Summary: A Nation Like No Other: Review and Analysis of Newt Gingrichs Book
Gingrich cites ObamaCare as an affront to the rule of law, and asserts that as the most pronounced attempt to realign the relationship between American citizens and their government in a century, it does violence to the other pillars of American exceptionalism too. He concludes with a detailed and aggressive plan for making America a nation like no other once again, ranging from an insistence on the proper teaching of American history in classrooms, to prying the talons of government away from our economy with simpler and lower taxes, privatized services and diminished regulations.
If the first portion of the book is a history lesson and the second is an argument, the third is a prescription. It is also a policy document, carefully expressed as a logical progression from the revolutionary principles Gingrich reveres. A Nation Like No Other is exhaustively researched and documented, but it moves with the speed of a novel. In recent years, a small but growing number of people have advocated a convention of states to propose amendments to Enter email for alerts with articles like this Sign Up.
Prostate problems are on the rise, but this breakthrough is showing results. New Formula Regulates Blood Sugar. Trump, Gingrich provides an array of tactics and information used throughout the campaign, that decidedly won him the presi Newt Gingrich. Trump, Gingrich provides an array of tactics and information used throughout the campaign, that decidedly won him the presidential election. A common misconception, Gingrich repeatedly tries to disprove, is the idea that Donald Trump, is a normal person like everyone else and is not just the multi-billionaire that everyone portrays him as.
There is more to him and his ideas of what is right for the country. As a far-right conservative, Gingrich repeatedly shows bias towards support of Trump, which is where the fault in the book lies. As a conservative and a major Trump supporter, his bias is although expected, still discerning to the idea of being unable to see the other side of the political spectrum. From the beginning of the book, Gingrich uses Trumps children and their feelings towards their father regularly, to promote the idea that Trump is normal, just like everyone else.
Gingrich shows the balance between Trump being a father to each of his children, and also being the successful businessman that he is. Even if the children did feel an opposing way towards their father then what they portray in these interviews and on TV, most likely they would out right voice their true opinions about him, even if in their eyes, he is the worst person in the world.
Gingrich successfully lays out the process of Trump's campaign during the election, and how he his tactics and being new and being a nonconventional presidential candidate landed him the gig. One of the ways Gingrich says this worked is because of all of the insane things some believed Trump was saying during the election, gave him the free TV time and support of people who had felt rejected or unhelped by the government in the past. Overall, Newt Gingrich was very successful in getting his message across to the American people, who had horrible opinions of Trump as soon as his name was announced as a candidate.
One of the major topics I agreed with him on was the time it took for drugs to be tested and cleared before they could be actually used on patients in real life. It was invented in , when she was a toddler. I do agree with Trump in that sense, and Gingrich played that card well in using sad stories, like the death of Abigail Borroughs, in order to get people to support his cause and see what the government is doing wrong.
Even though Gingrich was successful from this book in getting readers to either to further understand or possibly convince him to support Trump it is clear that their is a lot of bias in the book. Overall the book was well written and gave me an entirely new perspective on Trump and how everything he did, intentional or not, won him the election, and the presidency.
Sep 09, Mark rated it liked it. I must confess that this book made me feel a little bit better about Donald Trump, but just a little 2. Half the book was Trump's history: The other half is Newt Gingrich's prescription for Trump's success in the future with no guarantee that Trump will follow Gingrich's prescription.
The obvious problem for Trump never addressed in the book is that despite hi I must confess that this book made me feel a little bit better about Donald Trump, but just a little 2. The obvious problem for Trump never addressed in the book is that despite his ideas or good intentions or abilities, none of that matters when he undercuts his credibility by opening his mean mouth or tweets and alienating any possible support from the opposition. It is, however, a book worth reading. Oct 21, Forrest rated it it was amazing Shelves: Newt Gingrich is one of the few career politicians from Washington who I believe sincerely has the best interests of our nation at heart.
Therefore, I put a great deal of confidence in what he says. I was actually quite surprised by his support for Trump since many of the establishment Republicans who have been serving in Washington for a long period of time have voiced opposition to Trump due to their fears of Trump undermining the status quo of the Republican Party one of the very reasons why Newt Gingrich is one of the few career politicians from Washington who I believe sincerely has the best interests of our nation at heart.
