Prosperity Is A Mindset By Dr. Abraham Stornes
Wiccan bells are rung to outline portions of rituals and celebrations. After the tolling of the bell, people began to dance and play. After that, men freemasons with mutton chop whiskers, side whiskers that are narrow at the temples and broad and trimmed short at the jaw line, the chin being shaved both in front and beneath, top hats and black top coats gathered at the foot of a mound and tree of life. The concept of a Tree of Life has been used in science, religion, philosophy, and mythology. A tree of life is a common motif in various world theologies, mythologies, and philosophies.
It alludes to the interconnection of all life on our planet and serves as a metaphor for common descent in the evolutionary sense. The Round Table advocated, in clear reflection of Illuminist ideas and still does the destruction of national sovereignties and surrender to an elitist ruling body, the prototype of the New World Order, and a theme that informs the thinking of occultic groups since at least the pre-Masonic Rosicrucians of the s. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.
When the imperial racist Cecil Rhodes died in , he had become one of the wealthiest men in the world. In his will, Rhodes devoted his entire fortune to in the care of Lord Nathan Rothschild for the creation of the Round Table groups , the purpose of which would ultimately be to form a one world government, or as he said in the will,.
I see the wealth and power they possess the influence they hold and I think over their ceremonies and I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end. What Masonic Order was Rhodes referring to as a member to do the seething of Lucifer? It was the United Grand Lodge of England.
It was the first Masonic Grand Lodge to be created. The play centers on the year A. Prospero and Miranda survived, and found exile on a small island Bermuda in the Caribbean Islands.
Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming, The clouds methought would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked I cried to dream again. The Tempest is actually a 17 th Century occult manuscript passed down from one generation to the next containing arcane and hidden knowledge of a European secret society.
I have come to learn that sometimes there is a thin line between genius and the purely Luciferian nature , ideology and intellect. Scores of volumes have been written to establish Sir Francis Bacon as the real author of the works of William Shakespeare. Manly Palmer Hall writes: Bacon is not to be regarded solely as a man but rather as the focal point between an invisible institution and a world which was never able to distinguish between the messenger and the message which he promulgated. This secret society, having rediscovered the lost wisdom of the ages and fearing that the knowledge might be lost again, perpetuated it in two ways 1 by an organization freemasonry to the initiates of which it revealed its wisdom in the form of symbols; 2 by embodying in arcane in the literature of the day by means of cunningly contrived ciphers and enigmas.
To emphasize this Manly Hall return to the claim that there is evidence that point to the existence of group of wise and illustrious fraters brothers who took it upon themselves to publish and preserve, for future generations, secret books of the ancients, together with documents. So that future members of the fraternity not only can identify the volumes but also immediate note the significant passages, words, chapters, or sections therein.
He states that they created a symbolic alphabet of hieroglyphic designs. He had presented new ideas to the Government for the Reformation of the church and was officially instructed to commence restructuring the Bible. The documents revealed that Bacon personally selected and paid the revisers of the New Testament who completed their task. Bacon also encoded secret information into both the Old and New Testament. An ancient document recorded that the true history of early Christianity was known to the initiates of the Order of the Knights Templar , having originally been:.
Regarding the months of editing work applied to the Bible by Bacon , his biographer, William T. Smedley , confirmed the extent of the editing:. He was an ardent student not only of the Bible, but also of early manuscripts. St Augustine, St Jerome, and writers of theological works, were studied by him with industry. At the completion of the editing, Sir Francis Bacon and King James I had a series of meetings to finalize editorial matters associated with the new Bible. Those earlier documents no longer exist and the Bibles we have today are five linguistic removes from the first Bibles written.
According to the secret doctrine of the th Century racialist European occultist that influenced Blavatsky, there are seven ages of the evolution of mankind on earth, briefly, characterized as 1 Polarians 2 Hyperborean 3 Lemurian 4 Atlantean 5 Aryan. The 6 th and 7 th Root Races are still in the womb of the future and evolution. Two hundred years before her time, Shakespeare and a secret 16 th Century Rosicrucian society promoted the pseudo occult root race theory among the ruling English elite and royalty as scientific doctrine.
No amount of culture, no generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Aryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so-called. No amount of culture, no generations of training amid civilization or MAGIK, could raise such human specimens throwbacks to semi-animals of the Lemurian Epoch to the intellectual and divine levels of Aryans. In another absolutely bizarre scene during the opening ceremonies, a towering dark sorcerer forms.
