
Revenge of a Chalet Girl: (A Novella) (Ski Season, Book 3)

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Revenge of a Chalet Girl: Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. In this series View all Book 4. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Revenge of a Chalet Girl , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Revenge of a Chalet Girl. Lists with This Book. Dec 10, Deniz rated it it was ok Shelves: I read the previous book in the series- though they were slightly ditzy - they were also cute and fluffy and quite enjoyable.

I started the series, simply because I was a chalet girl once upon a time. Well a real chalet girl- what we Swiss think is a chalet girl- not what apparently Wilson considers a chalet girl. Verbier is one of the best snowboarding spots in the Alps in my opinion and I actually learnt skiing at the age of 2 and snowboarding a decade later in the neighbor valley- so I know t I read the previous book in the series- though they were slightly ditzy - they were also cute and fluffy and quite enjoyable.

Verbier is one of the best snowboarding spots in the Alps in my opinion and I actually learnt skiing at the age of 2 and snowboarding a decade later in the neighbor valley- so I know the region pretty good. So frankly Chalet Girls has little to do with Verbier and the reality of the life or the people who are there.

But in the first two book I just chalked it up as creative freedom and fictional interpretation. This did however not work in Revenge of a Chalet Girl. Because honestly this felt more like a over the top day soap than a cute and fluffy read set in my favorite romantic setting. Well, as I said I know the area- and jacuzzis or a spar are the lamest attempts to set a mood. Trust me, I DO know, since the only way I gobble up cute and fluffy as a straight down sugary romance is when it's set in wintery snows and preferably in the mountains. IMO nothing says romance more than that setting.

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But Wilson completely ignored the beautiful setting- and went for cliche beyond boring cliche. But I could have even lived with that- except the Characters were all really really really annoying. I couldn't handle Amy's sopping from get go. But oh well, i thought, what effs- it will get cute and funny, she will snap out of it.

UHM well she didn't. She not only never got a backbone- she behaved really pathetically. Then there is mr. Josh, was -well wth?! Then there is the nemesis- could she have been more caricaturistic biatch? Trust me when I say - hell no! So from being kinda slightly overdramatic but fun, cute and fluffy this series just took a tern to what's going on? I am not sure if I will read the next one. I will definitely check it out, because call me sentimental but I still have hope- the setting after all is sooooo romantic and Wilsons writing style is really enjoyable. So fingers crossed Revenge of a Chalet Girl was just a sidestep to awful.

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This 1,5Stars actually But it's too good for 1stars View all 12 comments. Dec 30, Sharon L rated it it was ok. I'm sorry, this is not a review this is a rant. The only reason I kept reading this book was because it's short and the writing is nice for a third person, and because I liked the previous book Secrets of a Chalet Girl. I was really tempted to DNF this book. Consider yourself warned, this is a rant. Once again it is Christmas time for the chalet girl, and this time they are hosting a party.

That's even nice if it wasn't for the story of Amy seeking revenge on her E I'm sorry, this is not a review this is a rant. That's even nice if it wasn't for the story of Amy seeking revenge on her Ex, Josh. Now, really, I don't mind revenge.

Revenge of a Chalet Girl (Ski Season, #3) by Lorraine Wilson

Revenge can be fun when you do it right. But the story, this story contains one of the plots that annoy me more than anything in the world. SO Amy and Josh dated back in the day and they broke up because Josh got his dream job.

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  • And he needed to move abroad for it. And he couldn't ask Amy to come with him because he didn't want to ruin her dreams. So he did the right thing not and broke up with her. Let's say that I can forgive Josh's idiocy for choosing what's best for Amy instead of treating her like the partner she was supposed to be.

    Revenge of a Chalet Girl

    Instead of consulting her and let her choose on her own. Let's say, for a moment that I could get past my anger about that What did Amy do, when her heart was broken to tiny little pieces? Did she move on? Did she try to talk to him and understand what happened? Did she put up a fight? Her grandfather died around the same time. So she sinks into depression, quit her studies and turn into this shadow of the girl she once was.

    She becomes a scardy cat. She becomes a quiet girl. And after lots and lots of therapy she leaves home and goes to work as a chalet girl. I might sound a little harsh here, but I can't respect someone who let their whole life be destroyed because of a broken heart. As for the grandfather- it sucks, I talk for experience, but you need to move on. You move on with that pain in your heart, but you don't lose you damn mind!

    Now she meets Josh and with her friends encouragement she decides to seek revenge, and she does it stupidly by flirting with his friend and by turning into mush every time Josh touches her. But her, guess what? Things can't be simple. We are having a bachelor party. Guess who is the bachelor? Ain't that fucking awesome?! Here is where my real problem starts. Josh in engaged, he is supposed to marry in a week. We learn from it might just be the wrong girl.

    I can live with that. People fall in love and marry the wrong person all the time. Revenge of a Chalet Girl: A Novella Ski Season, Book 3. Secret Crush of a Chalet Girl: A Novella Ski Season, Book 4. Rebellion of a Chalet Girl: A Novella Ski Season, Book 5. Always the Chalet Girl Chalet Girl Plays Cupid: A match made on the slopes Three Chalet Girls are about to strap on their skis and find out!

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