Oud, lavanda y otras especies (Spanish Edition)
Some aspects of the biology of these bees were observed, such as sex-ratio, development time, Iongevity and others. Some aspects of the behavior of E. Coleopterans of the family Melolonthidae comprise a large group of species that feed on different food sources, including plant roots, stems, and leaves, in addition to plant materials at different decomposition stages. Several species are found in the genus Leucothyreus, occurring in different regions of Brazil, including the various biomes in the country.
Information on the biology of species of the genus Leucothyreus is scarce, therefore, we conducted studies on the biological aspects of Leucothyreus ambrosius Blanchard , The period of adult occurrence was determined with a light trap installed between a cropped and pasture area in the municipality of Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Adults collected in the field were used to form insect pairs and the studies were initiated in the entomology laboratory as the adults began ovipositing.
Adults were observed flying in the field from October to December. Eggs were obtained as pairs were formed and a colony was established, the embryonic period lasting The larval period in the 1st instar lasted The head capsule width was 1. The pupal stage had an average duration of The egg to adult period lasted Morphometric information for the larval and adult stages is presented in this study. Nutritional and reproductive signaling revealed by comparative gene expression analysis in Chrysopa pallens Rambur at different nutritional statuses.
Background The green lacewing, Chrysopa pallens Rambur, is one of the most important natural predators because of its extensive spectrum of prey and wide distribution. However, what we know about the nutritional and reproductive physiology of this species is very scarce. In total, unigenes were obtained with an average length of bp DNA barcoding revealed the presence of the polyphagous leafminer pest Liriomyza sativae Blanchard in Bangladesh.
DNA barcode sequences for mitochondrial COI were generated for Agromyzidae larvae, pupae and adults collected from field populations across Bangladesh. BLAST sequence similarity searches Full Text Available Chrysopa pallens Rambur are the most important natural enemies and predators of various agricultural pests. To facilitate identifying sets of genes involved in olfaction, a normalized transcriptome of C. A total of , contigs were obtained and assembled into 10, clusters and 39, singletons; 20, were annotated based on BLASTX analyses.
A large number of candidate chemosensory genes were identified, including 14 odorant-binding proteins OBPs, 22 chemosensory proteins CSPs, 16 ionotropic receptors, 14 odorant receptors, and genes potentially involved in olfactory modulation. In addition, 10 digital gene expression libraries of different tissues were constructed and gene expression profiles were compared among different tissues in males and females.
Our results provide a basis for exploring the mechanisms of chemoreception in C. The evolutionary analyses in our study provide new insights into the differentiation and evolution of insect OBPs and CSPs. Our study provided large-scale sequence information for further studies in C. Chrysopa pallens Rambur are the most important natural enemies and predators of various agricultural pests. A large number of candidate chemosensory genes were identified, including 14 odorant-binding proteins OBPs , 22 chemosensory proteins CSPs , 16 ionotropic receptors, 14 odorant receptors, and genes potentially involved in olfactory modulation.
Odorant-binding proteins display high affinities for behavioral attractants and repellents in the natural predator Chrysopa pallens. Chrysopa pallens is an important natural predator of various pests in many different cropping systems. Understanding the sophisticated olfactory system of insect antennae is crucial for studying the physiological bases of olfaction and could also help enhance the effectiveness of C.
However, functional studies of the olfactory genes in C. In this study, we cloned five odorant-binding protein OBP genes from C. Ligand-binding assays showed that farnesol, farnesene, cishexenyl hexanoate, geranylacetone, beta-ionone, octyl aldehyde, decanal, nerolidol Kipallens. Among them, farnesene and its corresponding alcohol, farnesol, elicited remarkable repellent behavioral responses from C. The identity of P. Perla virescentipennis Blanchard , is considered as Diamphipnopsis virescentipennis comb.
Lectotypes are designated for three species: Nemoura rufescens Blanchard , is redescribed as Austronemoura rufescens Blanchard , comb. Paralectotypes of these three species belong to further four taxa. Due to the missing syntypes, Perla lineatocollis Blanchard , is treated as a nomen dubium of uncertain suborder assignment.
Specimens of the Blanchard collections that cannot regarded as types are enumerated belonging to six species. Recent collections of 15 species from Chile are also reported. Fish and Wildlife Service The Perry Street bridge was removed in and replaced by a new bridge at Elm Street that is less restrictive The present tree growth commonly consists of a second growth of spe- cies of elm , maple, and oak. All of the Blanchard River basin lies. The extracts from 7 species of bamboo were tested for larvicidal activity against Culex pipiens pallens. At the tested concentration, the extracts of selected bamboo had different degree of toxic effects on the fourth instar larvae of Culex pipiens pallens.
Among them,the extracts of Pleioblastus juxianensis, Brachystachyum albostriatum, Phyllostachys platyglossa and Pleioblastus amarus were found to be effective with LC50values at 24h of The extract of Pleioblastus juxianensis by Soxhlet method showed stronger activity than the extract obtained by interval-shaking, the LC50 of which were The diethyl ether extract of Pleioblastus juxianensis exhibited better larvicidal activity than the methanol extract and the petroleum ether extract.