The giant figure was Lord Voldemort , a fictional character from J. The message is clear. Those that oppose or get in their way will be liquidated. From the occult pseudo sciences of Freemasonry, to the Vril and Andromeda of Nazis, to the Space God Xenu and e-meters of the Scientologists, they plan global racial mass murder whether by biological-genetic warfare, drones, bombs, starvation, mass incarceration, wars of genocide , sectarian or race wars. So, what in the world do the twisted occulted Summer Olympic Games have to do with Trayvon Martin? Between the pillars Boaz and Jachin , the High Priestess Tarot Card represents a link to the subconscious mind, which cannot be accessed through the everyday world but only through dreams and symbols.
Subsequently, he covered the tattoo with a praying hands tattoo. Above, Tracy with group of young lodge brothers- one of them flash a Crip Hand Symbol. Sadly, there is more to the story. She alleged that it was she that raised Trayvon from the age of 3 years old. Between the times Trayvon was around 7 years old, up to the summer of when Trayvon was 15, Ms. Stanley had been his mom. However, from the summer of , Trayvon appeared to have been moved from family to family, location to another location until he was slain.
Was that the original plan- mistaken for a burglar? Tracy Martin has shed a sea of public tears for his son. Yet, I wonder if all of those tears are not for himself. Tracy is in the same position as Masonic-Scottish Rite black patsy and slave, Dr. Conrad Murray, locked in a Blood Covenant of Death with Lucifer and his most vicious, devoted and demonic racist servants.
As you reflect on this grave situation, always remember the lasting prophetic words to the People by the Late Great Bruce Lee ,. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy. I understand that you are only 18 or 19 years old trying to complete high school. English is not your primary language. Haitian Creole is your primary language. It is a complex and essentially a colonial language created on condition of human bondage and the ingenuity of your people to the circumstances of extreme racial oppression and brutality.
It is a language and testament to human struggle. It is a creole based largely on 18th-century French and some West African languages, and has secondary influence from other languages. Under normal circumstances, if the court or attorneys had problems understanding your dialect or language, you should have been offered a translator or an interpreter.
You were entitled to the human dignity of a fair and just admonition from the court to be patient that because of your complex linguistic background that language barriers and dialect may be affecting your testimony. You were just a witness, and a very important witness that spoke for Trayvon to the fear he experienced being chased and hunted down by a fiend just moments before his death. It was a cold- vicious racially based character attack intended to prejudice the jury, and yet the judge and prosecution allowed it to go on and no without admonishment or a spirited objection or protest to the injustice.
You were right to resist, object and fight back. It hurts that in America things seem trapped in another time and era. My Dearest Sister Rachel , the way that they treated you in an American court was like watching a throwback to another era when blacks were incompetent as witnesses in legal cases involving whites.
Against this gross injustice, you fought back as best as you could. Instead of commending you for your savvy and courage to standup against them, you were perceived and labeled to be stupid, defiant, disrespectful and insolent to the court and its processes. What does it matter that former football player, Chad Johnson, slapped his attorney on the rear end as an example of free expression. It is a customary innocent expression of brotherhood among athletics of a good play or hold your head up. She instantly sentenced Chad Johnson to 30 days in county jail.
He was sent to county jail for simply displaying perceived insolence to white privilege and authority in a Florida courtroom. At most in all fairness, if she felt offended the judge should have issued a simple admonition, warning or fine. The State of Florida is a place with a particular vicious history of unprecedented violence, brutality and repression against Black People since the early 19 th Century. It is a place where Africans that found the courage or so-called insolence or deference to resist slavery and oppression were covered in tar and burned to death, and blown to bits.
It is a state where a new study of lynching in the South found that Blacks were more likely to be lynched in Florida than in any other state. My young sister, I and most of America know that you resisted being there in that courtroom whether it is because of your fear of racist America or from being intentionally mis-educated, abused and alienated from mainstream America. But, you had to be there.
GOD put you at the other end of that phone and gave you the necessary courage to be there in that hostile courtroom facing dragons to speak for Trayvon that the world seems eager to dismiss and demonize as another Big Black Brute that the world is better off without. You put a human face on Trayvon. You painted that picture of Trayvon in the last minutes of life as a frightened young man on a dark and rainy night that had been singled out by Zimmerman because of his youth and the color of skin.
We followed you as you described for us- how he was afraid that he was being stalked and hunted. We listened as you described him running and trying to lose what turned out to be a racist murdering fiend. My Dear Rachel, the rest is history. George Zimmerman stalked, haunted, chased down and executed 17 year old Trayvon Martin on the insidious and racist assumption that he was a young black punk up to no good. It is so important that in these most challenging moments in history that you stand firm.
