation?
Why we dreamed about floating down stairs when we were kids
Had a disturbing dream last night. It was about my brother-in-law and I fishing. At the end of the day when we finished my brother-in-law just seemed to fall off the stern of the boat and fell in the water and sunk right to bottom and did not come up. It baffled me because we were done for the day and he should not have been on the stern. So many questions it left me wondering when I awakened. Firstly in real life he cannot swim. Is this a warning dream. Should I tell him about this dream.
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He is not a Christian. In this dream the water represents the world Romans Your brother fell into the water and did not come back up because he has conformed to the pattern of this world. This dream is telling you that your brother needs Jesus and you should share with him the good news of Jesus Christ. I am so glad you are still checking on this post! I appreciate the time you are taking to help people here, thank you for your genuine care: I know it is a spiritual dream, and I know it is the Lord who will reveal its meaning to my spirit in his own timing, I trust him.
But I know also that Jesus sometimes helps us understand his purposes by leading us to seek in certain places, or through the godly counsel of his people. So with that in mind, and my gratitude for any advice you might have, this is my dream … ; I am looking at a newborn baby.
It is slightly squirmy and grizzly and acts like a normal newborn. It is a large size for a newborn baby, but is definitely newborn in appearance and behaviour. I am looking directly at the baby, and see it throw up a little bit of smelly milk. Then I woke up. Blessings in the Lord. I am afraid because every time i will have a dream of snakes, somebody will get sick, will die or someone will betray me.. Hi there my mom had a dream about my brother talking to himself in the morning hours and he climbs in the wardrobe looking for a man, then my grandmother calls her and tells her to see that he vomitted a black snake.
I dreamt of eating corn with an old good friend. In a ddition, to that I saw lots of my old school friends both secondary and undergraduate friends. The one I ate corn with I saw once in a while with the brother. There were 2 parts to this dream, but the 2 parts are in tune to one another. When I woke up, I felt the same urgency in my spirit that I had from the other dream.
We need to pray! I was walking through a house, my house. But it was not the physical home I live in now. The house was damaged. The walls were charred and there were holes in the walls, ceilings and floors. Windows were busted out and there was smoke damage everywhere. As I walked through the house, I went to the master bedroom.
There I saw a hole in the wall above the bed. The hole had ice in it but there was a medium sized opening in the middle. The air coming through that hole was rigid, very cold, the kind of cold that chills a person to the bones. I found a pillow and stuffed it into this hole to keep out the cold. As I left the bedroom and started walking down the hallway, I noticed a television hanging through a hole in the ceiling. It was hanging by the cord and there were small fires and smoke coming from the television. As I was looking up, the television fell to the floor in front of me. The screen was snow.
No news broadcast came across the radio at all. There was a dead silence in the media world. As I walked further to the back of the house, I saw 2 little dark haired girls. They were about 3 and 5. I had never seen these children before and they were strangers to me. I felt that they were in danger. I had to hide them! I took them to the back of the house to a small room and there was a built in toy chest. I put the 2 little girls in there and told them to be very quiet.
They were not frightened of me, but they were scared. I knew I had to protect them at all cost. This is where the dream splits…. I was driving North on 51 heading towards Assumption when up in the sky I saw storm clouds like I had never seen before. They were thick and greyish in color. I knew I could not breathe in these clouds. Then I saw flashes of light coming from the same place the clouds were at.
It was not like any lightning I had ever seen…. This thunder was loud and roared like nothing I have ever heard. As the thunder roared, the clouds were rolling as if in fast forward motion in a movie. The clouds were rolling like ocean waves and the light was coming with them. I turned left off of the highway to head to my home to check on my family. When I woke up, I immediately began to pray and was puzzled by this dream.
As I prayed, the Holy Spirit started to interpret this dream for me…. The home in my dream signifies where I live. I live in central Illinois which is part of the heartland of America.
The hole in the bedroom wall where there was ice and cold, cold wind I believe signifies a season or time, winter. It is planned for a time that would leave most people defenseless. The television that fell from the celling I believe has 2 meanings…the beheading of Americans and Christians…and the death of truth in the media. The television was burning because there will be no media to turn to for answers. We must not put our trust in the media.
We must put our trust in God. Again, the transistor television I had come across had no picture or sound, nothing but silence. I believe this signifies again that truth in the media is dead. We must put our trust in God and His word. The 2 little girls in my dream signify children.
Our children are going to be attacked. I believe this will take place at schools and daycares. We must protect our children. The Holy Spirit shared with me that this attacker is very much into preserving their future generations or seeds to rise up more Muslims. The one thing that would destroy America is to wipe out our future generations, to kill our children, wipe out our seeds.