The results would help to provide the basis for the study of environment acceptable pesticide for mosquito control, and also help to comprehensively utilize the source of bamboo. Biosafety of a genetically modified crop is required to be assessed prior to its commercialization. For this, a suitable artificial diet was developed and used to establish a dietary exposure test for assessing the toxicity of midgut-active Bt insecticidal proteins on Chrysopa pallens Rambur. Temporal stability, bioactivity, and the intake of the insecticidal proteins were confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and a sensitive-insect bioassay.
The life history characteristics, such as survival, pupation, adult emergence, 7-day larval weight, larval developmental time, and emerged male and female fresh weights remained unaffected, when C. On the contrary, all of the life history characteristics of C. The outcome indicates that genetically modified crops expressing the tested Bt proteins are safe for the lacewing, C. The histories of medical entomology and parasitology are entwined.
Additionally, Blanchard is important for his scientific internationalism and medical historical work on the cultural location of parasitology and for training the future professors of parasitology Jules Guiart, Emile Brumpt, and Charles Joyeux. This article discusses how, following in the footsteps of United States imperial children's writers Jacob Abbott and Edward Stratemeyer, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade , the original author of the "Our Little Cousins" series , contributed to the American culture of empire.
Wade was one of the most prolific and popular…. A further assessment of Blanchard 's typology of homosexual versus non-homosexual or autogynephilic gender dysphoria. In a series of important but now highly controversial articles, Blanchard examined associations of sexual orientation and transvestic fetishism among male-to-female MTF transgender persons in Toronto, Canada. Transvestic fetishism was rare among the homosexuals but prevalent among the non-homosexuals. Subtypes of non-homosexual MTFs heterosexual, bisexual, and asexual were consistently high with regard to transvestic fetishism.
Non-linear associations of a continuous measurement of sexual attraction to women gynephilia and transvestic fetishism were interpreted in terms of an etiological hypothesis in which transvestic fetishism interferes with the early development of heterosexuality. Blanchard concluded that homosexual versus non-homosexual sexual orientation is a dominant and etiologically significant axis for evaluating and understanding this population.
Using the Life Chart Interview, multiple measurements of transvestic fetishism were obtained and classified as lifetime, lifecourse persistent, adolescent limited, and adult onset. Large but not deterministic differences in lifetime, lifecourse persistent, and adolescent limited transvestic fetishism were found between the homosexuals and non-homosexuals. Contrary to Blanchard , differences in transvestic fetishism were observed across subtypes of the non-homosexuals, and linear not curvilinear associations were found along a continuous measurement of gynephilia and transvestic fetishism.
Age and ethnicity, in addition to sexual orientation, were found to be statistically significant predictors of transvestic fetishism. The clinical, etiological, and sociopolitical implications of these findings are discussed. Comparative insecticidal efficacy of a new pyrethroid, metofluthrin, against colonies of Asian Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex pipiens pallens. Comparative insecticidal efficacy of metofluthrin, a newly synthesized pyrethroid, and other pyrethroids against several colonies of Asian Culex quinquefas-ciatus from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia was evaluated by topical application.
Metofluthrin was the most effective against the four colonies of Cx. The LDbased relative effective ratio of metofluthrin against d-allethrin was higher in Cx. Full Text Available The green lacewing, Chrysopa pallens Rambur, is one of the most important natural predators because of its extensive spectrum of prey and wide distribution.
In total, unigenes were obtained with an average length of bp. Four vitellogenins, three insulin-like peptides and two insulin receptors were annotated. Comparison of gene expression profiles suggested that totally genes were differentially expressed between the two nutritional statuses.
In turn, the top 4 are ribosome, protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum, biosynthesis of amino acids and carbon metabolism, indicating a distinct difference in nutritional and reproductive signaling between the two feeding conditions. Our study yielded large-scale molecular information relevant to C.

The green lacewing, Chrysopa pallens Rambur, is one of the most important natural predators because of its extensive spectrum of prey and wide distribution. Artificial Chrysopa pallens release is a well-known method for suppressing aphids, but it is difficult to establish lacewing populations in the field.
Understanding the functions of C. Based on our previous study, five antennae-enriched CpalOBPs were selected. Of the 31 compounds, the pest-induced volatiles Z hexenyl hexanoate and 2-hexyldecanol, used in host location by the black bean aphid, elicited significant attractive behavioural responses from C. It is conceivable that C. Our studies provide new insights into the interrelationships amongst C. Compounds that elicited significant behavioural responses from C. Tri-trophic interactions between Bt cotton, the herbivore Aphis gossypii Glover Homoptera: Aphididae , and the predator Chrysopa pallens Rambur Neuroptera: Tri-trophic impacts of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis Bt cotton GK12 and NuCOTN 99B were studied using a predator, the great lacewing Chrysopa pallens Rambur , and its prey, the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover, in laboratory feeding experiments.
The parental nontransgenic cotton cultivar of GK12 was used as control.
The predator was fed with uniform aphids from a single cultivar or mixed prey aphids from the three cotton cultivars provided on alternate days. Mortality and development of the immature stages, pupal body mass, adult sex ratio, fecundity, and egg viability of C.
