Ambassador Bekink's posting to Washington is a return to the U. Prior to this new posting in Washington, Ambassador Bekink served as the Dutch Ambassador to three countries: With a wreath-laying ceremony in Washington, D. Although the conflict has not been formally resolved to this day, an armistice was signed on July 27, The Korean War Veterans Memorial dates from and honors members of the armed forces who served in the war.
The day before, a similar ceremony was held on Arlington Cemetery. Rudolf Bekink, the new Ambassador Appointed, was present in one of his first public appearances in the United States. Bekink will present his formal credentials tomorrow, July 30th, to President Obama at the White House. Frank Amaro of the Italian American War Veterans Department Of Illinois said that ceremony in will be larger, since it will mark the 60th anniversary of the armistice. The book, written by Hennie Jacobs and illustrated by Madeleine van der Raad, was released in November last year and we received a review copy.
It was meant to be read together. For example, one person taking on the role of the cat, the other the dog -- the book is not translated. Hennie Jacobs herself became bilingual virtually overnight at the age of six as a Dutch immigrant to Montreal.
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- Guus | Dutch in;
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An advertising copywriter, Hennie teaches English as a second language. Betty and Cat really do exist, and the are the inspiration for the book. It is quite popular: This book lets them participate, and builds confidence. Stephanie, a bilingual 3-year old who we asked to do a review, greatly enjoyed the book. John, her father, explains: It's a great concept, and it was fun to see how Betty the dog speaks Dutch and Cat English. The story is mainly about the difference between cats and dogs. Stephanie enjoys stories about animals, especially talking animals.
From my perspective as a father who is raising his daughter bilingually in an English-language environment, I noticed that Stephanie was a bit confused at first: With that, switching language on every page was a little strange in the beginning.
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The book is an easy read at 24 pages; subsequent books are meant to be 28 pages. Hennie says she is planning to write several more in the series: Dutch-language newspaper The Windmill Herald will cease operations next month, according to publisher Albert van der Heide. The newspaper, which under various names has been in operation since , has seen its readers number dwindle due to demographic developments and has not been self-supporting for several years.
In an interview with the Dutch International Society yesterday:. The paper, which is published twice-a-month, dipped increasingly into red ink as the Canadian dollar moved to parity with its U. The only remaining Dutch-language newspaper for North America is now De Krant, whose publisher we interviewed in August The Windmill Herald has not been immune from these either.
The hard truth of the matter is that the Windmill Herald has not been self-supporting for a number of years. We have come to the conclusion that a turn-around is not likely any time soon. Hence the decision to cease publication.
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We are very grateful for the significant support The Windmill Herald received over the years. Collectively, subscribers took care of over half our annual budget. That was the case in and that remains the case today, no doubt the envy of most specialty newspaper publishers. Similarly, the Dutch immigrant business community has been very supportive throughout the years. The readership and the advertisers were huge positive factors in our ability to publish without any interruptions. In a earlier volume the other achievers in such other areas as society, culture and the arts were presented.
Another important figure among numerous others is DeWitt Clinton, the driving force behind the Erie Canal, the first large-scale infrastructure project which connected the midwest with the east, and opened up the midwest for agricultural development.
books | Dutch in
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- Primary Dutch in America!
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Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. The book, written by Hennie Jacobs and illustrated by Madeleine van der Raad, was released in November last year and we received a review copy. It was meant to be read together. For example, one person taking on the role of the cat, the other the dog -- the book is not translated.
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Hennie Jacobs herself became bilingual virtually overnight at the age of six as a Dutch immigrant to Montreal. An advertising copywriter, Hennie teaches English as a second language. Betty and Cat really do exist, and the are the inspiration for the book. It is quite popular: This book lets them participate, and builds confidence. Stephanie, a bilingual 3-year old who we asked to do a review, greatly enjoyed the book. John, her father, explains: It's a great concept, and it was fun to see how Betty the dog speaks Dutch and Cat English.
The story is mainly about the difference between cats and dogs. Stephanie enjoys stories about animals, especially talking animals. From my perspective as a father who is raising his daughter bilingually in an English-language environment, I noticed that Stephanie was a bit confused at first: With that, switching language on every page was a little strange in the beginning. The book is an easy read at 24 pages; subsequent books are meant to be 28 pages.
Hennie says she is planning to write several more in the series: If you would like to contact me you can do so here. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. Skip to main content. The sheer joy of eating a crunchy, sweet carrot. About the authors Donna R.