I was actually quite surprised by his support for Trump since many of the establishment Republicans who have been serving in Washington for a long period of time have voiced opposition to Trump due to their fears of Trump undermining the status quo of the Republican Party one of the very reasons why I've been a Trump supporter.
As this is a favorable take on Trump written during the early months of his administration, Gingrich explains throughout the book why he supports the President. The book is not entirely about Trump, and one shouldn't suppose that this should be akin to a biography.
Gingrich provides plenty of his own personal commentary on political issues. There is so much of value to take from the book. In the section below I listed a handful of quotes that I found particularly useful or interesting in no particular order. The statements were made by Newt Gingrich himself unless otherwise noted. In such a learning situation, motivation is never a problem. We learn because something caused us to want to know. School has no natural motivation associated with it.
Students go there because they have no choice. The same is true for most training situations. Trump has taken on the FDA as he vowed to do, and pushed through reform to allow streamlining the drug approval process. The score was a lie. It was so wrong it was fundamentally indefensible. A year later the CBO produced a new score that was so much more expensive, that it was clear Obamacare would have been defeated if it had been the original score. Members of this group are characterized by being 'highly qualified on paper' but bereft of real practical intelligence. Initially he would be shocked and uncertain how to respond To this day, he is surprised when reporters repeat various stories even when it is clear how false they are.
China achieves this lopsided trade ratio through a deliberate strategy of cheating and stealing. Dec 04, Mya rated it it was amazing.
As a whole, we tend to follow how the media portrays Trump and we never really base an opinion off of facts. Gingrich uses each chapter to specifically get into detail about the policies Trump has in place and why he believes this will better our country. He does a good job at proving that people in general should give Trump the upper hand.
Before reading Understanding Trump, I was very unfamiliar with any information about him and his thoughts for America. Gingrich refers to Trump as business smart rather than education smart. Trump knows how to deal with his work and the people. The way he organizes his chapters and thoughts made me extremely confused throughout the entire book. Overall, I feel I could have learned all the information a little easier if maybe the book was better organized.
For example, I learned that most of the media is against Trump. He mainly used his twitter, although people rave about how stupid his tweets are, that was exactly what helped him win. The more people talked the more people had Trump in their thoughts.

At least that is how Trump was thinking of it. He also has a way with his words that help give people hope in his speeches. Trump knows that the media is not on his side, so he makes it his top priority to make his speeches the best he can. In almost all his speeches he gives out the impression that he just wants the best for America and all people around.
See a Problem?
He uses emotional persuasive tactics to get the people on his side, and for the most part it worked. This meaning Trump is always looking for the best interest in America and America only. This is why Trump is so strong on the idea of immigration. He believes that jobs and money are being stripped from the average American. Blaming immigrants for the lose of jobs is simply unjust. They are apart of our country as well and they contribute as much if not more than a citizen. Overall the book was well written. I do believe that Newt Gingrich was credited to write this book due to the fact that he is an American Politician.
He knows his information and he may have a bit of a bias but I believe the book gives fair information about Trump. Jun 26, Dan Graser rated it liked it. While I applaud the idea of this book, it falls short for several reasons though there are some standout moments where Gingrich makes some solid points.
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First of all, of course this is written in hindsight and his explanations are given with the presumption that these were known to everyone except the elites, however, if you look at the data, even a majority of Trump supporters found his election unlikely. Anyway, on to the work itself. The foreword by Eric Trump is mercifully short and exactly w While I applaud the idea of this book, it falls short for several reasons though there are some standout moments where Gingrich makes some solid points. The foreword by Eric Trump is mercifully short and exactly what you would expect from such a towering intellect Credit given to the editors for adapting this from the original crayon.
Newt's analysis of several components of Trump's success is quite thorough yet very succinct, explaining several months of media focus patterns with paragraphs like: That would kick off the news day across the country. Then he would watch Morning Joe and call in and argue over what he tweeted. By the time he finished his Even biographers of Lincoln and Jefferson occasionally share a critical word about the political operations of these figures, not here.