When fed GKoriginated aphid prey, pupal body mass of C. Other parameters were not impacted. Other measurements did not differ significantly between the two Bt cotton cultivars. Compared with the control, mixed feeding significantly prolonged pupal development time and increased pupal body mass and percentage of females but did not affect other parameters. These results indicate that C. Transgenic Bt cotton GKoriginated aphid prey has no adverse impact on survival, development, and fecundity of C.
Mixed feeding of C. Curiosity as an approach to ethoexperimental analysis: Behavioral neuroscience as seen by students and colleagues of Bob Blanchard. Bob Blanchard 's work demonstrably changed our broad understanding of animal behavior, and led the way to experimental design and analysis for studies of animal behavior that helped to clarify the deep complexity and subtleties of behavior. Bob's impact on the field of Behavioral Neuroscience includes the behavior, neurocircuitry, neurochemistry, and pharmacology related to social interactions, aggressive behavior, defensive behaviors, flight, freezing, threat, attack, risk assessment, anxiety disorders, animal models, models of social behavior, and autism.
The methods and designs developed by Bob Blanchard over a lifetime have been adopted by scientists around the world, and form a standard of excellence in the field. The article addresses these topics in a way that presents developments in the field, describes the newest research data, and pays tribute to a great scientist and founder of this field of work, Bob Blanchard.
Full Text Available The larvicidal activity of the crude petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, acetone, chloroform and ethanol extracts of Amorpha fruticosa seeds was individually assayed for toxicity against the early fourth-instar larva of the mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens after 24 h exposure.
Amorphigenin 8'-hydroxyrotenone, a rotenoid compound which exhibits a strong larvicidal activity with LC50 and LC90 values of 4. Meanwhile, amorphigenin at Seasonal abundance of eggplant leafminer Liriomyza sativae Blanchard , Diptera, Agromyzidae in plastic-house. The eggplant Solanum melongena L. The results showed that the highest average of infested leaves was 6.
This study showed the parasitoid Diglyphus isaea Walker, Hymenoptera, Eulophidae was recorded as a natural enemy to control the pest and the highest incidence of parasitism was Understanding the neurobiology of fear conditioning and emergence of posttraumatic stress disorder psychobiology: In this commentary, we discuss the significance of this brief article and the developments in the PTSD field before, during, and after the Blanchard publication.
Within this context, we discuss the eventual recognition in both the clinical and scientific fields that PTSD had a major neurobiological foundation. Finally, we examine the key implication of these discoveries from an epidemiological, a clinical, and a public health perspective. Previous laboratory studies have suggested that pyraclostrobin-containing fungicide formulations are toxic to amphibians at environmentally relevant concentrations. However, it is unknown if all pyraclostrobin formulations have similar toxicity and if toxicity occurs in different amphibian species.
In addition, we examined body residues of fungicide active ingredients in A. Tissue concentrations of pyraclostrobin were lower than predicted based on full uptake of a direct dose, and did not drop during the first 24 h after exposure. Headline fungicides at corn application rates are acutely toxic to cricket frogs, but acute toxicity in the field will depend on worst-case exposure. Larvicidal activity of lignans and alkaloid identified in Zanthoxylum piperitum bark toward insecticide-susceptible and wild Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes aegypti. The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, and the common house mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens , transmit dengue fever and West Nile virus diseases, respectively.
The toxicities of all isolates were compared with those of mosquito larvicide temephos. XDA was isolated from Z. Overall, all the isolates were less toxic than temephos LC 50 , 0. These constituents did not differ in toxicity to larvae from the two Culex strains. The present finding indicates that the lignans and alkaloid and the insecticides do not share a common mode of larvicidal action or elicit cross-resistance.
Ecological Observations of Native Geocoris pallens and G. Full Text Available Big-eyed bugs Geocoris spp. Lygaeidae are ubiquitous, omnivorous insect predators whose plant feeding behavior raises the question of whether they benefit or harm plants. However, several studies have investigated both the potential of Geocoris spp.
These studies have demonstrated that Geocoris spp. Previous work has also indicated that Geocoris spp. For these reasons, Geocoris spp. Here, we present detailed images and ecological observations of G. These observations open up new areas to be explored regarding the behavior of Geocoris spp. MicroRNAs play critical roles in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, which participate in the modulation of almost all of the cellular processes.
Although emerging evidence indicates that microRNAs are related with antineoplastic drugs resistance, whether microRNAs are responsible for insecticide resistance in mosquitos is poorly understood. In this paper, we found that miR was significantly upregulated in the deltamethrin-resistant strain of Culex pipiens pallens , and overexpression miR through microinjection increased mosquito survival rate against deltamethrin treatement.
Using bioinformatic software, quantitative reverse transcription PCR, luciferase reporter assay and microinjection approaches, we conformed that CYP6N23 was the target of miR Lower expression of CYP6N23 was observed in the deltamethrin-resistant strain. These findings revealed that miR could target CYP6N23 to regulate pyrethroid resistance, providing new insights into mosquito insecticide resistance surveillance and control. Controlling Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens pallens using silver nanoparticles synthesized from aqueous extract of Cassia fistula fruit pulp and its mode of action.
Mosquitoes act as key vector for transmission of devastating parasites and pathogens which affect millions of people globally. In this research, the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles of Cassia fistula fruit pulp as an innovative and operative tool against vector mosquitoes is presented. Silver nanoparticles were characterized by a series of techniques including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscope and confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscope, UV-Vis spectrophotometry and X-ray diffraction.
The systemic effect of AgNPs was further assessed in the fourth instar larvae of Ae. Overall, the findings of the study suggest that the use of Cassia fistula-fruit pulp extract mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles can be used for controlling vector mosquitoes. This is the first report on the mosquito larvicidal and pupicidal activity of AgNPs synthesized by Cassia fistula fruit pulp and its possible mechanism of action. Molecular cloning and preliminary function study of iron responsive element binding protein 1 gene from cypermethrin-resistant Culex pipiens pallens.
Full Text Available Abstract Background Insecticide resistance jeopardizes the control of mosquito populations and mosquito-borne disease control, which creates a major public health concern. Two-dimensional electrophoresis identified one protein segment with high sequence homology to part of Aedes aegypti iron-responsive element binding protein IRE-BP. The expression profile of the gene was established in the mosquito life cycle. A protein of predicted size These IRE-BP 1-transfected cells also showed enhanced cypermethrin resistance compared to null-transfected or plasmid vector-transfected cells as determined by 3H-TdR incorporation.
Furthermore, the binary mixture of methyl salicylate and trans-cinnamaldehyde exhibited a combined effect of fast knockdown activity and high toxicity against Cx. The present study aimed to investigate deltamethrin resistance in Culex pipiens pallens C. Linear regression analysis was used to determine the correlation between the mutations and deltamethrin resistance. A kdr allelic gene was cloned and sequenced. Two alternative kdr-like mutations, LF and LS, were identified to be positively correlated with the deltamethrin-resistant phenotype.
Further studies are required to determine the specific resistance mechanism. Effect of temperature and relative-humidity on the development of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard Diptera: Agromyzidae in Vigna unguiculata; Efeito da temperatura e umidade relativa do ar no desenvolvimento de Liriomyza sativae Blanchard Diptera: Agromyzidae em Vigna unguiculata. This research aimed to study the influence of temperature and relative-humidity RH on the development of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard during the egg-adult period, in cowpea, to provide essential information for future biological control projects against the pest.
An inverse relation was observed between temperature increase in the range from 15 deg C to 32 deg C and development duration. Larval survival was not affected in the temperature range studied, while a high mortality of pupae was observed at 32 deg C RH did not affect the development time of the immature stages, although it influenced their survival. The lower developmental temperature threshold obtained for the egg-adult period was low 7. Based on the thermal requirements for L.
Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus subtilis to control filarial vector Culex pipiens pallens and its antimicrobial activity. Culex pipiens pallens are the most common mosquito's vector in Asia. In order to protect the people from diseases, the anti-mosquito population is necessary that uses safe and new bio-pesticides such as bacteria-AgNPs.
In our report, we used two kinds of bacteria to synthesize silver nanoparticles to examine the toxic effect on the larvae and pupae of Cx. The larvicidal and pupicidal assays revealed that the lethal concentration LC 50 values of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens-AgNPs were 0. Antibacterial activity test of AgNPs reveals better results against rice pathogenic bacteria than bacteria alone.
Thus, bacteria-mediated silver nanoparticles have a rapid effect on vector mosquito and microbial pathogen suggesting savings of energy and resources. Hence, bacteria-AgNPs may be used in the future as an effective weapon to control vector mosquito and harmful bacteria. Demographic analysis, a comparison of the jackknife and bootstrap methods, and predation projection: The life table of the green lacewing, Chrysopa pallens Rambur , was studied at 22 degrees C, a photoperiod of The raw data were analyzed using the age-stage, two-sex life table.
The intrinsic rate of increase r , the finite rate of increase lambda , the net reproduction rate R0 , and the mean generation time T of Ch. For the estimation of the means, variances, and SEs of the population parameters, we compared the jackknife and bootstrap techniques. Although similar values of the means and SEs were obtained with both techniques, significant differences were observed in the frequency distribution and variances of all parameters. The jackknife technique will result in a zero net reproductive rate upon the omission of a male, an immature death, or a nonreproductive female.
This result represents, however, a contradiction because an intrinsic rate of increase exists in this situation. Therefore, we suggest that the jackknife technique should not be used for the estimation of population parameters. In predator-prey interactions, the nonpredatory egg and pupal stages of the predator are time refuges for the prey, and the pest population can grow during these times. In this study, a population projection based on the age-stage, two-sex life table is used to determine the optimal interval between releases to fill the predation gaps and maintain the predatory capacity of the control agent.
Agromyzidae in Vigna unguiculata. Agromyzidae in Vigna unguiculata]. An inverse relation was observed between temperature increase in the range from 15 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius and development duration. Larval survival was not affected in the temperature range studied, while a high mortality of pupae was observed at 32 degrees Celsius Anatomical and phenological implications of the relationship between Schinus polygama Cav. Cabrera and the galling insect Calophya rubra Blanchard.
The success of galling insects could be determined by synchronisation with host plant phenology and climate conditions, ensuring suitable oviposition sites for gall induction and food resources for their survival. The anatomical, histochemical and phenological synchronisation strategies between Calophya rubra Blanchard Hemiptera: Psylloidea and its host, the evergreen plant Schinus polygama Cav. Cabrera Anacardiaceae , in the Mediterranean climate of southern Chile was evaluated and compared to that of the congeneric C.
Anatomical, histometric, histochemical and vegetative phenology studies of the stem and galls were conducted from June to December Based on the anatomical, histometric and histochemical analysis, the conical stem gall traits imply gains over the non-galled stem toward the galling insect survival, but the maintenance of phellem, secretory ducts and pith indicate conservative developmental traits that cannot be manipulated by C. Our results indicate that the conditions of the Mediterranean climate zone limit C.
The synchronisation between development and seasonality confers peculiarities to the S. All crustaceans examined were positive for this species of Temnocephala and carried eggs in different regions of the ventral side: The most distinctive characters of the new species are: Full Text Available Due to the importance of some Pleurosticti Scarabaeidae as agricultural pests allied to information absence on the species that occur in Brazilian Central-West region, on studies occurrence, biology and behavior on this group of scarabs were conducted.
Biology and behavioral studies started with Liogenys fuscus Blanchard , Melolonthinae, a very common species and were developed in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul. In the laboratory adults were placed in plastic containers with soil with sprouts of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf Poaceae. Adult flight activity occurred in August and in September to December from Eggs measured 1 x 1.
The embryonic period lasted The prepupal period lasted The mean duration of pupal stage was In laboratory the calling behavior between males and females was observed; copulation lasted, in mean, 25 minutes. Insecticide resistance and cytochrome-P activation in unfed and blood-fed laboratory and field populations of Culex pipiens pallens. Understanding the mechanisms of insecticide resistance to vector mosquitoes is critical for the implementation of effective control measures.
P activity was However, other three resistance-related metabolic enzymes showed low activation at P acts on elevated insecticide resistance after blood meals in resistant field populations. Our findings might reveal that suppressing of the P protein by artificial gene mutation increases insecticidal susceptibility of Cx. Full Text Available Seventeen leeches obtained from armoured catfish Hypostomus punclatus Valenciennes, infected with Trypanosoma spp.
It was observed the presence of tripomastigotes, epimastigotes and amastigotes forms as well as dividing forms in the proboscis and in the stomach, different from the ones found in the vertebrate host as regards the morfometric features and developing forms. The examination of the contents of rectum did not show tripanosomes. These facts seem to demonstrate that Batracobdella gemmata Blanchard , is an invertebrate host of trypanosomes and the transmission is done by means of inoculation.
Population dynamics and damage caused by the leaf miner Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard Diptera: Agromyzidae , on seven potato processing varieties grown in temperate environment. The leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard is considered a key pest for potatoes in Argentina. Population dynamics and leaf damage caused by the leafminer on seven selected potato processing varieties were assessed at Balcarce during the and growing seasons.
Adult population dynamic was monitored using yellow sticky traps, while leaf damage punctures and mines was assessed using a damage index scale from low to severe. Liriomyza huidobrensis adults were present throughout the growing season and the population increased along crop development. The same was true for all varieties regarding larval damage, being low on early crop stages and severe late in the season. Varieties were grouped in two different categories according to damage scale index.
Shepody, Kennebec, Frital and Innovator showed a higher damage index when compared with Santana, Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank, which exhibited a lower damage. Moreover, it could be assumed that damage was related to the foliage greenness, with light green colored varieties Shepody, Kennebec, Frital and Innovator being more attractive and affected by L. El promedio de huevos totales ovipositados por hembra copulada fue Los adultos pueden copular varias veces con la misma o diferente pareja.
Entre las plantas cultivadas y silvestres que hospedan al L. The main purpose was to study biology and natural enemies of the bean leafminer, liriomyza sativae Blanchard , under controlled conditions. Morphological descriptions of the life stages and damage of L. The life cycle was conducted at Average duration of the eggs was 2.
Full Text Available Temnocephala trapeziformis sp. Sixty-eight crabs were examined, of which 61 Eggs, as well as adult and young specimens, were found on the pleural areas of the carapace, in the orbital cavities, and, usually, on the fourth pair of pereiopods. New species of Temnocephala Blanchard Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalida ectosymbiont on giant water bugs, Belostoma spp. Full Text Available A new species of Temnocephala Blanchard , is described from southern Brazil, ectosymbiont on giant water bugs aquatic hemipterans, Belostoma spp.
Some hemipterans examined were positive for this species of Temnocephala and carried bunches of eggs between the first two pairs of legs and between the first pair of legs and the rostrum, as well as adult and young specimens. The adults were darkly pigmented greenish-brown, mimetizing the color of the hemipteran hosts. The new species is similar to Temnocephala decarloi Moretto, , from Argentina, the only other species of Temnocephala from belostomatid hemipterans known to date, by having an extra long and curved cirrus, but differs by having the distal portion of the introvert not bent as a 'full-bent' smoking pipe-like, as the author depicted originally for T.
Os vermes adultos eram pigmentados marrom-esverdeado, mimetizando a cor do exoesqueleto de seus hospedeiros. Full Text Available Temnocephala minutocirrus sp. Temnocephalan eggs were found both ventrally and dorsally: Juvenile and adult temnocephalans were always devoid of body pigmentation, and were found living on the ventral body surface, preferably over the sternum, between the middle and hind pairs of legs. The most distinctive features of this new species are: A disease in farmed Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus was a common event, being an economically important threat for Chinese farms.
Based on the clinical signs, epizootiology and pathogens belonging to the genus, Ranavirus was suspected as the possible etiology. Although in a cultured Chinese giant Full Text Available Anopheles galvaoi, a member of the subgenus Nyssorhynchus, is redescribed based on morphological characters of the adults male and female, fourth-instar larva and pupa. Female, male genitalia, larval and pupal stages are illustrated. Data about medical importance, bionomics, and distribution are given based on literature records. Adult female of An. A few characters are indicated for identifying female and immatures of An.
Phylogenetic relationships among An. Selection for chlorpyrifos resistance in Liriomyza sativae Blanchard: Cross-resistance patterns, stability and biochemical mechanisms. Agromyzidae is a serious pest of vegetable crops and ornamentals worldwide. In cropping systems with inappropriate management strategies, development of resistance to insecticides in leafminers is probable. Chlorpyrifos is a commonly used pesticide for controlling leafminers in Iran, but resistance to this insecticide in leafminers has not been characterized.
In order to develop strategies to minimize resistance in the field and greenhouse, a laboratory selected chlorpyrifos resistant strain of L. Selecting for resistance in the laboratory after 23 generations yielded a chlorpyrifos resistant selected strain CRSS with a resistance ratio of CRSS exhibited no cross-resistance to other tested insecticides except for diazinon. Synergism and biochemical assays indicated that esterases EST had a key role in metabolic resistance to chlorpyrifos, but glutathione S-transferase GST and mixed function oxidase MFO were not mediators in this resistance.
Susceptibility to chlorpyrifos in L. Synergism, biochemical and cross-resistance assays revealed that overactivity of metabolic enzymes and reduction in target site sensitivity are probably joint factors in chlorpyrifos resistance. An effective insecticide resistance management program is necessary to prevent fast resistance development in crop systems.
Sex ratios in juveniles and adults of Dichroplus maculipennis Blanchard and Borellia bruneri Rehn Orthoptera: Full Text Available Dichroplus maculipennis and Borellia bruneri are two of the 18 grasshopper species of actual or potential economic relevance as pests in Argentina. The objective of this study was to estimate the sex ratios for adults and older nymphs of D. The study was conducted during seven seasons to in representative plant communities of the southern Pampas region. A total of individuals of D. The sex ratio registered in older nymphs for D.
Species Bertiella studeri and Bertiella mucronatacould, accidentally, infect human beings. The infection occurs from ingestion of mites from the Oribatida order containing cysticercoid larvae of the parasite. The objective of this report is to register the first case of human infection by Bertiella studeri in Brazil. Proglottids of the parasite, found in the stool sample of a two-and-a-half-year-old child, were fixed, stained and microscopically observed to evaluate its morphological characteristics.
Eggs obtained from the proglottids were also studied. The gravid proglottids examined matched the description of the genus Bertiella. The eggs presented a round shape, with the average diameter of The authors concluded that the child was infected with Bertiella studeri,based on Stunkard's description of the species. This is the fifth case of human Bertiellosis described in Brazil through morphometric analysis of the parasite, the third in Minas Gerais State and the first diagnosed case of Bertiella studeriin Brazil. It has been studied the feeding patterns of Triatoma rubrovaria wild triatominae bug, and intradomiciliary secondary vector of T.
Agar double diffusion test were used for analyze the blood meal, from insects, which were confronted to 13 antisera. The identify of haemolimphe as feed, place this triatominae bug as an intermediary vector between predator and haematophagous. The most usual mammals are dasypodides and bovines. The frecuence of human blood meal near the dwellings, shows its potentiality as vectors.
Therefore, the peridomicile is an area of interaction between, domestic, wild and sinantropic host. The trypanosomic infection's rate at peridomiciles was lesser those at wild areas. Differential jumping performance in newly metamorphosed Blanchard 's cricket frogs, Acris blanchardi Anura: Hylidae , from fish- and invertebrate-dominated ponds. Organisms that adopt phenotypically plastic anti-predator strategies during larval stages may incur fitness costs later in development. These costs are typically difficult to define in many species.
The difficulty identifying ecological trade-offs may result from experimental comparisons that do not adequately mirror naturally occurring predator-prey relationships. Full Text Available The grasshopper is found all the year round. It is considered as a pest for seedlings. The consumption index differed significantly between groups fed on different diets.
Mated females consume more food than virgin females or virgin males. The highest values were recorded for the bean seedlings fed groups indicating some inadequacy in the nutritional value of bean. The growth rate was the highest in clover fed groups. Insects were able to digest bean and clover more efficiently than either wheat seedlings or cotton leaves.
The growth rate was accompanied with a higher C. This indicated that clover was utilised efficiently than the other groups. The different food stuff affected the egg production which could be attributed to the nutritional efficiencies of these diets. The preovipositional period and number of egg-pods were also affected. The number of abnormal egg-pods was the highest in the bean seedlings fed groups. Botanical insecticides on Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard Diptera: Agromyzidae and its parasitoids in string beans cultivated in a plastic greenhouse.
Agromyzidae is one of the most important insect pests occurring in this culture. This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of aqueous extracts of plants and the commercial product DalNeem on L. The experiment was carried out on string beans cultivated in a greenhouse, where in each of the four central lines of culture, five plots were established with five plants per plot.
The experimental design was random blocks with four replications. DalNeem was the treatment that best controlled L. On the other hand, the treatments did not affect the parasitoids Chrysocharis bedius Hym.: Eulophidae or Opius sp. In plants without the use of these treatments, the population of L. Liriomyza huidobrensis merupakan hama baru pada tanaman kentang.
Hama ini pertama kali dilaporkan menyerangtanaman kentang di Puncak, Jawa Barat pada tahun dan diduga telah resisten terhadap berbagai jenis insektisidadari golongan organofosfat, karbamat, dan piretroid sintetik. Upaya pengendalian hama tersebut diarahkan pada pro -gram pengendalian hama terpadu PHT.
Dalam pro gram tersebut penggunaan insektisida hanya dilakukan apabilapopulasi hama sudah mencapai ambang pengendalian dan Full Text Available Data from the Chagas Disease Control Program indicate a growing domiciliary and peridomiciliary invasion of Triatoma rubrovaria in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, where it has become the most frequent triatomine species captured there since the control of T. Bionomic characteristics that could influence the vectorial capacity of T. Fifty three percent of the females showed a defecation pattern conducive to chagasic transmission, defecating either on or near the bite site.
The averages of the resistance to starvation varied from Our study shows that with respect to the patterns of feeding, defecation and resistance to fasting, T. Thus, based on our studies we conclude that T. Life cycle and reproductive patterns of Triatoma rubrovaria Blanchard , Hemiptera: Reduviidae under constant and fluctuating conditions of temperature and humidity. Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the temperature and relative humidity influence in the life cycle, mortality and fecundity patterns of Triatoma rubrovaria.
Four cohorts with 60 recently laid eggs each were conformed. The cohorts were divided into two groups. In the controlled conditions group insects were maintained in a dark climatic chamber under constant temperature and humidity, whereas triatomines of the ambiental temperature group were maintained at room temperature. Average incubation time was In group controlled conditions the time from egg to adult development lasted 10 months while group ambiental temperature took four months longer. Egg eclosion rate was Total nymphal mortality in controlled conditions was Fluctuating temperature and humidity promoted changes in the life cycle duration and in the reproductive performance of this species, although not in the species mortality.
To understand the issues raised by the recent global crisis, IMF organized a conference on March , , around six themes: The conference proceedings are published in a book, In the Wake of the Crisis: Leading Economists Reassess Economic Policy.
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This review presents a summary of the book and provides its implications for research a Full Text Available Triatoma rubrovaria has become the most frequently captured triatomine species after the control of T. Isoenzymatic and chromatic studies indicate the existence of, at least, two distinct phenotypic patterns of T. The geographic variation noted through molecular tools may also result in distinct profiles of vectorial potentiality.
In order to enhance our understanding of the bionomic knowledge of T. A total of specimens were collected, 85 specimens kept sufficient fecal material in their guts for the precipitin analysis. The results indicated the food eclecticism for this species and the anti-rodent serum showed the highest positivity in most localities. From the total of analyzed samples, only 1. This reactivity to human blood may be associated to pastures activities in the field.
The results indicated that application of Decamon to the plant was significantly able to increase egg-extrusion of L. While, weekly application of insecticide demihipo was also significantly able to reduce the Larvae population on the plant. The application of the combination of both control measure plant growth regulator or PGR and insecticide demihipo was the most effective control to reduce the feeding or ovipositional-punctures of adult on the leaves.
Therefore, the application of PGR and insecticide was the best to prevent and reduce the population development of L. In general, all control measures were able to increase the yield and advantage-added of the farmer. Triatoma rubrovaria Blanchard The authors followed the development of eggs of Triatoma rubrovaria to enable the construction of a life table for the nymphs. The winged form was reached by The mean lifetime of the males was days and 99 days for the females. Part of this group was divided into 30 couples and kept separated to facilitate the count of egg laying by each female.
Another lot was also formed of 30 males and 30 females but these were housed together in a glass crystallizer that allowed the observation of a larger number of eggs laid 7, eggs in relationship to that of the females with only one male total 5, eggs. The good development of the individuals and reproduction of the species in the experimental conditions demonstrated the capacity to maintain colonies of Triatoma rubrovaria in laboratory conditions. A new species of Myxidium from the western chorus frog, Pseudacris triseriata triseriata, and Blanchard 's cricket frog, Acris crepitans blanchardi, from Eastern Nebraska: Peumus boldus, Lithrea caustica, Cryptocarya alba, Aextoxicon punctatum y Luma apiculata.
El registro de D. We evaluated trophic relationships between the coleopteran D. Leaf shape and degree of sclerophylly were examined as possible determinants of host preferences and insect survival. Adults insects tended to stay under the concave leafs of boldo.
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Highest and lowest survival was registered in insects fed on P. The concave leaf of P. Chemical composition of Dipsacus asper Wallich ex Candolle To evaluate the larvicidal activity of the essential oil of Dipsacus However, repeated and injudicious application of Larvicidal activity and possible mode of action of four flavonoids and two fatty acids identified in Millettia pinnata seed toward three mosquito species. Background Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens pallens mosquitoes transmit dengue fever and West Nile virus diseases, respectively.
This study was conducted to determine the toxicity and mechanism of action of four flavonoids and two fatty acids from Millettia pinnata Fabaceae seed as well as six pure fatty acids and four fatty acid esters toward third instar larvae from insecticide-susceptible C. Full Text Available New chorological data about seven rare vascular plant taxa are reported in the present paper: Conringia austriaca, Jurinea multiflora, Linaria arvensis, Nonea pallens , Ophrys apifera, Ophrys scolopax subsp. For Linaria arvensis, previously considered doubtful in the absence of the herbarium material, we confirm its presence in Romania.
The report of Nonea pallens is the first for Dobrogea, while the report of Jurinea multiflora is the first for Muntenia region of Romania. Deltametrina foi seletivo em favor de P. O ethion foi medianamente seletivo a A. Para o ethion esta ordem foi: O ethion, por sua vez, reduziu seu impacto sobre A.
Macrodactylini Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae: Melolonthinae are studied and taxonomic changes are proposed. The following 35 lectotypes are designated: The following six genera are revalidated: The Buffalo District of the U.
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Army Corps of Engineers Effect of buprofezin on survival of immature stages of Harmonia axyridis, Stethorus punctum picipes Coleoptera: Coccinellidae , Orius tristicolor Hemiptera: Anthocoridae , and Geocoris spp. Buprofezin caused no mortality to eggs of S. Eighty percent of treated late instars and Early instar nymphs of O.
Treated eggs of G. The use of buprofezin in integrated pest management in Washington state wine grapes is discussed. Items - of Ganle, Bernard Obeng, Joseph Y. Congenital giant epulis obstructing oral cavity: Single-nucleotide variations associated with Mycobacterium Extraterrestrial matter in the oceans. Trophic ecology of Lepidoptera larvae associated with woody vegetation in a savanna ecosystem. Full Text Available This study represents a quantitative survey of a Lepidoptera community and deals with the trophic ecology of the 27 species of foliage-feeding Lepidoptera on the eight dominant woody plants in the Burkea africana-Eragrostis pallens savanna Blood feeding rates of hybrids were lower than in Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and Culex pipiens pallens , and higher than in Culex pipiens pipiens, because no females fed on human blood in Culex pipiens pipiens.
Het Festuca ovina-complex in Nederland. During the inventory of the military firing range east of the village of Harskamp on the Veluwe, Province of Gelderland, in , Festuca csikhegyensis Simonk. This species includes the tetraploid populations formerly included in F. In this paper, F. Anticipating potential biodiversity conflicts for future biofuel crops in South Africa: Incorporating land cover information with Species Distribution Models.
However, energy crop cultivation threatens to bring a wider range of land types Geoborus costatus Blanchard , Pimeliinae: Se designa subsecuentemente a Geoborus costatus como especie tipo de Geoborus Blanchard , Resistance Level of Mosquito Species Diptera: Culicidae from Shandong Province, China.
Full Text Available This study describes the aquatic habitats, species composition, and the insecticide resistance level of the mosquito Culex pipiens pallens in Shandong Province, China. A cross-sectional survey of mosquito larval habitats was conducted from May to November to determine the species composition and larval abundance. Larvae were collected using the standard dipping technique, and a total of four habitat types were sampled. The fourth instar larvae of Cx. A total of 7, mosquito larvae were collected, of which 5. In addition, a total of 1, mosquito pupae were collected.
Culex larvae were distributed in all habitats investigated. Tukeys HSD analysis showed that roadside drainages were the most productive habitat type for Culex larvae. Armigeres species were found only in drains, Aedes only in water tanks, and Anopheles in water that was comparatively clear and rich in emergent plants. Bioassay showed that the maximum resistance level of Cx. The productivity of various mosquitoes in different habitat types is very heterogeneous. It is particularly important to modify human activity and the environment to achieve effective mosquito vector control.
For effective larval control, the type of habitat should be considered, and the most productive habitat type should be given priority in mosquito abatement programs. Effect of estradiol on planktonic growth, coaggregation, and biofilm formation of the Prevotella intermedia group bacteria. Alterations in the quantity and quality of biofilms at gingival margin are considered to play a role in the initiation and development of pregnancy-related gingivitis.
Prevotella intermedia sensu lato is able to consume estradiol, the major sex hormone secreted during pregnancy, in the absence of vitamin K. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of estradiol on the planktonic growth, coaggregation, polysaccharide production, and biofilm formation of the P. Planktonic growth was assessed by means of the colony forming unit method, while coaggregation and biofilm formation were assessed by spectrophotometric methods.
In the determination of protein and polysaccharide levels, the Bradford and phenol-sulfuric acid methods were used, respectively. In h biofilm tests, elevated protein levels were found for both strains of P. Coaggregation of the P. These results may, at least partly, explain the differences seen in their contribution to the pathogenesis of pregnancy-related gingivitis. He teaches and conducts research in the design of enterprise systems, systems modeling , and system.
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