We must protect our children at all cost and pray without ceasing. The storm in my dream I believe signifies a bombing. The storm and the fire damaged home is a bomb, a bomb so catastrophic that the damage is unimaginable. Everything in its path and surrounding area was destroyed! This bomb will be like nothing the United States has ever seen on this land. It will be bigger than what took place on I believe the reason the heartland will be targeted is to separate the East from the West.
With this kind of separation, we will have parts of our country left defenseless. You must pray and rise up to the calling. I have always felt that I was a warrior, called by God to go to the front lines of battle. I have had 2 dreams now and both dreams left me with a sense of urgency. I fall on my face to the God of mercy and stand on the promises of GOD Himself to intercede on behalf of America and our children!
I have had recurrent dreams of seeing someone being beaten by a mob in my dreams. Today I saw another being beaten by a police mob to death. The other police who where around went on with their business not caring to save this man. I was so disturbed emotionally and woke up with a sick feeling. What could this mean.
Just woke from a strange dream. Tonight before bed I was reading the book of Isaiah. I prayed before reading that God would give me his eyes while I read and to have mercy on me. My dream was strange. At first I felt safe, I was in some kind of line with a bunch of other people. Someone came up behind me giving me advice, a guide of some sort.
This guide was assuring me that everything was normal an ok. I thought my bed was in my childhood home. My guide turned me around to face a closet. In the dream my bed began to shake and I felt scared. My guide told me I must go back in the closet but her voice turned scary and I felt frightened. I wanted to go in but I was too scared.
When I awoke I actually felt scared. Before this guide turned me around to face the scary closet, she told me something about the book of Romans. This is so weird. For some reason this site popped up and it felt safe. I will pray on this. Tis thanks to thee the dragon erred not from his vows. A final gift of thanks. Now, hasten on thy journey, but wake not the slumbering Princess. After joining Spears of the Church Oh! Thou'rt now a spear of the church!
What a wonderful, blessed day this is. With a spear such as thee, surely the Princess will slumber most gently, and Midir's vows will be honoured.
- Christian Dream Interpretation.
- A World Forsaken: The Conclusion of the Journey in the Times of the Living Dead (The Survivor Chronicles Book 4).
- Die Chroniken von Narnia 2: Der König von Narnia (German Edition).
- When First They Met (A Cedar Cove Short Story).
I must thank thee, as a servant of the Princess, and a dear friend to Midir. May thy travels be resplendent with glory. As the fire waneth, does she lie by the dark, but now with thee to shelter her sleep. Bless ye spears of the church. Ah, thou'st a Divine Spear become! An honour once bestowed in the time of the Gods, nearly unheard of in this age of waning fire.
As a servant of the Princess, and friend to Midir. I am honoured to have met thee. Bless ye divine spears. When she attacks you in the Church Ruins I've searched for thee, dark-stricken creature. I am Shira, daughter of the Duke, descendant of gods, and trusted friend to Midir. At once, I am the honour of the gods, the glory of fire, and the fear of the dark. Thou shalt not go unpunished. For thy treachery, thy profanity, and thy shameless yearning! Ne'er will I forgive thy kind. Try again, to remember. The great honour it was to be a spear.
Art thou to bed with the dark? Never would I ever She likes to used her hammer to block, and the R1 attack of great hammer can easily cause an guard break, followed by an critical attack. I get two consecutive critical attacks this way which killed her instantly; she even doesn't get a chance to drink estus. She has 4 estus if you're wondering.
Its worth mentioning that if you really DO want her summon sign for midir that you need to make sure that you talk to her on your first pass by her door on the way to the abyss swamp. If you reach that area and touch the bonfire there, it seems to bug her quest. I passed her door in a hurry to go activate the ringed city streets bonfire so I could travel around the city a little faster.
When I worked my way back up the stairs to her door there was no dialogue box for her to speak to me. She would not talk to me at any point afterwards even after I knocked midir off into the chasm. Its true that her summon is pretty useless unless you just want a temporary meatshield but I figure I'd just point this out for those who want to do her quest the right way. Midir may see it as a mosquito.. World English Bible My dove in the clefts of the rock, In the hiding places of the mountainside, Let me see your face.
Let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. Young's Literal Translation My dove, in clefts of the rock, In a secret place of the ascent, Cause me to see thine appearance, Cause me to hear thy voice, For thy voice is sweet, and thy appearance comely.
Song of Solomon 2: Song of Solomon 1: Song of Solomon 5: My beloved is knocking: