Societys Child
Unwilling to help her the doctors, instead, want to write her off as a mentally handicapped person. I thought that this was a very well written movie about real life, not life as we would like it. The mother may have been a welfare mother with 6 children, but she did the best that she could.
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She gave her daughter more love than anyone else could have done under the circumstances. She did try to bring the child's father back into her life, but that didn't work out and she dealt with it. In my opinion, she was a very brave strong woman who was given more than she could bear, but never gave up, because that wasn't an option. If you have a child with a disability, giving up is not your choice. Nikki was blessed to be raised with love. Start your free trial.
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Full Cast and Crew. Wait, Is Mary Poppins a Witch? The movies I know I have seen Share this Rating Title: Society's Child TV Movie 6.

Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Learn more More Like This. Mom's on Strike TV Movie Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: I have a new appreciation of this artist and am very grateful that she had found her way to a happy, secure life where she is free to pursue her muse in the ways she prefers.
I also enjoy her frequent Facebook posts and look forward to her future concerts. All of that gives her story continued relevance. And the personal tragicomedy of it--the romantic drama, the associates who proved untrustworthy, the vindictive IRS agent who pursued her for years over back taxes--makes it fascinating reading. I found that I read as audiobook Although she's not widely recognized for it, Janis Ian was a pioneer--as a musician, as an admitted and acknowledged lesbian, and as an independent artist making use of the Internet to connect with fans and market her work.
I found that I needed to remind myself of the distinctions between autobiography and memoir more than once while listening to Society's Child While it may take off on tangents, memoir usually is structured around a central theme that drives its narrative; autobiography is less organized, and therefore, more like the life it portrays.
That quality caused me to have trouble with Ian's chronology at times, and I needed to remember that while a story has to be told in some sort of sequence, some the events in that story may be occurring concurrently That ended up not being so difficult after all, though, because Janis Ian drew me into her story beautifully. Oct 05, Isis rated it it was amazing.
Let me start by saying that I love Janis Ian! Her music is beautiful and inspiring! Janis tells a story with every song, in great depth and with a passion that today's "songwriters" a term I feel is used far too broadly in this day and age lack in both originality and expression. She is incredibly multi-talented and it is a shame to not introduce her to younger audiences who have no idea what true musical talent really is. That being said, whether you are a fan or not, 'Society's Child: My Autobiography' is a very open, in depth story of one woman's life - the pain, the struggles, the happiness, the innocence and loss of, the heartbreak and the healing- a very courageous story of living a dream too young to understand, growing up in the spotlight and what it cost and then growing up in general.
In telling her story Janis gives us a view into what it was like to have to try to balance life between being a star at such an early age and just being a young girl,the inner workings and dealings of the music industry, and how not to give up in the face of despair. What Janis shares is something profoundly special - at a depth that most would not share with their closest friends and she shares it with all of us and in a voice that sounds as if she is speaking directly to you instead of written on the page.
I have had the honor to see her perform and share her stories live and I can say that Janis writes in the same tones that she speaks- frank, captivating and charismatic. A genuinely beautiful person who has invited us into her life.
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I would definitely recommend this book. Mar 14, Lori Paul rated it did not like it. This book came highly recommended and since I enjoy autobiographical works read by the author, I purchased it on Audible. While it's true that having Ms.
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- The Time-Travelling Adventures of Wiggle the Worm (Wiggle meets Robin Hood Book 1).
- Yo, psicópata. Diario de un asesino (Spanish Edition).
- Society's Child: My Autobiography by Janis Ian?
- ;
- Society's Child.
Ian perform parts of her songs as her narration went along was interesting and innovative, the story she tells is self-aggrandizing to the point of being nauseating. I made it through the first half thinking it would become more self-aware and enjoyable as she became more mature but no such luck.
I couldn't bear to listen to another word! I did not finish this book and never will. View all 4 comments. Feb 21, Chrissie marked it as to-read Shelves: The audio had her songs and is narrated by Janis, herself!
View all 9 comments. Jun 25, D. This is an interesting book by an interesting writer. Janis Ian had her first big hit when still in her teens with the classic "Society's Child," and has had no less than TWO musical comebacks over the course of her career. Who says there are no second acts in American lives?
Following her life from her very "hippie" upbringing through the present day, this autobiography shows Ian's ups and downs as she deals with fame, personal and professional problems, and all t This is an interesting book by an interesting writer. Following her life from her very "hippie" upbringing through the present day, this autobiography shows Ian's ups and downs as she deals with fame, personal and professional problems, and all the ups and downs of her interesting life.
Ian is a strong writer, and she goes a good job of elucidating her thinking during the various phases of her life. There are several interesting tidbits here, including her friendships with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, but the majority of the book chronicles Ian's struggles to be an artist working within a system the record business that doesn't understand her or know what to do with her. The book deals frankly with her sexuality she has male and female lovers, sometimes at the same time and her emotionally and physically abusive relationships.
In the end, the book is interesting for the long-term Ian fan, as it fills in the background for several of her biggest hits, "Society's Child," "At Seventeen," "Stars," etc. Jul 29, Linda Lipko rated it really liked it. Highly Recommended While listening to Janis Ian perform at a local Musikfest, I took a wonderful, magical trip down memory lane. I purchased a copy of her recently released autobiography and read it in one sitting -- late into the wee morning hours.
I know the words to all the songs and now it is a special gift to hear the stories behind some of them and to learn the twists and turns of her journey. Her well-written, insightful book shines a bright light in the corners of the rough spots of darknes Highly Recommended While listening to Janis Ian perform at a local Musikfest, I took a wonderful, magical trip down memory lane.
Her well-written, insightful book shines a bright light in the corners of the rough spots of darkness of her life. Her vulnerability is profound. While writing in a non melodramatic fashion, she quietly invites the reader to sit beside her as she unravels the joys, the sadness, the blessings and the mysteries. She touched our hearts years ago when she learned some truths at seventeen, and now, this incredible woman continues to share some of the truths she has discovered throughout her life.
Jan 05, Harriet rated it it was ok. I have loved Janis Ian's music for 30 years. But I like it less having read this autobiography, which disappoints me terribly for its endless self-indulgence and frequent deviations into irrelevance or self-justification. It's got one of the best first lines of any autobiography I've read--"I was born into the crack that split America"--but it's all downhill from there. Ian doesn't emerge as a very likable character, alas. I wish her well and am glad her life is finally on track, but in this cas I have loved Janis Ian's music for 30 years.
I wish her well and am glad her life is finally on track, but in this case, I wish I hadn't read the book. Sep 06, Bethany rated it it was amazing Shelves: I joined a new library system the other week, and was finally able to get my hands on a copy of this book. I should've have just gone ahead and bought it since I've been wanting to read it for so long, but oh well. I have been a massive fangirl of hers and have spent hours alone listening to or singing her music. This book just increased my surety that Janis Ian is a matchless a I joined a new library system the other week, and was finally able to get my hands on a copy of this book.
This book just increased my surety that Janis Ian is a matchless and amazing woman. I was astounded by the amount of devastating things in her life; I kept thinking it couldn't get worse, but most every chapter brought new heartbreak. Janis is still alive to tell her tale, and that is incredible and makes me so happy.
Sep 19, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing. The best way to enjoy this book is to listen to the audio version, narrated by Janis. You'll get some wonderful, musical chapter openers from Janis that really set the mood. Janis appears to be a very courageous, positive person, someone to be admired. The only thing that puzzled me is that Janis did not express her feelings concerning the death of her friend, Janis Joplin. She mentioned JJ, but did not mention her feelings after JJ had passed away.
I found this odd. But I guess she had her reas The best way to enjoy this book is to listen to the audio version, narrated by Janis. But I guess she had her reasons for not wanting to go into that in this book. Again, give yourself a treat, and listen to the audio version. It's a joy to listen to Janis's soothing, upbeat voice telling her own story.
Dec 31, Karen Ireland-Phillips added it. Ian said she wanted to write her autobiography as if it'd been written by John Grisham. It's fast-moving, covers a lot of years and deep emotional territory without ever dipping very far into the underlying emotional state of the author.
Far more moving, and immediate, was the talk about the book I had the fortune to hear her give about the book in Cl Ms. Far more moving, and immediate, was the talk about the book I had the fortune to hear her give about the book in Cleveland just after its release. Ian spoke about her mother's decline and death, it was as if the listeners were with her. Sep 28, Gerry rated it really liked it. Another librarian posted an article about Janis Ian's talk at a library conference. It was very moving and so I put her autobiography on hold at the library.
It's taken me quite a while to get through it. There was a lot of sadness and sometimes, I just had to put it aside. I have 3 children who are artists of one kind or another. Reading this book about this artist makes me hope for them that they have enough joy and enough success to have a good life without the awfulness of big success.
It seems Another librarian posted an article about Janis Ian's talk at a library conference. It seems that Janis has found peace and joy in her life. I'm glad I read her autobiography. Apr 23, Linda Ann Rentschler rated it it was amazing. From her early stardom to her present circumstances, Janis has written from her heart--even when it was broken.
This was the most honest autobiography I've ever read. This book is for anyone who has heard the soulful sounds in her music and wondered where it all came from. Mar 28, Ashley rated it it was amazing. I found this an incredibly compelling read. For those who say that it is ego-centric or self indulgent Autobiographies are, by their very nature, self-indulgent.
Ian actually wrote a song making fun of this fact. I'm a big Janis Ian fan and hearing herself telling the fantastic story of her rather difficult life, was an uplifting experience! Sep 22, Tom Mueller rated it it was amazing Shelves: This read has prompted me to immerse myself in Janis Ian's work. She is playing in Chicago and Ft. Laud in and I hope to make her concerts. Have written to her webpage. Jan 07, Daniela Botterbusch rated it liked it. If you're considering this book, I highly recommend the audiobook Audible version. Janice Ian narrates, and she performs snippets of her own work throughout.
Dec 01, Jami rated it really liked it Shelves: I enjoyed this autobiography. I knew of Janis Ian's songs, and I remember "At 17" being one of the songs I learned to play on the piano. However, I knew nothing of her life, so this was an interesting story for me. She had quite a lot of unique experiences, both positive and negative, and her book also gave glimpses into the recording industry. I loved the format of having her singing part of one of her songs, and then you would get the part of her life that inspired that particular song.
It was I enjoyed this autobiography. It was definitely a unique way of telling the story. I'm glad that she narrated the book, as her narration and singing added to the listening experience. Nov 26, Jlsimon rated it it was amazing. This is my vote for best book read this year. Ian tells her story. What can I say, I laughed, I cried What a truly amazing woman. I wish I knew her. I wish I would be interesting enough to introduce myself to her and get to know her more.
I didn't know any of her music, but of course I looked her up. Smart, and funny, and despite her opinion that she is not a beauty I think she is just that. I wont give away any of the plot but I will offer the following recommendations I This is my vote for best book read this year. I would recommend this book to individual looking for: In fact I think that is why I loved this book, I could feel her feelings. I could feel her joy, feel her fear, feel her frustrations, feel her success. What a breathtaking individuals. I'll say it again, I wish I knew her.
Jun 09, Susan Moss rated it it was ok. I've been a fan of Janis Ian's music for quite a while. I remember when Society's Child first came out I lived At Seventeen I've seen her in concert multiple times as long-ago as college days In fact, I bought this book at FRFF when she was performing and stood in line to have her sign it. She told stories during her set about her mom's passing a few years before and, since I was care-taking for my own mom the summer before missing the festival , it all hit home.
She was gracious during my few minutes with her, holding my hand when I started crying, and then commenting on my Todd Snider Peace Love Anarchy baseball cap "I love Todd. He and I are e-mail buddies. I understand that she was thrust into the spotlight at a young age, and she had to develop coping skills to manage the influx of fame, money, fans. Janis' therapist continues to tell her that she doesn't trust anyone, but there's also a part of her that trusts everyone There's a guardedness to this autobiography, even though it mostly feels that she's airing all the dirty laundry.
Only toward the end, with her mom's passing, her marriage to girlfriend Pat and new life venture of fiction-writing does she begin to seem authentic and warm, but by then it's almost too late. I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet Janis a few times to counterbalance the "sour grapes" account of her life which comes across on the page.
Society's Child: My Autobiography
She has, however, always had a wicked sense of humor, best evidenced in this snippet from her acceptance speech after winning a Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album her reading of this memoir , in which her competition was Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Rachel Maddow and Ellen DeGeneres: She has a wonderful voice for narrating, and whenever she is talking about a particular song, she gives us samples of the song by singing it and accompanying herself with her guitar.
It is really a performance. I loved this book and wondered what had happened to Janis Ian. Janis Ian was catapulted into the spotlight in at the age of 15, when her soul-wrenching song "Society's Child" became a hit. Remember that Loving vs. Virginia, the case that made it unconstitutional to forbid marriage on the basis of race, wasn't decided by the Supreme Court until In , Ian's legendary "At Seventeen" earned two Grammy awards and five nominations.
But after seven albums in as many years, she made a conscious decision to walk away from the often grueling music business. During this period, she struggled through a difficult marriage, which ended with her then husband's attempt to destroy her, and a sudden illness that very nearly cost her her life.