This is made all the more baffling by the fact that Gingrich is no longer seeking any position as he was for Trump's VP previously or support from Trump as in his presidential run for any political gain. When he is critical it is only accidental, bringing some of the campaign's and Trump's methods into dangerous territory with quotes like, "Trump kept it Jeb Bush's derisive nickname over the course of the primary. It became a fact by repetition. His criticisms of the recent Democrat campaigns, though obviously imbued with heavy partisan language, is actually quite correct and though few will even go near this book, there are several lessons to be learned that he describes quite well especially in his chapter on, "Toxic Identity Politics.
There is much to agree with and disagree with here and it makes for the most enjoyable portion of the work, though obviously has little to do with the book's own title and principal subject matter. It reads like a campaign book for a future Gingrich campaign. His attitudes toward treatments of addiction, the need for the US to innovate in areas of space technology, and pharmaceutical reform are genuine and potent.
I realize of course that many folks have plenty of issues with Gingrich himself. I know them and I understand them, however on certain issues I genuinely value his opinion. The shortfall of this book is that mainly he doesn't deliver on the title, it actually is mostly on understanding Gingrich! Not necessary reading by any means unless you have more curiosity about Newt's positions than you do in understanding Trump. Dec 01, Nick S rated it really liked it. We can learn a lot from Newt Gingrich's Understanding Trump but the main purpose is to rationalize Donald Trump's ways of thinking and to Explain his presidency.
The central argument of this book is to explain why Donald Trump is the best choice for the president in this election, not to be confused with the best present ever. Newt Gingrich is not saying that Donald Trump is the best president ever, he is merely saying why Donald Trump is the best choice out of all the candidates. He is the only person ever elected to be commander in chief who has not first held public office or served as a general in the military. His principles grow out of five decades of business and celebrity success, not politics so he behaves differently than traditional politicians.
Newt organizes his book by listing events at the top of the page, for instance, one page said draining the swamp, explaining what the phrase means and what it will do when it's put into motion.
The way Newt sets up the book works really well for people who don't pay attention to the news or any of the Donald Trump campaign, the title at the top of the pages really gives people a better idea of what Newt is referencing. Newt uses A few pictures in the middle of the book and the work but he should have put one picture at the end of each section to show importance or just to give people a visual.
As for sources Newt used Eric Trump to say the forwarding and uses a few quotes from the book. I would have liked to there be more references to the Trumps campaign and a few more quotes. Newt Gingrich has helped Donald for two years helping Trump and his team throughout the campaign, the election, and during the first months of the presidency. Now some would say that it's not right that Newt, Someone who has been with Trump to write a book about him because he won't say anything bad, well that's not true, throughout the book Newt does mention something he disagrees with.
I really enjoyed this book it really brought out everything I've always been trying to tell people, how Donald Trump will change this country for the better. I also really like the topics he brings up like draining the swamp, which means "to exterminate something that is harmful" or anything that most of the people hate such as corruption or government waste. Which trump wants to do with our government and his intentions are to get rid of all liberals in the government. Gingrich recalls a meeting he and his wife Callista had with Trump in Des Moines before his campaign kicked off.
Trump wanted an estimate from Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, of how much a presidential campaign might cost. This would be a lot more fun than a yacht! Dec 01, Blake Dagesse rated it liked it. Understanding Trump The biography Understanding Trump by Newt Gingrich, is an informational novel on how Donald Trump was able to become the president and win a close presidency race. Gingrich makes the case that Trump does deserve to be in power of the US, and he earned his right to be. As a conservative the author clearly has a slightly bias opinion on Trump, but nonetheless he is able to prove his point on the strengths and weakness of our president.
One thing that Gingrich finds as a strengt Understanding Trump The biography Understanding Trump by Newt Gingrich, is an informational novel on how Donald Trump was able to become the president and win a close presidency race. One thing that Gingrich finds as a strength for Trump is his confidence to say what he feels. This is seen as one of his strengths because he feels that he needs to take action in current issues in America, instead of just talking about taking action.
Trump believes that past presidents failed to execute topics they talked about and he wants to change that. Newt also likes the way Trump gives his speeches to the people, in particular his inaugural speech. Gingrich compares this speech to Reagan's speech, with their ability to relate to the American people, along with their similar mottos.
One weakness that Trump has is his use of social media. Trump tends to lash out at people that disagree with his opinions by bashing them on social media. People believe that he should focus more on American problems and topics. This is a concern because everyone needs to be able to accept different opinions and views on certain topics. The president needs other in power political figures insight into issues in the world and the US, and if not by going off only his take on the subject he could be wrong about how to handle the situation.
I enjoyed the book because I was able to learn more about the President of our country. This biography explained his beliefs and tactics he used to win the candidacy. Also, this book told all of his takes on certain political topics. The one aspect of the book that changed my perspective on the book, is the author's clear conservative take on political topics, which makes him inclined to be more bias for supporting Trump and his views. Feb 04, JDR rated it liked it Shelves: Originally, I was going to respond in depth to the various aspects of Trump that Gingrich details in Understanding Trump.
I have come to learn that when talking about nonfiction titles such as this that tend to capitalize on popular subjects or people and that are written by figures that are not particular experts in a policy field policy being a very general term for any specific concentration , there is very little substance to which to talk about. This begs the question, why would it be wo Originally, I was going to respond in depth to the various aspects of Trump that Gingrich details in Understanding Trump.
This begs the question, why would it be worth buying? There are a lot of titles that do the same thing. For example, recently I read Ann Coulter's E Pluribus Unum , a pro-Trump text that is a little over two hundred pages in length that discusses the Trump phenomenon and presents an argument for why his rise is so great and all that. My first reaction was about how something like that is not certainly worth the money because a reader does not learn anything from it. They are exposed to ideas and concepts that are not particularly innovative or discussed in any complex way.
It is the literary equivalent to hearing Fox News, only mildly better. The same thing can be applied to Gingrich's book, along with another problem. Gingrich basically covers all the conservative stances on various policies and contentious debates and how Trump is going to readily stand up and fight for them. Many individuals on the left are not going to want to read this book so this comes off as more preaching to the crowd, although I acknowledge that Gingrich's approach is to convince any would-be liberal readers that the following are reasons of why Trump won.
Considering all of this, it may be a little difficult to pinpoint exactly what is annoying about Gingrich's text. It's not particularly bad - it's accessible, short, and concise. However, it talks about a lot of things that aren't especially unique and can be read about in far more detail elsewhere. It also does not actually talk much about Trump beyond the first sixty pages - I know!
‘A Nation Like No Other’: Newt Gingrich’s Manifesto of American Exceptionalism
Once we enter the second unit of the text, he runs into policy discussions that only vaguely reference Trump but mostly outline Gingrich's vision for a conservative presidency, which is not what anyone signed up to read. So yeah, I would not want anyone to put down money for this. You'd be better off reading Roger Stone's The Making of the President for an evolution of Trump over time, Trump's The Art of the Deal which I have admittedly only read excerpts of expresses an insight into how he thinks mostly through his business lens on this one but this is something that has crossed into his presidency, and Gwenda Blair's The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a President for a nonbiased and incredibly detailed account of Trump family history.
May 26, Carrie rated it did not like it. Really, I'm trying, though this didn't help.
A Nation Like No Other, by Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich is an intelligent man, and I thought he might have some insight into Trump that might help me stomach the remaining 3 years. I was prepared for his party line and obvious slant, but not for the full scale sellout this book embodies. Gingrich wrote this right after Trump took office, and I have to wonder if a year later, it would still be as gushing. Many of the key players he lauds are already past history Rex Tillerson for one and som Really, I'm trying, though this didn't help.
Many of the key players he lauds are already past history Rex Tillerson for one and some of the behavior that was justifiably explained then is indefensible now. I'm marking this here and now with the on-off North Korea summit, just to see what another year brings. Moreover, this book is written at a grade-school level with simplistic concepts.
Trump has a very clear set of guiding prinicples that informs the positions he takes and the way he governs as president. Young Guns by Rep. Paul Ryan et al Promises to Keep by Vice Pres. The Audacity of Hope by Pres. Dreams from My Father by Pres. Book Reviews from Amazon. Stop forcing pro-choice morality on religious organizations. Immediately cease public funding for abortion providers. Stop forcing same-sex marriage on religious organizations. Let parents choose public, private, parochial, or homeschool.