They intend to push you and most young people of color off this planet. It is so important that you remain strong and firm in the public eye as a shining example of strength, courage and resistance for other young people to follow. Rachel, the Late and Great Donny Hathaway says hang on to the world as it spins around. For Trayvon and our basic Human Rights, my dear sister in that courtroom you were alone, wounded, surrounded and outnumbered, yet when it came for Righteousness and Justice to rain down , all alone, you ran to do Battle in the most difficult time and circumstances that experienced warriors and dragon slayers would have a difficult time to overcome.
It is sad fact in America that you are being unjustly attacked, maligned, probably threatened and severely criticized even for your very existence as a young Black Woman. It appears that the State of California, Governor-Imperium Jerry Brown, California Attorney General, and Beverly Hills Police Department refuses to properly investigate the homicide, pursue arrests in spite of the body of the crime-Homicide; evidence of a cover-up and tampering with evidence, and worldwide interest and concern.
Fifteen days later on February 25; unarmed 17 year old Trayvon Martin was aggressively racially stalked and killed by an armed George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. Allegedly, Zimmerman killed Trayvon in self defense and has been walking free since the shooting. The State of Florida, Governor-Imperium Jeb Bush, and the Police of Sanford also have refused to properly investigate the murder in spite of the body of the crime-Homicide; evidence of a cover-up and tampering with evidence and worldwide protest.
As far as the Whitney Houston case is concerned, U.
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Mass Corporate Media is apparently looking the other way as evidence of gross inconsistencies and cover-up continue to develop in the case. Jesse Jackson and Rev.
Al Sharpton are at the center of a large Trayvon Martin march and protest in Sanford; but also seemed to have gotten their cue from the U. Or what intelligence agency has the power to plant evidence, direct, control or influence the Beverly Hills Police investigation of the death of Whitney Houston? Dulles and Frank G. Men may hate us. This is a concept originally developed by psychologist Martin Seligman who found that dogs given inescapable electric shocks would eventually just give up trying to avoid them and remain passive while electrocuted.
The theory was related to depression where people with no control over their unpleasant lives supposedly just learnt to be withdrawn and passive. Quite by accident, Seligman and colleagues discovered that the conditioning of dogs led to outcomes that were opposite to the predictions of B. Seligman developed the theory further, finding learned helplessness to be a psychological condition in which a human being or an animal has learned to act or behave helplessly in a particular situation — usually after experiencing some inability to avoid an adverse situation — even when it actually has the power to change its unpleasant or even harmful circumstance.
Seligman saw a similarity with severely depressed patients, and argued that clinical depression and related mental illnesses result in part from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation. Such persons show apathy, no motivation, depression and pessimism.
Step by step Americans have stood by helplessly as one freedom and liberty guaranteed by their constitution and bill of rights has been taken away and each time they have protested and clamored their outrage they were managed into submissive acceptance. This despite a never ending series of bold faced lies that were later exposed as such that were told to them by the usurpers of their Government as the excuse to get them to accept the legislation for their new enslavement and acquiescence to participation in Wars of naked aggression. Even when millions of Americans began calling their Congress to prevent the Bank Bailout, they were given a one week reprieve only to be told that martial law would be declared if the bill was not passed.
Congress rubberstamped it and Americans were given yet another dose of helplessness. In violation of the Law of Physics and common sense, all four 4 of the hijacked planes with passengers and crews along with the virtually indestructible flight data recorder BLACK BOXES practically vaporized into thin air upon impact. There is no rhythm or reason in HELL or HEAVEN in this country by the Laws of the Land, whether federal or state, that an armed paranoid gunmen like George Zimmerman can racially profile, stalk and kill an innocent unarmed young man like Trayvon Martin without being arrested and charged with an unlawful homicide of a human being.
It has come under a fierce and brutal attack as an industry for the last couple of decades. All of their images, genius and life works can be reduced to a few pages in music catalog houses. It is a rather new phenomenon taking place in this country. It should now be clear to anyone with eyes to see.
As in the case of Michael Jackson, the profit from her untimely death and the catalog of her genius, life works and music has already generated millions upon millions of dollars for the coffers of the Luciferian Corporate Structure. Out beautiful and tortured songbird, Whitney Houston, was assassinated.
Whitney was undoubtedly a sweet, loving, gentle, quiet spirit and most likely shy child. She was vulnerable and an extremely humble human being that most likely was highly suggestible to hypnotic suggestion and hypnotism. By design and devises, her love for Jesus and Christianity was systematically turned against her. It has happened before. It was called the Peoples Temple and Jonestown. The drugs and harassment program made Whitney Houston so paranoid that she saw evil apparitions and once drilled a spy hole in her bathroom to keep an eye out for demons.
By February , Whitney was always convinced that demons were out to get her when she was high. On one occasion, she told me [Tina Brown] she was staring at the face of the devil himself…but it was her reflection. She stared at cracks in cups, saucers, mugs and plates and said she saw demonic lips.
She saw demons everywhere. When Whitney got high, she would imagine concealed wires and spy cameras [ systematic psychotronic electronic harassment] were everywhere. Reportedly, Whitney was examined and taken away by unknown psychiatrists. You know I rebuke the devil. And she went off with them. It was a big thing about the bruises. I for one applaud the courage of the Brown Family. I also applaud Dr. The Brown Family is not in any means polished and made for primetime TV.
They will undoubtedly be exposed raw, but raw enough with the courage and will to fight to protect Bobbie Kristina; and an open murder investigation in the death of Whitney Houston. The term metabolite is usually restricted to small molecules.. Metabolites have various functions, including fuel, structure, signaling, stimulatory and inhibitory effects on enzymes, catalytic activity of their own usually as a cofactor to an enzyme , and defense. A primary metabolite is directly involved in normal growth, development, and reproduction.
Alcohol is an example of a primary metabolite produced in large-scale by industrial microbiology. Believe it or not. According to Urban Legend, a Jim Jones Party is when you crush up a bunch of Ativan, Xanax, Valium, or any other water soluble benzodiazepine tranquilizers and then dissolve them in a punchbowl filled with grape Kool-Aid.
By the end of the film, everybody at the party should be passed out Havem pass out on the floor. Yet, you would never know it from the overly relaxed and nonchalant attitude of the Negroes like Pat Houston that surrounded her. The man called security and then went upstairs to the fourth floor to see what was going on. He also says that a flat screen television had been broken—the screen was smashed.
The room was empty. Whitney was supposed to die Friday night, but something went haywire with the post hypnotic programming. With mental and physical exhaustion, drugs, alcohol and hypnotic suggestion, it had been left to Whitney to run the water into the bathtub, get in and self destruct-drown herself.
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Whitney ran the water into the tub and left it running. At the last minute, Whitney primary personality or one of her helper personalities found the strength to resist self destruction. Whitney wanted to live. Then again, as Leolah Brown told Dr. Drew on CNN that Whitney Houston had certain paranoids about hotel bathtubs that her handlers may not have known about; which may have overpowered the self destruct hypnotic suggestion and sparked the resistance to get in the bathtub.
Leolah said that Whitney told her that she was afraid to take baths in hotel bathtubs because of cleanliness. She would never get in a hotel bathroom. Additionally, Whitney could have deliberately left the tub running to draw security to the room. Either a struggle took place in the hotel room or her handler s broke the flat screen television in a fit of rage after Whitney resisted her death call and they quietly left the room with Whitney before hotel security arrived.
It was as if nobody around Whitney really expected her to perform that Saturday evening. Along with cocaine and marijuana, Whitney Houston died on February 11, with alcohol, Xanax, flexeril muscle relaxant and diphenhydramine benadryl in her system. She must have collapsed semi-comatose. Whitney was undressed then placed in the bath tub filled with water.
As popular TV CNN journalist Nancy Grace had once speculated, someone pushed her head below the water; [20] and left removing traces of cocaine, drugs and the bed sheets. Some were kept in a constant semi-comatose state until the end of Jonestown. Whereas, it suggests that Bobbie Kristina has also been likewise been initiated. She also clearly implied and falsely suggested that Stacey had been somewhat stalking and harassing Whitney. There have been lots of talk of a confrontation that she had.
Well, there was, kind of. Every corner that we go to, here she comes. I saw tears … from the young lady [Stacy Francis]. There was no physical fighting. I would never let that happen. And we headed out that door. And she made herself present everywhere we were. In fact, it appeared that Stacey and Whitney had been chatting cordially and friendly at the club throughout the evening. From his actions surrounding the assassination of Whitney Houston, he has to have been completely inexperienced, unconfident, negligent, indifferent or a knowing conspirator.
Yet, Pat said that she met Tiffanie Dixon coming out of the room and instructed her to call Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and The Mindset Lists of American History: Buy the book and We thrive at the intersection of health, green living, and conscious commerce. Financial Coaching Network Prosperity Now Financial coaching puts wealth and prosperity within reach for more families by equipping them with the skills they need to make sound financial decisions.
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Puritans The End Time Pilgrim In this series of articles, see the subject headings below left , we shall be going on a journey. It will take us back years into time. We shall be taking a look at the extraordinary history of the Puritans. The Enduring petitive Advantage of an Adaptive Mindset The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants the Association is the most influential body of professional accountants, combining the strengths of the American Institute of CPAs and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants to power opportunity, trust and prosperity for people, businesses and Pope with almost blinding speed.
Like Alex , this adolescent had also been trained to strike with a knife.
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After the savage attack, Seyedeh Kianfar and Webster escaped the crime scene in a silver or light blue convertible sports car. Pope was left to bleed to death on that quiet garden pathway and only the swift action of her husband saved her life. In the aftermath of the crime, Seyedeh Kianfar scurried Webster away and bought her a complete change of bloody clothes.
Seyedeh Kianfar disposed of the bloody clothes and secrete the Ritual Feasting Knife. With a new set of clothes and a word of caution about Webster and access to knives, Seyedeh Kianfar dropped the girl off at home and took off. Marilyn was intended to be yet another highline story- poster-child to fuel the eugenic debate about nature vs. Marilyn was bound to be disposed of in a hail of police bullets until she unexpectedly flipped the switch and exposed her programmers.
The hypocrisy and contradictions would have been far too great to just let the asset walk. It had the danger of awakening the people all over the country. Kianfar and Webster were both criminally charged, Webster for attempted murder, and Kianfar for accessory to attempted murder. She was not booked, fingerprinted or photographed by the BPD , authorities said. During court proceedings, the prosecutor said that Kianfar was unremorseful and failed to acknowledge responsibility in the case. Do that, and no other shall say nay. It was a lone female journalist and I that was shocked and surprised by a blatant hypocritical and racist criminal justice system that allowed this woman a privilege of showing up or not to felony attempted murder proceedings.
I was broken hearted when one of my childhood heroes was among them. Marilyn Webster was a Ward of the State of California locked away in its foster-care abuse system. Mental health counselors had been strictly forbidden from fraternizing with their charges outside the facility. In , Kianfar surrounded by her seen and unseen influential grove of supporters had worked out a plea deal with the Alameda County Mafia. With her plea, she worked out a covenant to not spend any time in county jail or state prison.
Don Clay completely twisted the facts around and almost proclaimed Kianfar a HERO for calling police 15 hours later to get that wild and crazy black girl off the streets before he attacked anyone else. That was an end to a possible public trial. I was hopeful for a public trial. It turns out that they both were purveyors of the secret shadow government. Pope had been a powerful Westwood-Sacramento politically influential attorney- key legal advisor and legislative secretary to s California Governor Pat Brown , father of current Governor Jerry Brown.
Army from to That included a stint in the U. Korean Aggression as the news analyst military intelligence for the 8th Army in Seoul. He also held the extremely powerful position of influence as the Los Angeles County Assessor during the s. Most of her time in custody, Marilyn was under special hour guard in solitary confinement at juvenile hall to plug any more leaks. She was last reported living at the Porterville Developmental Hospital in Tulare County , a state mental health treatment facility in the Sierra Foothills.
She was expected to be confined away at that facility until at least It is theold Porterville State Hospital. Being at Porterville State Hospital was far from being a picnic and a rest resort for Marilyn. They also complain about the use of electric shock grids, physical restraint. The experiment showed that obedience to authority was the norm, not the exception. Two days after the knife attack, there was a leak that Webster told police that she had slit Mrs.
In the Biblical Book of Judges , Jephthah of the House of Joseph [87] that parallels to the story of Abraham sacrificed his only daughter for a covenant with God for victory over the Ammonites. The Old Testament does not specify how Jephthah sacrificed his daughter, but following the correct methods for animal feasting ritual sacrifice, he would slit her throat first and drain her blood into a temple service vessel, then sprinkle, and smear her blood at prescribed points around the altar; and burn the flesh.
It was believed that the Yezidis , a Kurdish people located in northern Iraq, worshipped a primitive form of Satan. Yezidism , as the religion of the Yezidis is called, combines traditional beliefs with Islamic Sufi heresies. The Yezidi belief system is reminiscent of the Gnostic Nag Hammadi scriptures. Like certain Gnostic sects, the Yezidis identify the disobedience of Satan as an enlightened act. The Yezidis follow the Quran, which states that Satan was cast down by God for refusing to submit to man.
Iblis was willing to disobey God and endure hell itself rather than give up God his love and submission to the Highest. Thus, Iblis can be viewed as the true Moslem. The Quran, in many citations, portrays Satan or Iblis as an angel. And remember when We said to the angels: One version is that Iblis claimed to be a nobler being created by fire while man came only from clay.
For this exhibition of pride and disobedience, God threw Iblis out of heaven. His punishment, however, was postponed until the Judgment Day when he and his host will have to face the eternal fire of hell until that time he is allowed to tempt all but true believers to evil. Many Sufis see Iblis as a model for the perfect monotheist and lover of god because he refused to bow down to Adam, because of his separation from his beloved.
He went in as a young ordained Christian minister, and came out of jail an ordained Islamic fanatic. One thing is certain is that when Mapp was apprehended for capital murder in Southern California, Self-Destruct Alter Personalities set in. D evils and demons suddenly drove Mapp into paranoia and insanity — post hypnotic termination and amnesia blocks. The police took his gun, then gave it back to him with walking papers from the Alameda County Mafia.
He ended up in Pasadena executing two men with that same weapon. By the time of trial for murder in in Los Angeles, Mapp had suddenly become so mentally impaired by devils and demons that a jury found him not guilty of murder by reason of insanity CA Pen. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
The bible and many ancient texts claim that Abraham of Ur of the Chaldeans is the father of all religions and nations. Along with that gift was the promise his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in heaven; and, the world would be blessed because of him. When given his covenant from God his name was changed from Abram to Abraham. This covenant requirement was repeated in detail in Deuteronomy According to the Bible, God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice.
The entire episode of the human sacrifice is regarded as a trial of God for Abraham and his son, and both are seen as having passed the test by submitting to God and showing their awareness that God is the Owner and Giver of all that we have and cherish, including life and offspring. The submission of Abraham and his son is celebrated and commemorated by Muslims on the days of Eid al- Adla. It was common in Arabia and the world generally until the worship of the Golden Calf was eliminated by Christianity. The ritualized slaughter of animals is a very special and affectionate custom in Abrahamic Jewish life.
They cut the animals throat wide open in order to drive the animal into a rage whereby the blood is agonizingly pumped out of the creatures body. Depending on the species the divine death throes can take up to four hours. The animals go mad during this ordeal. Northern Italy from A. Sacrifice of Isaac Orazio Riminaldi.
As you see, the throat attack, Trial of Abraham and the S acrifice of Isaac had been an important theme to the elite and illuminated classes for generations. Please stay with me for a few more moments. It is a rare set of circumstances to find a smoking gun clear evidence in the Black Community of the covert programming of a mind controlled Black Manchurian Candidate , particular a black female adolescent. At times, I have been accused by simpletons of being paranoid and delusional.
However, this is no delusion. Sufism is a mystical or esoteric form of the Muslim faith that seeks a direct experience of God. He is the hidden initiator of those who walk the mystical path, like some of those from the Uwaisitariqa. Uwaisis are those who enter the mystical path without being initiated by a living master. It is influenced by other faiths, such as Buddhism, and reached its peak in the 13th century. He began his study and devotion to the discipline of Sufism in his twenties, and later was appointed to teach in the Uwaiysi Tarighat. Shah Maghsoud is the last of the long lineage descended from Uwaiys-i-Gharan whose way of spiritual traveling was directly approved by the Prophet Mohammad.
Uwaiys-i-Gharan was a mysterious ascetic figure born in Yemen. He is reported to have been a slim man of medium height who had a white spot on the palm of his hand. He ate very little, and sold dates to earn a living, eating only to break his fasts and giving the remainder to the needy.
He wore an old robe, which he knitted himself, to keep warm. He was a shepherd, and supported his elderly mother, whom he cared for. At the day of Resurrection, he shall intercede for my people to as many as the number of the Rabia and Muzzer tribes. Uwaiys Gharan was martyred at the Battle of Saffein. Even though a Muslim is permitted to enjoy fully whatever unforbidden pleasure God bestows on him, Islam nevertheless encourages and praises those who shun luxury in favour of a simple and pious life. There are students of Islam, however, who maintain that zuhd was influenced directly by the Christian hermits , with whom early Muslims had some familiarity.
The Prophet himself spent long periods in solitary vigil, fasting and praying, even before his prophetic mission. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, []. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him. Sufism and Majestic Mind Control. Majestic is an adjective- describing word. Its standard definition is having or exhibiting majesty. A family friend said the Tsarnaev family were Sufi Muslims , the dominant and moderate form of Islam in their homeland of the northern Caucasus.
Sufism is extremely most suitable for Majestic Mind Control. It is a Islamic belief system associated with teachings of Sufi masters—who may serve as an intermediary between God and humans—to achieve a spiritual sense of the meaning of God. Amanda means lovable in either Latin or Greek. Al Contran murdered and executed people all over California. In May , San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto told a packed news conference that pseudo Muslim Black Manchurian Candidate Death Angels like Mapp and Flenaugh had committed at least 73 racial murders and mutilations all across the state since When Mapp was apprehended by police for murder in , his mind snapped and lapsed into paranoid schizophrenia- locked in post hypnotic amnesia blocks.
People of the State of California v. It concluded in her plea of no contest to felony criminal charges. Now and forever, Seyedeh Kianfar does not wish to contest the facts, circumstances, issues or change the conversation of the case. Prior to this position, she had been working as a medical case manager for HIV positive women and children. They hide behind the power and authority of the state. She entered our community behind a shroud of secrecy. These people are materialist, profiteers and NWO collaborators that sale their brand of Sufism to governments and the highest bidders.
Reflect for a moment with the Musical Wisdom of Donnie. When Therapy is Punishment, 45 Miss. Here we may reign secure, and in my choice to reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven. The languages and names have changed but the game is the same. Kali is a ancient Hindu deity depicted with a blood-dripping tongue sticking out.
In the majority of temples, the blood of sacrificed animals is run through her tongue. Kali is essentially thirsty for blood. The faithful night of November 24, that brought about an atrocious and heartless slaying of Jordan Davis was a stage play, a cruel and unusually human drama carried out by players before the unknowing masses. When you practice something so many times, it was like riding a bike. Soldiers now train in realistic simulations of combat so that aiming, firing and seeing the target fall dead becomes a single, almost unconscious, conditioned response.
MUSCLE MEMORY allow soldiers to kill without inhibition that is often developed during live-fire exercises but increasingly the American military relies on computerized simulations, providing the trainee with a level of realism never before possible. Michael David Dunn, Mr. One thing is clear. Nice guy intended to execute all four kids, and he has demonstrated no remorse for killing Jordan Davis one way or another. To Michael Dunn , executing a 17 year old unarmed Black teenager as an universal enemy of the state was as automatic- like riding a bike- like a NAZI.
In his conscious and subconscious state of mind, the comfort of his dog proved to be more important than the life of a human being as an imaginary targeted enemy. It is used by U. Mass media nor the prosecution explored Mr. Michael Dunn Playing with Devil: A Jacksonville reader gave me the clue and some pieces to the puzzle of Michael Dunn- wrapped inside an enigma. Michael Dunn is far from a typical Florida redneck rolling around town in an old beat-up car just trying to make it in America.
Nice Guy had a motorcycle, and even has his own plane. He worked hours a week. Moes testified that he had been working with him on military intelligence classified projects out of Jacksonville NAS since that time. Moes also exposed the fact that since about , Michael Dunn had been currently working on a classified U. Defense Early Warning System project. SSN has expanded rapidly over the past decades to most likely cover the planet. Strategically placed radar system and sensors with deep space surveillance capabilities make up the early warning systems that feeds into control and monitoring stations in Florida and NORAD in Colorado.
HP also provides products and services to the Department of Homeland Security for enhanced immigration status checks. He is a defense consultant employed by the multi-billion dollar global military service conglomerate Hewlett Packard, Inc. In the Druid Tradition , a Grove is a group of people who come together to honor deity, land, culture, heritage, ancestry and each other. He later becomes revered as a pagan god on Earth. Black Women are over 3 times more likely to obtain an abortion than White women.
Even though African Americans are only Luciferian Meg Whitman with the Hidden Hand. Hinshaw , below,seemed to be the man behind HP and the real power behind Whitman.
Undoubtedly, Hinshaw had been recruited as a CIA agent or consultant. Hinshaw also served as Computer Systems Manager for the U. Prior to Cellco, Mr. Prior to joining Bell Atlantic , he served as a Consultant for Accenture , providing information technology consulting for several Fortune companies and government agencies.

Accenture is a global consulting company that was formerly a branch of Andersen Consulting. It is deeply involved in intelligence work. It does financial planning and audits for the U. Intelligence CIA Community and recently began providing information-sharing and collaboration tools to agencies. HP is wired to provide the newest artillery for repressive regimes. Brandishing transcripts of personal communications and records of whereabouts, officials now routinely use such information to confront, arrest and torture dissidents.
The Italian company running the project, Area SpA, bought the equipment through resellers in Italy according to the documents and the person familiar with the deal. At the same time, technicians from Area were installing and testing the surveillance system, which also includes data-storage equipment from Sunnyvale, California-based NetApp Inc.
NTAP , a Nov. Since , HP has been on the open market selling countries national identity systems built on the. HP and Microsoft have working on a code base that will allow them to offer a set of technology components for functions such as online and offline demographic and biometric data capture, regional verification and registration, and document lifecycle management. Biometrics is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.
Since , it had been exposed that HP was running a criminal industrial espionage and spying unit. The Israeli illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories is maintained and preserved by daily practices of surveillance and control. In recent years, these practices have increasingly relied on technological mechanisms provided by international and local corporations. Hewlett-Packard HP is one of the companies that enable this technological supervision and oppression. Through its subsidiary EDS Israel , HP is the prime contractor of the Basel System , an automated biometric access control system installed and maintained by HP in checkpoints throughout the occupied Palestinian territories oPt.
HP was charged by the Ministry of Interior with the manufacturing of biometric ID cards for the citizens and residents of Israel Jewish and Palestinians. In addition, HP also provides services and technologies to the Israeli army. Established in , HP Labs Israel is an excellence center in machine learning, data mining, and imaging. It is actually called, Enterprise Swarm Research Program. In , in the city of Medellin , Columbia , once best-known for drug-lord Pablo Escobar , HP has embedded a money laundering Narco-Dollar [51] global outsourcing center.
In , the George W. Bush administration and Congress ramped up assistance to the Colombian military through a clandestine project, Plan Colombia. Embassy in Bogota , then the largest U. It stayed that way until mid, when it was surpassed by Afghanistan. The CIA spent three years training Colombian close air support teams on using lasers to clandestinely guide pilots and laser-guided smart bombs drones to their targets by special GPS software tracing biometric authentication , computers, hard drives and cell phones calls [HP cell phone technology].
The primary contractor companies engaged at Pine Gap are the US aerospace systems and defense suppliers Northrop Grumman and Raytheon , and the computer systems supplier Hewlett-Packard.
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About 70 per cent of the workforce are contractor personnel. Jim Garrison to David Ferrie: Aerobatics is the practice of flying maneuvers involving aircraft attitudes that are not used in normal flight. She was out of Mexico. Hendrix also reported to police investigators that Dunn was involved with marijuana and cocaine - most likely out of Mexico and Columbia. On September 16, in a false flag operation , Alexis allegedly mass murdered people in Washington DC. He did the extensive hands-on ground work like Dunn connecting the complex vast system network of HP wires and hardware to tie into NSA and military intelligence listening and data collection centers.
On , Explosions were reportedly going off in the Twin Towers underground basements before the planes hit the Towers. According to witnesses, explosives were setoff in the twin tower basements just before the guided missile planes hit the buildings. He would have been one of the essential technicians that managed the wiring and hardwire necessary to synchronize explosives with guided missile planes, and the timing of the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7.
Secretly, Alexis had worn three hats for the shadow government. Navy Reserves — thereby earning a sizeable pay package that allowed extended visits to Thailand and plush accommodations wherever he went until the music stopped. It is generally believed that he became unstable mentally and physically due to his sensitive clandestine work with and exposure to high powered ELF Electronic Low Frequencies equipment and systems. Suddenly, Alexis became a disposable asset. The music had come to an end.
He had to be permanently discredited and silenced, and he was in great fear and tribulation of the DEVIL. Alexis told the group that the Navy was electronically assaulting him with a ELF weapon, and he was desperate to protect himself. In fact, Tony and his wife, Cherie , are notoriously known as pagan mystics and sorcerers.
Cherie Blair is supposed to be a world renown human rights lawyer on her own right. However from her observed wild, bizarre, contradictory behaviors and open engagement in witchcraft and pagan occult rituals , some have speculated that she suffers from multiple personality disorder MPD or dissociative identity disorder DID.
Officially, according to a government report of human capital within the Intelligence Community IC , nearly 40, private contractors like Michael Dunn and Aaron Alexis are working for intelligence agencies. Covert mind control experiments involving coupling human brains to computers has been going on since the s. Most commonly, brain-computer coupling implants transmitters are usually secretly inserted through the nostrils, from where they operate using two-way radio communication.